Chapter 7: Ice Cream and Sunsets

7:49:43 (Exo - Kaisoo/Kadi)

The next day at school, Kyungsoo can’t help but think of Jongin and his new mark constantly. His mind goes over and over what happened and he feels acute nervousness curl in his stomach every time he even thinks of seeing the tan boy again. He tries to go about his day normally, getting to know his new classmates well, but his thoughts always go back to Jongin. 


When he goes for lunch, he notices that Chanyeol and Baekhyun are nowhere to be seen so he sits down near Jongdae and Joonmyeon to eat his lunch quietly and think over his situation. 


It’s when he is sitting not really talking to Jongdae or Joonmyeon when someone notices his mood. It’s a new boy he hadn't seen before. He approaches the table, giving Kyungsoo a hesitant smile, his sharp face contrasting to the expression he wears as he shoves Jongdae over, sitting down in the newly empty space to his right. 


 “Hey there… Kyungsoo, right? I’m Minseok” the sharp eyed boy greets, placing a wrapped sandwich on the table in front of himself.


Kyungsoo returns the smile, albeit hesitantly. “Yeah, uh- thats me. It’s nice to meet you, Minseok”. He can’t help but wonder who the boy is; he hadn't seen him the day before. Maybe he was absent?


“Hey, while I would like to get to know you better, you kinda look like you’re… not okay; are you alright?” Minseok leans in and asks him softly, brow crinkling in concern. 


 Kyungsoo swallows; was he that obvious? He needs to get a handle on himself. He can’t continue like this. “-I… I’m fine, just distracted, I guess. You don’t have to be concerned.” 


Kyungsoo says, resting his head on his hand, and giving Minseok a small embarrassed smile. 


Minseok lets out a small bark of laughter.


“Yeah, alright. What has you so distracted then?” Minseok continues, obviously curious about what has Kyungsoo in such a mood. Kyungsoo wonders why the boy is so concerned about his state of mind; he's never even seen the boy before today.


“It’s nothing really, I’m just got a lot on my mind” Kyungsoo says, not wanting to give too many details away. 


“Wow, this boy. Am I going to have to pull the answers out of you? Here, on this lunch table-“ He makes a grand hand gesture to the whole table, almost hitting Jongdae “- We tell each other everything. We are like a family, you see. We may not know each other, but hell if I’m going to let the little newbie sit here and fester in his own bad mood” He finishes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, giving Kyungsoo an incredulous look. 


The others sitting at the table regard them with amused looks as Minseok continues to stare at Kyungsoo. He feels a blush warm his face, and he looks away, embarrassed.


“-I’m, I’m just kinda-“ Kyungsoo doesn’t finish as the one person he has been actively dreading  and anticipating seeing, appears at the table.


“Oh, hey Kyungsoo” Jongin says happily when he sees Kyungsoo, a bright smile on his handsome features, and goes to sit on Kyungsoo’s left. Kyungsoo feels his cheeks heat up with Jongin’s sudden appearance.


As if this situation could get any worse, Minseok starts laughing very loudly and hitting the table in his laughter. Kyungsoo feels acute mortification settle in his stomach this time instead of embarrassment. 


The others seem to notice and join in the laughter. Minseok slaps Kyungsoo on the shoulder and just continues to laugh. Saying something about how he ‘knew it’.


Jongin gives Kyungsoo a puzzled look. “Did I miss something?”


Then, of course Minseok just has to say something to make Kyungsoo’s urge to dig a very deep whole and crawl in it, somehow even stronger. 


“Aha! Kyungsoo’s moping over his crush!” Minseok announces between laughs, making Kyungsoo actually want to leave the planet. 


Jongin makes a small noise and his mouth hangs open as he looks at Kyungsoo. Then his face turns serious, looking Kyungsoo in the eye with an intensity he hadn’t seen before.


“Who’s your crush?” Jongin asks, trying to smile but ultimately failing. Kyungsoo’s face somehow gets redder and he thinks he must look like quite the sight. It’s only his first week, why does this have to happen?


 He suddenly feels very aware of the mark on his collarbone. 


“N-No one, it’s nothing” Kyungsoo splutters, giving Minseok a look, who just looks very pleased with himself. 


Jongin then throws an arm around Kyungsoo and regards him with a small smile. Kyungsoo’s mark tingles slightly at the contact and he thinks that this is what both heaven and hell feel like.


