Chapter 1

Back to the Past (다시 과거로)

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I got a call from SM's chief staff to immediately come to their headquarters due to a urgently needed change in our upcoming comeback.

Great. I was just comfortably curled up in my bed watching Cory in the house when they interrupted at the most important part. And now I was dragging my feet across  Seoul city's streets

I was the leader of our group but someone like Tiffany would have been more suited for this kind of task. 

A cold breeze of air blew into my face making my hair strands brush on to my face. The scent of coconuts shampoo was noticeably fainter than yesterday.

Day wasn't really nice. It should I say it...depressing? Nobody was around. Streets of Seoul were empty. That especially struck me as odd. Usually it's so lively and noisy with people walking and running to somewhere.

 It would seem like i was all alone in a abandoned city if not the good shape tall buildings, markets and cafes. Although it didn't looked like there was something in those either.

ing creepy. Did i miss an evacuation of some sort? I had a strong urge to call someone and confirm that the world was still intact and peaceful. As peaceful as it can get these days. No zombie apocalypse or something like that I meant. I was greatly exaggerating.

For the sake of my mind peace, let's just pretend that all of the people are home because they are lazy asses. That's a decent conclusion and it even makes me feel better about myself. Two rabbits in one stone? But there was one thing wrong. Some people had jobs. Today was Thursday. You get where I'm going right? 

But I just brushed it off the idea of thinking and drawing conclusions not wanting to perplex myself.

In any case i just would prefer to stay home than shamble across streets full of noisy and loud people. Today it seems i'm blessed with quiet streets. Even if it's creepy and odd.

When i'm gonna be done maybe i should call Baekhyun? We didn't call each other for a long time since he was busy with promotions. 

I miss him, i really do. I want to meet him and spend more time with him. There's so much work and so little time to see each other.

I can almost feel how we are slowly drifting away from each other.

I'm afraid that the direction our relationship is headed is toxic. For both of us.

Sometimes i wish that we wouldn't be idols and have normal lives. It would be cool to go out once in a while and do what normal couples do without fear of being spotted by paparazzi stalking us 24/7.


But i can't change that. It's just the way it is. And it has been like that for a really long time. I can't remember a time when it has been different. It's weird even to think about it being different. 

Scarily, even if i would quit being idol they still would watch and critique every move i make. When that thought enters my head i feel trapped. 

When i was young i always dreamed about being a singer. But at that time i didn't knew the price that comes with being popular. I saw singers on television and they looked so glamorous. I was saying that i'll become one of them. My parents were going along but they didn't take the little child's dream seriously.  

I was a naive person when i chose to be an idol. When i entered the music industry i felt like i could do anything. Fame and all of those things wrapped up my stupid head in the short lasting silk of bliss. I was overwhelmed by popularity. 

When we had our first scandal followed by many people's backlash i was so taken aback that i wanted to quit. Of course i couldn't and i had to just deal with it. And i did. 

The following scandals and controversies were just as hard to deal with. I never got used to it. Often i'm still afraid of scandalous rumors damaging my career and life.

A wet droplet hit my cheek ripping me from my reminiscences. I looked up at the sky. More and more of these droplets were hitting and sliding my cheeks. 

''Oh!'' I was surprised. I didn't thought of bringing umbrella with me. 

Getting wet is not that big of a deal. If you're not going to meet people from your job of course. 

Without further thought about dangers of slippery asphalt i started running. 

The rain just started so streets weren't that slippery. My luck on that.

I was fine until i ran out of breath. My chest was getting hot. It was difficult to breath. The cold droplets of rain were hitting me harder and harder. I was not going to move from the spot. I still greedily gasped for air. But that did nothing. It was weird. 

I noticed i was dizzying out. The corners of my eyes were blotting out. I heard loud roaring in my ears along with the sound of gushing blood. It was evident that i was not going anywhere further.  That was my thought after my legs went all jello on me. I hit the ground and unwillingly laid there. 

I did not know what happened. Or rather didn't understand. I was just convulsing from the cold i felt laying on a wet asphalt. I did not wanted to feel like that. 

My eyes did not see anymore. My body did not feel anymore. I was in the state of nothing.

How was that even possible? Why? What happened? 

I was floating in a grey mist. There was only mist around me. I did not wanted to be in a mist. It was cloggy and sticky. It warped around me and clung onto me like an octopus.

I couldn't even try to begin and tear it off me. 


But just like that it abruptly disappeared. 


I felt the wholeness of my body come back. I felt my power to move. 

My eyelids were feeling heavy as i slowly opened them. A light shone in my opened eyes at a first chance it got. What a ing . 

 I saw a white ceiling. And a lamp. On the ceiling.

Automatically, I flexed my muscles, intending to rise up and look around my surroundings.

I felt dizziness again and got scared. I didn't want to faint again. 

I looked around to get a better look at the place i was in.


Author's P.O.V



''Another boring day in the radio station'' Sunny thought while sitting in studio with today's guests. Although she loved her job in the radio station as DJ but these days she just lost her passion cheerfulness for work and almost everything. Maybe it was because of the Jessica's departure. . . . . . maybe because she didn't have a shoulder she could lean on. . . . .Sunny didn't know herself.


Sunny was thinking how much she changed since debut. She did notice that she isn't bright and cheerful like in the old days. She caught people eyes on live performances. She wasn't smiling like she did before, didn't show her energy on performances. She knew her fans were worried about her.

She looked at guests. She noticed that they were doing paper work and smiling ... With a real, sincere smile as if they were enjoying themselves. What possibly they could be smiling for? They were doing boring and same job as she did, except their faces were graced with a real smile. Sunny didn't think it was right for her to be joyful at this time like now. Smiling and enjoying herself didn't seem appropriate.

Sunny excused herself and went outside the studio room. 

There was a long hallway leading to the bathroom. She looked at it and wondered:

''Why is it so far?''

It just didn't made sense. It was so far away from the studio, where people work for many hours a day will eventually need a piss break, so why?

A bad planning or spiteful people? 

Sunny started walking towards in the direction of where the bathroom was. She already left the studio room without an excuse so she might as well use the bathroom as one. 

There wasn't any offices around or in the hallway. The studio was isolated in this hallway far away from any other studio or office. The bathroom was only for people who work in the studio.


As soon as she entered the bathroom she felt strange. 

She picked a cabinet to go to but, her head was messed up. The whole bathroom was spinning like a flushing toilet. 

Sunny went and placed her hand on sink edge instead, to support her weight. Static noises were floating all around her and muffled her own voice. 

The whole bathroom was blotting out. Soon, where you looked, was a merely known world.  

Figuring out she was lost, she let the abyss swallow her whole.


To be continued . . . . . . . .




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Sone_buddy #1
Tq for the update authornim...i cant wait to see their reaction when they know they go back to the past...tq once again ^^