Chapter 4

Little Things

Taeyeon woke up first with Tiffany sleeping in her arms. She remembered everything that happened last night. "Damn it.." she said while touching her chest. Her heart is beating like crazy. She dont even know why. Tiffany stirs in her sleep and slowly waking up. Taeyeon froze. For the first time, she admires Tiffany's beauty and she kinda like it to see the girl this close. "Good morning Taetae." the eyesmile girl greets sleepily. The older girl let out a chuckle. "Good morning Fany-ah." Tiffany snuggles closer to her.






"You dont mind if I do this?" Tiffany heard the older girl's heart is beating calmly. "Do what? Hugging me?" Taeyeon asked back. "Yes. I'm being clingy with you and make people jealous. I dont know if you feel uncomfortable with me like this." the eyesmile girl suddenly feel bad for being close to her and people might think that she purposely acted like she was vulnerable so Taeyeon can protect her.






Taeyeon slightly push Tiffany away from her and hold her shoulder. "Fany, I dont mind at all. You know me right? I'm not easy to be approach by people. I can ignore you since the first day we meet. I can ignore you even you're my classmate. I can do whatever I want and you're here because I approached you first. You're here because I talked to you first. I made the first move. You and me, we know this. I dont mind you being clingy to me. I dont mind to protect you 24/7. Ignore those people. You have me, Yuri and others. We're here for you." the older girl smiles warmly. She dont want Tiffany to overthink about what people said. She know how sensitive Tiffany is.






Tiffany look straightly into the older girl's eyes. "I love you." Taeyeon heard it once again. She was shocked and she couldnt respond to it. She's actually thought that Tiffany is dreaming about someone and wasnt serious about last night but she's totally wrong about it. Tiffany is fully awake now and she looked serious. Taeyeon was about to open but then Tiffany pull her for a kiss. Their lips touched each other and it sends an electric shock to all over Taeyeon's body. A new feelings for both of them. "I love you Taetae.." the younger girl break the kiss. Taeyeon blinks her eyes and gulped. She never thought she would ever feel this kind of feeling with this girl.






"I dont wanna hide it from you anymore. Its okay if you don-" Tiffany couldnt finish her sentence when Taeyeon suddenly pulled her for another kiss. She never expect this reaction from Taeyeon. Well she did expect Taeyeon to chase her out from the house but now, Taeyeon is kissing her passionately. So unexpected.






A few days later.


Taeyeon finally told her bestfriends about her relationship with Tiffany. She wants a silent relationship because she dont want anyone to know about it and attack Tiffany but she wont hide it from her bestfriends. Unfortunately, she forgot to tell her friends about keeping the secret and today the whole school know about it. Yuri and Sooyoung told everyone about it and it makes Tiffany uncomfortable. They entered the school and everyone are looking at them, whispering to each other obviously talking about Tiffany. Everyone talked bad about her since the first week she enrolled to this school.






Realised how tenses the situation, Taeyeon grabs Tiffany's hand and hold it tight. She smiles at the girl and pull her closer as they walk to the classroom. They just pretend like nothing happen as they sat at their seats.






Danny heard about it but he just laughed. He didnt trust anyone unless Tiffany say it herself that she is gay. He never meet Taeyeon but he knows how popular the basketball's captain is. He'll just meet Tiffany later and ask about the silly rumors. For now, he thought Tiffany is straight because he still loves the girl so much.












Taeyeon is preparing herself for another practice with her team. She wear her jersy and fix her blonde hair that she dyed yesterday. "Thanks a lot guys." she said as her bestfriends entered the room. "No biggie dude. Small matter." Yuri winked at the captain. "Just tell us if you need anything okay?" Sooyoung added while high-fiving with the tanned girl. "But the last time I checked, I didnt remember asking your help to tell everyone about my relationship with Fany." Taeyeon crossed her arms on her chest and stares at both of them. "Its a good thing buddy. Why? You mad? You dont want anyone to know about you and Tiffany?" Yuri asked feeling bad for spreading the news earlier. The captain sighs. "It is a good thing. But guys, not everyone like Tiffany. I'm just scared that someone might hurt her. Remember before, she was bullied by them just because she wanna see me. And now they know that Tiffany and I are living together. I'm worried something bad will happen to her when I'm not around her." the older girl leaned on the locker and sigh again. "I'm sorry. I'm totally forgot about that dude." Sooyoung blame herself for spreading the news. "Its already happens. There's nothing we can do. I just hope nothing bad happen to her. Thats all." Taeyeon smiles at her friends.






