TWIST 5: Vibes

Twisted Fate






I was awakened by the constant ringing of my phone. Who could be the caller at this late hour? ‘Must be an emergency,’ I thought. I answered the phone without looking at the name of the caller.



“Yeobeoseyo?” I asked.



“Tabi…” I was surprised to hear Yoona from the other line. It’s been quite a long time since she last called. I groggily sat up to clearly hear what she was saying.



“Yoona? Why did you call?” She didn’t answer, but I could sense the hesitation from the sound of her breathing.



“Is this about Ji? Did you talk with him?” I asked, not really sure if it was the right question to ask.



“Tabi...please pick him up from the coast. I’m worried. He was drunk when he called me a while ago.” I just fell silent. There was a long pause before she continued. “You know our situation Tabi. I could not go with him anymore.” She said, almost like a whisper.



“I know... Your pride is a lot more important to you now than anything else in this world.” I said with a little hint of bitterness.



“You don’t understand.” She said defensively.



“Of course, we wouldn’t. We would never understand Yoona.”



“But Tabi––.”



“Okay. I’m off. I’ll be at the coast in an hour.” I cut her off. I hanged up and went downstairs, to my car. I started the engine and went straight to the coast.



It’s true. I would never understand why she chose to break up with my cousin. I didn’t know what to feel, because Yoona had been a good friend to the four of us ever since we were children. She was our role model, the one we admired the most that’s why Jiyong fell in love with her. But everything changed when we entered college. I guess new people and new environment made her change to the kind of person that she is now. She’s still the role model but not the same role model we used to know. Before, love and friendship were the most important for her, but now pride and fame took the place of her heart. I guess that’s the part which I, or we, would never understand about her. It’s just so…pathetic, isn’t it?





After we ate dinner, I went upstairs to prepare my things for tomorrow. I was thinking of doing my homeworks, so I grabbed my bag from the stool beside my bed. As soon as I saw my camera, I hastily browsed through the pictures I’ve taken. Most of it was abstract and nature, but there were some pics of TOP. I couldn’t help but smile. Then, I thought of something.



I got off my bed and sat in front of my desktop. I printed a picture of the fountain and a stolen shot of TOP. I labeled the first pic with the caption ‘So this place grant wishes, huh? o_O’ and the second pic with the caption ‘Wish granted! My own Edward Cullen!’ I posted the pictures on the wall beside my study table so I could always see his lovely face whenever I study. :”>






“Darong, can I come in?” Bom asked from outside the room.



“Deh!” She entered the room holding a glass of milk in her left, while holding a small envelope in her right. “Is there anything you want?” I asked while I was browsing for my notes.



“Nope. I just want to say goodnight and…” she sounded hesitating.



“And?” I turned to her raising a brow.



“Do you have any plans this coming Saturday?” she asked excitedly as she handed me the glass of milk she was carrying.






“Perfect!” she exclaimed while clasping her hands together. “I want you to come with me to Catharsis this Saturday. My friend asked me to perform with her because it’ll be her birthday performance,” she told me.



“Catharsis? What’s that?” I asked, confused with what she was saying.



“It’s a bar near Hongdae.”



“You know I don’t go to bars Bommie.” I shook my head as I turned and resumed browsing my notes.



“It’s not the bar that you think it is. It’s an acoustic bar with those soothing ambiance you know.” She shrugged and sat beside me as she looked through my things.



“It’s still a bar Bommie. And I still need to prepare my things for the event I’m covering next month.”



“Are you kidding? It’s still next month, helloo?! Tsk! Just go with me arraso? And no buts!” She wiggled her forefinger in front of me. “And invite this lovely guy so you will have a company.” She smirked as she pointed at TOP’s photo posted on my wall.



“And why would I do that? There’s Youngbae.” I chuckled.



“Na-ah…he said he’s not available this Saturday. He’ll be going to Bongcho with his family... So...?” she turned to me with that playful expression plastered on her face.



“Do I have a choice?” I chuckled lightly.



“Nope.” She answered with full satisfaction



I just shrugged and smiled. She stood up as she handled me the small envelope, which I guess was an invitation card, she was holding. “Don’t forget to bring your date this Saturday, ‘kay?” She said smilingly before closing the door.



“Whatever!” I yelled back smiling giddily.



