New Friends


The next morning, Nicola wakes up and gets ready. Dave had to leave very early that morning. She walks through the empty apartment feeling somewhat empty. She shuts off the shower and thought she heard a noise. She slowly gets out of the shower, looking both ways and hurries off to her room. Once inside, she shuts the door and quickly changes. Then she opens the door and looks around but sees nothing. She sighs.

“You are being silly Nicola. You need to chill out and get done before Kwon shows up.” She tells herself. She finishes pulling on her shoes when there is a knock at the door. It makes her jump. She peers through the peep hole to see Kwon.

“I have some yummy breakfast!” He walks in to set the table with some homemade breakfast he made for them. She gratefully eats, for she wasn’t sure what she was going to make. They head off to the studio after Kwon quickly washes the dishes they used and puts them away. Kwon makes sure the apartment was locked up before they went down to Kwon’s car. Kwon had the boys picked up in the van today and took his car to pick up Nicola so he could make breakfast. They bow to everyone and say hello as they walk into the building. Kwon opens the door to the practice room. The boys shut the music off and gather around to see what Kwon has to say.

“Boys, Dave had to go back to the states for some important family business. He left his daughter in my care. This is Nicola, please make her feel welcome.” Kwon smiles at the boys with his hands on Nicola’s shoulders. They bow and say hello. Nicola bows as well. “Okay, back to practice. Let’s go Nicola, your father told me you had some school work to do. Let’s go to my office.” Nicola nods and fallows Kwon.

“Hyung! It’s that girl!” Youngmin yells to Jeongmin when the door shuts.

“I know!” Jeongmin yells.

“Come on, back to practice. One, two, one, two, three, four.” Kwangmin counts off and the music starts. After several hours of practice, they go to hang out in their room—which is in where Kwon’s office use to be but Kwon gave it to the boys and moved into the room across the hall. They wander in to find Nicola all by herself, on her computer. Nicola looks up from her computer and bows. They do as well.

“Okay, let’s do introductions.” Donghyun says to the boys. They go through the introductions. Nicola introduces herself.

“Hyung, look, she does have a pikachu sticker.” Youngmin whispers to Kwangmin. He coolly glances at it and nods.

“Hi!” Jeongmin says again. “I…uh…help with the homework?” He smiles.

“Sure, I’m stuck on this problem.” Nicola rattles off in Korean. The others are shocked.

“You speak Korean?” Jeongmin is shocked by how well she knows Korean. Nicola nods.

“I’m just not use to speaking in Korean all the time.” Nicola answers shyly. They nod, understanding. “I am very self conscious about how it sounds.”

“I think it is very good.” Minwoo tries to be cute.

“Let me see this problem.” Jeongmin looks at the higher level math problem. “Uh…Hyunseong?” Jeongmin looks to his older hyung for help.

“Move Jeongmin, let the real smart guy take a look at this.” Hyunseong takes a seat next to Nicola. He helps her with a few problems.

“Thank you! I’m finished for today.” Nicola gathers up her stuff so it is in a neat pile.

“So you speak Korean very well.” Minwoo sits down on the other side of Nicola.

“My mother is Korean but as you see I got all my dad’s looks.” Nicola smiles.

“No way! Let’s see a picture!” Minwoo enthusiastically asks—the other boys can see he is just trying to be cute like normal. Nicola picks a family picture from her computer. “Whoa! You have your mom’s eye smile.” Minwoo points to Nicola in the picture. Hyunseong nods grinning as he sees the resemblance. The other boys gather around to look also. They all agree.

“So you were taught by your mother I assume.” Kwangmin asks.

“Yes, she isn’t with us now but she taught me ever since I was little.” Nicola closes out the photos as Minwoo tries to flip through them.

“Not with you?” Youngmin questions.

“She passed away not too long ago.” Nicola still keeps a smile to mask everything else. “You guys dance very well.” She changes the topic.

“Thank you, do you dance? You are slimmer than a lot of the girl groups I have seen.” Minwoo now tries to be charming.

“No, I can’t dance.” Nicola folds her arms down by her stomach to hide the fact she is so skinny. She feels self conscious now.

“Boys, breaks over. You need to go to do your interview practice.” Kwon pokes his head into the room.

“Interview practice.” Nicola asks.

“We work on our presentation in front of the cameras.” Hyunseong answers. Nicola nods. The boys pull themselves up and out the door. Nicola is left in the large room by herself. She goes over and lays on one of the couches with her computer. She spends the time surfing the web but soon falls asleep. The boys come back expecting Nicola to be bored and they had a game planned they were going to play but she is fast asleep.

“Aw, I really wanted to play that game…” Minwoo sighs.

“Is she sick?” Jeongmin wonders out loud. He focuses on the twins. They are crouched down by her head clicking away at her computer. “What are you doing?” He walks over to see.

“We are just wondering what she was doing.” Youngmin shrugs while Kwangmin clicks. “The conversation she was having looks pretty pointless on here.” Youngmin looses interest and wonders over to a chair to sit down in.

“Whoa.” Kwangmin holds the word out. “Look! She has a blog!” Kwangmin begins skimming through it with Jeongmin.

“Hey, scroll up a bit I’m still up on this silly blog about the dream she had.” Jeongmin chuckles. The page scrolls back up for Jeongmin while Kwangmin finishes the one he is on and starts another one. Kwangmin suddenly closes out the screen. “Hyung! I wasn’t done! You were on the next blog post! I didn’t even make it that far yet!” Jeongmin whines.

