Ch. 22

Intertwined Hearts



The next day, you sit on your usual place while waiting for the first lesson to start. Not all students have arrived since you’re pretty early this morning. Randomly, you start to sharpen your blunt pencils as you keep waiting. After you're done, you stand up from your chair and saunter to the bin to clean your sharpener.


“Is Lim here?” Someone who stands near the door asks. You turn your gaze at that person, raising your brows slightly.

“I’m here,” you point to yourself.

“Come. Follow me,” he says. He’s one of the teachers but he teaches for grade ten so you’re not really familiar with him. He walks away and you follow him from behind.

It’s still in the morning and now you’re already heading to the principal’s room?! You start to feel anxious as you try to calm yourself, walking beside the teacher. “Why are we going there, Mr?” You ask, full of curiosity.

He shakes his head, opening the door to let you in. “I have no idea.”

You walk inside and your eyes land on the principle whose sitting, he doesn’t have any expression on his face. “Take a seat, Lim.”

You nod and sit in front of him. For real, this is like the first time you’re feeling this worried, especially when you don’t think you haven’t done any mistakes or break the school’s rules. It just doesn’t make sense. The room then fills with silent until the door opens once again, revealing someone you know.

“Sit next to her, Eunji,” the principal says.

Eunji looks at you for a while and nods her head, walking towards the chair beside you. You can feel the tension in the air, it’s just so awkward sitting next to her. Looking down to the floor, you wait for the principal to say something.

“Do you know why both of you are here?” He asks, hands clasp together.

The two of you are just staying quiet, causing him to sigh. Turning on the pc, his eyes scan through the screen before clicking one of the files. You lift your head up and just randomly looking around the room.

“Here,” the principal says, showing a familiar video on the screen.

Narrowing your eyes, you try to look clearly at the video until you realize it’s that CCTV video. You admit it, you’re a bit surprised, and the principal probably got it from Mr. Park since Wonwoo was the one who showed it to him.

On the other hand, Eunji watches the video with her jaw drops in shock, she didn’t expect it would reach the principal. “Mr, I didn’t….” She shakes her head, trying to think of an excuse.

He raises his brows, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

Eunji looks down and bites her lower lip. “It’s my fault.”

You look at her and there are sweats flowing down her cheeks, you never seen her this worried.

“What should I do with this, Eunji?” He asks and because she can’t seem to answer the question, he shifts his gaze to look at you. “What do you think, Lim?”

Not only her, you’re also at lost for words. You smile slightly, “I…don’t know, Mr.”

“Then, I’ve decided,” he nods. “I’ll communicate with your parents about this, Eunji. I hope you understand why.”

She nods her head. “Yes, Mr.”

“So, now, you can go back to your classes again and get ready for the first lesson.”

You get up from the chair before bowing and walk to the door, same goes to Eunji. As soon as she steps outside, she turns to the left immediately, walking back to her class, while you go to your right.

Pushing open the door, you walk inside your classroom and it seems like everyone’s already there, even the teacher. Your eyes meet Taehyung, he has a questioning expression on his face, and you smile a little before sitting on your place.

“Okay, so, who else is not here except Daeryong and Sam?” The teacher asks, looking at the absent list.

“Miss, Wonwoo is not here too!” Nayoung says. You look to your left and she’s right, you thought that he would come late as you didn’t see him when you entered the class this morning.

“Yes, he asked a permission already last night,” the teacher says. “So, now, only Daeryong and Sam who aren’t here. Those two kids…” She shakes her head.

He’s absent? Honestly, you kind of didn’t expect that but you remember when you met him last night, you could see his expression as he was looking up to the sky, you can’t help but to feel like he’s hiding something. Something that he doesn’t want anyone to know.



After buying the usual food, you sit next to Sana who’s already waiting for you. “How’s the group project?” You ask, unwrapping the cookie and take a bite on it.

“It’s finally done,” she sighs in relief and takes a sip of her orange juice. “I saw you went to the principal’s room this morning, what happened?”

You swallow the food. “Well, Eunji—“

“Oh. I understand now,” she cuts while nodding.