‘As if I could do that.’ I chuckled at the thought.





I pulled off near the coast and there I saw the car of my cousin. I went out of the car and went to Jiyong. As soon as I got near, I saw his wretched figure on the white sand. He was still holding a bottle of whiskey as I tried to wake him up.



“Jiyong...Jiyong...” I shook his body continuously but he still won’t stir. I made him sit when his eyes suddenly opened. He frowned when he saw me. “Hyung?” he asked groggily. “Hyung!” he exclaimed and wiggled me like a mad man. “Hyung! TOP hyung! You’re here!” I don’t know if he’s happy to see me or if he’s surprised or what...



“Ya! Will you stop wiggling me? Come on. Let’s go home.” I was about to stand him up when he stubbornly wiggled free from my grasp, causing me to stumble down.



“Arrggh! Jiyong! Let’s go! Don’t be stubborn.” My voice was already filled with irritation.



“No...can’t you see? I like it here. I don’t wanna go home...” He said faintly.



“Come on Ji. Let’s go home, before police would arrive here.” I said, trying to calm myself.



“No hyung! You don’t understand. I like it here. I’ll better be here than be at home!” Okay. Now I’m pissed. I forced Jiyong to stand up and went inside my car.



“What’s your problem hyung?!? I said I don’t wanna go home!” I started the engine and went straight down the high way, not minding his rantings. “Didn’t you hear me?! I said I DON’T WANT TO GO HOME!” he yelled at me.



I stepped on the break sharply. “WILL YOU SHUT YOUR ING MOUTH JIYONG?!” I shouted at him. He knew that it’s not really healthy to make me curse like this, to make me angry like this. The other boys knew it as well, so Jiyong fell silent and faced the road outside. I stepped on the accelerator.



“You don’t understand hyung.” He said inaudibly after a long moment of silence.



“Don’t understand what? I clearly know the reason why you’re acting like this Jiyong. So don’t go telling me I don’t understand anything.” I said with my eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Don’t be like this. Move on Ji...” I told him while placing my right hand on his left shoulder, with my eyes still fixed on the road.



“I don’t know hyung. I don’t know how. I just.....just.....I just love her so much…” he said as he started to cry silently. I kept quiet during the whole ride and let him have his dramatic speech. He kept on asking me why Yoona left him, to which I chose not to reply. He continued to cry until he fell asleep. After a few minutes, we arrived in their house. I assisted Jiyong out of the car and went straight inside. The maids and Butler Kim gathered around me as soon as we entered the mansion.



“Butler Kim, please pick up the car of Jiyong from this address. Here’s the key.” I gave him a small piece of paper containing the address to the coast and handled him the keys I got from Jiyong’s pocket. The old man slightly bowed to me before going out to call the driver. I went upstairs to lay Jiyong on his bed, then went downstairs to have something to drink.



I heard Butler Kim, telling the maids to prepare the guest room for me. Then he went inside the kitchen. “Young Master Choi, you may stay for the night. I’ve already asked the maids to prepare your room.”



“Thanks Butler Kim.”



The old man bowed slightly before leaving. After a few gulps, I went out of the kitchen.



“Is auntie home?” I asked one of the maids.



“No sir, she attended an emergency meeting in Japan.” the maid with short wavy hair answered.


“How about Dami noona?”



“She’s not here as well sir. Lady Dami went to Singapore yesterday to attend a fashion convention,” the girl with a ponytail answered.



“Is that so?” I mumbled. I didn’t bother asking about uncle since I knew very well that it’s very seldom to see him around here. As far as I know, he’s always out of the country together with my father. Unlike Jiyong, I never mind my father’s absence since Omma’s always there to fill his position. If not for Dami noona, Yoona, and Bigbang, he would always be left alone at home. But now that Yoona left him and Dami noona was always out busy due to her modeling career, we were the only ones left to accompany him. I just wish he’ll find someone to fill the empty spaces in his heart.



I went upstairs then straight to my room. I turned the lights off and went to sleep.










(the next morning…)


I woke up a bit earlier than the usual. My morning was great. I don’t know why but I just felt so positive that I even hummed as I took my bath. After minutes of preparing, I went out of our apartment and was taking my time walking to enjoy the cool breeze of the wind. I was about to turn to the main road, when I heard the honking of a car from behind. The car stopped beside me. The side window pulled down and there I saw TOP smiling at me.



