

“Okay boys, meet our new English translator and schedule manager.” Boyfriend’s manager walks into the practice room while the boys are taking a break. They are sprawled out on the floor when the two males walk in. The boy band looks up from the floor.

“I thought you were our schedule manager?” Minwoo asks blankly.

“I was but now since you guys are getting bigger in fame, I have much more to keep track of. He will help me.” Their manager points to a very stereo typical blue eye, blonde hair male that looks to be about in his middle forties American male. The boys bow and say hello politely.

“Manager sundae, does he speak Korean at all? He also looks a little young…” Jeongmin acts as if to be whispering but everyone can hear him clearly.

“Hello, I am Dave.” The American says fluently in Korean.

“Whoa!” They all cheer.

“We will leave you boys to your practice but he will now be tagging along with us.” Their manager announces. The boys go back to practicing. Not long into practice, the door creeks open. They all shift their gaze to the door. A girl about their age pokes her head into the room.

“Sorry, have you seen a guy that looks very American?” The girl swipes a piece of her short blonde hair from her big blue eyes. She says it in English. Some of the boys look around at each other, confused.

“He went four doors down with our manager.” Hyunseong replies back. She bows and thanks them. The girl hurries down the hall to the room.

“My daughter.” Dave smiles.

“Nicola, you have grown so much since I last seen you!” The manager bows, he is like her second dad that she only sees every so often.. “The boys will be finishing up their practice. You can go meet them.” The manager says. Dave shoots him an unsure glance. “Don’t worry, they are good boys.”

“I think you should stay right here.” Dave pulls a chair up. “While we do some work, you should get to your studies.” Dave instructs. She nods and sits down at the small table with her laptop. She plugs in some headphones and gets to work on some of her online classes.

“Let’s get to work on what we have planned so far.” The manager leads him out of the room to another room, leaving Nicola to her studies in a quiet room. She sighs as she starts to write an essay for her history class. She is still enrolled in classes that she was in when she was in the states that were online so she has to finish them. It was unexpected for them to suddenly move like this. Her father had lost his job only a few months before and was jumping from job to job. Finally, his best friend who lives in South Korea informed him of a great full time job position that had just opened up. It was more than enough to support his daughter.

“Yeah! What’s on the schedule for tomorrow!” Jeongmin yells as Boyfriend enters the room rather noisily. They all stop when they see Nicola and no manager. She pulls out one of her ear buds. “Oh, hi!” Jeongmin tries to speak English while he bows. Nicola bows also. Hyunseong rolls his eyes.

“Hello, have you seen Dave and our manager?” Hyunseong bows and speaks with a little thick accent but still very flawless.

“They went a few doors down to figure out your schedule.” Nicola answers.

“Thank you.” Hyunseong translates so the members know what is going on.

“Thank you!” Jeongmin yells with his high strong bubbly personality. The boys exit the room to search for their manager. They enter the room only to find their manager, Kwon, and Dave trying to compromise over something. They wait quietly.

“I don’t know. I think I should just take her with me.” Dave rubs his chin. “You are the only family I have here Kwon.” Dave smiles up at Kwon. “I leave my life in your hands.”

“I will keep her safe my friend. You go back to the states and sort out what’s left of that horrible situation.” Kwon pats Dave’s back. “I will make sure she gets back home and is picked up every morning and night.” Kwon looks up from Dave to the boys. “Boys, what are you up to?”

“Practice is over.” Youngmin laughs.

“Oh…” Kwon looks through the papers looking for the day’s schedule. Dave hands it to him.“Here it is, you are free for the rest of the night. Go rest up.” The boys high five each other.

“One minute hyungs.” Jeongmin heads for the door where Nicola is studying. Donghyun grabs him by the collar.

“Come on lover boy, I think she was studying and you are not so great at school work.” Donghyun pulls Jeongmin by his collar.

“But I thought I seen a Pikachu sticker on her computer!” Jeongmin knows how to catch Kwangmin’s attention.

“What?” Kwangmin turns around. “Really?” Now Kwangmin’s interest in this girl has him wanting to go talk to her.

“To the van.” Donghyun orders with a smirk. The boys fallow. Dave and Kwon walk into the room that they left Nicola.

“Nicola, I have to return to the states.” Dave states. “There were some issues with Aunt Alex. I have to go talk to all the others to see what we can do to help her and her sistuation. I am going to leave you in care of Kwon. It will be just like when we would come to visit him like old times.” Nicola nods.

“I understand dad.” She smiles. “They are talking to you now?” He nods knowing what he is saying is a lie.

“I’m so glad to have you.” Dave smiles, relieved how grown up she can be at times. “Let’s go home. I need to get packed and ready for the flight. I need a ticket too.”

“I will find you a flight.” Nicola chuckles.



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OMO! I need to know more!! Update soon! ^^
I want to know more! Update soon! ^^
update soon... :)