Chapter 9: Cute Confessions of the Awkward Kind

7:49:43 (Exo - Kaisoo/Kadi)

This is a double update! If you haven't read chapter 8, go read that first ;)



The next week at school had passed well enough, though with the dramatic confession and kiss in the lunch room the week before, the group dynamic changed slightly. Now, somehow, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are even worse. They may have been aggravating at times before, but now they're also grossly cute and happy


Kyungsoo can tell just by watching them that they really are soulmates, not that there was any doubt to begin with. And though he is of course happy for them, he also can’t help but feel a small stab of jealousy every time he watches the couple interact throughout the day. 


He wishes he could be like that with Jongin. 


He himself hasn’t really made much progress with Jongin, as when, if ever, he found a bit of courage in himself to bring it up, his own self-doubt eventually took over and stopped him from acting. After all, he doesn't even know if Jongin feels the same way, or if they really even are soulmates. Kyungsoo sometimes thinks he feel quite sure, but once again, that tiny prickle of doubt in the back of his mind has his mind filled with insecurity each time he thinks of the other boy and the fact that he could have gotten it wrong and they aren't really soulmates. 


And because of how Jongin had been acting for the past week, Kyungsoo starts to doubt just a little bit more. Though their friendship is progressing along well, Jongin still makes that face whenever anyone brings up Kyungsoo’s crush or asks about ‘Soo’s banging love life’, as Jongdae so nicely puts it. 


It’s almost like Jongin already knows who Soo’s crush is, and is grossed out by it, but doesn't want to say anything to Soo to try and let him down easily. 


Kyungsoo quickly pushes those thought away though. Since he spends so much time with Jongin, he really doesn’t think that Jongin is disgusted by him or something like that, but even so he can’t help what that little voice in the back of his mind tells him. 


Kyungsoo must have a focused look on his face as he thinks through the past week during music class that morning, it’s Friday and they're all in class, which is quite boring since they have a sub this period, because Joonmyeon leans over and taps his shoulder lightly, getting his attention.


“Soo, you alright?” he asks and Kyungsoo can almost see his ‘mom’ mode activating. Jongdae notices this too.


“He’s fine, Joon, let him be. He’s just brooding a bit, that’s all” Jongdae pipes it from next to him, patting Kyungsoo’s shoulder softly.


Before Joonmyeon can reply, Kyungsoo pouts a glare at Jongdae. “I can speak for myself, Dae….and I’m not brooding” he finishes petulantly. 


Joonmyeon just sighs, looking between them. “I’m worried for you, Soo, this has gone on for weeks now”. He doesn't have to clarify what ‘this’ is since they all already know. At this point Kyungsoo has talked to a large portion of the group about his little Jongin problem.


“I know, I’m just thinking about how I wanna do it” Kyungsoo says absently, not really feeling like talking anymore.


“Alright, alright, I’ll drop it, but remember, if you need a shoulder, we’re all here” Joonmyeon says kindly, tapping the table to emphasize his point. 


From the end of the table Luhan speaks up, leaning over the end of the table to look at Kyungsoo. “If you come and choose my shoulder Soo, just remember my strict no tears policy, bro. I don't know how to deal with that kinda ”.


Kyungsoo just lets out a snort of laugher and nods his head. Luhan looks pleased and leans back in his seat while Joonmyeon levels him with a disapproving glare. 


The rest of the period passes with out much fanfare as Kyungsoo silently thinks over what he’s going to do.





After the first two periods pass without much in the way of progress, Kyungsoo lethargically makes his way down to the lunchroom, slightly nervous to see Jongin there.


He’s just sitting down air they table when Jongin appears at his side, smiling and greeting him happily. The sight of his smile and handsome face makes Kyungsoo’s heart pick up slightly as smiles back, returning the greeting.


They both sit down, Kyungsoo gingerly unwrapping his sandwich and not saying anything. He can’t help but feel a bit awkward what with how much he has been thinking about Jongin and the doubt he’s been having about their friendship. 


“Soo, you doin' okay?” Jongin asks after a beat, a hesitant smile as he catches Kyungsoo’s eyes from next to him. 


Kyungsoo sighs, pushing his sandwich aside and burying his head in his arms. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?” he says, turning his head slightly to look up at Jongin from the table.


“We care about you, Soo! And you seem worried or tense about something. The others told me you've been like this since first period” Jongin says, putting a hand on the back of Kyungsoo’s head and rubbing his hair a bit.


Kyungsoo feels his cheeks warm a bit at the thought of the others indirectly bringing up his brooding about Jongin with Jongin. 