“Hey! Off to school?” he asked, still wearing that melting smile.



“Ow...a-ahmm...d-deh!” Oh gosh. I’m stuttering! I could see myself smiling giddily. I just hoped I’m not too obvious...wahhh!



“That’s great!” He went out of the car and approached me. “I’m off to school too anyway. It’ll be faster to ride with me than take a bus.” He opened the door and asked me to get in. I hesitated at first, but I accepted his offer. He closed the door and got in the driver’s seat, and he drove our way to school.



“So you live here?” he suddenly asked.



“Deh...” I answered shyly. “Do you live here also? ‘Cause I’ve never seen you before.” Please say yes...say YES!



“Nope.”           ‘Aww...’



“I slept over at Jiyong’s place last night. He didn’t tell me you were neighbors.” He slightly frowned with his eyes still focused on the road. He’s a smooth driver. Kyaah! Wait. Jiyong? The jerk?



“Yup…the jerk.” He laughed slightly.



“Huh? H-how did you know that?” Omo…did I just say my thoughts aloud?



“Yup. Hahaha!” he laughed as he seemed to answer my thoughts. Oh stupid me! I’m dying out of shame…and in front my ultimate crush! You stupid mouth! Huhuhu… T_T



TOP was still in the middle of his laughter when I heard a slightly audible chuckle. I’m sure it’s not TOP. I’m sure of it. When TOP calmed down, the stifled chuckle was still there.



“What’s wrong?” TOP asked. I turned to him and saw that he’s still smiling. “Hmmm?”



“Ow...I just thought I heard light chuckles.” I said. He didn’t have any weird reaction. Instead he just looked at the rearview mirror.



“Pabo.” Omo...I heard the voice again... Am I hallucinating? I was surprised to hear TOP laugh silently.



“Why? Is there anything funny?” I asked. Still laughing silently, he pointed somewhere behind me. I turned to see what he’s pointing at, only to see the grinning face of the jerk.



‘Oh heavens...why was he even here?! He’s set to ruin my day again...’



“Pabo,” the jerk burst out laughing.



“Ya! I’m not stupid!”



“Yes you are... hahaha!”



“Why is he even here?” I mumbled while looking outside the window.



“Sorry if I didn’t tell you at once that Jiyong’s with us.” TOP smilingly said.



“Hmm?, it’s okay.” I shook my hands.



“Hyung, don’t talk to that retard.” the jerk interjected.



“Shut up, you jerk.” I said grudgingly, not minding if TOP could hear me.



Then that’s it. The jerk started talking like the retard he was, telling his stories to no one in particular. I would sometimes hear TOP answer, but most of the time, the jerk did the talking. From the looks of it, he was talking about how “stupid” I was. I didn’t bother to defend myself so as not to embarrass myself more in front of TOP. I turned down the volume of his irritating voice inside my head. Blah blah blah he continued until we reached YGU.






(at the PE class)


After changing into my PE clothes, I went to the PE room upstairs. I sat on one corner of the room and decided to arrange my things since our professor did not arrive yet. Suddenly, the noisy room became silent and I could hear the hushed sounds of my classmates. I looked up, only to see the jerk walking his way towards me, with a smirk plastered on his face. Seriously, why can’t he just leave me alone?



I averted my gaze and continued fixing my things when the jerk sat beside me.



“What do you want?” I gritted as I glared at him.



“Nothing,” he shrugged. “What?” he chuckled as he saw my irritated expression.



“Why are you here?” I think that just a mere sight of this jerk irritates me.



“Because I’m attending this PE class?” he answered innocently, with his brows up.



“But, of all, why this class?!” I whispered angrily.



“Let’s just say I’m destined to be in this class,” he answered thoughtfully, with his fingers on his chin. “Huh! If I know, you’re just stalking me.”



“Excuse me??” I turned sharply to him. “Can you please watch your words?” The nerve of this guy! “You’re not even worth stalking!” I mumbled



“What did you say?”



“And now you’re deaf.”



“I’m not deaf. I just didn’t hear clearly your mumblings.”



“Whatever. Jerk.”