You take another bite of the cookie as your eyes travel from her to someone who’s heading to your table. Blinking, you keep eating until that person places the food tray on the table you’re using. Not only you, Sana also looks astonish.

“Can I eat here?” Taehyung asks when he’s already sitting.

Sana just keeps quiet and lifts her brows at you, signaling you to answer him instead. “Yes, of course…” You nod. “But, is there anything wro—“

“I just feel like eating here,” he responds, taking a spoonful into his mouth.

“That’s the same answer from yesterday,” you say.

“You guys ate together…?” Sana has her eyes open wide.

“Yeah, she told me to.”

“Liar. You followed me,” you furrow your brows at him.

“I just happened to see you in class,” Taehyung looks at you innocently.

Sana blinks before sipping her orange juice again while you keep denying him, she knows both of you won’t finish arguing.

“Keep lying, Taehyunng,” you say as you munch on your food.

“Did you study for the test?” He changes the topic.

“Geometry test?” Raising your brows, you look at him. “I did~ How about you?”

“You studied?” He looks at you in awe. “That’s surprising!”

Trying to keep yourself calm, you let out a sigh and just continue your food. He’s not being serious, yeah, he’s not. Relax.



“I hope you all studied last night,” the teacher says, placing the test paper on each of everyone’s tables. “I don’t wanna see anyone below eighty percent.”

You gulp at her last sentence, that’s a tough thing for you to get above that score. You’re not a person who’s good at mathematics, it’s your least favorite subject. Sighing, you prepare your pencil and other things before writing down your name.

Praying for the best, your eyes then land on the first question and start doing the calculation. I hope I can pass this test.


Thirty minutes has passed and now you only have twenty minutes left before it’s the end of the last lesson. You take a quick glance at the teacher and blink immediately as she’s also staring at you. Smiling slightly, you shift your gaze back to your paper and continue it. You actually feel glad that the questions are not as hard as you thought and so far you have no problem doing it.

As you keep writing the answer, a crumpled paper lands under your desk. Looking at the teacher for a second, you quickly pick the paper and read what’s on it.


What’s the answer for num 3?


By looking at the handwriting, you already know who it was. You glance at the teacher and she’s reading something. Writing as fast as you can, you crumple the paper and roll it back to his direction. Thank god, he’s not that far, because if he was, you wouldn’t want to give the answer since it can lead you to detention.


“Fifteen minutes left,” the teacher says, fixing her glasses, eyes still on the book she’s holding.


After hearing her, you continue doing the calculation again but pause as the door cracks open, revealing someone you didn’t expect to come. Still holding your pencil, you look at him in astonish.


“Wonwoo? I thought you couldn’t attend the school today,” the teacher says, placing down the book onto the table.

“Yes but now I’ve finished it. Can I do the test now?” He asks calmly while walking towards her.

“But it’s only ten minutes left.”

“That’s more than enough,” he takes the test paper from the table and saunter to his place to sit.

You turn your head to look at him. He’s not even wearing his uniform, he wears a simple white tee and has a black cap on his head. Rather than his outfit, you’re even more surprise that he’s here just to do the test. You look back to your test and continue what you’ve been writing after realizing the time is only a few minutes left.

“If you’re done, you can put your paper here,” the teacher knocks her own table.

Some people get up from their chairs and do as the teacher said, including Taehyung. After writing the last answer, you check what you wrote all over again to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes and then saunter to the teacher’s table. I hope I’ll get at least eighty.

After two minutes, Wonwoo stands up from his seat to place his paper. The teacher raises her brows in amazement. “You don’t want to check your answers again?”

“I did, Ms.,” he nods. “Can I leave the class now?”

“Ah…sure,” she replies. “You can leave the class too if you’re done,” she says to everyone.

“Thank you,” Wonwoo bows. He slips the pen into his pocket and walks to the door.

You put in all your stuffs into your bag and carry it before bowing to the teacher to leave the classroom.

Letting out a breath of relief, you adjust your bag’s strap and start to walk away. Just like yesterday, today also feels very quick and since you don’t have any important things to do, you decide to just walk calmly.

