TWIST 4: The Arrogant Buddy

Twisted Fate




The sun rose up and brightly lit my morning sky. I stretched my arm up and smiled as I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh scent of the morning dew. I suddenly felt I was being lifted, giving a sense of lightness to my ever heavy heart. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in a hot air balloon. I’m scared of heights, but strange as it seemed, I didn’t feel any kind of fear. Instead, I felt so excited. Then I heard someone calling my name from below under. I looked down and saw TOP waving at me. I eagerly waved back when the sky suddenly turned grey…dark grey to be exact. Then it rained as I heard a familiar booming sound…no, a voice rather…Although it was booming, I couldn’t understand what the voice really said. All I heard was ‘wake up’ and ‘late.’




It was raining hard when the hot air balloon I was riding got damaged, causing me to fall down from the sky. TOP was about to catch me when my eyes snapped open, awakened by the booming voice of none other than my brilliant sister. Great. Just great. She ruined another perfect romantic scene of mine. Seriously, why can’t my sister have a perfect timing?!




I ignored her. I rolled on my side to have some more sleep, and probably finish the ruined scene of TOP catching me when she yelled at me again using that stupid megaphone. The megaphone, that caused her voice to boom like a bomb explosion. I must note to myself that I would bury that noisy thing six feet under the ground, or better yet simply crush it later so she can’t use it for further destruction. Hohoho!!!!




“Ssantoki Darongie! Wake up!!! Do you want to be late again?? Come on!” She said as she forcefully pulled me out of the sofa. I lazily stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast but I was surprised with what I saw. On the table were plates of fried hotdogs, ham, and eggs. The bread was already prepared at the side. I rubbed my eyes to check if I was hallucinating, but it was real indeed. I turned to Bom who passed by me and went directly to the table. I was about to say thank you when she interrupted me.



“Don’t give me that look. I didn’t cook those for you okay? I also have an early class today so...might as well join you for breakfast,” she said while making a ham and egg sandwich. “Shall we?” she said as she offered me a sandwich.




“You surely know how to ruin a touching moment eh?” I chuckled as I took my seat in front of her. She just smiled knowingly and shrugged as she took a bite of her ham and egg sandwich. 









Oh no…I could even hear every tick of the clock in my watch as I looked at it. It’s already 7:05 am! 10 minutes more and I’ll be marked as absent by my professor. Aigoo!! Why is this happening to me? My first day in class yesterday was an epic fail, and now I could sense a dark future waiting for me today. I somehow felt thankful to Bommie for being my human alarm clock. I kinda thought if I could put a battery behind her….hmmm…just kidding.



As soon as I got out of the bus, I ran as fast as I could. I could feel that I’m physically messed up but I didn’t mind what people around me would think, seeing me like this. I just hoped that I won’t get tripped along the way because that would totally it all. I glanced at my registration form. “Room 202,” I mumbled. ‘Whew!’At least I knew where that room could be found. My class schedules were alternating every other day, so I have a different schedule for today.



I ran upstairs, turned right and stopped in front of the room. I was panting as I opened the door and was greeted by a noisy class. ‘Thank God, our professor was not yet here’ I sighed. As I closed the door behind me, the once noisy room turned silent. Everyone looked at me. Some looked surprised, some looked intimidating, and some looked plainly bored. Then I felt embarrassed when I realized that I looked haggard. Right now I just wanted the ground to eat me alive. ‘Why is this happening to me?’ I thought.



After a few seconds of standing there, the class resumed their own businesses. It was noisy again. I kinda felt relieved. I looked for an empty chair when I spotted one at the back portion of the room. I sat there and arranged my things (and fixed myself as well). I glanced at the sleeping person beside me. I couldn’t really tell if he was sleeping or not since he was facing down with his black hoodie covering his head.



‘I’ll just introduce myself to him later,’I shrugged at the thought.




After a few minutes, the door opened and our professor entered the room. We all stood up, except for the sleeping guy seating beside me, to greet her.




“Please be seated,” she told us as we took our seats. “Good morning! I’m Mrs. Yunjae Kim and I’ll be your professor for the subject, Humanities, for the whole semester. Just call me Mrs. Kim,” she said. She was too young to be a ‘Mrs.’ and too young to be a professor. But I thought maybe she just had a baby face that’s why she looked young.




Mrs. Kim just talked about her professional background and surprisingly she didn’t ask us to introduce ourselves to the class one-by-one. Instead she just asked us to submit an index card with a 1x1 picture next meeting. After discussing her house rules, she gave us a list of tasks, or should I say projects, to do.




