Moment of Farewell

Look Up at the Stars

The gentle raindrops pattered against window in the dimly lit room as the boy stared out at the garden behind the house. He watched as the fields of flowers swayed with the wind, each of the petals dotted with clear water droplets.

Smiling, he lifted a thin finger and traced the trail left by a runaway raindrop on the window as it rolled down the glass and collided with another droplet, fusing into a larger drop of water.

Rainy days were always his favorite. The air always smelled fresher and the dried grass on the hills would become green and healthy again. Most of all, it meant that he could spend the day inside cuddling with “him” on the sofa and watching old romance movies.

Sighing, he pressed his pale nose against the window, imagining the smell of the moist air outside, his body seated sideways in his chair. He stayed unmoving in this position for a while, listening to the soothing rumble of the rain.

And then it came sudden and unexpected, like someone had struck him across the chest with a hammer. His breathing labored, he fell from his chair, hardly registering the pain that shot through his hip as it connected with the hardwood floor. He felt his airway constricting and frantically wrapped both hands around his throat, eyes widening.

The rain outside doubled in intensity and a rose was blown from its stem, its petals flying away in the wind one by one. He convulsed on the ground, slowly suffocating yet unable to call for help. Another flower dropped to the wet soil and somewhere in the distance, a car screeched it’s breaks no doubt from aeroplaning. And then all was silent as his vision blurred, the water droplet covered window fading away as he slowly lost consciousness.

“Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun!”


“Kyuhyun wake up!”


After being put in a coma for three years, his body had built some resistance to the medication, enough for him to slowly reach for the pen the doctor had forgotten on the table next to his bed and dig it into his wrist, but not enough to fully to cut his artery and not enough to kill himself.

The simple action of holding a pen had already depleted his energy. He let his arms drop to the sides of his body as the bloodied pen slipped from his grip and clattered to the floor, rolling underneath the bed.

He laid there, silently counting down the number of minutes it would take for the nurse to notice his bloodied wrist tarnishing the pure white sheets around it.

As he slowly slipped back into darkness , he felt his body being lifted onto a gurney and pushed rapidly down the hall. Silently, he shed a tear as he realized it no longer hurt anymore.


“I’m sorry. We tried to save him, we really did.”

Sungmin felt his legs give away underneath him as he crumpled to the floor, eyes wide with shock as the tears fell out mercilessly.

“How?” his voice trembled and he couldn’t bring himself to utter more than a single word.

“He had a massive heart attack. It was already too late when he was brought in.”


Sungmin could hear his heart beating through his chest as he looked down the dim corridor for any signs of life.

It was late at night, when most of the doctors and nurses had already gone home for the day. The hallway was eerily silent as he made his way to the door at the very end, his footsteps echoing against the walls even though he’d made an effort to walk quietly.

A sliver of light shined on the plain white walls at the end of the hallway, cutting across the large expanse of darkness in a long, thin streak. It was a sight Sungmin had never seen before and he let his curiosity get the better of him as he hastened his footsteps.

Drawing closer, he realized the source of the light.  Instead of being locked as usual, the very last door had been left slightly ajar and the light from inside had broken out. He held his breathe as he lifted a gloved hand and pushed the door open just wide enough to see the entire room.

To his surprise, despite being so well guarded,  it was a regular hospital room. There was a bed in the middle of the room and a small square wooden table next to it. Several monitors and cords were positioned next to the bed and an empty IV stand stood to the side. Regular pure white hospital sheets were pulled taut over the mattress and tucked neatly at the corners in a manner only nurses could accomplish.

Although the room was empty, he could tell that someone had occupied it for a some time, for the person’s scent was still lingering in the room and as he took a deep whiff, he realized it horribly familiar, a scent that he would recognize anywhere.


Sungmin froze in his steps, his eye widening in disbelief.


Cherry Blossoms…

It is really you?



Authors Note: Sorry for taking so long to update this chapter. From now on, this fic will be updated more often. This time's chapter is so short and confusing...anyways...the way kyu "died" has finally been revealed and Sungmin is starting to realize....

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someday1965 #1
Chapter 5: Sorry to bother you but it has been quite awhile since your last update and I hope you didn't abandon this story. I am so anxious to find out what happened. If you have a chance can you pretty please update. Thank you.
someday1965 #2
Chapter 4: Thank you for update. Please, please do update more often. Sungmin please find Kyu!!
tulip1 #3
Chapter 4: Oh my god! My heart is beating so hard
Chapter 4: this is so thrilling i hope sungmin sees kyu soon
someday1965 #5
Chapter 3: It's been awhile since your last update. Could you please honor us with an update. I would like to know if Sungmin finally finds out that Kyuhyun is still alive.
someday1965 #6
Chapter 3: This is getting very, very interesting. I had a feeling Kyu was still alive. Please continue and update soon.
kyuminempire #7
Chapter 3: Omggg JUST WHAT I THOUGHT! I hope min could do smth about it and make Kyuhyun function again if theres such thing huhu. Next chap please
someday1965 #8
Chapter 2: Oh please don't leave us in suspense for too long; update soon. Is Kyuhyun still alive and in a coma and in that secured room?
kyuminempire #9
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh I am quite amused with the mysteriousness of the story! I am now excited for the next chapter. And so sad Kyu died, will there be a miracle?