Lost Of Time


“Let’s go out for some food.” Kwon suggests when the plane is out of sight but everyone is still staring where it once was. They all nod even though they would rather stay there and wait for her to return. No one says a word at dinner. Even the waitress is a little uneasy with the atmosphere.

“Is she there yet?” Minwoo looks up to Kwon suddenly. Kwon looks at his watch.

“I’m sorry Minwoo. It has only been two hours. Let’s see…” Kwon pulls out his phone. The other boys are now curious as to what Kwon is doing and looks up from their food. “It has been two hours since she departed so that leaves about 10 hours and 45 minutes left until her plane stops in the States. So not even by the time you go to sleep in an hour to the time you wake up will she be there. That is only 9 hours from now.” Kwon calculates.

“So then by the time we get to the studio, she will just be landing?” Minwoo asks. Kwon nods.

“I see.” Minwoo nods cutely and then goes deep into thinking again. He then speaks up again. “I don’t like the time difference between here and there.” He states blankly.

“There is not much we can do about it.” Donghyun smirks at how childish Minwoo is being.

“I know, but I’m just saying. It is different if she moved to Japan. It’s like two hours away.” Minwoo argues his side while still keeping the same tone.

“Minwoo, there isn’t anything to be done about it.” Kwon assures the young boy.

“I understand this but I just can’t get the fact that it has to be so far away…It’s not that I don’t get it but…I can’t find the words.” Minwoo gives up.

Meanwhile about 13 hours later, Nicola steps off the plane. She pulls herself over to the luggage claiming area. She pulls her bags along with her as she walks off to find her mom. She soon spots her along with her grandparents. Her grandpa takes some of the bags for her while her mom hugs her.

“Take off that honey, you don’t need it here.” Her mom plucks the mask from her daughter’s face. She nods. She is almost not use to all the English at first. Her mother goes on about how happy she is to have her now. They drove to her grandparents’ house where they would be living. Nicola takes the rest of the day to unpack her stuff. She looks around the very faded purple walls. They are almost white. She sits down at her desk and just looks around the room. It was much smaller than her room with her dad. Her closet is half filled with old boxes and the furniture looks ancient and chipped. Her phone starts ringing. She answers in English with a sigh.

“Uh…We don’t speak…uh…the Engrish?” Jeongmin says. She perks up when she hears the voice.

“Hyung?” She asks.

“Hyungs.” Minwoo yells. “Get on your computer!” She does as she is told and goes onto Skype. They are all gathered around the web cam to fit into the picture.

“Is it on?” Youngmin asks. She waves.

“ANYO! IT’S BOYFRIEND!” The boys yell at once.

“Anyo.” She smiles.

“We miss you already.” Youngmin says and the boys all nod agreeing.

“I miss you guys too.” She assures them.

“We don’t have much time but we wanted to make sure you got home safe.” Minwoo smiles.

“I am, as much as I don’t want to be.” She answers.

“It’s late there guys. She needs to get to bed.” Hyunseong answers.

“Aw Hyung, I don’t want to. You aren’t sleepy, are you Nicola?” Jeongmin asks.

“I’m a little tired to be honest but I can stay up a bit.” Nicola yawns.

“Aw!” They all roar.

“Yeah, yeah.” Nicola rolls her eyes.

“We will talk soon.” Kwangmin promises.

“Fine…” She yawns again. “I couldn’t sleep at all on that plane.” She rubs her eyes.

“Get some sleep.” Donghyun laughs. They all say goodbye and make hearts into the camera. She heads to bed, still hurting. For the next few days, Nicola mopes around the house. She doesn’t mean to but her depression wasn’t exactly getting better. The cuts on her arms grew deeper. It’s soon Christmas morning. She stayed up all last night talking to the boys and the boy on her blog. Her mom creeps into her room and gently shakes her shoulder.

“Sweetie, wake up!” Her mom is excited for her to see the presents she got her.