“Okay class. For this semester you will have to submit to me different outputs about the various topics under Humanities. There will be 4 major topics, each consisting of two subtopics. After the discussion, you will have to submit an output with regard to it. But don’t worry since you will only need to submit one output for the certain week. I’ll be discussing the details of the outputs next meeting. For now, choose a buddy who will be your partner in doing the outputs for the whole semester. Then submit to me your names on a one-fourth sheet of paper.” Mrs. Kim told us.




The class became noisy again as my classmates started choosing their partners. They all knew each other and I guess I was the only new student here. Every person I asked to be my partner declined my offer since he/she already had a partner. I turned to my side and looked at the sleeping figure beside me. I poked his shoulder to wake him up. He sat up and glanced at me. I shyly glanced at him.




I was fidgeting as I asked him. “Can you be my buddy for this class? Since you’re my seatmate, I thought it would be better if we could be…partners?” I turned to him. My eyes widened as I saw a VERY familiar face.




“Ya! I remember you!” I said as I pointed my index finger to him. “You jerk!” I raised my brow as I looked at him.



‘Oh heavens! Why is this really happening to me?!? TELL ME!!!’I thought. I was fuming because of annoyance. ‘ARRGGH!’





The whole time I was facing my desk, I knew what’s going on. I wasn’t really sleeping. I was just extremely bored. I came in school a bit earlier than my usual arrival since my mother insisted in driving me to school. I have my own car but I only use it whenever I wanted to.




I heard all the things that Mrs. Kim said a while ago and I don’t really mind if I don’t have a partner in doing the outputs since I can do it myself. Suddenly someone poked me. I glanced at her and was a bit surprised to see the stupid fountain girl.




‘So…she also attends Humanities huh? And she’s my classmate…hmmm…interesting.’I slightly smirked at the thought. I didn’t hear what she actually told me but I knew it was about her, asking me to be her partner. I glanced at her when her eyes widened.




‘Ya! I remember you! You jerk!” I frowned at her reaction. ‘What is she talking about?’




“What?” I raised a brow. “Are you crazy? As far as I can remember, we haven’t personally met before. Who are you to call me a jerk?!” I was confused with the way she acted. It was like I did something extremely bad to her. Seriously, she’s been proving to me how stupid she really is. I just shook my head as I averted my gaze.




“Mr. Kwon, who is your partner?” Mrs. Kim asked me. I pointed at the girl beside me who was still lost in her crazy world.




“What’s your name miss?” Mrs. Kim asked her but I guess this girl didn’t hear it. I elbowed her and she showed me an annoyed expression. I signaled her to the direction of Mrs. Kim. “Miss? What’s your name?”




“Sandara Park ma’am. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.” She said as she slightly bowed her head.




‘Oh… so Sandara Park was her name…’




“Okay. So Ms. Park you’re partner is Mr. Kwon. Please submit to me a one-fourth sheet of paper with your names, year and section,” Mrs. Kim told us while arranging her things.




“Ma’am??” She asked hesitantly. I could see that she’s surprised with the professor’s remark. “But I don’t want him to be my partner!” She said as she glared at me. The nerve of this girl… “Please just assign me to anyone but him.” She protested. Everyone turned to us and some were even whispering about her.




“I’m sorry Ms. Park but that’s not possible. Both of you are the only ones who do not have a partner yet and I’m not allowing an individually-made project. This is Humanities. Learn how to coordinate with your buddy. Understood?” Mrs. Kim told her.




“Okay ma’am. I’m sorry.” Sandara slumped on her chair, obviously annoyed by the situation we’re in.






After my Humanities class, I immediately went out of the room and headed to the fountain. This was definitely an epic fail. I guess this was the dark future waiting for me. I should have seen this coming! But who would have thought that Mr. Arrogant would be my classmate and, above all, my seatmate! Hmmp!




I sat on one of the vacant benches within the area. It’s still early and only few people could be seen within the vicinity.‘Hell, this day really . That jerk ruined it all. Tsk!’




Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up and answered the call without looking who the caller was. “Yeobeoseyo?” I asked the caller.




“Hey! What’s up?” Youngbae oppa answered. I smiled as I heard his voice. He really knew the right time to call. “Hey!” I exhaled audibly.




