Chapter 4: Welcome to the Terrordome

7:49:43 (Exo - Kaisoo/Kadi)

The principle shows him around the school in a brief tour before seeing him to his first class, language, which he can't help but feel nervous for.


Kyungsoo stops when the principle comes to a halt in front of a door with a sign next to it indicating thats it’s the language classroom. Kyungsoo feels the nervousness return as the principle reaches to open the door, and smiles back at Kyungsoo. He shyly returns the smile, and the principle opens the door. Inside, Kyungsoo can see other students already seated at desks in rows, talking amongst themselves.


The principles gestures for Kyungsoo to enter as he opens the door further revealing the teacher sitting at a desk at the front of the class. He timidly waves, and the teacher smiles at him as he steps into the classroom. He sees many pairs of eyes looking up at him, most of them curious.

"Good morning students, I would like to introduce Kyungsoo, a transfer student that is just joining our school. Please welcome him well" the principle says, addressing the class and gesturing to Kyungsoo who is standing in front of the class feeling ever so slightly awkward.


"Hello, it’s nice to meet you all" he says, looking around at the other students around the class.


"Well class, I hope you all make Kyungsoo here feel welcome." the teacher says before turning to Kyungsoo."You can have a seat right there in the middle next to Chanyeol" he says, pointing to an empty seat in the middle row next to a familiar face. It’s then that he notices that the familiar face is the boy from earlier, who was sitting by the lockers and smiling at him earlier in the morning. He is sitting in the seat next to the one he was just assigned, so Kyungsoo assumes he must be Chanyeol.


He walks to his seat, placing his bag on the floor as he slides into his seat. He looks over and sees Chanyeol smiling at him just as brightly as before.


"Hey there neighbor, welcome to our school. You nervous?" Chanyeol asks and Kyungsoo is surprised at how deep his voice is as he speaks, leaning his head on his hands at the edge of his desk while the teacher takes the attendance in silence. He gives the boy a small smile before replying.


"I kinda am; I moved here yesterday and I haven't had time to adjust" he gives a small laugh, and the boy nods his head in agreement.


"Oh, it’s okay newbie, we've all felt like that. What do you say you hang with me so you get used to everything, okay? I'll make sure you're properly welcomed" the boy smirks wiggling his eyebrows, and Kyungsoo is already feeling less nervous, albeit a little bit confused. He is about to say something to thank him, but a voice sounds from his left just behind Chanyeol, and he turns his head.


"Chanyeol, leave the poor boy to make his own decisions, and don't scare him off, you dork. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to hang out with your sorry " a boy from behind Chanyeol snarks, raising an eyebrow at Chanyeol pointedly.


"Oh shut up Baek, you love this ; and besides, he hasn't met anyone else yet." Chanyeol replies, gesturing at Kyungsoo. He laughs at Chanyeol's comment, and at the other boy's ever present and obvious blush and his following stammering. He can't help but think back to the other boy from the hallway though, he hadn't technically met him yet, but he wanted to.

He decides to forget him for a moment, and go back to the others. "Hey guys?" he asks, getting their attention. They both look back at him, blushes dusting their faces.


"Yeah?" Chanyeol says, pushing the other boys face back with his hand when he leans forward, which gets him a slap in return.


"Oh, I just wanted to know what classes you guys have next?" he asks hesitantly, watching as Chanyeol's large hand stays gripping the other boys face. Chanyeol doesn't reply as he looks back at the other boy. The other boy continues to slap at Chanyeol's hand, but he doesn't budge. Kyungsoo watches with intrigue as they continue to squabble, Chanyeol giggling maniacally. As he watches on, yet another voice sounds from his right.


"Looks at those dorks, newbie; thats what your signing yourself up for. It's your funeral. They're so in love they can't get out of each others asses. It's stupidly adorable."A boy with an angular face with sharp features says, rolling his eyes as he watches the couple. Kyungsoo can't help but laugh at the horrible visual the the boy gave him.


"Well, that’s... cute? I guess? Are they always like this?" he asks the the boy.


"Most of the time; Baek and Chan are kinda stupidly in love and everyone knows except them. The whole school ships them" he says, sighing and looking back at the two boys.


