Chapter 1

Dancer's Passion

A soft sigh left my lips as I wasn't exactly sure where everything was going with my life. It was sort of hard to believe that my best friend just me while I have to transfer to another school. She straight up called me a traitor and told me to get lost. What is going on with that? All of my friends soon me one by one. I guess I was all alone for my last year of high school.


The car trip was torture as it took forever. However, I can't complain as I got to catch up on my reading. I hadn't had the opportunity to read some of the books that were on my "must read" list. That would probably be the only plus and getting the opportunity to listen to whatever music I felt like listening to. The unpacking process wasn't fun either since I had to set up my room all by myself while my parents set up their room. It made no sense that we had to move for my mother's job, but the house was smaller than it was before. I don't see the sense in it at all. However, the unpacking process wasn't that long since I preferred to keep my room neat and clean with few posters on the walls. While waiting on my parents, I laid on my bed with my earbuds in and a book in my hands.


"Jas, it's time for dinner." A soft knock followed with the words of my mother as I sighed softly and got up, my ear buds still in as my book laid open, calling out to me to finish it. My mother wasn't pleased with my attitude, but she's going to have to deal with it. We did move out here for a job of hers only to be stuck in a smaller house. I swear, if we had to move again, I was going to get my own place. This is the third time I had to move since her job kept migrating. Why couldn't her job just stay still? Why it kept moving was beyond me. The entire gap between two school years was spent getting the house put together in one piece. All the boxes were unpacked and stashed away for later use. The house didn't look like our house in the slightest. They tried to make it feel just like the one we had before, but the attempts were useless. They wouldn’t be able to get me to think this was our home when the last home we had was my favorite. I suppose I'll have to just put up with it till I'm going away to college. This was going to be quite a long year if you ask me. I am not looking forward to it in the slightest.



The next day rolled in pretty easily for me. My music played in the background while I slept, my bed comfy enough to bring me to a sweet sleep for about 8 hours. My alarm clock woke me up, playing one of my favorite songs. I sighed softly and got up, going over to the shower and freshened up. School didn't start for another hour and a half, so I had time. I wasn't in a rush to get to this new school. The entire “I’m the new girl,” thing was becoming a regular occurrence due to the constant moving. I mean, how many people do you know moved at least 4 times all over creation? Not many I take it.


My hair was braided in a fish tail braid, nothing big or fancy. I had somewhat long hair and I had to do something with it. A regular braid looked way too boring. A fish tail was the only one I could count on when it came to keeping more hair in. It also made better work of my long hair than a regular braid could. My uniform was put on and adjusted to assure I was comfortable with it. A skirt that came about three inches from the knee with black ankle socks to go with the black in the black and red uniform, a jacket that had the crest and had red embroidery on the edges of the coat and the cuffs. It was a bit different compared to what I was used to, but I could deal with this. I mean, my hair nearly matched the black of the uniform. Let’s just hope they don’t make me introduce myself in front of the class. That would possibly be the worst thing to happen to me in the world.


“Jas, time for breakfast!” I could hear my mother hollering from the kitchen, the scent of breakfast slowly making its way to my nose and my stomach. I would need my strength to get through the day, so I hurried to the kitchen to the small table we had. With a plate of food before me, I said, “Thank you for the meal,” prior to getting my chopsticks to start eating the food. I didn’t know how the day would go, but the food would be necessary for my survival of the first day. It was pretty good, as per normal of my mother. My father’s cooking was nothing to sneeze at either, but he had already left from the looks of it. “I can drive you to school if you want me to. I mean, it is your first day of school.” My mother smiled softly when giving the offer. I knew she meant the best that she wanted to see me off on my last first day of high school.


“I’ll be alright. Maybe after school.” My reply was short, a slight smile on my lips. My mother’s smile faltered a little bit, but she knew that she could at least pick me up after my first day of hell. She wouldn’t mind as much since she could still ask me how it went. I’ll give her that at least.


With food in my belly, my watch on my left wrist, and my bag on my back, I trekked to the bus stop that would take me most of the way to my new school. I wasn’t really looking forward to this, but it was my last year. I thought of a great strategy as to how to keep to myself and not get hurt again. I could just not talk to anyone really and study in the library all the time or on the roof. I would immediately leave right after school and not make any eye contact with anyone! This is a fool proof plan! Noticing how many more students with the same uniform were on the bus already, I quickly got on and found a quiet place for myself. The loud chit chat from the other students drowned out any thoughts of avoiding people in general that may have popped into my mind. The bus then suddenly jerked as I bumped into someone. A hand rested on my diaphragm as the bus soon became steady. The driver apologized as he found a rather large pot hole in the road. I looked behind me to see a guy standing right behind me. His face appeared to be a little familiar as he quickly removed the hand. “Sorry about that.” A light blush came to his cheeks as I turned back to my original position.


“It’s alright,” I answered. My voice was soft and quiet, just enough for him to hear. I just hoped that he didn’t want to ask more questions, such as who I was, where I was from, and so on. I suppose only time will tell at this point if he pursues any type of questioning. She sighed softly as she waited for the bus to let them out at their stop.


He cleared his throat before speaking quietly. “Are you new around here?” He tilted his head when I turned to look at him. I suppose he is going to go with the questioning thing. But why does he look so familiar?


“Yes.” I decided to keep my response brief so he may want to drop the conversation fast, hoping in the back of my head that he would just stop talking to me.


“If you want a tour of the school, I’d be glad to give you one. I mean, we’re both going to the same school after all. I can understand it could be scary or awkward on your first day. I had that moment a few years ago.” He offered a bright, kind smile to me, his sandy blond hair only making his lightly tanned skin even tanner. Wait, why am I focusing on his looks. I should be avoiding him!


“I’ll ask if I need it. I’ll let you know.” I spoke in a short, brief way, hoping he would catch the hint that I didn’t really want to talk to him. He appeared to be a friendly guy. There was just something about him that I couldn’t shake when it came to him. I felt like I know him, but from where?


“I’m Jun, just so you know.” He grinned, and that’s when it all clicked into place. I used to go to school ad be friends with a boy named Jun with black hair and a really adorable and bright smile that would get shy at times. No wonder I knew him from somewhere! However, I shouldn’t get attached to him again. I diverted my gaze to check my watch and check to see if we were getting closer. We were almost there from the landmarks I noticed when I looked up the school. Soon I can get off this bus and get on with my first day of crapville. 

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