This Book

This Book
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Mingyu hated books.

He hated anything he couldn’t control. Reading a book always made Mingyu feel helpless at the desire of the author. If Mingyu didn’t have control over the end of the book he didn’t read it. There were many books that sat on Mingyu's bedside table unfinished. Mingyu hated books because they always had an ending and Mingyu hated endings, endings of books, movies, lives. Mingyu even went to the extreme of writing the end of the book Mingyu wanted, Romeo and Juliette were married happily and lived a long life, racism was solved in to kill a mockingbird and so on… Mingyu liked to have control over everything in his life. Even the people around him.

Mingyu’s best friend, Soonyoung, understood that Mingyu needed control and would always be as predictable as possible with Mingyu; that means no canceling plans, no surprise parties, and definitely no inviting others to hang out. But there was one time Soonyoung broke the last rule…

Mingyu and Soonyoung were going to hang out when Soonyoung received a text

‘Hey, are you still living in Seoul?’ Soonyoung smiled, recognizing the nickname flash on the screen. He sat down on his bed, completely forgetting about where he had to go and responded quickly.

‘Haven’t heard from you in a while, and yeah I’m still at the same place.’ almost right away after Soonyoung’s text was sent he received a reply.

‘Good, because I’m standing at your door…’ Soonyoung's heart leaped and he ran to the door, opening it wide Soonyoung was shocked that he was really standing there.

“Wonwoo! Damn kid, I thought you were joking.” Soonyoung smirked, pulling Wonwoo into a hug. Wonwoo, who was also smirking, explained to Soonyoung why he was back in Korea when Soonyoung received a text from Mingyu

‘Hyung, are you almost here?’ Soonyoung swore realising that he was going to be very late. Soonyoung turned to Wonwoo, about to tell Wonwoo he had to catch up later, when a thought popped into his head.

“Hey Wonwoo, I have to meet up with my friend. Wanna come with?” Soonyoung asked interrupting one of Wonwoo’s stories. Wonwoo’s face changed from remembering happy memories to excitement about making more.

“Of course I want to meet your friend, perhaps… is it your soul mate?” Wonwoo laughed as Soonyoung hit him

“Aren’t you being too informal?” Soonyoung teased, standing and making his way to the front door, “let’s go kid.” Soonyoung demanded over his shoulder and laughed as he heard Wonwoo mumble something about how Soonyoung wasn’t much older than Wonwoo.


Soonyoung knew that Mingyu wouldn’t be happy with him bringing anyone, especially someone Mingyu had never met before, so Soonyoung made Wonwoo wait as Soonyoung walked in.


When Soonyoung tried to explain why he had brought a childhood friend to a meeting that was supposed to be only Mingyu and Soonyoung Mingyu cut off his argument short when he noticed A dark haired, dark eyed boy who was only the slightest bit shorter than Mingyu. The boy looked to be angry and distanced but something about his eyes screamed curiosity and Mingyu was intrigued by this mysterious boy.

“Oh Mingyu this is Wonwoo, my same-age friend from my childhood.” Soonyoung said cutting into Mingyu’s thought pattern and Mingyu suddenly realised that he was rudely checking out this boy.

“Nice to meet you hyung…” Mingyu offered, quietly bowing to the older. When Mingyu once again looked at the boy he had turned to Soonyoung and was laughing at something Soonyoung was saying. Mingyu didn’t really pick up on what Soonyoung was saying that was so funny, he was too distracted by this handsome boy’s beautiful smile.

“Nice to meet you too Minyu-a,” Wonwoo replied in the deepest voice Mingyu had ever heard. Mingyu felt a chill travel through his body when he heard Wonwoo talk, his voice sounded like a deep growl and it made Mingyu feel something deep in his stomach.

“Come on in hyung…” Mingyu mumbled while moving out of the door way and signalling for the two older boys to enter. Mingyu now was happy that he had decided to clean today, unlike his usual mess of a house, the house was almost sparkling clean. Soonyoung walked in first, pulling Wonwoo behind him. Mingyu felt a pang of jealousy as he realised that Soonyoung was holding Wonwoo’s hand.

“Soonyoung?” Wonwoo asked in his deep voice, sending chills down Mingyu’s back and a harsh jealousy that Wonwoo was saying Soonyoung’s name and not Mingyu’s. Wonwoo was about to say something else but stopped short, looking over to Mingyu, Wonwoo made eye contact with Mingyu for what seemed to be too long and too short for Mingyu’s liking.

“Wonwoo?” Soonyoung replied cutting the amazing connection between Mingyu and Wonwoo short. “Is there something you need?”

“It’s nothing…” Wonwoo concluded dropping his eyes from Mingyu’s to the ground. Although the boy looked tough and hard, Mingyu could tell that Wonwoo had a shy and soft personality.

“Oh! Have you started reading the book I gave you Wonwoo-a?” Soonyoung asked and Mingyu noticed Wonwoo brighten at the mention of a book. Mingyu rolled his eyes, there it was ‘the flaw’.

Wonwoo was too perfect so of course he had to have a flaw.

It was just upsetting that Wo

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jesusandklife #1
Chapter 1: This was soo adorable ^.^ keep writing