TWIST 1: First Day High

Twisted Fate







Dara woke up with the sound of her alarm clock. The clock striked 5AM. She wanted to sleep some more. She was so excited the night before that she already slept around 1AM, and now she’s sooo dead sleeeaaaaaappppyyy.



‘It won’t hurt to just sleep a bit more right?’ Dara thought as she went back to her dreamland.



After almost an hour, Bom entered her room. She was surprised to see Dara still sleeping, smile curved in the latter’s lips.



‘Probably dreaming about her prince charming <*kekeke>’ Bom thought amusingly.



Bom went out of the room and look for an “instrument” to wake the “sleeping beauty” from her sweet dream.



‘Presto!’ Bom thought, smiling.



She got the bell from the living room then headed back to Dara’s room. Careful not to wake her up, Bom tiptoed and walked beside Dara’s sleeping figure.










“Ssantoki Darong Daaroongie! Wake up wake up waake up! Ssantoki Darong Daaroongie! Wake up wake up waake up!” Bom amusingly chanted as she continuously rang the bell with all her might.




Dara immediately bolted up, thinking that there was a fire going on. Then she realized it was just Bommie doing her crazy stupid stuffs again. ‘-_-




Annoyed by the fact that her wonderful dream was ruined by her majestic sister, Dara got off her bed and held a couple of pillows to chase Bom. As they bickered around, Dara suddenly glanced at her wall clock. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the clock strike 6am.





“6AM?!? Bommie! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?!? I’m so dead! It’s already 6AM my goodness!” I shrieked as I throw the pillows I was holding to Bom before I went to the bathroom.



“Oh I’m sorry my fair lady! I thought you said last night that you’ll alarm this pink alarm of yours so you could go to school early today. I even heard your alarm clock rang and when it became quiet, I thought you were out already.” Bommie told me, not hiding her amusement on my current situation.




Yeah right…so funny…very very funny… :|





“At least you should have peeked inside my room and see if I was already awake!” I told her while throwing some random clothes outside the closet.



“And now it’s my fault? Well I’m sorry but I don’t wanna be punched by your mighty fist dear. Spare me from your death blows. I don’t wanna have a black eye you know. I love my face and I don’t wanna trade faces with the Dalmatians…” Bom chuckled.



Well, yeah I indeed had a handful of powerful fist. Although I had this innocent-petite look, I still can fight and kick those a$ses off. Huh! Bommie already tasted my death blows when we were younger. She was waking me up, and I, having a bad mood, accidentally punched her shoulder. Lucky her, I only hit her shoulder. If not nobody knows what will happen. Hahahaha! Bom indeed got a purplish mark on that part of her body and I was sorry for doing that to her. I really didn’t mean it I swear.





“But the mighty bells are indeed effective…hahahaha! Better used it again,” Bom said with the expression of someone plotting a heinous crime. Bom could be terrifying sometimes especially if she’s plotting her ‘dangerous’ plans. I better prepare my counter-attack just in case…I’ll plan that next time, wish I won’t forget though…





“Whatever…why don’t you just help me in choosing my school attire today instead of ranting nonsense things there…?”




“Okay…coming…Hmmm…why don’t you just wear something simple? Like this black skinny jeans, this yellow tank top and that striped cardigan over there? It’s not winter yet so it’s probably okay to wear those,” Bom said as she handed Dara the set of clothes she got from the piled clothes thrown a while ago.




“Okay, thanks! At least you were useful. Hahahahaha!” I joked as I readied my bag, preparing to get out.





“Yah! soooo mean. I’m always useful you know,” Bom told me in a satisfied tone.




“Who says so?” I said in an amusingly sarcastic tone





“Aisht! …. Hey, use these flat shoes instead…You don’t wanna have cramps later wearing those killer heels of yours. It would be a lot easier if you run using these pair of shoes.”










She handed me the shoes. I admit, she could really be sweet and caring. And I’m touched of her simple yet thoughtful gestures.





“Gomawo (Thanks) Bommie! Big help…Gotta get going! Bye!” I said as I waved her goodbye.



“Goodluck! Hope you would bump into him!”



“Hope so! Thanks!” I just smiled back, feeling giddy.






It was Dara’s first day as a college freshman and she should not be late on her first day! The university where she enrolled was a 45-minute trip from their house so she’d better hurry up or else she’d be late.


Dara arrived at the bus stop just in time as the bus turned at the corner in their direction. As she was running towards the approaching bus, a guy, also in a hurry, accidentally bumped onto her. The guy said sorry but not loud enough for her to hear because he was also busy running for he might miss the bus. Despite her annoyance, Dara managed to get up and get in the bus in time and there he saw the guy.



‘What an arrogant jerk!’ Dara thought, suppressing her annoyance.