(at the cafeteria)



I’m beginning to lose my youthful years because of that jerk. Imagine, he insisted in being my partner again for PE class. He’s really serious in making my life a living hell in this university just by being here. I know I’m a bit exaggerating, but what can I do? That’s what I’m really feeling. Don’t get me wrong...I don’t hate’s just that he irritates me to the bones.



In the end, I agreed to be his partner since I thought that it would be my advantage. He’s also my partner in Humanities so it would be easier for me to do the task, not to mention that he’s a friend of TOP. I could get to spend more time with him since Jiyong’s my classmate. This is a chance for me to be closer with TOP. Hoho!



‘You’re such a smart girl, Dara.’ I thought smilingly.



I was sipping my pineapple juice, when three beautiful girls approached my table. They seemed to be very familiar, but I just couldn’t remember when and where I met them.



“You’re Dara right?” The girl with a long pony-tailed hair, clothed in a pink sleeveless dress, asked me.



“Oh you know me? Hi! Nice to meet you.” I posed my signature smile and offered my right hand for a handshake.



“Well, just so you know, we’re not even glad to meet you.” The straight-haired one with a yellow headband said in a mocking tone.



“Don’t be so full of yourself girl. It’s not healthy.” The girl with a short wavy hair told me.



“I’m sorry...but I don’t understand what’s going on.” I looked at them alternately, totally confused with what they were saying. Did they approach the wrong person?



“I know you’re trying to get close with Bigbang. First, with TOP oppa and now with GD oppa? Huh!” 



“W-what?? Bigb-bang?? Hahaha! I don’t even know what’s that or who they are!” I laughed at what they were saying to me. Seriously...what, or rather who, is bigbang?



The girls just rolled their eyes on me. I’m thinking, maybe they’re the mean girls of this University. It’s no surprise’s part of school life. Everyone has their own version of antagonists in life, and right now, these girls were playing that role in my life.



“We know your just a crazy fangirl like us, but please don’t get too delusional ‘kay? You’re such a pity. Tsk tsk...” The one in a pink dress shook her head. Pity? Me? How dare they?!



“Hey! For your information, I’m not even a fangirl to act like a crazy girl drooling over those boys you’re talking about. Don’t include me in your dominion because I’m not even one of your minions, and I don’t even have the slightest interest to be part of it...and don’t go telling me that I’m being delusional because I’m not...Actually, you know what? I’m not the one who’s pitiful here, but the three of you. You seem to be too desperate to tell me your nonsense rantings, even though you don’t personally know me. Jealous much?” I smirked mockingly, with my brows up.



They were taken aback by my words...they were about to say something but they were rendered speechless.



“What? Anything more?” I challengingly asked them. Did they think I’m a weakling who would cower because of their menacing attitude? Duh! I maybe petite, but I’m Sandara Park. I was trained by the Bominator.



“You’ll pay for this, you b*tch!” the girl with the yellow headband gritted, while glaring at me.



I was about to say something when Youngbae went to my table and interrupted the commotion going on between me and these girls. “Yo! What’s up?” he asked as he approached my table.



“Oppa!” I exclaimed when I saw Youngbae. I saw that the mean girls were surprised by what I said.



“OPPA?!?” They turned their heads to Youngbae, then back to me. What’s the matter again this time??



“Even Youngbae oppa? Huh...I can’t take this! You’ll see the consequences of your actions b*tch. Mark my word.”



“I’m scaaarreeedd! Hahaha!” I pretended to be scared. With that, the three girls flipped their hair, then went off. Seeing how they walked out of the scene, it’s obvious that they’re trying hard to walk as if they’re walking on the catwalk, but to my dismay they weren’t even a bit close to the supermodels I know. So trying hard! Gosh...



“Woah! What’s that?” Youngbae asked as he sat across me, with his eyes still on the girls. When they were already out of the cafeteria, he turned to me. He’s obviously surprised with what he saw. “Did you engage yourself in a catfight?”



I just shrugged and resumed eating my pasta.






“What?” I asked innocently. “They were the ones who started it. I just countered them.” I sounded defensive, but I’m not, ‘kay?



“But Dara-“



“Are you even siding with them??” I whined.



“No, but it’s not good to engage in fights like that.” I know he’s concerned but I felt insulted. I didn’t answer back, and kept on twirling the fork in my hand.