At the same time.


Tiffany is sitting alone in the classroom while everyone are outside having their lunch while watching the basketball's practice. She dont wanna go out. Its like exposing herself after doing something bad. Everyone will just staring at her and its uncomfortable. So its better if she stay in the classroom by herself. And like always, Danny will appear out of nowhere approaching her on her desk.






"Tiff, can we talk? I wanna ask you something and its important." Danny look calm but his voice is kinda serious. He couldnt stop thinking about it when people around him kept talking about Tiffany and Taeyeon. The girl didnt say anything but just nodded. They walk to the rooftop without talking to each other. Tiffany havent mention about Danny to Taeyeon. She dont know why but its not important for her girlfriend to know about Danny since she and Danny broke up long time ago.








Danny sits on the empty bench with Tiffany on his side. "What is it?" she start the conversation since Danny is being quiet. She just wanna end the conversation quickly so that she can go back to her classroom. She scared if Taeyeon saw her with Danny and accuse her for cheating. "Its about you and that Taeyeon girl. I heard the rumors. But I dont trust it. Its ridiculous. Right? You being gay sounds wrong Tiff. I mean, I know you're not gay like they told me. I know you since we were kid." he confidently said about Tiffany being straight. The latter didnt answer him. She just being silent and wait for the right time to tell him everything.






"Maybe they saw you and her being close so they accused you to have a relationship with her. I dont understand why they did that seriously Tiff. Did they know about me? Your ex boyfriend? At least if they know about it, they wont create such a stupid rumors. Gay is disgusting." Tiffany clench her teeth. She was insulted by him. Even he did it unpurposely, it still hurts. "What about you tell them about us? Like introducing me as your boyfriend. They'll stop accusing you for being gay if they know about me." he wanna help Tiffany to stop the rumor but the girl hates his plan. Maybe its time for her to speak.






"Tell them about you? But we broke up a long time ago Danny." Tiffany tries her best to control it. Tiffany knows that Danny still have feelings for her and he wanna use this opportunity to be close to her again. Like she wanna agree with him though. "Tiff, they wont accuse you for being gay anymore if you agree with my plan. Trust me." Danny hold Tiffany's hand and smiles.






"Now or never." Tiffany's thought to herself and pull her hand from Danny. She let out a sighs. "Danny, I'm sorry. I wont agree with any plan of yours. And sorry to say this, but what you heard from them is 100% true. They didnt create this rumors. Taeyeon and me, we're dating for real. Its been a few days actually. We just decided to tell people about it today." she's done telling the truth to Danny. No answer from him for almost 5 minutes. She know its unacceptable for him to hear this. But she couldnt deny how inlove she is with Taeyeon so she chose her and she's only gay for Taeyeon.






Tiffany was about to stand up and leave but Danny suddenly spoke. "You dont love me anymore?" his voice his very slow but Tiffany manage to hear every sentences. "No I dont anymore. Past is past. I'm sorry. I'm gay now. Its disgusting like you said. So I dont mind if you wanna hate me or whatever you wanna do." Tiffany walk away leaving him alone at the rooftop. She's actually expecting Danny to understand her for being gay but Danny insulted gay people so it means Danny insulting her.






Since that day, they never talk to each other anymore. Danny also stopped meeting Tiffany like always he did. He saw Tiffany and Taeyeon being lovey dovey. It hurts him. His love for Tiffany never fade and he dont know how to stop loving that girl even though he had no chance anymore.