“What time is it?” Nicola mumbles hiding her arms under her pillows.

“It’s almost eight thirty.” Her mom sings.

“I’m going back to sleep.” Nicola shuts her eyes again.

“No, wait, wake up.” Her mother frowns.

“Jieun, let her sleep.” Her grandmother says from the door way. Nicola opens her eyes to meet her grandmother’s in the doorway. Her grandmother winks and Nicola wonders what just happened. Her mother finally leaves to rest. Her grandparents have always babied Nicola since she was little. They tried to never hold her to any standards.

“Thanks grandma.” Nicola shuts her eyes again. Nicola wakes up again an hour later but this time to her grandmother. She is sitting on the edge of her bed rubbing Nicola’s back softly.

“Hello sleepy head.” Her grandma smiles. “Talking all night to those boys?”

“What are you talking about?” Nicola plays dumb.

“Oh, don’t play with me. I am old but not death.” Her grandma chuckles. “So what do these boys look like? Grandma doesn’t fallow the music scene anymore.” Nicola grabs her laptop from her desk and sits down by her grandma after pulling a hoodie on. She brings up a picture from the internet. “Oh, these are idol boys.” Her grandma smirks.

“Grandma…” Nicola lays her head on her grandma’s shoulder.

“So which one do you have feelings for?” Her grandma glances at her from the side.

“None.” Nicola answers. “And doesn’t matter because I won’t be able to go back until I’m 18. They will have forgotten me by then.” Nicola shuts the screen.

“Nicola…you are too quick to judge people. Not everyone is like those people you are suppose to call aunts and uncles on your father’s side. Do you really plan on going back in two years?” Her grandma hugs her.

“I do. There will be more of a push to go back if they do keep in touch but if not, I still want to go back.” Nicola nods.

“I see. Let’s go. I don’t think your mother can wait any longer.” Her grandma laughs. They get up and go to the living room to open the gifts. She mainly gets a lot of clothes from her mother. Nicola spends the whole day outside of her room for once since she got there. A bunch of people from her mother’s side comes to the house. Including some people that Nicola knows how they feel about her. She gets completely done up for this. Now, most of her mom’s family welcomes her with loving arms but there is always that one aunt or uncle who doesn’t accept you because she wasn’t Korean. She doesn’t keep too close to anyone in the family but they do welcome her mostly. She sits and watches as everyone greets one another with bright smiles and talk of their children’s high scores on this test and that. It’s close to nine thirty at night now. She doesn’t even realize she left her phone in her room. Her grandmother crosses the room over to Nicola’s corner.

“Me and your grandpa thought you would like this.” Her grandma says handing her a silver smaller box. Nicola looks up to her grandpa from across the room. He is watching her expression with a big goofy grin on his face. Then there is a small sound as if a ringer on a phone is going off. Her grandma tells her to quickly open it. Nicola lifts the lid to realize the ringing gets louder. She digs through some tissue paper to find a new phone and it’s ringing. Nicola quickly answers it only to find it is a video phone call.

“Uh…Once second.” She says. Her grandma turns the phone around.

“You are to hold it out like this to talk to them.” Her grandma winks. Nicola looks at her grandma like she is crazy but then looks at the slick new screen.

“NICOLA!!!” They all yell.

“Hyungs!” Nicola looks from the screen to her grandma and then her grandpa.

“Your father helped me but I picked the phone.” Her grandma says proudly.

“Nicola! Merry Christmas!” They all yell at different times.

“Umma, it’s Boyfriend. They are a boy band.” A few cousins whisper to their parents.

“Dad, how did you get them to call Nicola?” One asks the old man.

“I didn’t do anything. They are her friends.” He laughs.

“One second guys.” She hurries to her room and shuts the door.

“Are you surprised?” Youngmin asks.

“I am! I get a new phone and a video call from my favorite guys. Are you getting ready for a stage?” She notes their stage outfits. They nod.

“Yes, we are but we wanted to call you first.” Hyunseong smiles.

