Chapter 3: First Day of School

7:49:43 (Exo - Kaisoo/Kadi)



He wakes up to his alarm blaring some obnoxious song Hanuel had set as his phone alarm. He blearily reaches out for his phone to turn off the annoying tone. When he finally silences the phone, he stretches his hands over his head, but lets out a pained yelp when he accidentally knocks them against the headboard. He curls his fingers into his palms, and sits up groggily. It takes a minute for him to realize that today is his first day of school in his new home. This sobers him up quickly as he blinks the sleep from his eyes.


Eventually, he gets out of bed and makes his way slowly to his bathroom to take a quick shower before school. He eyes his reflection from in front of the mirror as he takes a quick look at the mark on his collarbone. He sighs softly as he starts to pull his clothes off and get into the shower.






After he gets out of the shower and pulls on some clothes he deems to be pretty good for his first day of school, Kyungsoo makes his way downstairs where he can already hear his parents moving around.


The house is lit with a soft blue glow as the sun slowly rises. His parents are sitting at the counter in the kitJongdae, cups of fresh coffee in front of them and one in front of what he thinks to be his seat. He slowly walks over as his parents murmur a quiet 'good morning'. He smiles back at them as he grabs the coffee and goes to sit down. His mother drinks some of her coffee before placing her cup down and looking at Kyungsoo.


"So, you ready for your first day?" she asks, a small encouraging smile on her face. He thinks that maybe she is trying to make him feel better, but its not really working. He can feel a cocktail of worry and dread curl in his stomach as he thinks of starting at his new school in less than and hour.


"I guess so. I'm just nervous" he finally replies, meeting her gaze. He eyes soften as she look at him.


"Oh you'll be fine, just remember to make some friends, yeah? I want you to be happy here. I know you didn't want to leave, but it was for the best" she says as she reaches out to his hair. He manages a small smile as he nods.


"Yeah, I know. I'll try." he says before getting up to walk over to the fridge. He opens the door but finds little more than some miscellaneous fruit inside. He sighs and picks up an apple, closing the door with his foot as he turns back to the counter.


If there is one good thing about this move, its that his house is actually quite a bit bigger than his previous house. That house was his childhood home though, so nothing can compare to the memories he has of that house. He finds his mind beginning to wander as his parents idly chat while finishing their coffee. He thinks about where he can put his piano and his desk, and all of his posters.


His minds continues to wander, but he is snapped back to reality when his dad turns him and calls his name.


"Hey Soo, when you get home, get ready to unpack, okay? The moving company called and said they would be here around 4, so your mom will pick you up from school today at around 3:30" he said, giving Kyungsoo a thumbs up.


"Okay, I'll be ready." he replies, taking a large bite out of his apple and finishing his coffee. He dad nods, and gets up, patting Kyungsoo's shoulder as he walks past to the living room.

Kyungsoo looks up at the clock as he finishes his apple. Its around 7:10, and he gets up, throwing the apple core in the trash as he makes his way to the stairs to go and grab his backpack from his room.




He comes back down the stairs with his backpack, ready as he'll ever be. He decides to just it up, and pushes his nervousness away as he walks into the living room. His parents are both there, ready to walk with him to school. The school is within walking distance, but they decide to leave a little early so that Kyungsoo can get himself situated and talk to the principle before school officially starts.


His parents leave out the door and he follows, closing the front door behind him as he is met with the fresh cool air of the morning. Its just fall so the air is beginning to feel a bit cool, so he pulls his jacket on and shoulders his backpack, falling in suit next to his parents.


They walk for about 10 minutes before he spots the school. It looks somewhat like his previous school but its larger and much more imposing. Soon he and his parents approach the gate and walk inside, making their way towards the main office where Kyungsoo will get his schedule, and then a tour of the school.


He is met with warm air as he walks into the main building of the school with his parents. They walk through the somewhat empty hallways as they go in the direction of the office. Students don't have to be at the school until around 8, but there are some students sitting around the hallways. Some of them look up at him as he passes, and he gives them a polite smile. One boy though, gives him a 1000 watt smile as he excitedly waves at Kyungsoo from his spot on the floor. He smiles for real this time as he gives the boy a small wave in return. He passes by, looking ahead as his parents continue down the hallway.