You keep walking and without you realize Wonwoo is actually in front of you, not like you follow him but both of you are going to the same direction. You look at his broad back facing you and looks away as he suddenly stops in his tracks. Slowly, you lift your head to look at him again as Wonwoo pulls down his cap to cover his eyes a bit before turning around.

As your eyes meet his, you know you can’t do anything about it so you just choose to stop walking. He gives you a startle look and he has his palm covering his nose, making you look at him in confusion. But just in a few seconds, you notice a blood runs down his from his nostrils. Your expression turns serious instantly, “you have to go to medical room…”

“I’m going there now,” he replies and walks pass you.



“Just don’t tilt your head back, okay?” The lady makes sure.

“Alright,” Wonwoo nods and after that she leaves the medical room.

You sit on the couch that’s near the bed he’s sitting on. Wonwoo holds the tissue against his nose as his eyes staring at the white wall in front of him. The room fills with silent and the only thing you can hear is the sound of the clock ticking. Both of you stay quiet and it’s not like you’re out of topics, in fact, there are so many things you want to talk about. However, you know that he’s not going to answer so you’re just going to keep it to yourself.


“That day,” Wonwoo breaks the silence. “He asked me to come very quick and so I obeyed him.”

You look at him, not saying anything him.

“I drove as fast as I could until the car hit the metal pole,” the corner of his lips lift into a smirk as he takes off his cap. “But as soon as I reached his place, the first thing he asked was about the file,” he scoffs while taking another tissue to cover his nose.

You blink once and look down the floor as you listen to him. It’s rare to hear him talking about something like this and somehow you don’t want him to stop. You just want him speak about everything while you’re listening. He’s the student council president after all and you completely understand how tough that job is, not only that, he also helps his dad with his company and everyone knows that already.

“And today after I helped him, he even wanted me to do test too so that I can maintain my useless position,” he says. As soon as his blood stops flowing, he takes the last tissue and wipes his nose with it. “Do you want to become a student council? And take over my position?” He turns to look at you. “I’m ing done with everything.”

You stay quiet and it’s not like you can’t think of anything to say, it’s just that after listening to him, you realize you’re just like any other people around him. The kind of people who see him as a cold ambitious guy but the truth is he just wants to escape from everything.

Knowing that you’re not saying anything, he shifts his gaze to the window next to him. You stand up from the couch and slowly walk to his direction. He can see your reflection from the window as you stand beside him. For once, you finally know how to read his expression so you reach out your hand and caress his hair gently.

“You keep treating me like a kid,” he says in disbelief, still looking through the window.

“You don’t have to force yourself,” you say quietly. “Sometimes, it’s alright to feel like a kid.”

The atmosphere goes silent again but not the awkward one. You put your hand down and take a look through the window also.

After a few seconds, the sound of the rain droplets can be heard through the small room. You didn’t expect this at all, especially when the sun was really bright this morning. As you look at the dark sky, heavy rain starts pouring down and wetting the grasses.

“It’s raining,” you say.

“Yeah,” Wonwoo nods. “Heavily.”

“Can I sit here?” You have no idea why those words came out of your mouth. “No, I didn’t mean—“

“Just sit,” he interrupts. “It’s not like I own this bed.”

Nodding, you take off your shoes carefully before climbing into the bed and slowly crawl towards the window. You smile successfully and unlock the window without hesitation.

“What are you even doing…I thought you just wanna sit,” he utters, looking at you with bemusement.

Knowing that there’s a roof above the window, you poke your head out, inhaling the cold wind as it passes through your hair. “I’ve been waiting for this,” You close your eyes and smile a bit, feeling your face slowly getting wet, which you don’t mind at all.

Wonwoo watches how contented your expression is. Now, look who’s the real kid. He doesn’t have anything to say but one thing he knows is that his eyes can’t leave you.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier but you could care less about it. Instead, you open the window even wider with your eyes still closed. School has been stressful and tiring so this is all you need to make yourself feel better. You blink before completely opening your eyes as you don’t feel the droplets hit your face anymore. Quiet baffled, you look up and realize his hand is just a few inches away above your head, protecting your face from getting wetter.

