Peach Iced Tea

Who is Jungkook Jeon?

I dressed up as fast as I could and quickly grabbed my red thick coat and handbag before heading out the door. I hadn't gone to Nam Joon's cafe since the first few days it opened up. Jin and I became so busy making our stable life, that time just flew away.

 I took the train and made it to Edae. A little more than a 15 minute walk and I was there. The air was a little chilly, but never the less, still a humid. I tilted my head up and the cafe read "Coffee Monster".

Well. It's cute.

I stepped inside and the door chimes rang. Right away from behind the counter, Nam Joon looked up at me. He had died his hair white this time and had a dangling star ear cuff on. As he looked to see who it was, he gave a welcoming smile. The two workers behind him said 'Welcome'.

"Yu Jin! It's so good to see you yo!" he said coming around the counter to greet me. Near the tables I saw a man and a women in an intense conversation. It looked like the woman was training for some sort of job interview. Along the walls of the decorations, there were some tables too occupying a few teenagers.

"Me too!" I said trying not to make my voice falter in an awkward tone.

"How have you been? And How's Jin?"

"I've been pretty good. And Jin is doing really well in his new job." I replied "What about you?"

"Really good! Actually, I'm getting to open up my cafe in a few other locations too, so I'm super excited"

"Congrats! I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks." Nam Joon said as he grinned, "Oh! Sit over here." He guided me to a small table at the back meant for two.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee?" Nam Joon offered.

I almost giggled. "You know I don't like coffee. I like-"

and almost at the exact same time we both said "Peach iced tea!".

Nam Joon laughed, "Of course! Why'd I I forget."

Back in the day, being part of "Forever Young", Nam Joon was part of the networks of hackers in the main headcourters with Jung Kook. In those times, we always had bets and games on who would get morning coffee. For some reason, Nam Joon always had the bad luck of getting the errand. Most of the people got coffee, but I always got peach iced tea. Commonly, iced tea is popular at most cafes, which is lucky for me.

A few moments later, Nam Joon returned with drinks. I took a sip of my sweet drink and enjoyed the flavor that wakened my eyes.

"So... I'm guessing Jin told you" Nam Joon said, taking a sip of his latte.

"Um. Well, more like I saw it on television as it was being reported afterwards"

"Yeah. It's... not exactly what I was expecting either"

I turned around to make sure no one was paying attention to our conversation and began to whisper.

"I'm just wondering, who thought of the application? And, why was Jung Kook so dumb enough to just go out publicly without covering up his identity?" I pondered.

"A bit has changed since you and some of the other members left. I don't know the details. But..."

I looked at Nam Joon. "But?"

"See... actually. Jin was suppose to meet me instead, but Jung Kook called for you."

"He did what?!" I almost shouted.

"Shhh, I got the word that Jimin that Jung Kook wants to see you, okay."

"The whole city is on a gossip rampage and you want me to get involved? Do you know how much I could get in with being seen as a possible link?" I stated. I wanted to rant. Jin and I had tried to get away from the group in order to safe our asses from illegal works. For new paths, but again. It seems like... Jung Kook is dragging us down.

"Listen. Listen. I- He won't tell us anything. He just said that he needed you. That only you know what to do. At least that's what Jimin told me."

I tried to wrap my head around it. I thought I was finally starting to get my life starting again.

"Why should I?" I asked Nam Joon.

Nam Joon looked down and graped a crumpled paper from his pocket and handed it to me. I uncrumpled it and it read "Someone will hear you".

"ing Jung Kook" I muttered.

"So, are you going to go to him?" Nam Joon asked.

"Well it seems like I don't have any good cons on why I shouldn't go" I stated sarcastically.

Nam Joon looked relieved. "Hey, you know, you'll be okay. Jung Kook's intentions are never to harm people or at least try his best not to".

"Yeah. Yeah."

"I'll get you another iced tea before you leave. And one more thing?" Nam Joon requested standing up from the table.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"I know he said that", pointing at the note I had in my hand, "On the thing. What do you think he really means by that?"

"I don't know. But I feel like I should know"


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