I'm sorry

he's my life

Jihoon's pov

It's already 5:30 p.m and finally we ended the meeting. It was so tiring and at the same time, there's a woman, she really annoyed me, I know that I look innocent and she took chance one me? She called me. I thought it's about the meeting so, I hurried went to her. She brought me to a store plus only the two of us inside. I look at her, confused. She come near me and was about to kiss me but was stop by a slap. I was shocked and at the same time, laugh.

"yah, who do you think you are? trying to kiss other people's fiance? what the heck?!" I look at the guy, and I stop laughing. It's Soonyoung. The girl get up and went beside me.

"who the hell are you? why did you care whether he's other's or not?" she ask. She come near me and I move closer to Soonyoung. "yah, come here. you'll just got scolded later." she said, pulling me. I push her. "what is wrong with you two?" she ask.

"what is wrong with us? he's mine. he's my fiance." answered Soonyoung.

"you're gay?" she ask me.

"yes, you . I'm gay. Even though you wear something y or , I won't fall for it, okay. cause my fiance is hotter than you." I answered. She get up and storm out of the room.

"that's one of the example why I don't want to leave you alone." he said. I smile and nodded. "now, did you change your clothes?" he ask.

"nope. I haven't. I was about to change but that kept on bothering me." I answered.

"fine. now, change." he said.

"here?" I ask. he nodded. "fine. but don't look okay. I'm just gonna change my shirt. that's all." I said. he nodded.


We gather in the hall and what I didn't expect was the others are here too. We ran to them.

"guys, when did you come?" Soonyoung ask.

"well, just now. Soon called us." said Jun.

"thanks." I said to Soonyoung.

"you're welcome." he relied.

"hey, you supposed to thank us for being here to accompany you. not Soonyoung-hyung." said Seungkwan.

"hyung, don't scold my brother. he's doing the right thing." said Chan.

"thanks, baby brother." I thank Chan for protecting me.

"fine. only your lovers." jealous Seokmin.

"hey, thanks too. for coming here although you guys had something to do. really. I appreciate it." I said.

"you're welcome." said Jeonghan.

"by the way, what a great party you held, huh." said Wonwoo.

"not really." I replied.

"liar." said Seungkwan.

"hyung, my brother is not a liar." argued Chan.

I patted his back. "that's fine." I said and he nodded.

"so, why don't we took a sit and drink something?" suggest Soonyoung.

"no, I don't want. it's all alcohol." said Mingyu and Minghao.

"no, it's not. we only serve a healthy drink." I said.

"sure?" ask Joshua.

"of course." I answere. "I don't want anybody come back home drunk tonight." I said. They nodded. "so, let's go." I said.

We took a sit at the table. We sit according to our age except for me and Wonwoo. We change our place cause Soonyoung wants me to sit beside him while it's the same with Mingyu. We were talking when suddenly someone pat my shoulder. I look up and it was my parents and Soonyoung's parents. We both get up then followed by the other.

"eomma, appa. When did you guys come?" I ask.

"yeah, when did you guys come?" ask Soonyoung.

"we came a few minutes ago. so we look for you two." said Soonyoung's mom.

"ummm..... auntie, uncle nice to meet you." greet them. Our parents turn to them and smile.

"nice to meet you too." said my father.

"I guess you all are having fun, right?" ask my mom. We nodded.

"if like that, we'll be at that table. if you need something, tell us." said Soonyoung's father. We nodded then thank them. They walk away and we sit back. I was about to take a sit when another someone pat my back. I look behind me and I was seriously shocked. Not only me, but Soonyoung too.

"M-Mina?" Soonyoung ask.

The girl, Mina nodded. " Hi, Soonyoung. Long time no see. I guess you've found someone already and it's a guy. I thought you'll look for me." she said. My eyes widen. What did she say? Look for her? What's wrong with this girl?

"Mina, how did you found me?" Soonyoung ask.

"owh, you miss me?" she ask. I look at Soonyoung, waiting for his response. What I didn't expect was did he nodded? Am I see the right thing?

"y-yes. I really really really miss you." he answered. I face the other and sit back.

"ummm..... why don't we go to other place and talk? it's been a very long time." she suggest. I thought he will refuse but it's way different than I thought.

