Chapter 1

Little Things

Taeyeon's POV


Today is the first day of the 2nd year and as usual, I'm not in the mood and I'm not interested with everything around me. Its too crowded and I'll just go to my classroom. Sigh. My life is . Why? Its because of my father. He remarried after 5 months, 5 FREAKING months after my mother's death. How could is he? Seriously. How could he remarried with another woman and worse that woman is my mother's bestfriend! I dont understan- NO I WONT UNDERSTAND HIM. He forget my mother so easily. this. I dont know what is happening in my life. He's not my father anymore. I hate him.



My classroom is noisy and yea they were all excited to meet again after the school break. How lucky that they can spend their holiday with their parents. Unlike me.



My classmate, Yuri took a seat next to me. She's my bestfriend and she knew everything about my life. "Hey Tae, you okay? Still moody?" she asked me. Told ya, she knows about my father cus I wont hide anything from her. I just sigh and close my eyes. "Tae...I know how it feels like." she my back while facing me. "You can come to my house if you want. I know that you're still mad at him so, to stop the satan inside your body from killing him maybe you should stay away for awhile. I dont wanna see you in jail." I glared at her and she just laugh nervously. This girl though. "Maybe I should change my target." she gulped and it makes me laugh.



She was about to say something but then our teacher appear with someone behind her. I dont really care about that but obviously, new student. "Okay class, this is your new classmate. Please introduce yourself to others." Ms Park said her and yea, bingo. I just stares outside ignoring everything in my classroom. Sigh. I should really stay away from my father for awhile. Yuri's idea is nice though. I'll just stay at her house for a few days. I couldnt stay any longer at my own house seeing my father with his wife. Pfft. Screw them. I'll bet my father will never choose me over his wife. He never care about me. So why bother to lived at the same house right?






Lunch time.


I dont have appetite so I'll just take a nap at the rooftop. I need to clear my mind. Rooftop is always be my special hideout and everyone know that so they will never be there. They wont even dare to come closer to me. After my mother passed away, I've changed. I started to be cold to everyone. Well actually, I hate myself for being like this. But my father...sigh. Blame him for everything.



I push the door with my hand and walk closer to the bench. But I saw someone laying on bench, asleep. Sigh. Why people always ruin my mood? I need to be alone and yet this person even sleeping here! I was about to curse out but then I stopped. Its her. The new student in my classroom. Tch, should I wake her up? I dont want to leave this place just because of her but I dont wanna stay either. Ugh fine. I've nowhere to go now. I'll just stay here for awhile. I sat on the bench without waking her up. I saw her face. Why so pale? Is she sick? Wait. Why I even care geez. I saw something on the ground. Meds? Pfft okay she's sick but seriously if she's not feeling well then dont come to school. Now you stole my place and I've nowhere to go.



After school.


Its time to go home. I'll pack my things to move to Yuri's house today. Yuri offered me a ride to go home and I agreed. But I forgot my phone so I need to go back to our classroom while Yuri is waiting for me at the school gate. I went inside my classroom and there, I saw her again. Sleeping. She want to sleep her or what? I got my phone and ran to the door. But I shouldnt let her sleep here right? Whats wrong with me caring about her all of a sudden? "Yah.." I kick her chair strong enough to wake her up. She stirred at her sleep and rubbed her eyes slowly. "Time to go home. Dont sleep here." I said with my serious face and turn around.



Before I leave, I heard a loud thud behind me and it makes me turn around instantly. I saw her on the floor, in pain. I quickly ran to help her. "Are you okay?" I couldnt leave her alone. She's sick for god's sake! "I'm o-okay.." she said weakly and try to stand up but she cant. I grab her tiny arm and help her standing up. "Come on, I'll help you. I'll send you home." she nodded slowly and we leave the classroom. A little help will do right?



Yuri saw me and she was about to say something but I shook my head. "Dont ask me anything. Just help me to send her home please." this girl was about to collaps I need to hurry. We get inside the car and I told Yuri the girl's address she gave me earlier. She leaned on the seat and I started to worry cus she's sweating alot. "Hey buddy, should we just bring her to the hospital? She look damn sick." Yuri said while looking at us through the front mirror. I actually agreed with Yuri but this girl hold my hand and shook her head. "N-no..I'm fine." she refused to go to the hospital but damn she looks like dying. "Just..just send her home Yul. She refused to go to the hospital." I sigh while looking at this girl.