“Aw, you guys are too sweet.” Nicola smiles. There is a knock at the door and enters her grandma.

“Hello.” Her grandma greets sitting next to Nicola on the floor. The boys bow and say hello. “So which one is Kwangmin?” Her grandma says. Kwangmin raises his hand. Her grandma goes through the list.

“You really know them all.” Nicola laughs.

“Kwon was filling me in.” Her grandma gives her another glance from the side with a smirk on her face.

“Oh Kwon…” Nicola rolls her eyes.

“Nicola, we have to go now for our stage. We love you.” They do hearts.

“Boyfriend, fighting!” Her grandma says. They thank her and then the call ends.

“They seem like nice boys.” Her grandma hugs her. “Come on, we need to go say goodbye to everyone who is leaving.”

After everyone clears out, Nicola is the only one left up. She goes to her room and shuts the door. In the process though, she knocks over her bag. The photos they took in the airport the day she was leaving fall out onto the floor along with much of the contents of her bag. She sits on the floor and carefully places everything back into the bag but leave the photos out. She sits on the floor and studies them. She wishes so badly that she could have spent the morning with the boys then helped them get ready for their stage. She can’t help but cry feeling as down as she is. Little does she know, she was not the only one up. Her grandma listens from outside her door with a huge hole in her heart as well.

The next morning, her grandma wakes her up again. Nicola slowly gets up. She looks at the clock. It’s seven in the morning. She rubs her head as she gets up.

“Your mother has something to tell you.” Her grandpa says. The three of them are sitting at the kitchen table looking at Nicola. “Sit down.” Her grandpa says softly.

“Is everything all right?” Nicola asks.

“Nicola, your grandpa and I talked it over with your mom this morning. We want you to be happy and you haven’t seemed happy since the phone call with your friends. We talked about it for a while, and we decided it would be better for you if you went back to live with your dad.” Her grandma states. Nicola looks at her like she didn’t hear her right.

“You’re going home to your friends and dad.” Her grandpa laughs.

“I am?” Nicola feels a strange feeling of anxiety build up in her stomach.

“Let’s get you packed and on the next flight.” Her grandma walks her back to her room. When she shuts the door to help pack, Nicola watches as her grandma happily helps pack.

“Grandma, I can’t express how happy I am.” Nicola hugs her.

“Honey, I never hated your father. I never hated you but I do hate to see you lay around here being judged. I will miss you but I will know you are the happiest because you are with your friends which makes that sorrow of missing you turn into happiness.” Her grandma smiles. “And make sure to tell my future grandson-in-law hello for me.” She smirks.

“Who are you talking about?” Nicola shakes her head.

“I’m sure you know of a name I am thinking off.” Her grandma smiles. Nicola is puzzled but continues to pack. They finish after a few hours of packing.

“It looks like they have a flight that leaves in two hours.” Her mother says from the computer. Her mother prints out the ticket. They pack her bags into the car and head to the airport. She sits with her family in the waiting area. She pulls the photos out of her bag and just flips through them slowly. Her grandma looks over and looks with her. Then Nicola’s phone starts buzzing. She answers the video call from the boys.

“Nicola! How’s your day?” Minwoo asks from the back.

“Where are you at?” Youngmin asks.

“Grandma! Hello!” Jeongmin yells at the same time as the other two boys talking at once.

“I’m waiting at…” Nicola looks to her grandma for help to keep her return a secret.

“Waiting at the bus station for a friend of mine who is coming to stay with us.” Her grandma acts like she is reminding Nicola. Nicola nods.

“Yeah, that.” Nicola laughs.

“Oh, well we were just calling to say hi. Are you making friends?” Donghyun asks.

“Are you eating well?” Kwangmin asks right after Donghyun.

“Are sleeping well? You look a little tired.” Hyunseong asks.

“No, I haven’t made any friends. Yes, I’m eating well. No, I am still on Korean time.” Nicola chuckles. “You guys worry too much.”