When they reach the office, Kyungsoo is feeling slightly less nervous about starting there. The boy in the hallway made him feel better, and he makes a note in the back of his mind to find that boy later in the school day.


His parents walk into the office first and they are greeted by a bubbly, smiling receptionist. She introduces herself and greets Kyungsoo happily, sweeping them into the principle's office to get Kyungsoo's schedule. The principle, he finds out, is a middle aged man with a happy smile, who also greets Kyungsoo in the same manner as the receptionist. It strikes Kyungsoo as strange how everyone in this school seems to be happy, but he pushes that feeling away when he remembers that this isn't the same as his previous public school; its a private city school, so it's bound to be a little bit different.


The principle gives him his schedule after a few minutes of introductions, and asks Kyungsoo to wait outside the office in the hallway while he talks to Kyungsoo's parents about his health insurance and other registration papers.


He finds himself sitting alone in the hallway in a plush chair outside the principles office for around 10 minutes. He waits patiently, going over his schedule, and occasionally looking back into the office at his parents. He can see them through the glass, and it seems like they may not be done for a while. He sighs and slumps down in the chair, resting his head on his hand. He waits for a few more minutes before deciding to pull his schedule out again. He has language first, then music, and after lunch, math and science. He is actually pretty pleased with his schedule for today, but is a little nervous about music class. He loves music, but hopes the teacher won't ask him to perform something on his first day.


He is lost in thought when he hears the door at the end of the hallway open, and the sound of rhythmic footsteps walking down the hallway. He feels a cool gust of wind and looks down the hall to the left where the footsteps are coming from. He sees a boy, around his age, with his headphones on, dancing quite impressively to what seems to be an upbeat song. He watches as the boy comes in, his eyes closed, and his red converse moving quickly as he skips down the hall closer and closer to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo watches the boy with a small smile on his face. The boy is quite attractive with high cheekbones and full lips that are pulled into a bright smile as he dances. When the boy gets near Kyungsoo, he finally open his eyes to look around. His eyes immediately snap to Kyungsoo's and their eyes meet for a few seconds, though it feels like hours. Kyungsoo barely registers the burning sensation on his collarbone as he sees the boy blush impressively, and quickly walk up to his locker with an embarassed smile. He continues to ignore the burning as he smiles at the boy, who is still blushing, with his hand resting on his left collarbone. Kyungsoo looks away from the boy for a second to spare a look at the clock resting up on the wall to his left.




Kyungsoo watches as the boy leaves down the hallway a minute later, smiling back at Kyungsoo timidly with red cheeks as he gives him a small wave. Kyungsoo returns the wave, still smiling. He reminds Kyungsoo of the boy he saw earlier, so he makes a plan in his head to find both of them later that day.


The time from before strikes him for some reason, and he feels like he really needs to remember it. He doesn't know what prompts him to do it, but he pulls his phone out and quickly writes down the time in his notes, and turns his phone off, placing it back in his bag.

Kyungsoo's parents come out from the office soon after with the principle, and he tells them that he will start Kyungsoo's tour now, and gestures for Kyungsoo to follow him. He nods, but looks back at his parents who give him a reassuring smile, and a quick thumbs up, before turning and walking down the hallway and out the school.


He turns back to he principle, who was standing patiently, before smiling and following after him to begin his new life at his new school.


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Thank you to everyone who has been reading this fic! It is not abandoned, and will be updated soon! Please anticipate the next chapters!~


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Chapter 10: So cute♡♡♡? Loved it
Chapter 10: Perfect <3
Alisha0074 #3
Chapter 10: Great story!!
111 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awwwww this is so cute!!!! I want moooooooreeeeee T.T
27 streak #5
Chapter 10: Great job author-nim, hope to see new works from you!
Chapter 10: Awh I'm kinda sad to see it go but it's been an adorable ride.
Ha! Take that ChanBaek! Not so special now are we
Chapter 10: Thank you, this was such a lovely story :)
Chapter 9: Hahahahahahaha JongIn's sisters are way worst that Jongdae threatening words. Hahahhahhaha Lovely! I can just imagine how they'll mess everyone else back at school!
Ameline1604 #9
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating authornim! ^^