
Who Knew?

A week had passed since that day and Namjoon now stood in a small café, dressed in plain white clothes and an old, stained apron. His new job wasn’t too bad and it paid well enough, but it certainly wasn’t to his liking. He didn’t mind talking to people, or serving them, but every time he used the latte machine, it would put up a fight and he would have to let his shift mate make the latte instead.

Hearing the bell ring, the boy waited a few moments for his new customer to get settled before walking over to the table. “Welcome! I’m Kim Namjoon, have you decided what you… Like?” He stared at the boy in front of him, his stomach dropping to his feet.

Seokjin looked up at the younger boy and gave a smile. “Just a cappuccino, thank you.” Namjoon nodded, quickly writing down the order and rushing off. As he finished the drink he made his way back to the table, not daring to look the older in the eye. Placing the drink in front of the boy, he bowed again and turned to leave, bumping into his work colleague.

“Gah, I’m sorry,” he cried out, bowing once before dropping to the floor to pick up the pieces. Seokjin simply watched, sipping his drink. After the mess was cleaned and he had finished his drink he stood and turned to leave. Namjoon frowned and stepped in front of him “You didn’t pay.”

The older boy looked at him with a sweet smile. “If I remember correctly, you smashed my windscreen with a basketball.” He then turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowded street. Namjoon groaned, walking to the back of the café to find his wallet.

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