Ch. 24

Intertwined Hearts



A wide variety of meals is provided at a long table with candles in the middle of it. At the ceiling, there are decorative lights that can quite illuminate the big room. After the last plate is laid, a man picks up a knife and fork that is already available on his right.

“Did you finish the last file I gave?” Wonwoo’s dad asks the person who sits across him.

“Yes,” Wonwoo simply replies as he tries to carefully cut the meat.

“That’s good.”

“I thought last week was the last one,” a woman at the age of forties speaks softly. He looks at Wonwoo with curiosity.

“Well…” His dad swallows the food. “I also expected that.”

Wonwoo doesn’t have anything to say so he just nods his head once. This is nothing new for him. Every time he eats with his parents, they will always ask about the company assignments or about school, there’s no in between.

“Wonwoo, you rarely call me these days,” his mother asks with eyes full of sympathy. “Is there any trouble…with your school?”

“No, mom,” he answers while eating. “There’s no.”

“I went to your school and your principle said tha—“

“I know,” Wonwoo interrupts while nodding.

His mother shifts her gaze from her plate to him. “What is it?”

“Also, I met one of your classmates too,” his dad puts another food into his mouth. “The one who gave you the strawberry jam, Lim.”

His hands stop for a second as his dad mentioned your name. “I see,” he replies softly and continues cutting the meat into pieces. His hand then reaches to his mother’s hand before rubbing it gently. “Mom, you didn’t forget to eat the medicine, right’ He asks, obviously wants to change the topic.

“I didn’t,” a soft smile appears on her face.





After the bell rings, you tidy up your book and put it back in the bag. It's Monday and you're not in the mood to go to school at all. Probably because the weather is not very pleasant or maybe because Sana is absent so you feel lonely. You called her this morning and she got a fever. You promised to see her after school.

You stand up from the chair and go out of the class toward the locker. With less enthusiasm, you insert the locker key and open it.


Looking to your left side, someone is standing there. You smile a little at Jisoo. “Yes?”

“I didn’t see Sana at all this morning. Do you know where she is…?”

You feel a bit surprised, you thought that Sana has told him already. “She’s absent because of fever,” you reply honestly.

His expression changes in a second. "You're serious?" He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed.

You nod. “I’m going to visit her after school, wanna tag along?”

“Sure thing, I’d be grateful, actually,” he says, smiling.

“Well, then—“shrugging, your eyes travel from him to someone familiar who just walks pass both of you. It seems like Wonwoo didn’t see you at all. Or maybe he did.

“Hm?” Jisoo raises his brows, waiting for you to finish your sentence.

“See you after school,” you smile.

After that, Jisoo leaves and you continue by putting your book into the locker. You close it after taking your sport shoes and lock it back. The next lesson is P.E. It because you don’t feel like wanting to do it at all. Sighing, you walk into the changing room.

Finish with changing your clothes, you proceed into the gym. It's amusing to say you're not eager for this lesson but you are the first person to arrive at the gym. After closing the door, you rush to the corner of the room to sit while waiting for the others to arrive.

Not long after you came, someone opens the door, making you look at him.

“The teacher still hasn’t come?” One of your classmates asks, his eyes glance around the room.

“Not yet.” Your voice echoes.

He nods and goes out again. It turns out he just wanted to check.

Still in your same position, you lower your head until suddenly, the door is open again, revealing someone. As much as you like to know that you are not alone, he is still someone you want to avoid. But you don’t want to look awkward so you try to act as normal as possible.

Wonwoo steps inside, holding a bag of basketball. He pauses for a moment when his eyes meet yours. He is also surprised to see you’re already inside. Unlike you, he does not seem to care much and just continues. He takes one of the basketball before putting the bag down the floor.

He starts dribbling the ball a few times towards the basketball hoop. Your eyes glance slightly and you cannot help to stare at his figure. He almost throws the ball but his phone suddenly rings, causing him to stop. Wonwoo looks at his phone screen and turns it off before putting it back into his pocket. He bounces the basketball again casually before saying, "You're just gonna keep quiet like that forever?"

“Huh?” You pretend you didn’t hear it.

“What did my dad say to you.” The tone of his voice is flat, you don’t even know whether it is a question or not.

It’s weird. He should be worried about what you said to his father but instead he asks the opposite.

You don’t want to seem awkward or mad so you answer him. "He was asking how you're doing in school."