“What’s the matter? Seems like Ssantoki’s having a problem eh?” See? He really knew me too well. I wondered if he’s a psychic or something like that. “You know what? Someone ruined my day and I just hate him for that.” I told him like a little kid whining over her lost lollipop.




“Really? Tell me more about it.” He said encouragingly.




“Yesterday, this guy bumped onto me and didn’t even apologize. I was totally embarrassed since I fell on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk. And now, I saw him and guess what? He’s my classmate in one of my subjects! And mind you, he didn’t even say sorry to me for yesterday’s incident and even asked why I was so angry at him! And, as if it’s not yet enough, our professor even assigned him to be my partner in our project. Can you imagine how unfortunate I was? Arrgghh!” I ranted in just one ago…and without breathing (I think?).




Youngbae chuckled at my sudden outburst. “I’m convinced how pissed you are.”




“Of course! Who would not be mad in that situation?! It’s so unmanly…so not-gentleman! It’s such a turn off!” I said, not containing the irritation I felt.




“Just chill okay? Hahaha! I could even hear the angry air coming out of your nostrils.” He said, still chuckling lightly. I also chuckled with what he said. Care to compare me to a raging bull?




“Haha! What an imagination you had there oppa! I’ll get on you next time remember that! hahahaha!”




“Hahaha! At least you were laughing right now. I guess I’m on a right track in making you happy. Hahaha!”




“So you’re saying you have a mission? Haha! Are you a guardian angel whose mission was to make me happy?” I smiled childishly.




“Hmm…you could say that.” I could feel him nodding from the other line.




“Is that so? So you’re my protector as well huh?” I chuckled.




“Maybe,” he answered.




I frowned. “Maybe? And what’s the meaning of that?” I raised a brow.




“What do you think?” he said, his tone was full of playfulness.




“It just means you’re not really a guardian angel because an angel not only makes one happy but also protects the one he’s guarding,” I said thoughtfully. I guess I’m taking this talk seriously. Kekeke… “It’s funny that you’re taking this angel thing seriously. Hahahahaha!” he laughed.




“I was just being helpful in reminding you what an angel should do. But of course, you’re not a super human…but believe me…for me you’re my superman.”




Youngbae suddenly turned silent.




“Hey! Are you still there?” I asked.




“Yup…feeling better now?”




“Deh…Gomawo oppa! Am I disturbing you?” I asked.




“Nope. But I better hang up now or I’ll be caught by our professor. Smile okay?” Youngbae’s really the best ever. At least he brought me to a lighter mood. I didn’t even think of how I could move on from my misfortunes today but I guess seeing Mr. Arrogant won’t really spoil my WHOLE day. There’re still a lot of reasons for me to be happy…like seeing Mr. Choi Seunghyun, who was on the other side of the garden. I smiled giddily as I gazed at his statuesque figure.




“Deh. Annyeong!” I said as I stared continuously at TOP’s figure from a distance.




“Bye!” Youngbae said before he hanged up. I placed my phone back in my bag and got my camera. I aimed on the target, zoomed in, and presto! I captured a picture of TOP while he ran his fingers through his hair. I looked at the shot and it was perfect! Stunning stolen pose. Mild lighting of sunlight. Handsome guy. Perfect combination! Gaahh!!!




TOP didn’t notice me as he went out of the garden. But it’s okay. Just the mere sight of him was enough to send me to the fangirl heaven. (<---okay...I was just exaggerating...don't mind me...KYAAHH!! :">)




I stood up and continued taking pictures here and there. I didn’t get to appreciate the whole campus yesterday since I was with Youngbae. Time really flew so fast whenever I’m with him. We didn’t get to see the whole campus because we were just inside the cafeteria, constantly chatting the whole time we were together.






I was smiling the whole time I was walking towards the cafeteria. I saw Seungri and Daesung at our usual table. I went there and sat beside Daesung. I placed my bag in front of me and slumped in my chair while grinning, not minding the curious eyes prying on me.




“Hmm…something’s fishy huh? The dragon is unusually happy today. What do you think was the reason behind those mischievous grins Dae?” Seungri asked without taking his eyes off me.




“I was also wondering the same thing Ri.” Daesung answered, raising his brows.




“Let’s just say I found an interesting person.” I said while folding my arms, gaining more confusion from the two. They both looked at me. I guess they were still processing what I just said.




“And who’s that lucky person?” I could see the anticipation from the maknae’s sparkling eyes. Sometimes, if not only for his playboy image, I would think Seungri’s a girl. I just can’t understand why he loved gossiping. So girly, isn’t it?