As Ms Park walks into the classroom, everyone ran to their seats and stay quiet. "Okay class, I wanna tell you guys that today, you are going to meet your new friends. Be nice please." everyone is looking at the door. They were curious about the new students. A new faces enter the classroom with a smile on their faces. Like always, Taeyeon is staring outside the window and she didnt know that someone is looking at her right now. But Yuri and Sooyoung was shocked to see the new students. "." the tanned girl cursed silently as she watch them. Sooyoung is bitting her lips. She dont know what will happen if Taeyeon see them.






After class.


Tiffany knows nothing about it. She didnt dare to approach Yuri and Sooyoung. They look serious and tense about something. "Whats wrong babe?" Taeyeon's voice startled her. "I dont know Taetae. Look at them." she points her finger at Taeyeon's bestfriends. "Whats the matter? They're fine though." Taeyeon raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend. "They were fine until the new students came." Tiffany said mentioning the new students. "New students? Gosh I didnt see them haha. Well probably, Yul and Soo are talking about them. Who knows right? They like hot girls." Taeyeon said cheekily and Tiffany just rolled her eyes.






"They're hot. But look, Yul and Soo was seriously talking about something. I dont think that they were talking about them. Go ask them Tae." Tiffany push the blonde to approach them. "Hey calm down babe. Alright I'll ask them later but tell me what is happening." the older girl held the girl's hand and smile warmly. "Taetae, I told you already. We've a new classmates. You should stop spacing out seriously. You were like this at the first day I came ya know. You were literally missed everything." Tiffany pouted cutely making her girlfriend chuckle. "Okay okay I'm sorry. I wont do it again. Now tell me who are the new students." Taeyeon grin widely at the girl. Tiffany look around to find the new students and its weird cause they were actually looking at her.






"They were transfered from L.A." Taeyeon heard it clearly. She suddenly froze thinking about someone she knows from L.A. "Their name is..." her heart beats like crazy while waiting for Tiffany to continue. "Hey Tae." the familiar voice calling her name. Sending a shiver to her body. Not that she scared to this voice's owner. But the memories still fresh in her mind and she havent moved on from that. Tiffany shows her eyesmile to that person. "Hi Jessica!" the eyesmile girl greets one of the new students. Jessica smiles at the girl but look back at the basketball's captain.






Taeyeon saw her. "Aww Tae, no hug? No kiss? Long time no see Kim Taeyeon." the brunette smiles at the captain still waiting for her to respond. "You know her?" Tiffany asked while looking at them. Taeyeon didnt answer but she were looking straightly into Jessica's eyes. She remembered all the memories when she was in L.A a few years ago. "Jessica Jung.." Taeyeon blurted out the girl's name and clench her teeth. "Taetae?" Tiffany saw how tense her girlfriend's face is. She start to worry. She was about to hold the girl's hand but suddenly, Taeyeon just walk away leaving the classroom.








Taeyeon leans on the wall, staring at the blue sky. Her eyes is blurry because of the tears. "Taeyeon-ah.." she heard that voice again. Her heart aches hearing that voice. "Taeyeon.." Jessica went closer to the blonde. Taeyeon didnt move. She just cry while holding her aching heart. "I'm sorry..please look at me." the brunette kneels infront of her and hold her hands.






Taeyeon sobs while looking at Jessica. "I came all the way from L.A just for you. I wanna say sorry for everything that happened back then. Please forgive me Taeyeon-ah.." she hold tight on Taeyeon's hand. "I know it wont brings her back but I was suffered all these past years when you left. It wasnt easy for you I know that. If by killing me can satisfy you, then kill me. I've killed your sister for sake so kill me!" Jessica use Taeyeon's hand to hit herself hardly. She was crying out loud while hitting herself. She still remember how broken she was when Taeyeon left. Everything happens in real quick and she dont know what to do to save Taeyeon's sister life. They were having a picnic at somewhere nearby their houses. And when Taeyeon excuse herself to go buy something, her sister Hayeon was playing by herself near the lake.