“You clearly know that you’re just a new student here Dara. You might not know but they might be the daughters of the school directors.”



“So what?” I mumbled with my head down.



“I’m just saying that next time don’t be too aggressive ‘kay? Let them be. Don’t stoop down to their level.” He held my chin up and made me look into his eyes. “You’re much better than them. Remember that, arasso?” I can’t help but smile. He didn’t fail to lift up my spirit. He’s the greatest oppa after all.



“Aish! You’re being too cheesy oppa. It doesn’t suit you.” I just chuckled and got my face away from his hold. We laughed shortly after that.



“I heard that you’re going to Bongcho this coming Saturday?” I asked after our laughing session.



“Hmmm...yeah...just a family reunion with Appa’s relatives.”



“ that so?”



“How did you know?”



“Well Bommie asked me last night if I could come with her at the Catharsis, then she told me that you couldn’t come with us since you’re going to Bongcho this coming Saturday.” I narrated as I sipped the pineapple juice I had.



“Yeah...I couldn’t say no since it's a family occasion, and knowing my parents, they seldom attend to family gatherings due to conflict in their’re going with Bom?”



“Yup...I can’t help but say yes since it would be my first time to see her perform live on stage. You know I’m her number one fan right?” I chuckled.



“And of course that includes me,” he chuckled lightly. “So how’s class?”



“Oh don’t remind me.”



“Why? Something happened?”



“Oh not much. Remember the jerk I’m talking about before?” Youngbae didn’t seem to remember him so I said, “The arrogant jerk I’m talking about, remember?” His face lighted up with that.



“So what’s with him again?” he asked.



“He’s also my classmate in PE...and my partner again...” I just shook my head with the thought. “Such a bad day for me again eh?” I chuckled lightly.



“Haha! I could see that. It’s pretty obvious. What’s your PE by the way?”



“Swimming...” his eyes widened, obviously surprised with what I said.



“Swimming??” I just nodded. “So you’re okay with it??” he asked.



“ worries...maybe it’s time to deal with it, and try to overcome it.”



“Are you sure? What if you realized you can’t?” Regarding this stuffs, I know Youngbae’s the one who’s really affected.



“I know I could. Believe me.” I assured him, and I almost laughed at his expression. He was staring at me intently with that VERY serious expression plastered on his face. I just found it amusing. “Hey! Don’t worry okay? I’ll be all right...and don’t give me that look. It makes me want to roll on the floor laughing!” Together we laughed as we started to walk toward the cafeteria exit door.







“Okay class dismissed. Please be reminded of your assignment to be submitted next meeting, okay?” Mr. Jang, our professor in Algebra, told us.



I immediately went out of the room so I could catch up with the last trip of the bus. It’s already around 9pm and the last trip would be at 9:30pm. I was planning to ask Youngbae oppa to walk me home but before I could even ask, he already texted me that he would be out early since he had an emergency meeting with the co-investors of his father. So my plan B was to walk, or maybe run, as fast as I could in order not to go home, riding a cab.



I was kinda hoping that TOP would approach me and offer me a ride again, since now he already knew where I was living, and of course so I could get closer to him, but TOP was nowhere in sight. I roamed my eyes to the dimly-lit parking lot but I didn’t see his car.



‘Maybe he also left earlier,’ I thought.



A little bit frustrated, I walked out of the campus gate and turned to the direction of the bus stop. The sidewalk was already a bit dark because of the blinking lights along the street. Then, I felt it again...the feeling of someone watching me.



‘Aigoo! Is this the ghost experience I’ve been expecting since before? Oh please not now...’ I cringed a bit at the thought.



I turned around but I didn’t see anyone. I resumed walking, but now I felt like someone was following me. I turned around again, but there’s no one. Okay...this just gave me the creeps! Several worst case scenarios were already running in my train of thoughts. ‘Ottokae...ottokae!’ I was in the middle of internalizing of what to do when I heard the constant honking of an approaching car. I saw the red convertible sports car stopped just beside my spot.



“Wanna ride?” the mighty jerk peeked through the half-opened window of his car. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued walking. I won’t waste my time talking to him. I still had a trip to catch.



“Hey! It’s pretty late already. You might not be able to catch the last trip.” His voice reached my ears.



“Just shut up okay?” I told him without looking. I heard him get off his car and walked toward me.



