Ancient Book

True Blood



Still Reccess

I went to the library , Finding only books , no librarian. As usual the library were the darkest place ever! :( So far i was browsing through books. Than i saw a dusty book,I took it out the shelve and noticed there is a lock on it but my rosario glowed and it 



I read it , the letters were not korean, it was some vampire letters but when i looked at the letters i suddenly knew what it meant, "The most basic elements to the most average are in order - Fire,Water,Lightning,Earth and Ice ...(Last chapter) Only one Element can be withnin in one person every 100 million years. And it is   ...////////// " Oh its been torn out wait there's more! " This element is the most dangerous and destructive element" RIINGGGGGG >:3 The belll is ringing! oh no! "teleports to class" I'll keep the book in my bag and read after class. I listened to the teacher , we were studying elements It was about Fire. " The element fire is  ...wait do i smell blood?" I suddenly remembered during the fight between me and the girls, i stepped on the puddle of blood... i was like OH OH . The teacher's said maybe its our breaths and continued teaching . " The element fire isdiscovered by pillis omega.This element ................................."


After classes - Lunch

I walked to the girls bathroom and washed of the blood off my shoe and went up to the roof ... I see nobody in the roof top and decided to read it here.I ate my packed meat in my bento :) and read the book.I read about something about the rosario,My rosario, It is safe to keep the nuke element  in since it will drive the owner of this element crazy.. " nuke , so thats what its called.Suddenly Kyuhyun came out of nowhere * oh yeah teleportation* and sat next to me.. " EHHH?! THIS BOOK IS A VAMPIRE LEGENDARY BOOK! THE LETTERS ARE ..." Suddenly the super junior is here too leeteuk said " what did you say about the legendary bo... Wait is that .." I  got pissed and silence them with my thought (wow... nice magic i have there) Kyu nudged me and i realeased the magic.I asked them "Whats so great about this book? its just a vampire book..." Sungmin said " This book only can be read by rare vampires , if any normal vampire read it there wont be anything in the book " I stammered " B-but t-the book i-is filled with l-letters...." Siwon took the book and tried to read it and gave back to me saying " There isn't anything written in here... " I ignored him and continued reading. I closed the book , It locked again and chatted with my brother and super junior.

After school

Me and kyuboy went back to the mansion exhausted , I went up my room exhausted . I read about the book more and suddenly my maid YU LIN came to my room and told me to get ready for dinner and poofed downstairs (lol POOF) i changed into a dark blue tank top and black shorts and like sand blowed downstairs (its like u are sand and getting blowned off and downstairs waz like doing the opposite) and when i was downstairs i saw  my dad and kyuboy at the dining table eating, My dad asked me to sit down and said ..

CLIFF HANGERZ! MUAHAHAHAHA am i boring u guys out? No silent readers or i wil update slower!!! JUZ JOKING!!! :)





yeah right...




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ChoJiYoungELF #1
0.o Super Junior is Vampires? Hah .... I want them to bite me! Haha!
ImmaBlackJack #2
Ugh ok but u rushed a lot
i like this story ^^
For once, I thought there's gonna be some kind of connection between her and Heechul because his picture was the first thing I saw on Chapter 3. :))
Cutie_Pie #5
Well, it seems quite interesting! ^^<br />
Please update soon! :)