"yes. sure. let's go." he answered. I look behind. I thought he was joking but he's not. Of course. By the way, she, Kim Mina, is his first love. Who can defeat first love? Plus, they were walking arm in arm. I was very cross. I get up and went to my office.

"hyung, where are you going?" Mingyu ask.

"I'll be in my office. I just remember that I forgot to bring my case. And I have some work to finish. But, just be comfortable and have fun." I answered, walking away without waiting for their answer.

I get into the lift and press on my floor. I hold my tears. When the lift reach my floor, I get out of the lift and went inside my office. There's some worker here. They bow at me and I smile.

As soon I get inside my office, I let my tears fall. I cried but not so loud. All I could think right now is I need to calm myself down and solve everything with him. If he wants to be back to her, I'll let him go. But if he wants to stay, I'll keep him safe here with me and I won't allowed anybody to hurt my baby. I took a sip of my mineral water and clear my mind. I sit infront my laptop and start working. I was so focuse with my work until I didn't realize someone's inside my office. I look up and found it was Soonyoung.

"why are you here?" he ask. I didn't answer. I ignore him and continue doing my work. "I ask you, why are you here?" he ask again but this time a bit louder. Again, I ignore him. "yah! I ask you, why are you here?! are you deaf?! or you don't know how to talk?! answer me!" he shouts. I look up at him and tears start to fall on my cheeks once again.

"what do you care?" I ask. he look surprise. "I'm the chairman here, so I can do whatever I want. you're my guest so you should be at the hall with the other." I said.

"why are you crying? did I do something wrong?" he ask.

"yes, you did." I answered.

"what? tell me, baby." he beg.

"okay, fine. you leave me with the other just because of that woman?" I ask.

"ummmm...... I thought..... I-I'm sorry. I really miss her. Everytime I look at her, I can't forget the memories we create together." he answered.

"so, you want to be with her?" I ask.

"can I?" he ask.

"sure. I'll let you free. but please don't come to me again." I said. he look shocked.

"did you said you let me free and told me not to come to you again? did you really let go off me?" he ask.

"you love her but you're engaged. i guess you're not happy when we engaged. and at the same time, I promised you that I'll do anything as long as you happy although I didin't have you." I said.

"J-Jihoon...... it's not what I meant. I-I..." he said.

"go. don't make her wait for you. we, as guy, should be waiting for them, girls. not them, girls waiting for us, guys." I said.

"but...." I cut him off with our last kiss.

"go." I said.

"Jihoon, I'm sorry." he apologize than walk away.

As soon as he get out from my office, I cried my hearts out. It was really hurt seeing someone that you love walk away from you. But at the same time, I'm doing the right thing because he love other people, so I should not ruin their relationship. Kwon Soonyoung, I love you. Please don't forget about us.


Soonyoung's pov

I'm doing all this things just because of one person. Lee Jihoon. I love him very much. I'm walking away not because I really love that woman cause that woman is married and his husband is the CEO of the Kim Enterprise. I'm walking away because we both know that we should be apart for a while. I'm really sorry, baby. Remember, no one's can beat you even the hottest guy or girls in the nightclub. I love you, Lee Jihoon. I'll always love you.

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iLawlix_ #1
Chapter 11: omg ;3;
Chapter 1: Free right there ;)
J1H00N1996 #3
Chapter 10: Seriously author-nim *sighs*....... pls...... i cried so much my sister is getting suspicious about me..... pls make a longer chapter and make them together....pls..... a beg for it * kneeled down*...... pls T-T 10000000000000000×
iLawlix_ #4
Chapter 10: what the
J1H00N1996 #5
Chapter 9: Why you do this to me author-nim...... T-T........ i cried so much because of this and i scream so much, i'm lucky cause i'm alone or else they'll think something serious happened..... so pls... update before i panick so much and don't know what to do just because of this story ang THEIR misunderstandings...... God plss.... help this TWO to realise the things happening between THEM ;) - my note for author-nim and SOONHOON
fg #6
Chapter 7: Woooohh.. i am happy that soonyoung didn't leave jihoon. You give me an a heart attack. I like your story pls. update soon
fg #7
Chapter 5: How come? Aaahhh.. soonyoung why? Why?
rei_zha #8
Chapter 2: Continue please....very nice^-^