Training And Fun

It Ended In Fire -ON HIATUS-

Zelo woke up the next morning and sat up, looking at the clock. 5:20 AM. He got off the bed to get ready for training. On his way to the bathroom he kicked Anu in the head.

"Oh ! Sorry!" Zelo apologized quickly while bending down to see if Anu got hurt. 

Anu sat up while gripping his head, "Can you knock that off, Zelo?! And before you ask, I am not seriously hurt, chill."

Zelo sighed, stood up, and helped Anu up. Walking into the bathroom the two of them reached for their respective toothbrushes and started to freshen up. Things were silent until zelo decided to break it.

"Maybe if you didn't sneak into my house and sleep on my floor, you wouldn't get hit or kicked." Zelo stated matter-of-factly. Anu looked at him through the mirror and scoffed.

"Maybe if you invested money in a night light and expect me to be in your house then I won't be kicked." Anu spit the foamy toothpaste into the sink and rinse his mouth out.

"You nerd." Zelo chucked as he started getting the water ready for his shower. 


After getting cleaned up they went downstairs and started to eat. Light rain started to patter down on the roof of the house and calm the duo's jumping nerves. Foot steps sounded on the steps behind them as someone made their way to the 1st floor of the house. 

"Ya know, I'm not one for breakfast cereals, do you have anything else?" 

"Lillith, how did you get in my house?" Zelo asked without even turning around.

"Tracked you here. Climbed in your window. Didn't expect to see Anu here though." She replied nonchalantly. Zelo sighed and stood up. 

After grabbing Lillith some fruit and hard boiled eggs to eat, Zelo finished his breakfast and went up to his room. Shutting the windows and locking them he sat on his bed, gliding his hand across it.

"Only a few more days and then I am gone. At least I don't have family who will worry." Zelo whispered to himself, sighing. 

"I'm going to worry, but I'm going to be with you." Anu's voice sounded from the doorway. 

Zelo snapped his head up and stared at him before chuckling and smiling, "I know, and I am happy about that but also scared for you." He admitted.

"Don't be, I will stay as safe as I can in that situation."

"Alright you two, something weird is going on and I want to find out. Now, we have to go before we are late, leggo." Lillith appeared behind the two, pulling them apart and pushing them towards the door.


"Thank you guys for coming to training on time. I am very grateful." The headmaster started, "Now we will begin your training, and let me tell you, your training for the past year is nothing compared to what you will have to endure for the next few days. Today there will be one break at noon. and then you may go home at 10 o'clock tonight if you wish. Tomorrow and the days following will have this schedule: 6AM at the school for training, 2PM break for 30 minutes, back to training at 2:30PM until 10PM. Got it? Good. Now to start off with training, Zelo will fight Faye, Anu will go against Lillith, and Echo versus me. Lets go!"


Zelo stood across from Faye, seriousness melting across his expression. Faye still had her pretty little smile but now it looked very evil. A devil-ish tint to her features made her look very different. 

Putting his fists up, Zelo charged towards her silently, since yelling would give away the surprise. A smirk took place on Faye's face. She dodged his fist and got low to the ground, swinging her leg towards his legs, managing to trip him. Zelo fell but took it to his advantage. He rolled forward and shot up, spinning around and darted towards Faye again, but this time, behind her. 

With an arm around he flung her body up into the air and then pushed her harshly towards the ground. She hit the dirt with a gasp and Zelo sat on top of her stomach with this hand on her neck. Faye brought her leg up and dug her knee into his back, knocking the wind out of him. His slight grip on loosened and she pushed him back, getting him this time and pulling out a knife, pressing it to his throat.

"You got better!" Zelo exclaimed and hugged Faye. She giggled and got off of him.

"Thanks! You got a lot stronger. Even though out look like noodles with a head, you are hella strong." She said back. 

"You two! Good job!" The head master yelled from across the field. Faye and Zelo laughed and high-fived each other. 

"Lets get back to fighting." Zelo said while he laughed lightly.