“Are you going to make me guess?” Jongin asks, a sharp smirk adorning this face


He leans into Jongin slightly and hopes to hide himself as he refuses to answer and puts his hands over his face. Minseok pipes up from his right.


“Oh Kai boy, leave him alone. Don’t you see how embarassed he is?” Minseok says in an incredulous tone. Kyungsoo feels slightly confused. Why did Minseok call him Kai?


“Kai?” Kyungsoo asks Jongin, his curiosity breaking him out of his reverie. 


A blush dusts Jongin’s face as he removes his arm from around Kyungsoo. “It’s my …stage name” Jongin says quietly. Minseok starts laughing again, though thankfully this time not at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo feels inclined to laugh as well until someone new, a tall boy with black glasses and a beanie on his head joins the conversation.


“It’s his stripper name, isn’t it, Kai?” The boy says, a sharp self-satisfied smirk on his face. Kyungsoo has to fight to hold back his laughter, though the image of Jongin as a stripper puts his mind in a whole other place.


Jongin buries his head in his arms out of embarrassment and groans loudly. The boy laughs and sits down across from Jongin. He reaches over and ruffles Jongin’s hair, which makes his head shoot up, a disgruntled look on his face to match his blush. 


“Damn it Sehun, it’s not a stripper name. God, why don't you don’t give Yixing so much crap?” Jongin says exasperatedly, looking at Sehun with a matching exasperated look. 


“Yixing’s name is fine, your’s is just joke just waiting to happen” Sehun finishes, shifting his attention to his right and reaching over the table to snatch a fry off the plate of a boy, Luhan, if Kyungsoo remembers correctly. Luhan just side eyes him, but tolerates the fry heist. Kyungsoo wonders about their relationship briefly, but doesn’t think much of of it. 


Kyungsoo looks back to his left and sees that Jongin is still sitting there, staring ahead looking somewhat mortified and little bit angry, and Kyungsoo feels he can relate. Though Kyungsoo is very glad the conversation shifted to Jongin instead of the staying on the subject of his ‘crush’. Before Kyungsoo can speak up, Jongin looks over at him, a pleading look in his eyes.


“Please don’t believe Sehun. It’s not a stripper name; it’s my stage name in our dance crew.” Jongin says, smiling weakly.


Kyungsoo just gives him a small laugh. “Yeah I assumed as much, don’t worry. You told me yesterday you that you like dance; I just connected the dots” 


Jongin sighs in relief and smiles at Kyungsoo again. “ Oh, you remembered that? Awesome. Oh hey, I-I have dance after school, if you want to come and hang out with us. Sehun will be there, as well as some of the other guys. Also Yixing, who I don’t think you’ve met. He’s great, I think you’d like him” Jongin rants on as Kyungsoo listens.


Kyungsoo is about to respond that, yes he would really like go watch Jongin dance, when Sehun slides across to his spot in front of Jongin and speaks up. 


Stripper practice is a no go today, amigo. Principle needs the practice room for some event. We’ll have to move it to thursday” Sehun says, a grimace on his face.


Jongin pointedly ignores half of what Sehun said and sighs. “Really? Thats the second time-“ he frowns slightly and turns to Kyungsoo “I guess it’ll have to be thursday then” he says apologetically.


“Oh thats okay, I just want to see you guys practice. Maybe I could meet Yixing in a class or after school?” Kyungsoo suggests, smiling.


Jongin nods “What classes do you have next? I know ‘Xing’s schedule, maybe you have a class with him.”


“Hold on” Kyungsoo says, reaching into his bag and heading over his schedule over to Jongin. Sehun leans over the table to study his schedule. Minseok who was talking to Jongdae on his left also leans over to look. 


“Hey, it looks you have history with Hun, ‘Xing, Minseok and me after lunch. Awesome.” Jongin says, smiling


Oh you also have English after that with Yifan and the terror twins” Minseok says, snickering.


Sehun suddenly leans over the table, looking right at Minseok. “Listen, little man, Tao is Chinese and I am Korean, we are not twins. are we terrors?” Sehun says, narrowing his eyes. MInseok just raises a sharp eyebrow and regards Sehun with an irritated glare.


“You listen, maknae, you and that adderall fueled ball of are terrors, not to mention the fact that you actually are practically identical, what with your perchance for overpriced diva wear” Minseok says dismissively, waving his hand at Sehun who just looks across at Minseok with contempt. 


Minseok’s comment shuts Sehun down, and he gets up just as the bell sounds from above, letting them know that lunch is over.