"Oh, really? and... uh..Baek?” he asks confused; maybe it’s the boys name?


“Oh, his name is Baekhyun, and you already know Chanyeol. I'm Jongdae by the way, nice to meet you, newbie" he says, extending a hand for Kyungsoo to shake, which he does, smiling at him. Jongdae is about to say something else, but the teacher speaks up from the front of the class, cutting him off.


"So, who's ready to start learning?" the teacher asks. 


The only response is a collective groan.







After his first class, he walks with Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae to the break area he was told they hang out at. He follows them closely, watching other students who are milling around, and those who glance at him with ever curious eyes.


"So newbie, this, is where the magic happens" Chanyeol says wiggling his eyebrows and gesturing to a few couches, which gets him a snort from Baekhyun and a mumbled "-greasy " from Jongdae.


He giggles a bit at Jongdae's comment, and follows them to the couches. He sees more people coming, and soon they come up and introduce themselves.


"Hey there, new kid right? I'm Joonmyeon, how're you settling in?" one boy asks him, a kind smile on his face and a head of flaming red hair.


"Pretty well… I think? Nice hair, by the way" Kyungsoo says, smiling up at Joonmyeon who's smile turns brighter at the mention of his hair.


"Oh really? Well it’s just a style I had to try and-" he starts but is cut off by another taller boy walking up to him and putting hand over his mouth.


"Joon, for the love of jesus, shut up. This poor kid doesn't want to hear about your damn hair, he's just being nice, alright?" he says gruffly, a single thick eyebrow raised.


"You don't have to be rude Yifan, I'm being personable. You should try it sometime, you grump


Joonmyeon says, moving 'Yifan's' hand away from over his mouth. The boy Yifan just signs in response and collapses on the couch next to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo doesn't really know what to say, but luckily Joonmyeon speaks up before he can.


"So Kyungsoo, you gotten to know anybody yet?" he asks, deliberately avoiding Yifan's stare.


"Uh, yeah, I've met Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae, but I haven't met that many other people yet. They're a lot of people here" he says, looking at the dozens of kids hanging around the hallway and the break area where he was sitting.


"Oh, well let me give you the grand tour, young grasshopper" he says in an over-dramatic ac cent, going to sit down on Kyungsoo's other side. He hears Yifan's groan and the sound of him face-palming as Joonmyeon sits down next to him.


Joonmyeon is about to speak when someone speaks up from behind him.


"Joon, no offense, but don't you dare. You don't know anything old man, let me take it from here. Knowing you, you'll just ruin him" a light voice says with a hint of a foreign accent. He sees a boy with blonde styled hair and cat like dark eyes come over and drag Joonmyeon up from the couch and shove him towards Yifan. He splutters as he falls towards Yifan, who shoves him off laughing. The blonde boy clears his throat, and promptly takes the seat that Joonmyeon had previously occupied. Once again, Kyungsoo is lost for words.


"Well, now that that red haired crime against nature is gone, I can do gods work. My name is Zitao, but just call me Tao. I am this groups resident genius on everything social, and I am now going to give you the grand tour of our group, young Kyungsoo." he says, sweeping his hands up in a grand gesture to accompany his short speech.


"Oh, uh, alright? Thank you? Uh, what about Joonmyeon though? And how do you know my name?" he asks, feeling confused and a little bit awed. These people sure are... interesting.


"Joon is irrelevant, since he's like a soccer mom; you can trust him with your problems but anything else is just nope. I, on the other hand, can help you to better yourself as a person, dear Kyungsoo. As for how I know your name, word gets around quick in this school, but word about a cute new guy with bright little eyes and a heart shaped smile? Well, that gets around even quicker" Tao says, giving Kyungsoo a suggestive wink.


Kyungsoo doesn't really know what to say, but he can feel his cheeks flaming up at Tao's comment. He decides to ignore the comment and instead think about the boy from earlier. He thinks, well maybe this is a good opportunity to ask about who the dancing boy was.

"Oh, uh well okay, but I have a question; can you tell me who someone is? I sort of met someone earlier by the principle’s office, and I kinda want to introduce myself? You said you can teach me about the group..." Kyungsoo trails off; he feels a bit awkward asking the question, but he figures since he hasn't seen the boy yet that maybe its best to ask about him.