She glared at the guy who didn’t seem to notice the two piercing eyes glaring at him. The guy wore a pants and a white hoodie with matching white earphones, in which loud music could be heard. He seemed not to mind the environment around him and just enjoying the music he’s listening to.




Dara just sat on one of the vacant chairs, standing beside her was the “arrogant jerk” who bumped onto her a while ago. She just shrugged the idea and brought her earphones on her ear and played some random music.




The bus turned to Chongmae Avenue and halted. Dara stood up readying herself to get off.  The trip lasted for about 40 minutes, since it wasn’t that traffic unlike the normal days.




‘Thank God it wasn’t traffic,’ Dara thought.




She ran past a few blocks and turned in front of YG University and ran off as if her was on fire. After her was the guy who bumped on her earlier, also heading toward YG University. They went separate ways. Dara turned to the Arts Building on the left, while the guy turned to the Music building on the right.




“Hell, I can’t be late!” Dara looked at her registration form. “Room 301,” she mumbled. “Where the heck could I find that room? It seems like I’ve been going on circles here! I’m already late, my goodness!” She hissed.



When she finally saw the room, Dara immediately went in and said sorry to her professor for being late. Luckily, the latter was considerate since it’s only the first day.



“It’s okay Ms. Park but please avoid getting late next time. Arraseo?” said Mrs. Han.




“Yes ma’am. Sorry,” said Dara as she bowed her head and walked silently toward the empty chairs at the middle left portion of the class, beside the window.




Park Sandara. Dara for short. 20 years old. Aspires to be a famous fashion designer, and always wanted to be one, thinking that through it she could find her truest happiness.





Time flew so slow for Dara since most of the time, the professors on her first and second classes just talked about their professional background, the typical “Introduce Yourself to the Class” task. It was just so boring.




Dara can’t help but feel alive when she heard the bell signaling that only 5 minutes were left before the dismissal for her morning classes. After her second class ended, she hastily went out of the room and started to roam around looking for the famous Fountain of Serendipity. Bom once told her that this fountain was famous for its mysterious and amazing ways of granting people’s wishes, not to mention its ‘power’ to unite two destined people. Dara was a believer of fate and destiny, despite her unfortunate past which she chose to hide inside the deepest spot in her heart.






I barely have 3 hours before my next class…only 3 hours to look for that Fountain of Serendipity. They said(and ‘they’ includes my besty sister Bom) that the fountain would ‘definitely’ grant one’s wish. Just throw a piece of coin in it and silently tell the wish to the fountain. Of course, not too loud enough for others to hear it. That would be really embarrassing, at least for me.




But just like a magic, it has also its pros and cons. According to stories (or tales if you may say), the fountain grants wishes in mysterious and amazing ways. You heard it right. MYSTERIOUS. Why? Because there were stories that there were things granted but through unexpected events or, as what others refer to it, unfavorable events. In simple terms, wishes could be granted either in a positive or a negative way. Sounds creepy? Not really. Well, YG University was known for this fountain for almost 6 decades now. Yeah I’m a believer of fate and destiny but not of superstitions. I was just curious about this Fountain of Serendipity. I won’t lose anything though (except for the coin I’m throwing in it keke @_@) so why not? Sounds interesting, isn’t it?


I got my copy of the University Map from my bag and searched for the Garden of Kismet. That’s the place where one could find the Fountain of Serendipity.



Oh, it was just in front of the Business Building. I better go ‘cause I only have few hours left.



Minutes had passed yet I haven’t found the fountain. My stomach suddenly grumbled, then I felt the hunger and thirst. Where’s that damn fountain?!



I turned right, and, as if an answer, there I saw the Garden of Kismet. The complex arrangement of the plants surrounding the garden was such a view, not to mention its patterned tiled flooring. Tired, I just slowly walked until I reached the fountain. It was old yet fascinating. The stone carves on it were very intricate, I can’t help but stare in awe. One could tell that the design was thoroughly planned.





After a moment of astonishment, I got my camera from my bag and captured the scenic view of the garden. I can’t help but smile at the stunning pictures I’ve got.



It was worth the walk…






After a few clicks, I got satisfied and placed my camera back in my bag. I got a coin from my purse, threw it to the fountain, and silently hoped that my wish would be granted.




Maybe you wonder what my wish was. It’s just a simple one. I just wished that I could bump into my ultimate crush before this day ends. Yes. I had an ultimate crush here in YG University. I hate to admit it but that’s one of my few reasons why I enrolled in this university. Hoho! I could be called a stalker. Just kidding.




