Chapter 2

Star Crossed

After Jimin left us to make his way inside, Mark and I continued to stare each other making note of all the little details that have changed since we have least seen and spoke to each other. Mark probably changed the most out of the two of us since we last spoke, but that was pretty obvious. His hair was styled and dyed a different color and his face was covered in makeup. Even with all these changes, I couldn't deny that Mark was still handsome, but I sort of miss his old appearance more. Mark slowly brought his hand up to my cheek and slowly caressed it. I nuzzled into his touch for a moment and shut my eyes letting the warmth of his body take over.

"I've missed you soo much over the years. You don't know how many times I have thought of you. I have been dreaming about the day we would meet again and I can't believe it's here. However, none of my dreams ever involved you having a boyfriend. But I mean what could I expect? I would be a fool to think that you would wait all this time for me. Why wouldn't someone as beautiful as you move on? Wow, I can't believe you're dating the Park Jimin though. Small world, I guess. Never pictured you as the kind of girl to date someone famous except maybe me though, but I mean as long as you're happy that's good."

I moved my arm and grabbed his hand, removing it from my cheek.

"Maybe it would have been different if you kept in contact with me over the years. No, instead you completely cut me off. You didn't even call! Like what the hell Mark. I was waiting for you forever. I even moved to Korea to find you, but I found Jimin instead and to be honest, I don't think I regret that. Jimin makes me happy. Maybe he is overly jealous and secretive, but I can feel it. We're meant to be together even if fate continuously doesn't want us to be. Everything was just way to simple with you, Jimin makes me feel alive and I think I should head back to him before I do something I'll regret later here. It was nice talking to you Mark Tuan. I'll continue to keep my eyes out for you."

"That's not fair. Why do you get to check up on me while I'm left in the dark about you? Can't we talk to each other sometimes? Just so I can make sure you okay? Nothing more, I promise."

"Life isn't fair Mark. I thought you would know that by now."

"I guess. I mean maybe I wasn't the best boyfriend in the world, but please don't leave me yet. We were really good friends before we dated. Real friendships are hard to find now days, do you really want to throw that away? I haven't seen you in forever. Please stay and talk. Just for a few more minutes? Just until Jimin comes back like he said he was going to. Then you can decided if you want me in your life or not."

"Okay. And Mark, you weren't a bad boyfriend. You just had to focus on yourself for once. If you stayed back for me, you and I both know you would have started resenting me. Just know that I was never mad at you. How could I be? You were just following your dream and I supported you for that. I still do. I was just upset that when you decided to become famous that meant we couldn't at least be friends. It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad that you made it big now and that you seem happier in some aspects."

I saw Mark's face turned up into a smile as he grabbed my right hand with both of his,

"Wait, before you go, can I ask for one more favor?"

I looked towards the door knowing Jimin was going to be back any moment before putting on a fake semi smile,

"Sure. Anything for my Mark, right?"

Mark's smile faded for a moment before he quickly redeemed himself,

"Can you please meet my members just once? I've told them so much about you and I'm sure they would be thrilled to actually meet my first love."

I nodded my head before realizing that I was here to meet Jimin's other members.

"Wait, can we raincheck on that? I'm here to meet Jimin's members. I'll give you my number and maybe we can meet up somewhere and you can introduce me to them."

Mark dropped my hand finally and took a step back,

"Deal... Wait, I don't mean to pry, but how long have you and Jimin been dating?"

"11 months."

Marks eyebrows bunched together in confusion,

"And you still haven't met s? Don't you think that's strange?"

I shrugged my shoulders,

"There just wasn't a good time before now. We have to be really careful around the press and stuff."

"Still, 11 months is a long time."

I felt my body fill with anger,

"He was just making sure that our relationship was serious before he began taking risks and putting his career on the line. I thought you would understand that better than anyone else."

Mark took another step back,

"Chill, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just saying. Anyways, I'm sure you'll have fun meeting them. I've hung out with them a few times and I talk to them occasionally. Especially Taehyung."

Mark then proceed to laugh,

"It's actually quite funny if I do say myself. I've actually mentioned you a few times, but Jimin has neglected to even hint about you once. Small world I guess. Whatever, enjoy yourself, Hyun-Mi and I'll give you a call sometime soon."

Not even a moment later the door swung opened and an expressionless Jimin came to my side and grabbed my hand in his,

"10 minutes up. Bye Mark."

Mark glanced between the two for a moment before saying his goodbyes and quickly grabbing me into a bear hug. I hugged him back but sort of regretted it a moment later after Mark whispered something into my ear,

"Be careful and don't forget you can call me anytime. I'll always be there for you."

"Bye Mark."

After Mark finally left, Jimin began to shoot question after question, giving me no time to answer.

"What was that about? How do you know Mark? Why were you guys so touchy with each other? Do you guys know each other?"

I was confused, was Jimin really this clueless?

"Isn't it obvious?"

Jimin proceeded to shake his head no.

"Do you remember when Mark would tell you about his girlfriend from Cali?"

Jimin began to nod his head yes before realization drawled in on him,

"No. It can't be. He wasn't talking about you. You're suppose to be mine."

I looked down at my shoes. My converse.

"I'm sorry Jimin. It really was me."

Jimin stood there in shock and how oblivious he was. I could see his face fill with jealousy as he was probably recalling all of the stories that Mark told him about me.

"It can't be. No. No. No."

Jimin quickly brought me into a hug that left me unable to breath.

"Jimin... I-I can't breath"

He released me a little bit to allow me to breathe but continued to hug me tight a he sobbed into my shoulders,

"Please don't leave me. Please. I know you might love Mark more than me but please don't leave me. I can make you love me more over time. I promise. I need you. Please"

My heart sank as I felt and saw how vulnerable Jimin was.

"Never. I will never leave you. I love you eternally Park Jimin and I always will. Do you really think me seeing Mark would make me leave you? Come on Chim, have some faith in our relationship."

Jimin smiled as he broke the embrace,

"I love you too."

He slowly kissed my lips and released the rest of his vented up jealousy in the process,

"Kaja, I have to perform soon." 




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