
The Third Favor. 2Jae edition

Hey guys! Today's chapter is short so sorry for that, but I still hope you will enjoy it ^^

Thank you for reading this and commenting!~

Snowflakes fall, one after another, like little diamonds raining from the endless blue sky, being kindly carried away by the cold breeze in this silent Sunday afternoon. One by one the tiny flakes slowly start to accumulate around the frame of one particular window, creating such a magical sensation if you look through the clear crystal… just like Youngjae feels in this precise instant. Watching the snow falling outside the warm and cozy cottage the blonde demon stirs uncomfortable in his favorite couch, not precisely because of the nice seat but for the annoying words echoing in his head over and over again since already two whole days.

“She isn’t the one for me, I’m pretty sure. I kinda… like someone else…

I kinda… like someone else…

Someone else

Upon the two soft chair arms his little hands clenches in fists of pure irritation, the sharp fingernails digging deep in his skin, cutting just slightly. Youngjae is quite pissed off, not only with himself because he let things happen –and enjoy them- but also with that stupid kiss, and of course with his idiotic human who had to have such delusional idea. Youngjae feels like he would go and punch the black haired boy straight in his handsome face for making him go through such an unnecessary difficult moment. Yet, if he sees the boy again, he would most probably see those plump lips and surely would do something stupid which would make the already awful situation even more screwed up… and the blonde demon does not need more sleepless nights. He did enjoy the kiss, pretty much, and Youngjae could not mind to feel those nice sensations once again but that is other thing which pisses him off to no end: the delightful idea of doing it again anytime soon.

“Am I in my right ing mind?” the King wonders, his eyes shutting close for short moments to calm down…. But those two last words rumble in his twisted mind again, like some evil whisper haunting him.

-Shut up!- Youngjae exclaims, his dark voice echoing heavily in the small cottage while the boy’s words keep making his heart throb in such a baffling way.

It is not like he cares about whom his human feels attracted to…

-But, my King, I said nothing.- Yugyeom confusedly mumbles behind his back, calling his attention and shutting up that voice for a moment.

-I wasn’t talking to you, Yugyeom.- Youngjae quickly says, standing up as his warm fingertips massage the bridge of his nose.

-Then to who? There is no one else besides us in here.- the young werewolf comments, taking a step closer, his voice ringing still confuse.

-I know…- the blonde demon just sighs heavily, turning around to face the curios boy who doesn’t understanda a thing. –I just have some voices in my head.- he mumbles, not caring how insane that sounds.

-Is everything alright, my King?- Yugyeom wonders, eyebrows frowning slightly and his voice echoing with worry.

-Yugyeom…- Youngjae softly calls  the boy’s name, stopping himself from saying anything else as he notices the dark circles under those puppy, sweet eyes.

When he came back home two days ago the blonde demon King was too absentminded about what happened with his human that he didn’t even look at Yugyeom. He had completely forgotten the tears which shocked him and he had totally ignored how hurt Yugyeom was at that time… and how hurt Yugyeom still is today. The young boy clearly didn’t sleep much, his eyes are just plainly off and the bright smile on his face is nowhere to be found. And yet Yugyeom still is caring and worrying about his safety. Youngjae cannot feel worse than now, how could he do this to such pure soul like Yugyeom? He is indeed a horrible creature, he has always been and even so Yugyeom has always been by his side no matter how harsh his words were or how cold he treated him.

His heart aches painfully with guilty, as Youngjae walks slowly to the young boy; arms wrapping kindly around Yugyeom hugging him tight, feeling those strong arms closing around his small body as well.

-Everything is alright.- he whispers against the warm skin of Yugyeom's neck, letting himself drown in the boy’s addicting scent.

-Is my King sure?- Yugyeom whispers back with concerned, his warm lips brushing ever so slightly against the demon’s red ear; sensing him shuddering softly in his protective hold.

-Shhh… Let’s just stay like this for a while.- Youngjae mumbles, not wanting to talk about anything and rather feel the werewolf’s nice body-heath.

