A Deal

Revenge ☠

When Zin and I were ready to leave school, we heard a voice shout,


We turned around and saw Hyemi with her friends. They were all ogling at Zin. I rolled my eyes and asked,


"Stay away from Zin." Hyemi stated flatly.

"What? Don't you have Ghun?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Don't play dumb with me, Min Chan. You know he's just using me." She said.

I recalled the conversation I had with Ghun yesterday. A smirk appeared on my face immediately. I crossed my arms and walked closer to her. 

"So it's true." I scoffed. 

"I thought he was all manly and cool at first, but in the end, he wasn't like that. I'm sick of him." Hyemi complained with a flip of her hair. 

The smirk immediately disappeared. I knew exactly what this girl was getting at. 

"So you want me to trade Zin for Ghun?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

Silence. I stared at her serious face for a second before bursting out laughing. 

"What are you laughing about?" Hyemi shouted.

"Zin and Ghun aren't objects, okay? I'm not going to trade anyone for anyone else!" I exclaimed, still roaring with laughter. 

"Zin isn't even your real boyfriend! You're doing the same thing as Ghun!" She screamed.

I stopped laughing immediately. I wiped the tears from my face and glared at her,

"What bull are you spewing out right now?" 

"It isn't bull if it's true." She smirked at me. 

It's true. Zin isn't my boyfriend. I glanced down at my silver ring. However, he was definitely mine. I heard Zin's footsteps come closer to me. Did he want to protect me from Hyemi? No...I got this...

"Zin. You don't need to do anything." I said as I stopped him from coming any closer.

"Min--" He began.

"No." I warned. 

Zin backed off immediately. I smirked at Hyemi. Even if what she says is true, I can't let her see it. 

"Well?" Hyemi asked.

"What?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

"Do you want you ex back?" She questioned.

"No." I stated, full of confidence. 

"Fine. I wanted to do it the easy way, but it's too late now. I'll snatch Zin away from you. Watch out, Kwon Min Chan." Hyemi warned while walking off. 

Before she could get away fast enough, I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder harshly. She turned around and glared at me,


I slapped her...hard. Perhaps it was rash for me to do that, but it's about time I let out some of my bottled up anger. Hyemi put a hand on her cheek and screeched,

"What the hell was that for?!" 

"Tell Ghun that this slap was for him." I hissed. 

I saw tears form in Hyemi's eyes as she stormed off. Zin ran over to me and shook me. 

"Are you okay? That was so close! What if she found out?" He panicked. 

I patted his hand and smiled a little,

"Don't worry, okay? She won't find out." 

"If I have to kill her..." Zin started.

"No! Don't! She's annoying, but I won't ask for her life in repay for that!" I said. 

"Aish. Why didn't you let me stand up for you?" He whined.

"I didn't know what you were going to do if she says something to provoke you!" I shouted. 

"Maybe slapping her was a little too much?" Zin mumbled. 

"Are you defending her?" I asked, my voice rising in slight irritation.

"No! Of course not!" He quickly defended himself. 

I sighed and pressed my palm to my forehead. 

"Whatever. Let's just get home and eat." I said.

"Yay! Food!" Zin cheered and linked arms with me. 

For the first time, I let out a real laugh...


I climbed into my bed and yawned. It has been a long day today. All I want to do now is sleep and just forget about everything temporarily. I felt a breeze and then I saw Zin standing next to my bed. He had a pout on his face. 

"What?" I asked.

"Can I sleep with you?" He said.

"Again?!" I shouted, clearly agitated.

"I told you already! The ring is uncomfortable!" Zin whined. 

He tried making cute faces at me, but it didn't work at all. I guess I should thank him for ruining Ghun's uniform this morning. I sighed and I muttered,


"Really? Yay!" He exclaimed.

"On one condition. Do not, I repeat, do NOT wake me up when I'm sleeping. You will wish you haven't been born." I warned.

"Got it!" Zin said. 

He dived into my bed and got closer to me. I shouted,

"And! Do NOT make any sort of physical contact with me!" 

He pouted and moved away. 

"Good night." I said.

"Good night!" He exclaimed.

I turned off the lamp and immediately fell asleep.

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Chapter 7: pleaaasseee update soonnn iloveyourfic <3<3<3
Update please~! this is an interesting fanfic ^^ never read a fic where ghun is being like this. Lol! Subscribed as well :) hehe
callme_sirius #3
Update soon :) *cuteface*
sonhyunseok #4
"boyfriend girlfriend" i'm so envy okay ! ;___;<br />
update soon !! ^^
subber here~ new reader. c: <br />
this is interesing, please update soon. :33 fighting~
sonhyunseok #6
new subscriber here !<br />
woah this is interesting ! ^^<br />
i can't wait for the next chapter<br />
update soon :D