Kyungsoo sighs and gets up, going to pick up his bag when Jongin beats him there. Jongin hands Kyungsoo his bag with a smile, who takes it, returning the smile. 


They all walk out of the lunch room, Kyungsoo walking next to Jongin on his way to class.








History class goes just as Kyungsoo expects. Sehun is constantly asking the teacher questions and Jongin and Kyungsoo use the work time they get to talk, while Minseok is texting someone under his desk.


“Hey Kyungsoo-“ Jongin says, getting Kyungsoo’s attention “Do you have any plans after school?” Jongin asks suddenly while they continue their work.


“..No, I don’t think so. My parents are waiting until the end of the week to go out and explore the city and stuff like that” Kyungsoo responds, putting his pen down and turning to face Jongin to his right. 


“Oh awesome …well I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, go and walk around the neighborhood after school? I can show you all the good local neighborhood places, if you want” Jongin says, a hopeful smile on his face. Kyungsoo feels his heart beat a bit faster at the prospect of getting to spend time alone with Jongin. 


“Yeah, sure, definitely! Sounds fun. I’m looking forward to it” Kyungsoo replies simply in lieu of anything else to say. Jongin nods and smiles, looking back down at his work as a light blush dusts his cheeks; Kyungsoo is confused as to why, but he doesn't dwell on it. After Jongin looks away, Kyungsoo can’t help but put a hand to his collarbone. He thinks that he's doing a good job not being obvious, and he's glad that Jongin wants to spend time with him too


The rest of the class passes without much happening, and Kyungsoo can only think about his plans with Jongin after school.








His next, and final, class goes much differently then his History class. It turns out that Minseok was right about Tao and Sehun, who are even worse when they’re together. 


Kyungsoo likes to think he is decent at English, but he realizes soon that he actually is very good, given the level of Sehun and Tao, but that Kris is better. Sehun and Tao are in the class for reasons that are beyond Kyungsoo, but Kris, who is actually almost fluent in English, proves to be very helpful to have. They actually get work done in the class, even though Kyungsoo is still distracted and giddy about the plans he made with Jongin. His mark is tingling more persistently now, and he just can’t get his mind off of it. 


Kris doesn't seem to mind that he's distracted, most likely glad to have someone serious in the class. Sehun and Tao are making jokes in the back of the class and Kyungsoo is only half paying attention to the teacher when he notices that Kris himself seems sort of distracted. He’s sitting to Kyungsoo’s left so Kyungsoo can see him turn around periodically to look at something. 


Kris lets out a loud sigh, and taps his pencil against his desk in an almost irritated way. Kyungsoo gets curious, so he leans over and taps Kris on the shoulder.


Kris turns and gives him a small smile.


“Hey Kris, you okay? You seem kinda…distracted” Kyungsoo asks hesitantly and Kris turns around.


Kris opens his mouth to answer, but hesitates and looks back at Tao and Sehun. He just sighs.

“Look at them. Sehun has no idea and he goes and flirts with anyone and everyone” he says distractedly.


Kyungsoo expected something, he doesn't know quite what that something he was expecting was, but it wasn't that. “Do yo- do you…like Sehun? Or Tao?” Kyungsoo asks slowly, regarding Kris curiously. 


Kris splutters “N-no, god no. I just… When you know something about someone, you can’t really see them the same. I just happen to have seen something and I think of it every time I see Sehun“.


Kyungsoo is even more confused than he was before. “Well, are you sure he's flirting with Tao? I mean I have no idea what you're talking about, but what does this thing you know about have to do with Sehun?” 


“Hmm, I don’t know, I just feel bad every time I see Sehun. I can’t explain it; it’s a serious secret. Sorry, Kyungsoo. I appreciate your concern, but I can’t involve you in this” Kris replies, sounding almost regretful. Kyungsoo isn't offended, but he is very curious as to what has Kris of all people acting like this. 


“Thats alright, I just hope that it gets sorted out? Sorry for asking” Kyungsoo says, giving Kris an apologetic smile. 


“Oh, don’t apologize, and thanks. I hope it gets…sorted out too”. 


With that their conversation ends and Kyungsoo finds he almost forgot about the thing with Jongin while he was mulling over the issue that Kris is seemingly very engrossed in. He can only hope it doesn't get worse. 


He wouldn't want to see his new friends get torn up over something.