“Sure. newbie, my pleasure. Who’s it you're looking for? A potential lover?" Tao questions, a smirk adorning his sharp features. Kyungsoo splutters as his cheeks flame up again.


"-No no, its nothing like that. I just saw him in the hall earlier and he seemed nice" Kyungsoo responds with a small laugh.


"Oh god, you're so innocent... Wait, you were at the principles office when you saw him, right? So, you were sitting in that hallway at around… eight?" Tao suddenly questions, his eyes sharpening in interest.


"Uh, yeah, I was. He came in through the door at the end of the hallway... dancing" Kyungsoo says, thinking back to the boy.


"Oh, boy, you met the lovely specimen that is Kim Jongin, aka the hot  dancer who everyone wants. He's great; I can introduce you to him later. He’s very nice and I think you may even be his type" Tao says, another smirk on his face as he winks at Kyungsoo.


"His type? Oh, I don't know about that; I just want to compliment him on his shoes" Kyungsoo laughs, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, but none the less more comfortable around Tao. The people at this new school were seriously nice, and he could already feel himself becoming comfortable with the move and change of environment. Maybe things would start to look up.

Tao laughs in response as he slaps Kyungsoo on the shoulder, getting up just as the bell rang. He thinks back to his other new friends; he doesn't know what they have next.


"Hey, I have business class to get to newbie; I'll see you around later, okay? Then, I can tell you all about lover boy. Oh, and don't listen to anything Joon says, instead, remember what I told you" Tao says, going Kyungsoo what seems to be his signature smirk, and walking away.


Kyungsoo just smiles and gives him a shy nod as he turns away, finding his way back to Chanyeol and Baekhyun who seem to calmed down from their earlier squabbling. He goes up to them and Chanyeol places an arm around his shoulders.


"So, I looked at your schedule earlier, and you have music with us" Chanyeol says cheerily, steering Kyungsoo by the shoulders down another hall to what is probably the music room. He feels a bit of nervousness pool in his stomach despite his good company; he would probably have to sing in this class. He loves singing and the people at the school are nice so far, but he can't help but feel nervous for performing in front of unknown people.


"What are we doing in music?" Kyungsoo asks, hoping to distract himself from the thought of preforming.


"Well, we don't usually do too much work this time of the year, but I think our teacher is planning a performance in a while. Oh and the class is a joint class; the dance class shares part of the room, so we like to watch them when we have nothing to do. Our teacher will probably want to take you out of the class though to 'evaluate your skills', but don't worry. Do you sing, or do you play an instrument?" Chanyeol asks, waiting for an answer to his question.


"Alright, that doesn't sound too bad" he gives a relieved laugh. “Oh, and I sing, what about you guys?" he asks Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


"I do; he, though, is a 'rapper'" Baekhyun says, giving Chanyeol a sideways glance.

"Aspiring rapper, and I play guitar, Baek; I have every right to be in this class as you do" Chanyeol says petulantly, stomping ahead of the group. Baekhyun rolls his eyes and gives Chanyeol a fond look, which Chanyeol ignores.


Kyungsoo just watches the pair as he thinks to how his music class will be; maybe he will meet the boy Jongin? His thoughts continue to wander as he walks with the pair to class.


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Thank you to everyone who has been reading this fic! It is not abandoned, and will be updated soon! Please anticipate the next chapters!~


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Chapter 10: So cute♡♡♡? Loved it
Chapter 10: Perfect <3
Alisha0074 #3
Chapter 10: Great story!!
111 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awwwww this is so cute!!!! I want moooooooreeeeee T.T
27 streak #5
Chapter 10: Great job author-nim, hope to see new works from you!
Chapter 10: Awh I'm kinda sad to see it go but it's been an adorable ride.
Ha! Take that ChanBaek! Not so special now are we
Chapter 10: Thank you, this was such a lovely story :)
Chapter 9: Hahahahahahaha JongIn's sisters are way worst that Jongdae threatening words. Hahahhahhaha Lovely! I can just imagine how they'll mess everyone else back at school!
Ameline1604 #9
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating authornim! ^^