
he's my life

Hoshi's pov

I walk around the house trying to keep calm. "Keep calm, Hoshi. Keep calm. Don't think about anything." I scratch my head when my phone ring. I pick up the call without looking at the caller's id. "WHAT?!" I ask angrily. The other line hung up. I look at the caller's id. "! ! ! I'm ruin! Now what am I going to do? How am I going to ask for forgiveness if I just shout at him just now? ARGHHH!!!!" I shout then the doorbell ring.

I run towards the front door and open it. "Who are-" my sentence is cut when I look at who it is. "Wooz-" he look at me with poker face. "I'm here to take my things." He said, walk pass me. "Woozi....... hajima........" I said while watching him packing his things. "Jihoon........." He ignore me. I take a step forward and try to hold his hand but he move away from me. "There's nothing between us. So, please don't." He said in a low tone. "Mianhae......." I plead. He stop then I continue. "I'm sorry for everything that I've done. I may cannot be the superstar who got billions of money for a month but I can be your star that will keep you safe. Please, just please....... give me another chance. I promise that I will be the best boyfriend to you. I just want another chance then we can start everything over. Please......" I beg while kneeling. "I'm sorry but I can't. Annyeong...." He grab his suitcases then walk out of the room.

"Woozi! Don't you dare to step a foot outside this house! Not with my permission!" I shout. He put down his suitcase. "Just can't you take my apology and give me another chance? Just say yes and we'll start everything over. It's easy, right?" I said. He look at my direction. "For you it's easy, but for me it's not." He said. "What?" I ask, can't believe what I heard. "Do you think I can easily forgive you and give you another chance after you broke my heart? Do you think it still easy for me? If you're in my position right now, do you think it's easy for you to forgive someone who just broke your heart and broke everything that you build together. And you broke up with me out of jealousy. How am I going to live like this? I want to be free. I don't want to be a bird who got put in a cage for years without get to fly freely in the sky! I want to live happily and be free! That's what I want. At first, I thought you understand me and can be someone that will let me live happily and freely. But I'm wrong! You just like those owner who never let their pets go out. you're like them!" [slap] W-What have I done? I got near him but he back away. He look up. [smirk] "Now I see....... I'm going." He take his suitcase then walk out of the house, driving away.

I close the door then kneel down. "What have I done? Why did I slapped him?" I get up then go upstairs to the bedroom. I lay down then the space beside me. A space that can only be replace by him. My precious space that I save only for him and I won't let anyone fill them. Little did I know, after crying so much that day, I fell asleep while dreaming about all the memories we created together when we're still in relationship. When I wasn't too stupid to let him go. I wish I could turn back time and get back to those memories. The last words I said before I fell asleep was "Mianhae...... I love you, Lee Jihoon. Forever and ever."

Woozi's pov

"Why must he slapped me? I was trying to open my heart but he ruined it. DAMN!" I cry softly in my bedroom, afraid that the others would hear. "Kwon Soonyoung, why do you have to ruin it? I'm gladly accept your apologies but you slapped me. The first slapped I got from you. It's a memory but a bitter memory. I love you but-" Before I could finish my sentence, someone knock on the door. "Jihoon? Dear? Come down. Your dad has come." I breathe deeply then sigh. "Shiro.... I'm not being rude but I have work to do. I'm really busy. I'm sorry. Tell dad I'm really really sorry." I rub my face. "Arasseo..... come down if you're hungry." She said before going away. "I'm not hungry........."

After crying too much, I suddenly recalling back our memories that we created together when we're still happy. I smile at the word 'happy' then laugh a little. "Don't cry because crying only make you look ugly. I want to see your smile because your smile makes me fall deeply in love with you." The sentence that Hoshi always said to me everytime I cried but now, no one's there to say those sentence to me again. Not anymore and will never again. Everything has doomed. My love, my life, my world has crash into pieces. While I remembering those sweet moments, my eyelids become heavier and the last 7 words I remember that I said were "I forgive you and I love you" then I fall deep into dreamland full of our memories.

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iLawlix_ #1
Chapter 11: omg ;3;
Chapter 1: Free right there ;)
J1H00N1996 #3
Chapter 10: Seriously author-nim *sighs*....... pls...... i cried so much my sister is getting suspicious about me..... pls make a longer chapter and make them together....pls..... a beg for it * kneeled down*...... pls T-T 10000000000000000×
iLawlix_ #4
Chapter 10: what the
J1H00N1996 #5
Chapter 9: Why you do this to me author-nim...... T-T........ i cried so much because of this and i scream so much, i'm lucky cause i'm alone or else they'll think something serious happened..... so pls... update before i panick so much and don't know what to do just because of this story ang THEIR misunderstandings...... God plss.... help this TWO to realise the things happening between THEM ;) - my note for author-nim and SOONHOON
fg #6
Chapter 7: Woooohh.. i am happy that soonyoung didn't leave jihoon. You give me an a heart attack. I like your story pls. update soon
fg #7
Chapter 5: How come? Aaahhh.. soonyoung why? Why?
rei_zha #8
Chapter 2: Continue please....very nice^-^