“I’m already offering you a ride. Girls would definitely freak out if they found out that I did this.” He shrugged while walking beside me. The nerve of this guy!



“So?” I raised my brows. “I don’t care...” I walked a bit faster.



“Look. I’m already doing you a favor, but you’re just being too stubborn.” He folded his arms above his chest. I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned to him shortly.



“First of all, you’re not in the place to tell me that since I never asked you to offer me a ride, and second, if you’re really concerned, could you just let me walk so I could catch up with the last trip??” I told him in just one go. He blankly stared at me, then shrugged.



“Okay if that’s what you want. I’m just concerned since it’s already late...and this sidewalk is a bit dangerous for stupid girls like you,” he said while looking around. He turned and walked his way toward his car. “Don’t blame me if someone snatches you and you...bye Ms. Park!” He waved his hand before entering his car.



The thought of someone following me entered my consciousness. I immediately went in front of his car to stop him, while stretching my arms in both directions, blocking his way. I heard the screeching sound of his tires as he stopped sharply.



“Hey! What’s your problem?? Could you get out of the way? I almost bumped you! For Pete’s sake! Are you really stupid??” he yelled.



“What?” he asked again.



“I’ll ride with you.” I told him, feeling defeated.



“Sorry, but the deal’s off.” He slumped back in his seat. I walked my way toward the passenger’s seat of his car, and sat beside him. I could feel his dumbfounded stare at me.



“Ha! You really are something huh?” he shook his head while lightly chuckling. “Good thing I’m a gentleman, because if not you’ll be walki—” I cut him off.



“Couldn’t you just drive quietly?”



“Okay. Okay!” He the radio and we sped of as he turned to the highway.







“May I ask something?” I asked her. She just nodded, while looking outside the car window. “Why do you hate me?” Well, it just bothered me since...well...most girls would drool over me or even dream about me. I’m not really paying attention to them but it’s pretty obvious wasn’t it? I just wondered why this girl seemed to be not affected by my natural charm.



“Hate you? Am I?” she seemed to be confused as he turned to me.



“Aren’t you?”



“Nope...” she shook her head nonchalantly. “Why do you ask?”



“It seemed like you were always in a bad mood whenever I see you, or whenever we meet.” I heard her chuckled lightly.



“Oh that? Well...hmmm...I just find you a bit arrogant and a jerk.” She shrugged as she looked again to the view outside.



“Why do you say so?”



“Well, it started with the bus incident on the first day of class.”



“Huh? Do I have something to do with that?”



“I could see that you don’t remember anything.”



“Yup, so could you please elaborate?”



“I was in a hurry that time and was about to walk toward the bus when you bumped at me, causing me to fall down in the middle of the sidewalk and you didn’t even apologize. I was really embarrassed since it was really a strong impact, you know.”



“Oh that?!” I exclaimed. She nodded firmly. “So you’re that girl... but I clearly remembered that I said sorry but I, too, was in a hurry that time that I didn’t help you up, so probably you didn’t hear my apology. Well, sorry for that.” I chuckled.



“Apology accepted...oh, you could just drop me by in that corner.” She said while pointing at the alleyway.



“No, I’ll drop you in your house.”



“No, it’s okay.”



“No, I insist. It’s pretty late already. You’d better be safe.”



“O-okay...” she smiled awkwardly. We turned to the corner. “Just drop me by that pink car.” She said while pointing at the said car.



“You have a car?”



“Nope. It’s my sister’s.” I just nodded and halted the car. “Just stay put.” I told her as I got off the car. I went to her side and opened the door for her.



“Thanks...” she smiled as soon as she got off the car.



“See? I’m a gentleman indeed.”



“Conceited! If I know, you’re just acting.” She laughed.



“Of course not! I’m a true-blooded gentleman.”



“Whatever you say...” she walked toward the gate then turned to me. “Thanks for the ride. Bye...” she waved her hands and slightly bowed before turning to the gate.



“Hey!” I called out. “Hmm?” she turned to me again. I walked toward her direction. “So...uhmm...are we friends now?” I asked while scratching the back of my head. She was hesitant for the moment, then smiled sweetly. “Okay...” she while nodding.



“So to formally introduce myself, I’m Kwon Jiyong.” I offered my right hand for a handshake. She chuckled as she accepted my hand. “I’m Park Sandara.”