"That's it?" He throws the basketball into the hoop perfectly.

You nod your head and hope the teacher will come quickly.

“So, you’re still not going to tell me her name?”

You roll your eyes and groan. “Gosh, Wonwoo. You still wanna know? It doesn’t matter, alright? You should know it by yourself~” You almost yell. You just don’t want to talk about that anymore and just talk to him like normally.

“It does matter. At least for me,” He turns to your direction.

“Fine.” You close your eyes and inhale a deep breathe. To get it all done, you just need to say her name so he does not keep asking. “She’s Eunbi. It’s funny how you don’t even know yo—“

“Wait, hold up. Eunbi...? Lim, are you out of your mind?”

You drop your jaw after he said those words. You stand up and look at him with unbelief, you want to curse him back but stop because someone opens the door again.


The students walk in, making you stand up straight and properly. After everyone came in, finally the teacher comes and closes the door.

“Did you bring the bag, Wonwoo?” He asks.


“Thank you.” He pats his back before clapping his hands together to earn attention. “Everyone, gather here!”



Because Sana is absent, you’re forced to eat alone in the canteen. If you didn’t feel hungry, you probably wouldn’t eat and just choose to stay inside the class to sleep. But the last lesson is P.E and it makes you hungry.

You put the food into your mouth and chew it. It turns out eating alone is not really a bad idea. You can watch people from afar, ok no, not really. You miss talking to Sana and laughing with her. Letting out a sigh, you look down at your food and eat.

You lift up your head back when you feel someone's presence, he puts his food tray right in front of you. Blinking, you're confused as to why he's here or wants to sit down to eat with you.

“Wonwoo, what are you doing here?”

“Why? I’m not allowed to eat here?” He asks and drinks the mineral water.

He’s known as someone who always sits alone but why he is willing to eat with you, a student who has not even been up to a year studying in this school?

You just sigh and continue to eat by chewing as fast as lightning. You want to get out of the canteen quickly.

“Didn’t you want to tell me something before?” He says as he put the food into his mouth. He’s right, you were about to say something in the gym before but got interrupted as everyone walked inside.

“Huh? No, I don’t think so…” You just don’t feel the need to tell him anymore and decide to just focus on your food so that you can leave quickly.

“Then can I tell you something?”

“Of course. You don’t have to ask, what is it?” You look at him but instead of answering you, he wipes his lips and stands up before walking away somewhere. Confused with his behavior, you just shrug and sip your drink. Weird…

You think that Wonwoo has left the canteen but as you're about to stand up, a pair of arms wrap your shoulder from behind. "If I do this, does that mean you're mine?" You can feel his breath ghosting across the side of your neck.

Feeling surprised, your cheeks flush red in a second and let go of his hands. You don’t want anyone to see because this can be a big problem.

Wonwoo returns to his seat, which is in front of you. He looks so relax like he didn’t do anything wrong. “I hope now you understand.”

"W-what?" You ask quietly while lifting your brows. Your expression changes when you realized that he was trying to tell you that you were wrong. He's not dating her and he wants to make sure you to know that.

Before you can hear the answer from him, Taehyung suddenly appears and pulls Wonwoo by his collar before throwing his right fist into his face hardly, causing Wonwoo to stumble back. "You er!" Taehyung yells and you can see the veins sticking out of his neck.

You cover your mouth at the view right in front of you and rush towards them. "Taehyung, stop!" Now, everyone in the room is looking at you like there's something interesting going on.

Wonwoo wipes the blood from the corner of his lips. "You really like getting into other people's business…" He can’t be quiet so he throws his fist straight to Taehyung's face. It all gets messy because not one of them wants to give up. It's a total chaos.

Why is everything like this…

Unable to keep your patient anymore, you decide to pull Taehyung and stand in the middle of them while spreading your arms "I said stop! Do not you guys have any shame? Please, grow up! "

“Lim, stay out of—“

“The two of you!” One of the teachers suddenly enters the canteen with an angry face. “Come to the office. Right. Now!”

Wonwoo buttons the top of his uniform properly before walking out, same goes to Taehyung. They both have the same expression and you know how annoyed they are but still, this is for the best.



“I hope she’ll be alright after seeing me,” Jisoo says while walking out from the elevator beside you. He realizes that you've just been silent all the time and walking while looking down. "Hello? Earth to Lim?" But you still look down so he snaps his fingers next to your ear, makes you look at him in confusion.