No one saw when the petite girl fell into the lake. They were busy doing stuff for their picnic. And when Taeyeon comeback with an ice cream obviously for Hayeon, then everyone realised that Hayeon is nowhere to be found.








"Guys..where's my sister?" Taeyeon ask while looking around. She's holding an ice cream that she bought for her sister. Everyone stopped doing their stuff and look around. "She was here a few minutes ago Tae." Jessica said approaching the older girl. "She was. Where is she now? Didnt I told you to watch her for awhile? I left just for a few minutes guys." Taeyeon sighs and start to find Hayeon. Everyone followed her and split into teams.






The ice cream is melting. Hayeon is yet nowhere to be found. Taeyeon is worried. She blames herself for leaving her sister but she didnt expect her friends to be that busy to even watch her sister for awhile. She's mad. Real mad. "Hayeon-ah! Where are you?" its been 30 minutes since they wandered around to find the younger girl. Until...






"Tae!" a loud voice from the lake makes Taeyeon nervous. She ran as fast as she can to the lake with a hope they found Hayeon. But unfortunately, no. Jessica's eyes is trembling. It makes Taeyeon scared even more while looking at the lake. "Where is she?!!" she start losing control when she saw Amber holding Hayeon's doll when she get out from the water. Taeyeon pushed her friends and jump into the lake.






"It cant be.."




"God please.."






She stopped moving. What she fears the most is actually happened. Her sister is infront of her. Eyes close. Skin pale. She quickly pull her sister out of the water. Her friends followed her to carry Hayeon. "Hayeon-ah..please..hang in there." Taeyeon starts giving a CPR to save her dying sister.






15 minutes has passed.






Jessica hold Taeyeon's shoulder to stop her. "Let me go! I can do this." the older girl cant give up yet. She's trying her best to save Hayeon's life. She cant lose her. But Hayeon didnt wake up. Amber already check the younger girl's pulse and everyone know that Taeyeon cant do anything to save the girl.






Hayeon is dead.


(End flashback)






Taeyeon didnt expect to see Jessica like this. She still hitting herself with Taeyeon's hand. "Just kill me Taeyeon-ah.." Jessica choked in tears. The blonde hold her shoulder to stop her. "Sica.." Taeyeon calls the bruntte slowly. "Kill me.." Jessica said it weakly. "No..I cant. It still wont brings her back. She's gone and thats it. Stop blaming yourself." Taeyeon said while looking at the girl that she used to call "bestfriend". The brunette is breathing slowly while looking down on her lap. She was tired for hitting herself and she has been crying a lot earlier. "And stop hurting yourself. You shouldnt do this." Taeyeon pull the girl's chin to look at her. She wipes the tears away from Jessica's face.








Tiffany still confused. She look at Yuri and Sooyoung staring at the new students. "Staring is rude Kwon." Amber said looking back at the tanned girl. Its so tense and Tiffany is nervous for some reason. "You know why Liu. I wont stares at you if you didnt do anything wrong. But you did." Yuri said sarcatically. Amber snort. "You know nothing dude. Stop acting like you know what happens." the short haired girl glares at Yuri. "Want me to remind you guys about it? I can tell you everything from A to Z." Sooyoung added.






"Stop it Choi Sooyoung. Past is past. We dont want to argue with you guys. Please have some manners." the girl named Sunny said. "Manners?" Sooyoung scoffed. "We used to be friends. I repeat, I dont wanna argue with you guys. So please." Sunny reassures the tall girl with her manners. She's mad but its understandable when Yuri and Sooyoung acted this way. Both of them used to lived in L.A and they were actually a bestfriends since they were kid. Tiffany just stay quiet. She dont know what to do. But she was sure that something had happened between Taeyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and all the new students. Based on what she saw, it must be a really bad thing.






After school.


