Chapter 2

Little Things

Taeyeon's POV


Thank god I was the first one to wake up before her. Its still early and I should let her sleep more though. Sigh. I'm glad that she looks better than last night. I pull the blanket to cover her body and make my way to the bathroom.



Anyway, because of Tiffany I didnt walk to school anymore. I kinda worried that she might get tired or something. Well she's still not feeling well and I just dont wanna see her sick. Mr Eric, one of the best worker in my house will drive us to school later. It will be the first time he drive me to school after 5 months. Since my mother passed away, I walked to school everyday.



On our way to school, we didnt talk at all. I look out of the window ignoring Tiffany that have been quiet since our breakfast. I dont know what happen to her, its not my problem. As long as she's fine. As soon as we arrived at school, I walk ahead leaving her behind me. People must be wonder why is she with me right now. Whatever. I dont care at all. I saw Yuri and Sooyoung at the corridor. "Hey buddy. You okay?" Sooyoung asked me. I nodded. "Wassup?" I asked them and find my way to my seat. "Well bro, we've practice today. Just like before." Yuri said. She was so excited. I put my bag on the desk while looking at them. "What practice? I'm not interested guys." Sooyoung sat on my desk followed by Yuri. "What the you're going to break my desk." I push them away from my desk and glared at them. "Whatever Tae. Anyway its basketball. Your fav game dude. We already joined the team a few minutes ago." Sooyoung is begging me with her so not cute eyes while tugging my clothes like a little kid. "Seriously Choi." I rolled my eyes at her. "Just play without me then. Like I said, I'm not interested." I rubbed my temple having a headache because of these friends of mine. smh. "But dude, we already put your name on the list. You're going to practice with us later." Yuri said making me speechless. "WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THAT?!" they ran out of the classroom as soon as I yelled at them. Seriously these people..



Author's POV


Taeyeon wear her jersy for the practice. She had no choice since the name list has been sent to their coach. Yuri and Sooyoung are wearing the same jersy as Taeyeon. The girls had no idea that a lot of students are watching them right now since its a lunch time. People admires Taeyeon. Who wouldnt like her if she's the captain of the basketball team since 2 years ago and she's the most attractive girl that can make boys and girls down for her. Even since she looked cold now, people never stop admiring her.



Tiffany walks to the crowd to watch the practice since she had nothing to do after her lunch but unfortunately, someone blocked her way. "Where do you think you are going?" the cold voice makes Tiffany nervous. Its Mirae, one of Taeyeon's biggest fan. The brunette realized the situation. She was about to get bullied by this girl. She thought to herself. "Cant even answer her question? Huh Tiffany?" the girl named Yoorae pulled her from behind harshly. "Let me guess. You want to see our basketball's captain arent you? Am I right?" Haeri said while staring at Tiffany's eyes. The brunette fell down on the hard floor by a strong pushed from another girl. "I dare you to do this again and I'll make sure, you'll regret it. . You dare flirting with our captain, I'll make your life miserable. Know where you stand girl. Stay away." Jooyeon smirks evilly.



Tiffany is leaning on the wall while hugging her knees. She look around, asking for help. But no one care. They even not looking at her being bullied by these scary people. A tear fell from her left eye making Mirae scoffed. "Aww poor you. No one dare to help you right now I'm sorry Tiffany." she shook her head and sighs. "What can we do for you? Give me your mom's number. I'll call her to pick you up now." Haeri took out her phone and pretend to dial a numbers. Tiffany cried harder as they continue to make fun of her. She lost her mom a long time ago and yet these people are making fun of her like this. They know about Tiffany's parents since the poor girl had told everyone in her classroom after introduced herself.



A few moments later.


The bell is ringing and its time to go home. Taeyeon and others just done with the practice and they leave the basketball court. The captain stuffed everything inside her bag and close her locker. Mr Eric is waiting for her patiently outside the school gate. "Is she here yet?" Taeyeon asked about Tiffany. "Not yet Taeyeon-ssi." the middle age man bowed politely at the young girl. Taeyeon look around and sighs. She leave her bag to Mr Eric and went inside the school to find Tiffany. Maybe the girl has fallen asleep in the classroom. Thats what she thought.



To her surprise, Tiffany wasnt there at the classroom. But only her bag though. "Where is she?" Taeyeon asked herself. She started to think that something might happen to the girl when she's not around. "Rooftop maybe?" Taeyeon wasted no time and ran to the rooftop with hope she can find the girl.





Just like what she thought. Tiffany is laying on the bench. Sleeping. She sighs in relieved. All her worry fade away as soon as she saw the girl's face. "Tiffany..hey, wake up. Lets go home." she pat Tiffany's shoulder slowly. The sleeping girl stirred in her sleep. "Fany.." Taeyeon rubs the girl's back and it makes Tiffany woke up. "I'm sorry. I fell asleep waiting for you." the eyesmile girl rubbed her eyes cutely. Taeyeon smile unconciously. "You should just wait outside with Mr Eric. Atleast I'm not worried and you're alright with him." Taeyeon sat next to the girl.



Tiffany pouted. "I'm sorry. I wont fell asleep again I promise." the latter just smile at Tiffany. "Its okay. You must tired right? Lets go home. You can continue your sleep later. Come on." Taeyeon said and the girl nodded obediently. They leave rooftop and get inside the car.



Tiffany suddenly remember something. "There's these girls...they told me to stay away from the basketball's captain. They were kinda, threaten me. I didnt even had the chance to explain anything to them. I dont know who's that person they were talking about. But they made fun of me..they..t-they.." Tiffany starts crying. Taeyeon was shocked to hear that. She cursed silently. She pull Tiffany into her embrace and the girl start crying out loud.



"Fany, seriously you dont have to be scared of them. No need to care or listen to whatever they said to you. They're stupid. They're wasting your time. Not even worth it." she rubs Tiffany's back. "They were just jealous because you can meet that basketball's captain 24/7." Taeyeon smiles as Tiffany broke the hug. "What do you mean? I told you I dont know that person." the brunette sniffed softly and wiped the tears away from her face. Taeyeon hold Tiffany's hand and smile. "Yah, you know me. How could you?" Taeyeon pouted pretend to sulks. "Hm? I dont understand." Tiffany still confused. "Aigoo this girl." Taeyeon her jacket and show her jersy to Tiffany. "Look here." she pointed at the left where Tiffany could see it clearly. "I am the basketball's captain. They saw you came to school with me this morning so maybe they mad at you." Tiffany gasped at the latter after what she saw. "Now stop crying and come on, show me your smile. You said you can do anything for me right? I still remember everything you said yesterday Fany. I want you to smile and ignore them. I'll be there for you whenever you need me. I'll make sure they wont bother you anymore. Trust me." Taeyeon make a pinky promise with the eyesmile girl.



And just like that they become closer than before. Taeyeon didnt act cold towards her. Taeyeon kept her promise to protect Tiffany from those girls and with Yuri and Sooyoung's help, Tiffany didnt feel scared anymore. Taeyeon had to admit that Tiffany has melted the ice on her. 








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84 streak #1
Chapter 4: Owww ... Heheh maybe thats why tiff is there for you ... So she can help you slowly forget about the bad memories ... And replace it with a new good one ... Heheh taeny ...pleaseee update again