“Yeah? Did you say something?” You look at him and he chuckles.

“Yes, I did.”

“I’m s-sorry… I—“

“I know. You space out a lot. Like really, a lot.” He emphasizes the last word.

You laugh quietly and point towards one of the dorms. “There. That’s Sana’s room~”

Both of you walk and stand in front of the door before knocking. The door opens immediately, revealing Sana who’s peeking a little. Her eyes travel from you to the person behind. You smile sweetly at her while her eyes grow wider. “You didn’t tell me he would come,” she whispers but Jisoo still could hear it.

She fixes her hair first and finally opens the door wide. “Hi, Lim…and Jisoo.” She smiles. “Please, come in…”

You two step into Sana's dorm. This is the first time Jisoo comes in so he looks very stiff and just standing by the door. You hugs Sana tightly and she smiles. “I know you missed me,” She says proudly.

You place your palm against her forehead. “You should stay in your bed…”

“I’m getting better actually.” She smiles before her eyes land on Jisoo.

“I brought you some…I know it’s not a lot but yeah…” Jisoo hands her the plastic bag full of any kinds of fruit.

You didn’t even notice he was holding that ever since both of you stepped outside the school’s building. Maybe because you were just too tired.

“It’s alright! Thank you so much,” Sana says, smiling.




Without you knowing, you fell asleep while sitting on the couch. Sana said Jisoo went back to his dorm early after telling all that happened in the canteen today. That guy...

You glance at your watch and it's six past twelve. You take the key from your bag then open the door. Locking it back quickly, you lie down in your bed lazily, not even until a minute you …already fall asleep again.

Two hours later, you open your eyes. Your hand immediately holds your head and rubs it slowly, no idea why but it feels very dizzy. You groan quietly and stand up from the bed, leading to one of the drawers. After pulling it open, your hand looks for the medicine to cure the dizziness. Where is it? I’m sure I placed it here.

After finding it, you take a glass of water. You swallow the medicine and drinks the water slowly. Just when you're almost seated, your phone suddenly rings, stating that someone is calling. Taking it from the top of the table, you push the green button.

“Lim,” Taehyung says, his voice sounds different.

“Hi, Taehyung~What’s up?” You answer. “How’s your face?”

“I treated already.”

“Thank god because that looks serious…”

“Can we meet…now?”

You pause for a second. “I don’t know, Taehyung. I don’t really feel good…”

“I see.” There’s a bit of disappointment in his tone, it’s so obvious. “Then, I’ll just tell you tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry,” you say.

“Sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong.” He chuckles but you know that’s a fake one. “Okay. I’m hanging up now. Bye~”

“Bye, Taehyung. Take care.” If you weren’t in a bad condition, you would meet him without hesitation but after taking the medicine, you don’t feel anything different and still dizzy.




“The list is with you, right?” Mrs. Kim asks, glancing at Wonwoo while both of them are walking through hallway of dorm building.

“Yes, it’s with me.” He nods.

“Good,” she answers before knocking the first door.

The door opens after the third knock. “Yes, Mrs?” Sana asks while raising her brows slightly. “I’m about to sleep now.”

“I heard you were absent.” Mrs. Kim scans her face.

She chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yes…I didn’t feel really good but I’m getting better now, Mrs!” Sana assures her and notices that Wonwoo is behind, not too far.

“That’s a great thing to hear, dear.” She smiles. “You should sleep now so that tomorrow you can feel even better.

She nods. “Sure!”

Mrs. Kim turns her heels and leaves Sana’s place, Wonwoo follows her from behind as he writes something on the list he’s holding until Sana grabs his arm out of blue. He looks at her hand on his arm expressionless, waiting for her to say something.

She releases it. “Sorry,” Sana whispers and looks at Mrs. Kim’s direction. “You know what? Lim was here and I think she…uhm…”

“What? Talk clearly.”

"I think she's…sick?" She blinks, biting the lower of her lip. "I noticed she always sneezes while sleeping here.”

He raises his brows. “And what do you want me to do?”

She chuckles sarcastically. “Come on~ I heard what happened in the canteen.”

He looks at her in confusion then looks away.

“I know you have feelin—“

“Rest more,” Wonwoo cuts and pushes Sana back into her dorm lightly before closing the door. He then walks to Mrs. Kim who’s already far away. He walks beside her while looking ahead flatly. There's a part of him that says he needs to do something but his other stubborn mind keeps denying it. He knows that these days, he feels something changes but he’s not really sure of what.