“It’s nothing, really, I’ve just got a lot on my mind is all.” He sighs out. It seems like he can only find it in himself to give vague answers today. 


“Well, okay, then how about we get your mind off your mysterious problem, yeah? What d’you say we meet at our park after school? I can’t walk with you there ‘cause I have a dentist appointment next period, but I’ll be done by the time school ends ” Jongin asks, and the way he says ‘our park’ makes Kyungsoo want to bury his head further down into his arms.


Kyungsoo hesitates. “Can we get ice-cream?”


“Of course! That’ll surely cheer you up” Jongin pokes Kyungsoo’s cheek with his left hand, smiling cheerfully and letting out a cute laugh.


“Alright then, it’s a date” Kyungsoo replies, smiling, and certainly not thinking about his words. As soon as he realizes what he just said though, he panics, waving his hands around and spluttering “– I-I mean like, you know, that's a plan, um, sorry, that saying just kinda… popped into my head” he manages as he feels his cheeks go hot and his avoids Jongin’s gaze.


Jongin eyes widen when he hears it, but his expression quickly changes to an unaffected smile. “I know what you meant Soo, don’t worry. It’s not like you would want to go on a date with me, anyways” he says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.


Kyungsoo feels a strange feeling coarse through him, laughing uncertainly “Y-yeah”.


They quickly drop the subject after, instead talking about a project they got assigned earlier. Kyungsoo continues to act normally and not think about what Jongin said, but in the back of his mind, Jongin’s words strike him.


Something not right here, and he isn't sure how to bring it up Jongin. He eventually vows to himself that he will ask about it in the park and sort it out once and for all.








Kyungsoo walks out of school alone that day for the first time in weeks, and his heart is beating out his chest. With time to sit on the conversation he had with Jongin at lunch, he now feels as nervous as ever as he thinks of what might happen at the park.


With the confession he's had in the back of his mind for weeks and Jongin’s odd behavior, Kyungsoo feels acute nervousness settle in him. He keeps repeating Jongin’s words in his mind. 


‘It’s not like you would want to go on a date with me, anyways’


What did he mean by that? He had almost sounded disappointed, but Kyungsoo isn't sure, and he certainly doesn’t want to get his hopes up that maybe Jongin has similar feelings as Kyungsoo.


Pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind, he focuses on walking the familiar street down to the park he and Jongin frequent almost every week. After that first time when they watched the sunset, they've always gone and met at that park. 


Walking by familiar trees, he's almost at the park, but theres no sign of Jongin yet. He breathes a shallow sigh of relief that he’ll have some time to himself to collect his thought and feelings one last time before Jongin gets here. 


He walks up to their favorite bench in the park, which only has a few other people in it Kyungsoo can see, some by the small ice-cream stand he and Jongin frequent regularly, and some are down the hill further sitting on the grass or walking their dogs. 


Sitting down, and facing the sprawl of the city he can see from his view on top of the hill that the park rests on, Kyungsoo takes a few deep breaths, placing his backpack at his feet and just looking at the serene and quiet area. He thinks that this would be a good place to confess to someone, with the beautiful nature and quiet atmosphere, he thinks there may not be a better place or a better chance. 


He wants to confess, more than anything. He mentally holds on to the small hope that Jongin would return his feelings and they would have one those cheesy drama-esque moments here in this park. 


Letting out a wistful sigh, he lightly scuffs his sneakers against the grass below his feet, nervously wringing his hands together in his lap. He briefly looks up only when he hears footsteps approaching from his right side, and sees Jongin walking up to him slowly, smiling slightly.


Kyungsoo can’t help the small smile that blooms on his own face as Jongin walks the rest of the distance to the bench and sits down next to him, their shoulders brushing.


Jongin lets out a small huff as turns to Kyungsoo “I was gonna try and scare you, you know” he says with a smirk, elbowing Kyungsoo cheekily. 

“Really? Well I have super hearing, Kai, so you wouldn't have been able to anyway” Kyungsoo teases back, smirking when he uses Jongin’s stage name. 


The desired effect is achieved when Jongin’s cheeks turn slightly pink, and he looks away with an over-exaggerated grumpy look on his face. 


“So, how was the dentist?” Kyungsoo eventually asks, looking down into the city as they just sit next to each other calmly.


“Scary, I mean, it’s the dentist, but I don’t know, but, um…..n- not as scary as this” Jongin replies, his voice tinged with an odd, shaky sort of tone as he stutters over this words. Kyungsoo frowns at this, and his words, turning to look at him. Jongin doesn't often stutter.