“It’s nice to meet you Ms. Park.” I bowed 90 degrees. I heard her laugh. “Haha! Could you please stop? You look like stupid! Haha!”



“At least now you’re laughing...”



“Okay okay! Haha! I’ll go ahead now. Bye!” She waved her hand before entering the gate.



“Goodnight!” I yelled.



“Goodnight.” I heard her faint answer. I smiled inwardly as I walked back to my car and drove off to the mansion.







“Who’s that?” I asked Dara as she entered the gate. I was putting the trash in the garage when I heard her talking to someone outside the gate.



“Oh just a classmate...” she said. I noticed her smiled a bit.



“What’s with the sudden smile?” I as I nudged her elbow.






“You seemed happy today...something good happened? Does it have something to do with that guy outside?” I giddily asked her.



“What are you talking about? Are you being crazy again?” Dara chuckled lightly as we went inside the apartment.



“Was that the guy, who’s picture was posted in your bedro—” she immediately cupped my mouth with her hand.



“Ssshhh!! Someone might hear you!” she mumbled. I pulled her hand out of my mouth. “So it was him??” I asked in hushed tone... Oh my!



“No! Remember I told you that I have a classmate living in the exclusive subdivision just within the area?”



“ what’s with him?” Upon realization, my eyes widened. “OH! Was that the rich guy?” I asked in awe. She just nodded while placing her bag on the sofa.



“Hmmm...I thought you said you will never be friends with that rich guy?” I smell something fishy huh... “The way you said it before, it seemed like you’re really disgusted with the person...but seeing you right now, it seemed there’s a change of air?”



“Well, he’s still annoying as usual but I could say that he’s okay...”



“Okaay...if you saayy sooo...”



“Ya! Are you implying something?” I just shrugged then started running towards the kitchen.



“Bominator come here! I’ll definitely catch you!” She laughed as she chased me. I couldn’t wait for the next chapter of my Dara’s blooming love story. Kyaahhh!!!!





Sorry for the very late update...keke...

I hope you liked it though... :))

Just leave comments...Kamsa chingu! <^_^>

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Yey! Chapter is up! Woohhoo...I'm not really sure if it's good...hahaha! I hope you enjoy reading it... :))


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Chapter 8: This sure is fun to read... it's light but i know there would be lots of revelations ahead... every character is cool and i really like how their relationships w/ one another develops...hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 4: Waaahhh... what's w/ jiyong? don't want him to cry..... jiyong-ah, you can have my shoulders to cry on... :C
ooooooooooooh. please update soon :)
hmm im wondering who that crown princess im guessing it'll be between Dara and BOM and who is Dara's stalker...if she does have one,(you know the one following her when she gets off from school late or is it just her crazy imagination???? Does Tabi like Dara? omo i hope you find someone for jiyong coz he is lonely what with he's parents always busy and Bae i hope he find someone else to like i feel bad whenever Bae ends up being just the friend . pair him with Minzy perhaps? and awww Sungie been rejected by CL and scarred by it poor panda :(
i reaaaalllly like this unnie please update soon so we can find out abt our questions.
sujukat #5
yay!!! theyre friends!!! hehehehe..what about tabi??? and there's youngbae too!!! aigoo...what to do...what to do...tsk tsk....
wah theyre friends now, aigoo dara you're really a lucky girl being surrounded by these hot guys ... thanks for the update ..:-)
#7 Ji also likes Dara..On No!..Tabi don't know that Dara likes him..hhahaha..She is taking photos of him while he is not looking..ahahaha..I too want what she is doing and print all those pics before i post it in my room so i could drool and stare at his image all night long..hahaha..*crazy fangirl*..aigoo..mianhe..hahhaha..I just love Tabi so much..hahhaha..Anyway, thanks for this update..I'll be waiting for more soon..hehehe..

Update soon my poor poor baby...OOOHHH MAYBE DARA WILL FIND HIM!
Thank you very much for those who commented and appreciated my fic...i wish i could upload the update but the current status of chapter 4 is a little bit...i'm still thinking of next scenes...but i will post it soon...very very soon...chap4 is almost done...i'm kinda nervous of your reaction....but I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR INSIGHTS! really inspires me...KAMSA!!! :)))