“It wasn’t anything too interesting.” Kwangmin closes the computer and slowly places it on the table so he doesn’t wake her up. “Let’s go practice. We have to be spotless for the video shoot in a few days.”

“Good idea!” Donghyun snaps and points to Kwangmin. They all file out of the room.

“Hyung…” Jeongmin whines as Kwangmin pushes him out the door. Hyunseong is curious. He seen the look Kwangmin shot Youngmin.

“I will be right there; I have to use the restroom.” Hyunseong goes into the small bathroom and shuts the door. When all the members are gone, he exits quickly and quietly to the computer. He opens the lid and clicks to the internet. He quickly goes to the history and finds the blog page easily. He skims until he thinks he sees the one that Kwangmin was hiding. He skims a little further to see if there was a cause for what he just read and spots it three blogs down. He shuts off the computer and hurries off to the others so they don’t notice. Hyunseong strolls in like nothing new.

“Hyung, look at how gloomy it is outside.” Minwoo pouts.

“It’s getting colder outside. It’s going to be gloomy.” Hyunseong chuckles. They start practice. Hyunseong can see the twins communicating without speaking again. It’s the looks they shoot each other. It almost looks like a whole conversation has gone by. Hyunseong has to ignore it and focus on the dance moves. After a few hours, they fall to the floor exhausted.

“That…we…are getting really good at that dance.” Minwoo pants. The twins are whispering casually and every now and then Kwangmin pats his right wrist and nods. Youngmin nods when he sees it.

“Is he telling him?” Hyunseong questions in his head.

“Let’s hit the showers!” Donghyun yells. Everyone agrees. After washing off they head to find Kwon. He is franticly searching through papers.

“Sundae?” Jeongmin asks from the door.

“Hey boys, I’m a little busy.” Kwon never looks up.

“It’s close to seven.” Youngmin answers.

“That late already?” Kwon answers from shuffling papers.

“We are going to head out if there is not anything else for us to do.” Kwangmin tries to get an answer out of Kwon. Nicola strolls in and sits down. She quickly covers her stomach when it growls. Kwon looks up.

“It is how late?” He looks at the clock. “Nicola, I need to get you some dinner!” He sighs and takes off his glasses to rub his eyes. “I’m only doing this once. Don’t tell your father but if you want to go with the boys to wherever they were going to go eat at, you may. Otherwise we will have to order something here. My lighting guy for the video just canceled and so did the people that were setting up the water for the video. I have a lot to go back over.”

“We are going to this really good little restaurant a few blocks down from our apartment.” Minwoo beams.

“I haven’t gotten to really try any food around here. That sounds fun.” Nicola smiles.

“Okay, boys, someone needs to be with her at all times. Nicola, call me if you are alone for even a few seconds.” Kwon instructs. “I mean it.”

“Don’t worry Sundae. We will keep a good eye on her and we will make sure she gets home.” Donghyun answers.

“I’m warning you boys. If anything happens Dave will kill me and probably you too.” Kwon looks at them sternly.

“Yeah, yeah, see you later Kwon.” Jeongmin shuts the door so the boys can leave him to his work. Nicola grabs her jacket and bag while the boys grab their jacket then head out.

“They have the best food here.” Minwoo tries to walk coolly. The twins kind of stay in the back of the group and talk quietly again. They are not normally like this but with Nicola there, the other boys don’t really notice. Hyungseong does notice and silently listens to them.

“On her blog is where I found the information. Here look.” Kwangmin hands his phone to Youngmin. Youngmin reads for a few minutes and then hands it back. Youngmin looks up at Nicola, who is laughing at Jeongmin being silly like normal.

“She seems happy though, but that was written just a few days ago. I thought she said her mother died.” Youngmin frowns.

“I don’t know either but on the blog it clearly states she is still alive and well. Was it in that one about the parents splitting up? It seems like it stressed her out quite a bit.” Kwangmin shoots Youngmin a worried look.

“Let’s just try to get a glimpse of her wrist. I will sit on one side you on the other.” Youngmin plans. Kwangmin nods. They arrive at the restaurant after walking for a little while. The twins sit on both sides of her. They order enough food to feed and army and then dig in. Throughout dinner, the twins try to look at her right wrist. By the end of the night, Hyunseong sees Youngmin pass Kwangmin a glance behind Nicola’s back. Youngmin shakes his head and Kwangmin nods slightly.

“That was so much food.” Nicola yawns. “Thank you boys.”

“Hey, you are part of the group with your dad working for us. We are all friends now.” Minwoo says proudly.

“Yeah, and if you have any issues then you should see us.” Hyunseong adds sincerely. She nods.

“Thanks, I will. I feel like I made a few close friends already.” Nicola smiles.

“Let’s get her home so she can sleep. Let’s call the van though.” Donghyun yawns as well. Soon the van is there to pick them up.

“We should send the leftovers to Kwon sundae.” Nicola says.

“I’ll do it. I forgot my bag at the studio anyway.” Minwoo takes the box.

“Okay, this is my stop. Thanks boys.” Nicola climbs out of the van.

“You heard Kwon. We have to make sure you are to your door.” Minwoo and Kwangmin hop out of the van as well to walk her to her apartment door.

“Okay, I’m going to call Kwon sundae to tell him. Thank you again guys. See you tomorrow.” Nicola smiles. As the boys walk away, she locks the door and calls Kwon. After she gets off the phone, she heads in to wash up then off to bed after changing into a baggy t-shirt and sweat pants.



Leave a comment and I will put Chapter 3 out it is done as well. :D

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OMO! I need to know more!! Update soon! ^^
I want to know more! Update soon! ^^
update soon... :)