There is something just so amazingly delightful about Yugyeom, Youngjae believes; because every time the young boy embraces him it feels the most wonderful place on Earth. The warmness of Chansung’s soft skin dazzles Youngjae; seduces him to fall in such a deep slumber which the King always enjoys in secret. The way Yugyeom hugs him is always tight, protective -maybe even possessive- yet it’s also so caring that Youngjae's mind is flood with distant, sweet memories of his childhood days; having his little heart burning with warm nostalgia. He feels cherished, and really deep inside that must be the stronger reason of why he never rejects the werewolf’s embrace. There is no need to say Youngjae had never ever tell a thing about it to the young boy, yet he has the strong sensation that Yugyeom is well aware of it; just like Yugyeom also enjoy this moment as much –or perhaps even more- as Youngjae.

The Noble King demon can feel it every time they are together, even with just taking a step closer to Yugyeom Youngjae can instantly smell that scent. It’s soft, but strong and so maddeningly attractive that as soon as the wolf’s arms are tightly closed around his waist his nose instinctively runs to Yugyeom's neck; loving how heavy the scent is on that particular area. Youngjae notices, curiously, how Yugyeom's heartbeats increase in speed when they are this close; and how Yugyeom's soft breathing against his ear gets slightly irregular as long as they are in each other arms. The King can completely understand why the wolf like sharing hugs with him, but Youngjae cannot imagine why Yugyeom reacts like that just because of him.

Small hands calmly unwrap from the young boy’s back, who gives his King one last tight squeeze before letting him go as well without wanting to do it.

-I have to go now Yugyeom, but I will back for dinner.- Youngjae just says, turning around and heading towards the cottage's entrance; not waiting for the wolf to replay. And Yugyeom didn’t, but the blonde demon could hear him sighing long in delight before the wooden door was closed behind his back.

The freezing temperature of his pearly white Kingdom welcomes him with a light cold breeze brushing ever so softly against his warm face; making Youngjae tremble as a smile paints upon his pale pink lips. His onyx orbs lift up, glancing up above to the beautiful, endless blue sky adorned with fluffy white clouds, searching for one particular spot at miles and miles away. Sighing irritated the King walks further to the North, cueing deep in the forest until he finally finds the exact spot in the firmament.

-Okay, now what was his name again?- Youngjae wonders, as a black arrow wrapped with a pure white scroll materializes in his right hand... but soon he realizes something majorly important  –, I never asked him!- he curses loudly, hearing the echo of his angry voice rumbling around the silent place.

-Anyways, a bit of blood will do the trick.- Youngjae grumbles as he opens the paper, letting his sharp fangs cut the delicate skin of his thumb’s fingertip.

One only dense drop of bright red blood stains the stroll, and that is good enough for the King. He quickly wraps the paper around the black arrow as it was before and soon he points it to the sky; sending the arrow flying fast towards the distant clouds and through them, lading perfectly in front of Heaven’s Holy doors. An evil, playful smirk curves up in his full lips at the sight of San Peter’s horrified face, wondering to himself when was the last time he send a Calling Arrow over there. The Noble King demon just shrugs at that thought, vanishing from his kingdom, suddenly appearing in one particular house in the noisy city of Seoul.

And quickly his lips feel itchy, finding his handsome human sleeping upon the bed.

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cococyjae #1
Chapter 32: pls update :( ??
Chapter 32: This is art. This is a masterpiece!! Wow.... You are so so so talented... I can't even speak... So original... I admire your imagination! I wish you continue this but okay, they have happy ending in my dreams ~ Thank you for this amazing artwork ♡♡♡ Thank you for your hard working! ♡
Jaeotter3 #3
Chapter 32: Please please update soon:(
i miss this fic :'( will you update soon?
hello_im_miu #5
Chapter 32: Wow, this is a masterpiece please continue this story...
defsoul96 #6
Chapter 32: this is gold please update and continue this stories...
Simple-J #7
I'm missing this :C
Greekchina #8
Chapter 32: Wow this is such a unique 2jae story
Chapter 5: Youngjae sure like skinship! He's cute!
Chapter 2: Sorry, I'm new here. author-nim, your chapter one is really great. I'll read more and perhaps, reread them. They are so good. I like this story very much, though not even get to chapter three yet