Back when I was still in high school, my friends and I attended this concert featuring different local bands. Then this guy captivated my heart because of his penetrating stares. He was on the stage rapping, and he was the best rapper I ever met. I’m not really into rap songs, but he made it sound good to my ear. He was not the main performer that time so I never got his name. I just referred him as the “EYES.” Since then, I rarely see him and was very eager to know where I could see him. A friend of mine told me that “EYES” was studying in YG University, but he didn’t know his real name and whereabouts. So I took an exam and wished for a miracle.







So much for that... I just can’t help but get giddy everytime I think of his handsome face. I better go now since I’m dead hungry…and thirsty….






As soon as I opened my eyes, I was stiffened as I noticed a guy leaning over my left shoulder, as if waiting for my eyes to open. He was also facing the fountain, our cheeks almost touching. I immediately put some distance between us and faced him properly. My eyes widened as I saw the familiar face with those penetrating eyes. I tried to move but I remained stiffed on my spot as he leaned towards me.





“Hi! I bet you’re new here. I’ve never seen you before… I’m Choi Seunghyun by the way and you are…?” He offered his hand for a handshake.






My mind went blank. “EYES" was just in front of me!!! KYAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!









I hesitated at first but then, “Park… P-Park S-San…dara…” I stuttered as I accepted his soft warm hand. My gawd! I’m trembling! I can’t contain the giddiness I’m feeling...







“Just call me Dara for short…” then I smiled sweetly, but deep inside I think I’m gonna burst out. Umaighad! The thought of hugging him tightly was such a tease.







“Oh! What an unusual name you had there Dara…Just call me TOP for short. Most students know me by that name …” His low and manly voice entered my mind like a spell that I can’t help but smile all the time we were talking. I was in a full bliss when someone called him from a distance.













I turned to see whose voice was calling for TOP and there I saw a guy, wearing a blue skinny pants and a black vest over his white shirt with matching black beats earphones hanging on his neck, eagerly waving his hand to TOP. Beside him was a guy, wearing a black pants and a white hoodie with a pink shirt underneath, who nodded and turned the other way, as if waiting for TOP.







“My bad. I guess I have to go for now. My friends are already calling me. Nice to meet you Dara. See you around!” TOP told me before leaving. We bid our goodbyes to each other. I watched his retreating back then I faced the fountain and stared at it.






‘So it’s true. Wishes are granted in this fountain… and surprisingly a fast response huh. Hmmm…’







I just smiled as I turned again to TOP and his friends…But wait…there’s something in one of TOP’s friends, the one with the hoodie. His attire and movement was oddly familiar. The guy then turned to look at me, as if checking me out…then he turned again to TOP and the other guy…






My eyes widened as I remembered that arrogant jerk





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Yey! Chapter is up! Woohhoo...I'm not really sure if it's good...hahaha! I hope you enjoy reading it... :))


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Chapter 8: This sure is fun to read... it's light but i know there would be lots of revelations ahead... every character is cool and i really like how their relationships w/ one another develops...hope you'll update soon...
Chapter 4: Waaahhh... what's w/ jiyong? don't want him to cry..... jiyong-ah, you can have my shoulders to cry on... :C
ooooooooooooh. please update soon :)
hmm im wondering who that crown princess im guessing it'll be between Dara and BOM and who is Dara's stalker...if she does have one,(you know the one following her when she gets off from school late or is it just her crazy imagination???? Does Tabi like Dara? omo i hope you find someone for jiyong coz he is lonely what with he's parents always busy and Bae i hope he find someone else to like i feel bad whenever Bae ends up being just the friend . pair him with Minzy perhaps? and awww Sungie been rejected by CL and scarred by it poor panda :(
i reaaaalllly like this unnie please update soon so we can find out abt our questions.
sujukat #5
yay!!! theyre friends!!! hehehehe..what about tabi??? and there's youngbae too!!! aigoo...what to do...what to do...tsk tsk....
wah theyre friends now, aigoo dara you're really a lucky girl being surrounded by these hot guys ... thanks for the update ..:-)
#7 Ji also likes Dara..On No!..Tabi don't know that Dara likes him..hhahaha..She is taking photos of him while he is not looking..ahahaha..I too want what she is doing and print all those pics before i post it in my room so i could drool and stare at his image all night long..hahaha..*crazy fangirl*..aigoo..mianhe..hahhaha..I just love Tabi so much..hahhaha..Anyway, thanks for this update..I'll be waiting for more soon..hehehe..

Update soon my poor poor baby...OOOHHH MAYBE DARA WILL FIND HIM!
Thank you very much for those who commented and appreciated my fic...i wish i could upload the update but the current status of chapter 4 is a little bit...i'm still thinking of next scenes...but i will post it soon...very very soon...chap4 is almost done...i'm kinda nervous of your reaction....but I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR INSIGHTS! really inspires me...KAMSA!!! :)))