“That would be a secret for now. I’ll reveal it once TOP hyung arrives.” I grinned wider. They were obviously disappointed but they knew that once I said it, it’s final.




“Better tell hyung to hurry up Ri,” Daesung said as he tapped Seungri’s shoulder. The latter dialed hyung’s number and from the looks of it, TOP wasn’t answering the phone.




After a few minutes, Seungri suddenly stood up and waved eagerly at someone behind me. I turned to see who he was waving at and saw TOP hyung walking coolly toward our table.




“Hyung! Faster!” Daesung signaled him to walk faster, but I guess the former didn’t understand it and continued walking slowly, as if taking his time walking down the aisle. I had the feeling that he enjoyed the attention he gained from the girls gawking at the side.




TOP hyung sat beside Seungri, facing me. “What’s the matter guys? You seemed to be so excited seeing me?” He eyed us one-by-one starting from Seungri, to Daesung, to me. “What’s with Jiyong today? He seemed to be in a high spirit.” Hyung asked, eyeing me suspiciously.




“That’s why we’ve been waiting for you hyung.” Seungri answered.




“What does it have to do with me? Not just because I’m his cousin, I already know everything that’s happening to him okay?” he raised a brow to them.




“Jiyong said that he found an interesting person.” Daesung replied.




“And that it’s secret until you arrive.” Seungri continued.




“A-Okay?” hyung nodded slowly. “So what’s the secret all about? Or should I say, who’s the person you’re talking about Jiyong?” TOP turned me.




“You know her already.” I said. They raised their brows at me, anticipating for my next statement. “It was Sandara Park.” I said as I grinned wider. TOP slumped back to his chair and didn’t comment any further but a smile was plastered in his face.




“Huh? Who’s that?” Seungri frowned as both he and Dae looked at each other. Then he turned to me and then to hyung. “Hey! Who’s Sandara Park?” He asked again.




“Remember the girl at the fountain yesterday? Her name was Sandara Park.” TOP filled in. Seungri mouthed an ‘ow’ while Daesung was still left innocent of what was happening.




“Yesterday TOP hyung approached a girl by the fountain and befriended her, remember?” Seungri told Daesung, answering the questions in the mind of the latter. Dae nodded as he remembered the girl.




“So…how interesting was she?” Seungri can’t help but bang me with questions. Their eyes were all looking at me now. I grinned again as I answered, “She’s my classmate in Humanities…AND she’s my seatmate…AND she’s my buddy in class.” All were surprised especially TOP hyung who sat up straight and gained an interest in my little story.




“So…how would you describe her as a seatmate and a buddy?” Hyung asked me, wearing a curious expression.




“I would say she’s…crazy. AHAHAHAHA!!!” That’s it. I can’t contain it anymore. I laughed as her angry face flashed through my memory. I so loved to ! She’s so short-tempered and her annoyed expression was just so funny. I guess there’s another person I’m going to piss off other than TOP hyung. Hahahaha!




“Why did you say so?” hyung asked me.




“Imagine, she called me a jerk after asking me to be her buddy in class.” I chuckled as her expression replayed in my mind.




“Maybe you were really being a jerk that’s why she called you that.” Dae inserted.




“Of course, not! I was facing down my desk and thought of sleeping when she poked me. She was saying something I couldn’t hear because she was so shy, but when she directly faced me, her eyes widened and immediately got angry, saying that she remembered me and that I was a jerk.” I explained while munching a cracker I got from my bag.




“Maybe you did something bad to her that’s why she got angry.” Seungri shrugged.




“Did you meet her already before the class?” TOP hyung asked me.




I shook my head. “I saw her with you yesterday but we never met personally until Humanities class.” I said. It felt like I’m in the middle of a police interrogation process. The only thing missing here was the swaying bulb above my head. I grinned at the thought. Haha!




“So what made you become interested in her?” hyung asked me.




“Hmmm…just the mere sight of her…her presence gives a different kind of atmosphere...” I answered thoughtfully while holding my chin. I, too, didn’t know why but there’s something in her that really interested me. Maybe her stupidity and craziness?




“Someone’s love struck here…” Seungri hummed, teasing me. Seriously? Do I look like I’m love struck?? I could see myself as a bully right now. I’m going to annoy Ms. Park more next time. Her rage was just so hilarious to witness. Hahaha!!!