“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo asks, staring at Jongin’s profile. Jongin doesn't say anything for a few seconds; he just looks out into the city with an oddly serious, apprehensive expression. This sets of alarm bells in his mind. Jongin is not always serious, and often hides some of his more serious emotions from his friends. Something must really be wrong now if he is so clearly showing his apprehension. 


“I-I mean” he cuts himself off and sighs. “I told myself that I should just get over my nervousness, but now that I’m here… I’m scared”


Now Kyungsoo is very concerned, wondering if maybe Jongin has horrible bad news to tell him. “What’re you scared of?” Kyungsoo asks hims softly, leaning closer to him to try and get Jongin to look him in the eyes. He doesn’t look at Kyungsoo and instead he swallows nervously. This prompts Kyungsoo to res his hand on Jongin’s arm comfortingly, hoping it will coax him to talk and be less nervous, 


Jongin once again pauses before replying, wringing his hands in his lap just as Kyungsoo had been doing just earlier. 


“I have something to tell you” Jongin says simply “thats why I asked to meet here”. Kyungsoo’s heart skips a beat. The way he says it makes it seem like it’s very serious. 


“Jongin, you’re scaring me. Y-you–” he pauses to swallow the lump forming in his throat ”–d-don’t have…cancer or something, do you?” Kyungsoo gets out, tear prickling to his eyes at his stares at Jongin’s profile.


In an instant, Jongin’s head whips to the side to look at Kyungsoo. 


“No! Oh my god, no… I just have, uh, something to confess to y-… wait are you crying?” Jongin asks softly, his eyes going impossibly wide as he looks at Kyungsoo worriedly.


“F- Jongin, I thought you were telling me you had a month to live or something! I-I’m not crying, I….–” Kyungsoo pauses and lets out a shaky breath as Jongin reaches over and gently wipes a stray tear that had started to run down Kyungsoo’s cheek “W-what do you have to confess?” Kyungsoo eventually manages.


“I-I’m sorry for worrying you, I just wanted to say, that, well I, um, like you. A lot.” he finally says, bringing his hands back into bis lap and looking down shyly, his cheeks red again.


Kyungsoo feels like his heart might explode its beating so quickly. He takes minute to process what Jongin said and he can’t believe this is happening. “Y-you like me?” 


Jongin nods shyly, showing a bashful side Kyungsoo has never really seen before. “I-I know you like someone else, but I really like you, a-and theres more too it, but I-I didn’t want to bring it up because I’m not sure, but the others, well, um, they kept telling me to just do it…and Jongdae even threatened me, really colorfully, so, um, I wanted you to know, at least so he doesn’t, uh… murder me…” Jongin finishes his rant shakily, his knuckles going white in his grip and he sits there nervously wringing his hands.


“I-I don’t like someone else” Kyungsoo blurts out “You are my crush”.


Jongin slowly looks over at him, blinking rapidly as he processes. “Wait, really?” He asks, a sweet hopeful tone to his voice. 




“Oh my god, so that’s why everyone kept teasing you when I was around” Jongin says absently “S-so you’ve liked me back this whole time?”


“Y-yeah, and it was because of something else…” he trails off, figuring that this is there best time to tell Jongin about the mark, at least to see if he has one that matches. “um…this” Kyungsoo says ineloquently, turning to Jongin and pulling his shirt collar down, his heart beating out his chest as he shows the mark to Jongin.


Jongin immediately makes a concerning squeak as his hand flies to cover his mouth. Kyungsoo briefly panics, pulling his hand back from his shirt, but Jongin grabs his hand in his own. He pulls Kyungsoo’s hand over to his own collar, waiting. Kyungsoo then gently tugs on the edge of Jongin’s sweater, pulling it down to reveal an identical mark with the numbers 7:49:43 staring back at him in dark ink. 


Kyungsoo lets out a nervous, yet completely ecstatic laugh, glancing up into Jongin’s eyes to see his own ecstasy reflected in his warm brown gaze. 


Letting out a happy sound, Jongin tugs Kyungsoo in by his shoulders and hugs him tightly from his place next to him on the bench. Kyungsoo quickly returns the hug, placing his face into Jongin’s neck and letting out a wet laugh, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes happily as he thinks finally. Jongin isn't dying, he's his soulmate. Jongin’s embrace feels like home, like he is the piece Kyungsoo never knew he was missing.


Pulling back slightly from the hug, Jongin brings his hand up to Kyungsoo’s jaw, looking into his eyes with such a soft expression it makes Kyungsoo feel like mush. 


“We match.” Jongin says softly to him, rubbing his thumb against Kyungsoo’s cheek gently.


“When I first saw it, I-I thought it was you, I knew it was you…I’m so glad I was right” Kyungsoo replies.