“And the next room is—“

“…Can I go to toilet for a while, Mrs?”

She nods slowly. “Alright but hurry up, okay? We still have to check the second floor.”


Wonwoo sprints as fast as he can. Why he needs to do all of this and tired himself? He has no idea. He passes the toilet and goes to the exit door instead.




You are lying in your bed, looking up the ceiling. No matter how hard you try to close your eyes, you'd never be able to fall asleep since you've slept too much. More importantly, you can’t stop thinking about what happened at school. You're worried, indeed, with both of them and ... confused.

Pulling the blanket to cover yourself, all of sudden, you sneeze. You sigh and wipe your nose with tissues. Actually, you already saw it coming. It rains often these days and even this morning you admit it you did not feel really well but still went to school.

A sound of knocking was heard. You get out of your bed and walk to the door. Fixing your bed hair, you open the door slowly.

“Hi, Mrs~” You smile.

“Still not sleepy?” She lifts her brows.

“Actually, I just woke up.” You let out a quiet chuckle.

“Now, let’s see what time is it.” Her eyes look at her watch. "Almost eleven o'clock ~"

“Well…time passes really quick, right, Mrs?” You ask before sneezing.

“You don’t seem well…” She continues and looks at you with worry. “Even though you just woke up, you should go back to sleep now.”

“Alright, Mrs…” Frowning a little, you notice someone just comes and stands behind Mrs., Kim. Wonwoo.

“Then, I’m going,” She says as she’s about to leave.

Nodding once, your eyes shift to Wonwoo and unexpectedly he walks towards you while carrying something in his hand.

“"How are your wounds ...?"You ask softly.

“I’m fine. It does not hurt at all,” he replies.

You scoff, at times like this he still sounds arrogant. "Oh, I believe ..." You're ready to close the door but his foot blocks you from doing so. You open the door and blink at him, tilting your head slightly. "What else, Wonwoo?"

He places his palm on your forehead. “So… she’s right.” He nods to himself and you look at him weirdly.

Before you can say anything, Wonwoo gives you a plastic bag that he holds and then walks away.

“Wonwoo!” You call him but with a low tone so that Mrs. Kim can’t hear it.

He just waves his hand without turning around. “Good night!”

What's with him? You come back inside and lock the door. Sauntering back to the bed, you sit on the edge and look into the plastic.

"How did he know ..." You take out one of the cold compress. Unknowingly, your lips curve into a smile. You immediately take your phone and snap a picture of the stuff he gave.


To: Wonwoo.

Thank you for this! :D

[Inserts the picture]


Maybe for other people, it’s just a simple thing but for you, it looks really precious because it’s from Wonwoo and he rarely do such things. You can’t believe it either. You know your condition is not really good but somehow you feel a bit better now.

You stop smiling as you feel your cheeks start to burn. “No no! Don’t hope too high, Lim.” You shake your head to stop yourself from thinking something else. For god sake, he’s the student council president, of course he helps everyone.

You tear open the cold compress and place it on your forehead. Lying in bed, you look up the ceiling until suddenly your cheeks flush red again ... one thing you know is that it's because of him. Argh! I'm going crazy.


Sunlight penetrates through the curtain, illuminating your entire room. You open your eyes slowly without moving at all. The next morning, you still haven’t recovered yet so you decide not to go to school. When you’re about close your eyes, your phone rings. With laziness, your hand randomly searches for it.


From: Sana.

Lim! I’m sorry. You’re sick because of me T_T


You smile a bit because of the emoticons she sent and reply her back by saying you've been feeling bad since yesterday morning. She replies and says she'll visit you after school.

Just when you’re about to place it back, your mother suddenly calls. You presses the green button.

“Hello, Mom!” You greet happily because you missed her voice.

“Lim~” She greets back. “I’m surprised that you answer my call, I thought you’re already in school?”

“No, mom.” You chuckle lightly. “I don’t feel really well. Besides, it’s the first time I’m absent.”

“Really?” She asks in shock. “My daughter studies really hard~ anyway, your precious brother Jaebum is on his way to your school. Don’t ask what’s he’s bringing, just see it later,” She says full of excitement.

You chuckle once again. “Strawberry jam?”

“Hm. Can’t tell you about that.” She laughs. “Okay, rest well my daughter~ we’ll talk again tonight, yes?”

“Sure sure. Bye, love you, mom.”

