5 times Jihoon didn't ask for help & 1 time he did


When Seungcheol left the theater club in Jihoon's hands, Jihoon didn't know how he could handle it all by himself.
Except he didn't have to.


Actually a part of the no drama no life series but I wanted to seperate it as a oneshot

Done in chronological order, centred around Jihoon's friendships (but you can view this romantically if you want)

Alternatively called "Thank You"

I apologize for the obvious Junhoon, I couldn't help myself. Soonyoung's actually second in command and I wanted to make his presence more felt throughout rather than dedicate a small section for him.

96line moments everywhere because I'm age-line trash like you can read my previous fic to see that.
Did you catch that tiny performance line moment?

I lowkey ship JiGyu, Jicheol and 2Ji whoops.

I wanted to write in a tiny JiKwan moment in but it didn't feel right, maybe if I write a 98line fic or a Seungkwan centric in.

Also I would like to say that playbooks are harder to make than they seem, good luck Kim Mingyu, I have been there and done that + the SNS.




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