“It’s getting cold inside, can you close the window as soon as you’re done?” He looks away.

You turn your head and stare at him. Unknowingly, a wide smile plasters on your lips before nodding in understand. “Right! I’ll close it now,” you say.

“Good,” he pulls his hand back and dry it with tissues.




It’s already close to nine o’clock in the night. You lay in your bed comfortable with a blanket covered around you. The rain has stopped two hours ago but it feels like it’s still raining. You slowly adjust your position before closing your eyes and ready to sleep but then your phone suddenly vibrates, causing to open your eyes again.

Grabbing your phone from the mini table beside you, you click the message button and read.


From: Taehyung.

Thanks for the answer :)


You chuckle quietly. He literally couldn’t believe that you actually studied but he was also the one who asked for the answer during the test. You scoff before typing something.


To: Taehyung.

Welcome~ You should treat me some food tomorrow.


You press the send button. You know he’s a fast replier so you just stare at your screen until he messages you back.


From: Taehyung.


Bye, I’m going to sleep.


Scoffing, you decide not to reply him back. You put your phone back to its previous place before closing your eyes again.




When the morning comes, the sun’s rays shine brightly, hitting the school’s building. You walk as careful as you can since the road is still pretty wet by yesterday’s heavy rain.

“I shouldn’t have worn this,” Sana complains while looking at the dirt on her white shoes.

“Why didn’t you just wear the usual?” Raising your brows, you look at her shoes too.

“I wanna try a new style,” she says, flipping her hair and it nearly hits you in the face. You understand immediately what she means, she’s actually changing her shoes for Jisoo.

You nod. “Yeap, new style,” you say sarcastically.

Both of you step inside the building and walk across the hallway. It seems like everyone came early, judging by how crowded it is. Sana’s eyes land on her class as it’s getting near. “I’ll see you on the break,” she smiles, waiting for your answer.

“Sure thing,” you smile back. “Bye bye!”

“Bye, Lim!” She waves before walking inside her classroom.

You wave at her and continue your way. As you reach in front of your class, you knock the door twice, push it open and greet good morning, everyone greets you back. Smiling, you casually walk to your place. You have no idea why you feel hyper today. You keep walking but it turns out, today is not your lucky day…you accidentally slip and land yourself on the floor due to some part of your bottom shoes still wet.

“Gosh, are you okay?” You hear one of the students ask.

You get up and straighten your skirt before giving her an ‘OK’ sign. “Yes. I’m perfectly fine,” you say smiling even though your foot hurts a bit. But that’s not the main problem, it’s alright if it hurts but your pride…you feel so embarrassed and it’s not even the first time. As you reach your place, you awkwardly sit and bury your face into your folded arms on the table. Why am I so embarrassing…?

“Why did you fall?”

You lift your head as you hear a familiar voice speaking in front of you. Looking at Taehyung expressionless, you let out a sigh. “Is that even a question?”

He looks at you with apologetic look before bursting into laughter. “I’m sorry but that was…funny.”

“I know right?!” You try not to sound offended. If there was no one here, I’d punch him for sure. You smile awkwardly and shift your gaze to the door as is opens, revealing him.

“No but seriously, did it hurt when you fall?” He finally stops laughing but you can see he’s actually trying to hold it.

His voice is quiet loud and you know everyone able to hear it. Wonwoo places the absent list on the teacher’s desk and his lips curve into a slight smirk after hearing what Taehyung said. He also finds it funny?! You roll your eyes.

“Just go back to your own place, shoo~” You tell Taehyung and he follows what you say, even though you could still hear him chuckling. Burying your face back into your folded arms, you let out a deep sigh. Great way to start my day.



You walk through the corridor, holding tight the history book against your chest, Mr. Lee told you to return it back to the library. You carefully push the library door open, revealing few students who are busy reading and studying. Quietly, you make your way towards one of the bookshelves which has ‘History’ as the label.

Your eyes then scan through it, searching for the one that has the same cover as the book you’re holding. After success finding it, you saunter to that direction and put the book inside before making your way back to the door.