Taeyeon and Tiffany were laying on bed quietly. They havent talk since they back from school. But Taeyeon know that her girlfriend must be confused and curious since she already saw everything earlier. "Babe.." the eyesmile girl tilted her head and look at Taeyeon. "Hm?" the older girl wraps her arms around Tiffany's waist pulling her closer. "I know you've a lot of questions in your mind. Come on, ask me anything you want." Taeyeon smiles at the girl. "But I can wait till you ready to spill the beans. I dont want to force you." being a good girlfriend, Tiffany always tried to understand Taeyeon in every way.






"I always ready when it comes to you." Taeyeon replied cheekily. The latter laughs and hit Taeyeon's chest. "Cheesy Taetae." the older girl just grin widely. "Only cheesy for you. Hehe anyways, just ask. I dont mind." Tiffany nodded. "So, tell me what happen?" Taeyeon smiles and take a deep breath.






"I never told you that I have a sibling right?" Tiffany nod cutely. "I've a little sister. Her name is Hayeon. She's a few years younger than me." Taeyeon never forget Hayeon and how they used to sleep and play together. She missed it. Tiffany suddenly squeals startling the blonde. "Oh my god Taetae, she must be cute like you!" the girl pinched her cheeks. It makes Taeyeon laugh out loud. "So, you think I'm cute?" she raised her eyebrows at the latter making the girl embarrassed for what she have said earlier.






"Shut up Taetae." Tiffany push the girl's face away from getting any closer to her. "Ayyy.." Taeyeon poke her girlfriend's cheek, teasing her again. The eyesmile girl close her face with hands and showing her back to Taeyeon. She was embarrassed by all the teasing Taeyeon did to her. "Hehehehe aigoo I'm just teasing you. Look at me baby girl." the girl didnt move and still closing her face. Taeyeon have no choice then just pull the girl's body and went on top of her. Tiffany's hands was pinned above her head while Taeyeon staring into her brown eyes.






"Hayeon is another version of me. We were so look alike. And yes, she's cute. Cuter than me. If you meet her, you might like her instead of me." Tiffany frowned at the last sentences. Taeyeon pecks on her lips and continue speaking. "We went for a picnic. Jessica and others are there with us. Yuri and Sooyoung couldnt join us cause of their family's vacation. Hayeon always want to join me to have a picnic with my friends. And her wish is granted. She was so happy. She dont mind that she's the only kid around us. So she play by herself." Tiffany saw the sadness in her girlfriend's eyes. She dont know why but she feel that something bad will happen next.






"I left her for a few minutes to buy ice cream. She's an ice cream lover! Just like me." Taeyeon's eyes is filled by the tears. Of course Tiffany saw it. "But when I'm back with her fav ice cream, I didnt see her. Everyone was too busy preparing stuff for our picnic so maybe Hayeon play by herself. I got mad at them for letting my sister play alone. We kept searching for almost 1 hour and then we found her doll near the lake." Taeyeon tried to hold back her tears but she cant. Her grip on Tiffany's hand is loosen. "Taetae its okay. You dont hav-" she shook her head. "I want to." Tiffany never saw this side of her. Taeyeon always act tough infront of her. She didnt know that Taeyeon has this bad memory about Hayeon.






"I was so scared. I'm losing my mind when I saw Amber in the water trying to find her. I jump into the water. All I think is saving her life if she really fell into the lake. But then...I saw her. She was there. I found her Fany-ah. I know I can find her." she smiles bitterly as her tears fell on Tiffany's pink shirt. She cant forget how pale Hayeon was that time. She found her but she's late. "I gave her CPR. But she didnt wake up. I dont know why..I always thought that, a CPR can save people from die. But I cant help my sister..she's gone Fany-ah..she's gone.." Tiffany wraps her arms around Taeyeon's body that was shaken due her crying.






"If only I was a little early. I could save her.." Tiffany tighten the hug as Taeyeon burried her face on Tiffany's neck. She got it now. She understand why Yuri and Sooyoung acted like that to the new students. Its because Taeyeon is losing Hayeon and blamed them for being careless.





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84 streak #1
Chapter 4: Owww ... Heheh maybe thats why tiff is there for you ... So she can help you slowly forget about the bad memories ... And replace it with a new good one ... Heheh taeny ...pleaseee update again