I immediately went out of the room after the last bell. Youngbae oppa texted me that he can’t ride me home since he had to go home earlier than the usual because of a family gathering. I was walking down the dimly-lit corridor when I felt someone was following me. I knew that there were students walking with me but there’s this strange feeling that someone was eyeing me. I don’t know but one thing’s for sure. It’s really creepy. I turned around but I didn’t notice someone following me suspiciously. I shrugged at the thought and hastily went down the stairs along with the other students.




I went out of the campus safely but the creepy feeling was still there. Arggh!! Did ghosts love my company? No way! I hate them…Shoo! Shoo! I went to the waiting shed and waited for the next bus to arrive. I sat on the vacant bench. After a few minutes someone sat beside me, but he’s a little bit too far from me. I glanced at him and I noticed that he’s handsome. I could still feel that someone was looking at me from somewhere but I don’t want to take notice of it.




I was still in the middle of my chain of thoughts when the bus finally arrived. The guy also got in the bus I’m in. I sat on the right while he sat on the left. I put on my earphones and enjoyed the song I’m listening to. I slowly dozed off.






I woke up just in time. I glanced at my right but I didn’t see the handsome guy anymore. I shoved the thought of the guy and went out of the bus. I was walking down the street when I noticed a familiar figure a little bit far ahead from me. He was also walking the same way as mine. Then I saw him turned in to one corner, where an exclusive subdivision was located.




The guard of the subdivision asked for his ID. There I saw the side of his face...




‘Wait…if I’m not mistaken…he’s…he’s…the jerk?!’I was surprised to him in that place. The guard let him in and when he was already out of earshot, I went to the guard.




“Yes ma’am? What can I do for you?” the guard asked me.




“I just wanna ask if that guy there is a resident of this place?” I told the guard while pointing toward the jerk, who, I saw entered a very large white and black mansion.




The guard turned to where I was pointing and nodded before he turned back to me. “Yes ma’am. Why?” he asked me again. I showed him my ID in YG University so he won’t get suspicious on my sudden inquiry.




“Uhmm…He’s my classmate but I didn’t know that he lived just nearby and that he lived here.” I told him not hiding my surprised expression. This subdivision, as far as I know, was a place for billionaires and I didn’t even think that he lived here. Of course I knew that students in YG University were children of rich people but seeing Mr. Arrogant didn’t give me a bit of a hint that he’s this rich.




“He’s the son of Mr. Kwon Ji Seok, one of the known diplomats here.” The guard told me.




“Is that so?” I nodded in amazement. “Thank you sir! I also live nearby, just there on the other street.” I pointed to where our apartment was located. “I’ll go ahead because it’s getting late already. Thanks again sir.” I bowed before I left. The guard just smiled at me.




Oookaaayy…That’s a bit shocking. Mr. Arrogant? The son of a diplomat?? Woah! That was something! I kinda felt like I shrunk into an insect. He’s indeed RICH!!




I was still in a daze when I entered our apartment. I was staring at nowhere in my particular when the click of Bommie’s finger brought me back to reality.




“Hey! What happened to you?” She was frowning at me.




“Bommie…you know that the exclusive subdivision there is a place for billionaires, right?” I asked her a bit slowly. Bom nodded and asked, “Why did you ask?”




“I have a classmate who lives there!” I told her.




“Really?” Her eyes widened, also surprised with my news. “Is that person a close friend of yours?”




“No!” I suddenly remembered the incident yesterday and this morning. I felt annoyed again. “And he will never be my friend!” I told her with full conviction. I went upstairs and placed my bag in an empty chair beside my study table.




‘So what if he’s rich, he’s still not so worthy of my friendship. Hmmp!’I thought.




I changed my clothes into more comfortable ones, then I went downstairs and ate dinner with Omma and Bommie.







The moment I entered the front door, three maids went to me and got my things.



“Where’s mom?” I asked one of them walked through the living room.



“Young Master, Madame said that she can’t go home earlier. She said that there was an emergency meeting called by the investors from Japan. She’s very sorry that she can’t join you for dinner,” the maid told me. I slouched in one of the sofas. Butler Kim went inside holding a schedule journal in his hands.



“Is that so? Okay. How about dad? Is he at home?” I asked browsing through random channels in the television.



“I’m sorry Young Master, but Mr. Kwon is currently in Germa—.” I cut what Butler Kim had to say.



“As usual, he’s not here. When did I ever spend a REAL time with my father?” I smirked as I stared at a sports channel I stumbled upon.