The break hasn’t started yet so you’re not allowed to stroll around the building expect if one of the teachers told you to. You nonchalantly walk, heading back to your classroom. You’re not really in hurry since Mr. Lee’s lesson has finished and the next teacher has some duty, so now you a have free lesson.

You’re about to turn to your left when you hear someone’s talking. It’s not like you want to eavesdrop them but you stop in your tracks as you realize it’s the principle. You stand behind the wall and slowly take a peek; he’s talking to someone who probably has the same age as him. If you had the permission card, it would be really easy for you to just walk pass but Mr. Lee ordered you to return the book because he had to leave early and he forgot to give the card. You sigh in despair.


“I’m glad he’s being good at school,” the man in his mid-forties says.

“Don’t worry. Wonwoo is always good at school,” the principle says before letting out a deep chuckle. “But I think he starts losing interest in this one subject…”

“What subject?”


You blink after knowing that he’s Wonwoo’s father. But as your eyes focus on him, you finally realize that they do look alike, somehow.


“Physical Education,” the principle nods. “The teacher informed me that he gets tired easily and often took a break during the lesson.”

“Ah…” his dad says quietly. “I’ll tell him about that when we meet later.”


“Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Jung,” he reaches out his hand for a handshake.

“It was nice meeting you too, Mr. Jeon,” the principle shakes his hand before bowing.


As soon as Wonwoo’s dad walks away, the principle goes back into his room. Finally! Trying to act as normal as you can, you walk pass Wonwoo’s dad, heading back to your class until…


“Excuse me.”


Turning around, you look at him, smiling slightly. “Yes?” You ask politely.

“Can you show me the direction to the teacher’s room?” It was Wonwoo’s dad.

“S-sure…” Nodding, you walk few steps towards him. “It’s on the second floor, near the class A1. If you’re go—“

“Ah! Class A1, I think I saw that before,” he nods in understand. “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing,” you chuckle and bow.

“Do you by any chance know which class a student named Wonwoo is?”

You’re actually a bit surprise that he doesn’t know his son’s class but then again you understand that he might be busy, just like his son. “Of course, we’re classma—He’s in class B2, sir.” Why did I even say that…

“You’re his classmate? And your name?” He’s asking because he also wants to ask you about Wonwoo.


“Lim…” he looks up like he’s trying to remember something. “…ah, that girl Wonwoo talking about.”



Your eyes widen in shock immediately, you absolutely didn’t expect that.

Did Wonwoo tell him something about me?!



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Ch. 26. I noticed there were some mistakes but I've fixed it already :)


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Chapter 29: I dont know how many times i already read this stories. It just never make me bored. I love this stories so much that i dont mind to read it over and over again. Thank you for making such a beautiful great stories
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 29: Aweeee its so innocently sweet. Thank you ?
zulaikha28_ #3
Chapter 29: It's so goood ;; this is like the first ff of wonwoo x oc that ive ever read?? Omg ive been finding this kind ff for so long!! Thankyou ♡♡ keep making the good work 파이팅 ^^
Chapter 29: OH MY WONWOOO AIGOO why soo cute. I cryyy it is so sweet. Please make more story like this authornim. For sure i will read it ??
Winterspring18 #5
Chapter 29: Omg i just know it was over...thanks for your hardwork and this happy ending story <3 i love this story so so unexpected wonwoo will propose her awwww they are so cute >.<
And once again thanks for your harworking authorniim~~
i think i'll be so happy if you make new story :))
sinwan #6
Chapter 29: It's a good story authornim!!!
could you please do a sequel ???
write about their married life or having their first child?.. OMG... I will read it althought it's one shot!!
Chapter 29: srsly its already the last chapter?!!omg!i still dont believe it,i want to see more moments of them?Wonwoo just being too adorable here even with his cold attitude and i still love him..great story author-nim i really love ur story?great job??
Chapter 29: It is kind of unexpected of him to propose so early!! It's cute
Chapter 29: I can't believe it's the last chapter TT
Thank you authornim for writing this!
BlackCherry15 #10
Chapter 29: Glad it ended on a good note. I'm curious, however. Why were Eunji and Nari bad to Lim at one point?