“Love you too.” After that, she ends the call.

You place it back on top of the near table and close your eyes to sleep.




The teacher enters the class and greets a good morning. He looks around and notices an empty chair, which is yours. He takes a seat and stares at the attendance list before speaking, "Does anyone know why Lim is not here?"

Everyone is eyeing at each other, including Taehyung, he doesn’t know anything either.

No one seems going to answer so Wonwoo stands up from his chair. "She caught flu."

Taehyung feels disappointed a bit because he wants to talk something but you’re not here. You already told him last night you don’t feel really good, however, it didn’t cross his mind if you’re sick.

“I see.” The teacher nods. “Alright everyone, take out your textbook.”


After the third lesson have finished, it's time to take a break. Without cleaning his desk at all, Taehyung walks from his seat towards someone.

“What’s her dorm’s number?” He asks Wonwoo who’s about to go outside the class.

Wonwoo just sees him flatly and continues his steps. He just doesn’t feel the need to talk about you to Taehyung. It’s enough for Taehyung to know that you are sick and nothing more.

“I’m asking you!” Taehyung grabs him by his shoulder a bit harshly.

He puts his hand away immediately. "Then ask her yourself." After that he continues his way out while dusting off his shoulder.





Holding a file that contains homework, Wonwoo walks casually out of the elevator, to your place. The homework he’s holding is from the teacher and it’s for you because you weren’t in school today. This is actually a nice excuse to see you but of course, Wonwoo doesn’t want to tell the truth.

He continues walking down the corridor and from afar he can see someone standing in front of the door, to be exact, it’s your dorm. The person looks the same age as him but he doesn’t remember seeing his face somewhere. He keeps walking and when it gets closer, he notices the guy is carrying something in his hand.

A flower.

The guy keeps knocking on your door until it finally opens. You come out with a slightly messy hair. Wonwoo can’t help but to smirk a little at how careless you are.

Although you’re sick, your face still looks bright, especially when he brought you your favorite flower. Your eyes flicker when you know he’s here and without waiting or saying anything, you take the flower from his hand. "My fave ~"

Wonwoo furrows his brows, seeing how close you are with that person.

“Just don’t destroy it,” the guy says jokingly.

You glare at him before shifting your gaze to your right to see Wonwoo who’s walking towards you.

The guy places his palm on your forehead and ruffles your hair, causing it to become messier. “You’re really sick? That’s rare.”

“Yah, Jaebum…”





Wonwoo meets her brother :oo


Did you guys watch Seventeen's comeback? The song is so good and everyone looks extremely cool *o*

Anyway, I'm going to finish this fanfic sooner. Thank you for the subscribers even though this fic ;-; <3 I'll always improve!

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Thank you!
Ch. 26. I noticed there were some mistakes but I've fixed it already :)


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Chapter 29: I dont know how many times i already read this stories. It just never make me bored. I love this stories so much that i dont mind to read it over and over again. Thank you for making such a beautiful great stories
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 29: Aweeee its so innocently sweet. Thank you ?
zulaikha28_ #3
Chapter 29: It's so goood ;; this is like the first ff of wonwoo x oc that ive ever read?? Omg ive been finding this kind ff for so long!! Thankyou ♡♡ keep making the good work 파이팅 ^^
Chapter 29: OH MY WONWOOO AIGOO why soo cute. I cryyy it is so sweet. Please make more story like this authornim. For sure i will read it ??
Winterspring18 #5
Chapter 29: Omg i just know it was over...thanks for your hardwork and this happy ending story <3 i love this story so so unexpected wonwoo will propose her awwww they are so cute >.<
And once again thanks for your harworking authorniim~~
i think i'll be so happy if you make new story :))
sinwan #6
Chapter 29: It's a good story authornim!!!
could you please do a sequel ???
write about their married life or having their first child?.. OMG... I will read it althought it's one shot!!
Chapter 29: srsly its already the last chapter?!!omg!i still dont believe it,i want to see more moments of them?Wonwoo just being too adorable here even with his cold attitude and i still love him..great story author-nim i really love ur story?great job??
Chapter 29: It is kind of unexpected of him to propose so early!! It's cute
Chapter 29: I can't believe it's the last chapter TT
Thank you authornim for writing this!
BlackCherry15 #10
Chapter 29: Glad it ended on a good note. I'm curious, however. Why were Eunji and Nari bad to Lim at one point?