"J-just stop here...I'm gonna w-walk from here." she said weakly, trying to waking up. "What? Are you kidding me? How can you walk geez you cant even stand properly. We're not going to stop this car unless we arrive infront of your house Tiffany." I dont even know why I raise my voice making her startled. She's crying and her tears fell on her nametag. Sigh.



"We're just worried about you Tiffany. Please understand." Yuri said focusing on her driving. "What if something happen to you? Thats no no Tiffany." Yuri said again took a glance at the front mirror. I nodded. "My p-parents passed away a few y-years ago." Tiffany said all of a sudden. I look at her. "Since then, my uncle and her wife took cared of me. They were so nice. But after months, they started to treat me like trash. They have been abused me and I wanna run away from them. P-please..I dont wanna go home. Please, just stop here I can take care of myself." she's begging me while crying out loud.






At night.


I asked my maids to prepare dinner. Yes, I didnt go to Yuri's house. Why? Its because of Tiffany. She's gonna stay here in my house for awhile. I feel pity at her and I couldnt let her sleep anywhere outside. I wonder why I even do this. I mean, I dont know her. We're not that close and we just met for a few hours though. I even let her stay in my house. Like I said, I dont really care about others. But this Tiffany girl....pfft I dont know.



I'm so hungry. Because I skipped lunch so I really need to fill my stomach right now. I went to Tiffany's room which is just next to my room and knock the door. I bet she's hungry just like me. The door was opened by her. "Its dinner time. Lets go downstairs." I said and walk away without waiting for her. She'll come anyway. I can smell my fav food and hell yea, I cant wait anymore. My maids smile at me. They know how excited I am whenever they cook my fav food. I took my seat and smile widely at them. I didnt act cold towards them. They've been took cared of me since I were kid. They're nice.



Tiffany look shy and she just stood behind the chair, dont know what to do. I let out a small chuckle. "What are you doing Tiffany? Sit." I pointed at the empty chair. She just nodded obediently. She's fine after taking her meds. Is she sick? I wonder though. I'll just ask her later. "Eat Tiffany. Dont be shy." she start eating after I asked her to. I shook my head and smile. "Thank you Taeyeon. I dont know what to do without your help. We just met but you're so kind and you even let me stay here for free. I'll do anything for you. I can clean your house, I can carry your books to school, I can cook for you, anything. Just tell me." I just laughed at her. She's so cute though. "You're sure talk alot huh? Anyway Tiff, I'm doing this sincerely. I just wanna help you. You're my classmate so you're my friend right? Chill." I smile at her. Tiffany showed me her eyesmile. Damn, whats that?






After dinner.


I've nothing to do so I'll just go back to my room and rest. I let out a long sigh as soon as I lay down on the bed. I feel tired even though I didnt do anything at school. I was about to sleep but then I heard a loud thunder. Geez. I'm not scared of thunder but it makes me sad. My mother always here with me whenever I need her especially when its raining. I missed her. Now I've no one to cuddle with.



I woke up with tears all over my face. I saw mom again. Sigh. Its 3am and I still can hear the loud thunder. I guess the sky is sad just like me. I feel thirsty all of a sudden. I'll just go downstairs to drink plain water. I wiped the tears away from my face and walk to the door. I pull the door knob and something fell on my feet. , it was Tiffany. She's trembling and sweating alot. "Gosh Tiff whats wrong? Are you okay?" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and bring her to my bed. I quickly ran to downstairs to get a glass of water for her. I dont know what happen to her. I didnt ask about her illness yet.



"S-stay...p-please..." her breathe is unstable and she looks pale. Paler than earlier. "I'm here Tiff dont worry. Here, drink this first." I help her to drink and sat next to her on the bed. I hold her hand tightly as she start to breathe normally. She came closer to me and close her eyes. I slowly her brown hair until she fell into a deep sleep. I feel something weird on my stomach whenever she came closer to me. What the heck is that? I feel hot all of a sudden. She's a girl for god's sake! What is this feeling ugh.



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79 streak #1
Chapter 4: Owww ... Heheh maybe thats why tiff is there for you ... So she can help you slowly forget about the bad memories ... And replace it with a new good one ... Heheh taeny ...pleaseee update again