After his final class, he says good bye to Kris, Tao, and Sehun as he walks out of the classroom and out to the break area. He grabs what books he needs from his locker and goes outside to wait for Jongin. He decides to quickly send his mother a text letting her know that he's going to be out for a while as he waits. She replies quickly saying she hopes he has fun and to be home by 7 for dinner. 


As he waits, he thumbs idly around his phone. It’s about 5 minutes later when he feels someone tap his shoulder, and he turns around, seeing Jongin standing there with a bright smile on his handsome face.


Kyungsoo greets him happily, and they start walking out of the school down the street.


“So, where’re we going?” Kyungsoo asks as they start to walk, falling in step with Jongin. Jongin just looks over at him with a smile.


“Somewhere awesome. It’s a local place. I hope you're hungry” Jongin replies simply


“Well you're in luck then because I am” Kyungsoo says, giving Jongin a playful smile.







They continue to walk for about 10 minutes down the street and past Kyungsoo and Jongin’s houses and up a hill. On the side of the hill near the top, he sees a small ice-cream parlor, and Jongin happily tells Kyungsoo that there going to be getting ice-cream. Kyungsoo laughs and lets Jongin drag him into the ice-cream shop and insists on paying for Kyungsoo when they both get single scoops of chocolate that Jongin claims is ‘to die for’. Kyungsoo thinks that he hopes Jongin doesn't actually die, but he feels sort of silly afterward. The mark is really starting to affect the way he thinks, though he can’t really bring himself to mind.


As they get their ice-cream and walk out of the shop, Jongin continues up the hill and gestures for Kyungsoo to follow him, and they both continue to walk. 


“I have to admit, this chocolate is amazing” Kyungsoo says as they walk up the hill. Jongin just laughs.


“Told you. It’s famous around here, so I wanted to take you. I want you to feel at home in this neighborhood, Kyungsoo” Jongin says, a bashful smile on his face. Kyungsoo feel infinitely grateful at that moment and his mark feels warm at Jongin’s admission.


“Thank you, Jongin. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I think this place is becoming my home already” Kyungsoo says quietly, and the short conversation suddenly seemed too serious to be about ice-cream. 


Jongin throws his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders good-naturedly, and Kyungsoo feels like he truly is home.







They finish their ice-cream while they climb the hill, and near the top, Jongin suddenly breaks off into a run and makes his way up the last leg of the hill. 


“Hey-!“ Kyungsoo starts, and runs after Jongin, who he can hear laughing ahead of him. When Kyungsoo catches up to Jongin, he nearly runs into his back, and joins in Jongin’s laughter. He almost too caught up in his laughter that he at first doesn't notice where they are. 


He stops walking and looks around. They're standing in a beautiful park, tall trees around them, and in the distance he can see a great view of part of the city. He must look shocked as Jongin grabs his arm and pulls him into the park. He makes a beeline to an empty bench across the way with a perfect view of the skyline. Kyungsoo can see the sun in the distance and he thinks that he's very happy at this moment.


Jongin sits down at the bench and Kyungsoo joins him. 


“It’s beautiful” Kyungsoo says simply, looking as the sun sets in front of them, making the sky a beautiful pink. 


“It really is” Jongin says wistfully, and Kyungsoo can’t help but feel like he's not talking about the sky.


Kyungsoo looks over and sees Jongin look away quickly. Kyungsoo feels captivated as soon as he sees Jongin face in the light from the setting sun as it illuminates his face making him look almost  unreal. Kyungsoo has only known this boy for a matter of days, and he already feels completely enthralled. 


Jongin looks over at him and smiles.


“Thank you for this, Jongin”


“You’re welcome, Kyungsoo”






Jongin walks Kyungsoo home that night, and Kyungsoo thinks that the universe is a place of mystery and he can’t help but thank it.



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Chapter 10: So cute♡♡♡? Loved it
Chapter 10: Perfect <3
Alisha0074 #3
Chapter 10: Great story!!
111 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awwwww this is so cute!!!! I want moooooooreeeeee T.T
27 streak #5
Chapter 10: Great job author-nim, hope to see new works from you!
Chapter 10: Awh I'm kinda sad to see it go but it's been an adorable ride.
Ha! Take that ChanBaek! Not so special now are we
Chapter 10: Thank you, this was such a lovely story :)
Chapter 9: Hahahahahahaha JongIn's sisters are way worst that Jongdae threatening words. Hahahhahhaha Lovely! I can just imagine how they'll mess everyone else back at school!
Ameline1604 #9
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating authornim! ^^