"I'll hand you your , you tall bastard." Faye joked.

"Sure you will."


"Finally!" Lillith sighed, "It's noon! I thought I was going to die from exhaustion!"

"That's what happens when you use all of your energy on a stupid move that is way to predictable." Anu yelled back. 

"Bite me." 

"Is that permission?" 

"Anu." Zelo said, warning tone evident.

"Chill, I wasn't being serious. Sorry." Anu looked back at Zelo and chuckled. 

"You better be." 

"Seriously, what the hell you two?" Lillith threw her hands in the air, making everyone snort with laughter. 

Zelo sipped his water while he looked at everyone and wondering if all of them will make it out alive. 


"Okay! Lets get back to training! Were going to switch partners, Zelo against Anu, and I don't mean your bodies, Lillith versus Echo and Faye versus me!" The headmaster bellowed. Making everyone laugh at his comment about Zelo and Anu. 

Anu and Zelo casually walked up to each other casually, just standing by each other until Anu dived towards Zelo. He easily moved out of the way, Anu falling to the ground. Zelo took the time while Anu was down to put his foot on Anu's back and grab his arms, pulling them behind him. Zelo took a stick near him and put it up to Anu's throat and laughed.

Anu jerked his arms forward quickly causing Zelo to fall forward on top of him, pinning him down further. Zelo carefully slid the sick across Anu's neck and chuckled darkly.

"Did you do that because it would get me on top of you? Or did you think you could get away?" He cooed next to the others ear. Anu snorted.

"You choose."

"Well, then, I will say that you just thought you could get away, because your stupid!" Zelo exclaimed and laughed heartily. 

"Hey! You lil' er!" Anu accused while Zelo climbed off of him and walked off. Anu jumped up and chased after him. "Get back here you !"


Training went well for the five days that they did actually train. Zelo could tell that he had gotten stronger and smarter with his attacks. He learned how to anticipate attacks and he learned how to fight with weapons better. He felt ready, but he was also terrified. 


Zelo was thrashing in his sleep. Another nightmare had struck him. He was very scared of going out to kill the mob boss. He knew that at least one person would end up dying, it haunted his dreams. 

"Zelo? Zelo! Are you okay?" Anu shook Zelo, trying his hardest to wake him up. Zelo opened his eyes slightly, tears spilling from them, blurring his vision.


"Yes. It's me."

"Anu? Please don't die, please don't let any of us die." Zelo whimpered. Anu petted Zelo's hair.

"I won't, Zelo, I won't." Anu assured.

"You aren't lying are you? You aren't just joking, are you?" Anu shook his head.


Morning arrived and Zelo woke up, pushing Anu off of his bed with a thud. Anu squealed in pain while rubbing his back. Zelo howled with laughter while pointing at Anu, wishing he had something to take a picture of the look on Anu's face. 

"I so wish I had a camera right now!" Zelo cried with laughter.

"I so wish you weren't that cute so I could punch the out your face, ." Anu retorted, nursing his backside.

"Oh, you love me." Zelo stated simply and Anu huffed.

"You wish." Anu chuckled. Zelo whined and hit Anu on the head.


"Oh, you love me." Anu mocked.


"UHG! I hate packing. It ." Zelo whined for the nth time since he started to get clothes together and hour ago.

"Maybe if you packed yesterday, like me, then you wouldn't have to worry about it right now."

"Lillith, I swear to god, get the hell out of my house." 

"Don't feel like it."

"Me either!" Faye's voice came out of nowhere.

"Oh my god. Are you gonna show or tell everyone where I live?!" Zelo complained loudly.

"Maybe, I haven't decided yet." She replied in a very annoying very annoying voice.

"Well, anyway, your gonna have to leave now anyway. I am packed so now we have to go to the headmaster." Zelo stood and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, "Lets go."






A/N: Hi~~ Thank you for reading this story! Please comment, And please don't be afraid to critisize my writing. Again, Thank you!

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