“You are a whole ocean away! Of course they worry.” Kwon walks by in the background.

“Hi Kwon.” Nicola waves.

“Nicola, my friend is here.” Her grandma tries to let Nicola know that they are now boarding people on the plane.

“It looks like I will have to go.” Nicola frowns.

“Goodbye my grandsons.” Her grandma waves happily.

“Bye grandma!” They all say at once and wave. “Bye Nicola!” they all say at different times, some over lapping others.

“Bye hyungs.” Nicola waves.

“Hey, wait. You need to call us Oppas now. We are older than you, even Minwoo. He is older by a month.” Youngmin yells.

“Okay, bye oppas.” Nicola laughs.

“Bye!” The phone call ends.

“Let’s get you off to home.” Her grandpa hugs her. She gives everyone a hug and heads off to the plane.

Many hours later…

“She isn’t answering her phone.” Minwoo looks up from his phone worried.

“I bet she is sleeping.” Kwangmin assures him.

“But I wanted to talk to her…” Minwoo pouts, sticking his bottom lip out cutely. Kwon’s phone rings.

“Yeah, I will be right there. I understand.” He closes his phone. “Dave, can you get them to their next schedule? I have to go take care of some stuff real quick for next week.” Kwon says. Dave nods. “I will be back in a bit but remember with a bigger stage we are taking bigger strides. I know you guys can do this.” He quickly leaves in a different van. He pulls up thirty minutes later at the Seoul airport. He hurries in and looks around but spots her.

“Kwon!” Nicola waves. Kwon helps with her bags out to the van.

“So you are staying for good?” Kwon asks uneasy about the answer.

“Yes, I have full permission to live here.” She nods.

“Thank goodness, everyone has not been too happy about you leaving. I also got you a gift but didn’t get to give it to you!” Kwon smiles happy to hear the answer. “I will give it to you when we get back to the building.”

They drive to the studio where the boys have to perform. Kwon leads her back to the backstage. The boys are just coming out of the room headed to the stage. Nicola turns her back and acts to be working on something as if she is the staff. Kwon does his best to block her.

“Good luck guys!” Kwon cheers. They go out on stage and Nicola first surprises her dad. Dave is so stunned that he can’t stop smiling. He hugs her tight and they watch the rest of the boys’ stage. The boys turn and start to walk off stage but then they spot Nicola standing right off of the stage. She smiles and waves. They run off stage and all give her a hug at once.

“But how?” They all yell.

“My grandma talked to my mom.” Nicola shrugs. They hug her again.

“Let’s move out of the way boys.” Kwon laughs as the boys cause a little bit of traffic for people. They go back to their dressing room.

“You were in the airport!” Youngmin yells. Nicola nods.

“Grandma lied to us!” Jeongmin says as if he can’t believe it.

“I was worried when you didn’t answer your phone earlier!” Minwoo pouts.

“I’m sorry, I was on a plane.” Nicola laughs.

They spend the next few minutes telling her everything that she missed. Then someone comes into the room.

“Boys, we need you on stage for announcing who won today.” A lady says. The boys fallow out the door along with Nicola.

“No wait boys, I’m not suppose to go out there.” Nicola tries to get out from the middle of the group but the boys don’t let her. They keep walking and make her walk with them out onto the stage with a smirk.

“Relax, no one will notice. We have to stand over here off to the side.” Minwoo says. As soon as they announce the winners everyone bows.

“Hey Boyfriend. Did you get a new member?” Aj from U-kiss jokes.

“No, she is a close friend.” Donghyun laughs as they walk off with the older members.

“Oh, where are you from?” Kevin asks in English.

“California, the San Fran area.” Nicola answers.

“I see, and you came to study?” Kevin asks.

“No, to live here with my dad.” She rattles off in Korean.

“Whoa~!” The member say in awe at her Korean.

“She is half Korean.” Youngmin adds.

“Half!” Kiseop says shocked.