“I knew the first time I saw it too” he pauses, thinking “We’re kinda dumb aren't we?” Jongin says as he let’s out a small fond laugh, and Kyungsoo definitely agrees.


“I didn't tell you because I-I didn't really know for sure, cause you know how marks can be, and y-you always reacted strangely when someone brought up my ‘crush’” Kyungsoo admits, trailing off as he tries to explain.


“I-I–“ Jongin starts, looking suddenly embarrassed after Kyungsoo admission “–Iwasjealous” he says quickly, looking away from Kyungsoo’s gaze with his hand moving from his jaw to grab one of his hands.


What?” Kyungsoo laughs out, looking at Jongin incredulously.


“Yeah, every time one of the others brought up your crush it was like they were mocking me, making you all embarrassed about someone else…I was really jealous, but now I kind of feel stupid” he laughs self-consciously, rubbing hand on the back of his neck and looking at Kyungsoo with a shy smile. 

Kyungsoo just beams at him, completely and utterly relieved that Jongin wasn't secretly disgusted by him, but actually likes him a lot. 


Then, after a few seconds of just staring at each other in what is certainly cheesy drama moment, Jongin suddenly place his hand back on Kyungsoo’s jaw.


“Can I kiss you?” Jongin asks shyly, his eyes sparkling and his beautiful features shining in the light of the afternoon. 


Kyungsoo doesn't reply and instead takes matters into his own hands and closes the distance between their lips slowly, meeting Jongin’s softly in a sweet chaste kiss. Jongin makes a noise of surprise and pulls back, smiling widely, before leaning back in, his hand curling around Kyungsoo’s jaw tenderly and kissing him with passion and every inch of what he is feeling.


They eventually part, though they enjoy each others company quietly for a few minutes as they watch the distant sky turn orange with the setting sun. 


Kyungsoo is curled up with Jongin, his head under Jongin’s chin as they sit together, when he suddenly has an idea


“Hey Jongin?”


“Yeah?” he replies, moving his head down slightly to press a soft kiss into Kyungsoo’s hair.


“How about we have a little fun with this on Monday?” Kyungsoo asks sweetly, hoping Jongin understands his meaning.


He feels Jongin’s low laugh, tilting his head down so Kyungsoo can feel him smile against his temple. 


“Oh, absolutely” he says, letting out a low, slightly evil sounding laugh. Kyungsoo can't but join in, thinking about all the way they can mess with their friends. Most would probably just tell them normally, but given that Jongdae threatened to murder Jongin, Kyungsoo thinks they kinda deserve it. 


The rest of the eventing they spend together planning and talking about their new relationship, with the night ending on ice-cream and that feeling again that curls in Kyungsoo. 


Probably something like destiny, he thinks to himself. 







Later that night when Kyungsoo and Jongin tell their parents, they're absolutely ecstatic. The two families had become close since Kyungsoo’s family moved in down the street, so they even planned a last minute party in celebration and invited over other neighbors and friends. 


The night had been going fine until Jongin’s older sisters joined the party. His sisters actually ended up being the only part of the evening Kyungsoo really remembers, given that he was swept up in happy congratulations.


They had come up to the new couple when they were sitting on the couch, the adults talking in the kitchen about family stuff, and plopped themselves on the couch on either side of them. This was suspicious already, but when they started to talk, Kyungsoo was absolutely mortified.


“So, you guys thought about kids?” his oldest sister asked from the right.


“What about future jobs? Aspirations?” his middle sister asked right after from the left.


Kyungsoo sat there completely caught off guard while Jongin let out a strained “oh my god” from his right and the two sisters looked on at them with -eating grins.


God help them.)


;) tell me what you think ;) next chap will be up eventually (it'll be the epilogue)





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Thank you to everyone who has been reading this fic! It is not abandoned, and will be updated soon! Please anticipate the next chapters!~


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Chapter 10: So cute♡♡♡? Loved it
Chapter 10: Perfect <3
Alisha0074 #3
Chapter 10: Great story!!
111 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awwwww this is so cute!!!! I want moooooooreeeeee T.T
27 streak #5
Chapter 10: Great job author-nim, hope to see new works from you!
Chapter 10: Awh I'm kinda sad to see it go but it's been an adorable ride.
Ha! Take that ChanBaek! Not so special now are we
Chapter 10: Thank you, this was such a lovely story :)
Chapter 9: Hahahahahahaha JongIn's sisters are way worst that Jongdae threatening words. Hahahhahhaha Lovely! I can just imagine how they'll mess everyone else back at school!
Ameline1604 #9
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating authornim! ^^