“I apologize sir.” Butler Kim lightly bowed his head to me.



“For what Mr. Kim? For my great dad? It’s okay. I’m used to it. To see him around here would be such a miracle!” I chuckled. I'm used to this kind of scenario. “Thanks Mr. Kim…you can go ahead now.” I told him. Butler Kim bowed to me again before he went out of the room.




‘Huh! What should I expect from this family? No…it’s not even a family.’I smiled bitterly at the thought. I stood up and went upstairs. I got a red leather jacket from my closet and got the car keys that hanged on the wall beside my study table. I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the counter then went out of the house. I heard the maids called me to have a dinner first but who cares if I’m hungry or not. Nobody truly cared. No one…EVER!




I started the car engine and drove off hastily to somewhere I don’t know. I sped off down the high way. I turned left and right until I reached a very familiar park near the seaside. I turned off the engine and stepped out of the car holding the bottle of whiskey in my left hand. I started walking toward the seashore…the seashore that witnessed all my anger and hatred…the seashore where I used to spend my time with her…




I opened the bottle of whiskey and drank some of its contents. After a few guzzle, I dialed the number which I think I would never forget…the number which was engraved in my heart…the number of the girl that I used to love.




“Yeobeoseyo?” the person from the other line answered. I chuckled at the sound of her voice. “Jiyong?” I’m glad she still remembered me. “What’s the matter?” she asked.




“You still remember my voice.” I chuckled lightly.




“Jiyong, are you drunk? Where are you?” she asked, her voice was full of concern, but I doubt if that was sincere.




“Ji…?” she asked again.




“You said you don’t care about me anymore…but why do you sound so concerned? Huh?” I asked with a hint of bitterness in my voice.








“Well you... YOU!!!” I yelled at her before I threw my phone to the sea. I got down on my knees as I felt the warm flow of tears running down my cheeks. I heard the rustling sound of the sea but it never gave the serenity I've always felt before when I visit this place. It didn't lessen, even a bit, of my anger.




“I hate you all!” I cried as I laid my head back down.




“I hate you…all…” I sobbed as I cried myself to sleep here in the white sand of the seashore.




Thanks for reading....I hope you liked it...

And mianhe because I think the chap was...a little bit boring...

Kamsa!!!  <^_^>

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Yey! Chapter is up! Woohhoo...I'm not really sure if it's good...hahaha! I hope you enjoy reading it... :))


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Chapter 8: This sure is fun to read... it's light but i know there would be lots of revelations ahead... every character is cool and i really like how their relationships w/ one another develops...hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 4: Waaahhh... what's w/ jiyong? don't want him to cry..... jiyong-ah, you can have my shoulders to cry on... :C
ooooooooooooh. please update soon :)
hmm im wondering who that crown princess im guessing it'll be between Dara and BOM and who is Dara's stalker...if she does have one,(you know the one following her when she gets off from school late or is it just her crazy imagination???? Does Tabi like Dara? omo i hope you find someone for jiyong coz he is lonely what with he's parents always busy and Bae i hope he find someone else to like i feel bad whenever Bae ends up being just the friend . pair him with Minzy perhaps? and awww Sungie been rejected by CL and scarred by it poor panda :(
i reaaaalllly like this unnie please update soon so we can find out abt our questions.
sujukat #5
yay!!! theyre friends!!! hehehehe..what about tabi??? and there's youngbae too!!! aigoo...what to do...what to do...tsk tsk....
wah theyre friends now, aigoo dara you're really a lucky girl being surrounded by these hot guys ... thanks for the update ..:-)
#7 Ji also likes Dara..On No!..Tabi don't know that Dara likes him..hhahaha..She is taking photos of him while he is not looking..ahahaha..I too want what she is doing and print all those pics before i post it in my room so i could drool and stare at his image all night long..hahaha..*crazy fangirl*..aigoo..mianhe..hahhaha..I just love Tabi so much..hahhaha..Anyway, thanks for this update..I'll be waiting for more soon..hehehe..

Update soon my poor poor baby...OOOHHH MAYBE DARA WILL FIND HIM!
Thank you very much for those who commented and appreciated my fic...i wish i could upload the update but the current status of chapter 4 is a little bit...i'm still thinking of next scenes...but i will post it soon...very very soon...chap4 is almost done...i'm kinda nervous of your reaction....but I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR INSIGHTS! really inspires me...KAMSA!!! :)))