“Look at her eye smile!” Jeongmin proceeds to show them.

“Nice meeting you.” They bow and depart. Nicola yawns.

“Aw.” The boys coo.

“I’m kind of tired…” Nicola rubs her eyes.

“Let’s get going then. We have to go back to the studio to change and drop these clothes off for next time.” Hyunseong answers.

“I will give you a piggy back ride!” Minwoo volunteers.

“I don’t need to be carried all the time.” Nicola laughs. They walk down to the van. Once they are at the studio, the boys go to change and Kwon brings Nicola to his office to give her the present.

“Whoa! Thank you Kwon!” Nicola takes off her shoes and slides into the Pikachu kigurumi(the full suit character pajamas). She buttons it up over her jeans and shirt and flips the hood on. “I love it so much.” She grins.

“Come on, let’s go show the boys.” Kwon hurries her into the lounge where he knows the boys are waiting. They all look up from their phones.

“Look what Kwon got me!” Nicola grins happily. “I always wanted one!”

“Whoa, hyung Pikachu!” Youngmin yells to Kwangmin, who is looking wide eye and mouth to the floor at Nicola.

“Tell me that Sundae isn’t trying to push one of us to like her now.” Hyunseong whispers to Donghyun, who nods with a smirk.

“I seen it but now I believe it.” Donghyun whispers back.

“Wait, go like this.” Kwangmin gets up and runs over to her. He does a cute little dance for her to do as well. She does it and grins like a four year old. Kwangmin squeals a little bit. “You are too cute.” Kwangmin is grinning from ear to ear.

“If I remember right.” Youngmin goes out of the room and drags his brother with him. When they come back Kwangmin has one on as well. “I found it!” Youngmin announces.

“Okay you two. Pose for the camera.” Jeongmin takes a photo and uploads it onto the web for all to see. Kwon and Dave walk in to find two pikachus. They laugh. Donghyun crumples a wad of paper and tosses it at Nicola’s head.

“Pokeball go!” Donghyun yells. Nicola glares at him.

“He is just jealous.” Kwangmin wraps his arms around her. “Hyung, how can you be mean to Pikachu?”

“I’m not mean. I captured Pikachu.” Donghyun moves towards Nicola and scoops her up bridle style. “I HAVE PIKACHU!” He runs to the other side of the room away from Kwangmin. Jeongmin takes a photo.

“No! He is team Rocket!” Kwangmin yells. “Give me back my friend!” Kwangmin runs over to Donghyun but he runs over and is blocked by the couches and tables between them. Kwangmin runs one way and Donghyun goes another only to hit his foot and stumble.

“Don’t drop me!” Nicola squeals. Donghyun puts her down to rub his foot. Kwangmin scoops her up just like Donghyun did and runs away to the other side of the room.

“I saved my friend from team Rocket!” Kwangmin says victoriously. Jeongmin laughs and takes a photo. Nicola puts her hand over as she yawns again. Jeongmin gets the shot.

“Hey!” Nicola says. “My eyes now hurt…” She yawns again but bigger this time. Youngmin is fast asleep on the couch.

“Okay, let’s head home.” Dave says happily.

“Minwoo, wake Youngmin up.” Kwon asks. Minwoo gladly does. Youngmin looks up sleepily and nods at what Minwoo tells him.

“Kwangmin, carry Nicola on your back.” Jeongmin instructs. Kwangmin puts Nicola down and let’s her get on his back. Jeongmin takes a photo. “The fans have dubbed you two the Pikachu couple.” Jeongmin smiles. Nicola lays her head on Kwangmin’s shoulder. They all walk down to the van and head home.




A nice long update for the new years. I would have had this up last night but....i...fell...asleep....sorry...

Comment and tell me if you want an update :D or I will take no comment as a no :D

Told you it would get better and a little camo appearence of U-kiss!

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OMO! I need to know more!! Update soon! ^^
I want to know more! Update soon! ^^
update soon... :)