Time Crawls On


“They’re getting married.” Baekhyun whispered. It was noon now both of them had just woken up and were just laying in bed. Baek had groaned the minute he opened his eyes causing Chanyeol to chuckle and about the hangover Baekhyun clearly had. Baekhyun had threatened to kill him when he suddenly remembered the fight he and Sehun had gotten into and started asking if that had been a dream. Chanyeol told him it had not been a dream which had then prompted him to ask what the fight could have possibly been about. It was with a sad sigh that Baekhyun had replied that Sehun had confessed to wanting to ask Luhan to marry him.


“Baek, Luhan hasn’t even said yes yet.” Chanyeol deadpanned staring at the others sad face.


Baekhyun scrunched up his face with distaste, “As if Lu would ever say no.”


“I’m honestly having such a hard time understanding what the big deal is. They live together babe, they might as well already be married.”


“They do not live together. It's one thing that Sehun chooses to just not go home most of the time and another thing entirely for them to be living together.”


“Okay fine but explain to me why this makes you so upset.”


Baekhyun let out a sigh, “You won’t understand.”


“Not if you don’t explain it. Come on I’m starting to think you’re in love with Luhan.”


“Eww I’m not in love with Luhan. He’s my best friend” Baekhyun replied angrily.


“Okay so shouldn’t you be happy for your best friend?” Chanyeol tried to reason.


“Ughhh can we not talk about this anymore?” Baekhyun asked voice full of annoyance.


“Fine since I’m an amazing boyfriend I’ll let it go for now, but you still have to explain since you did cause a major scene last night.” Chanyeol said before giving Baekhyun a quick kiss on the nose and getting up.


“Yeah yeah I guess. I’m going back to sleep.” Baekhyun called out as he nuzzled his face into the pillows.


Cute.  Chanyeol thought but didn't say anything as he headed to the bathroom. He tried not to think too much about Baekhyun's reaction to his friend getting married. As much as it burned him with curiosity. Instead he thought of taking a shower and getting breakfast for Baekhyun. He was sure the other was in need of some coffee and food. The guy had drank so much he was surprised he wasn’t anymore hungover or thrown up.  It was rare when Baekhyun drank as much as he had the night before. Whenever they went out on dates they would usually drink enough to get a little tipsy but not anything past that. Of course Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was stressed over the upcoming deadlines at work so the party provided Baekhyun a great way to let out most of that stress.


Once he was done showering he got dressed in a pair of his most comfy sweats and a t-shirt and headed for the kitchen. He started the coffee machine and then walked over to his fridge to pull out the eggs. If there was anything Chanyeol knew how to cook it was eggs. He had learned as a teenager after his grandma had scolded him for not knowing how to at the very least make eggs. At the time he had been annoyed, but now he wished he knew how to make more than just eggs. Especially when he wanted to treat Baekhyun to dinner or breakfast at home, but couldn’t because anytime he tried getting creative it would end in disaster.


He started on the eggs and was mixing them around in the skillet when he started thinking about Baekhyun's reaction. He’d never seen someone get so mad or upset over their friend getting married. If movies had taught Chanyeol anything it was that people got happy after their friend gets proposed to. Was Baekhyun still mad at Sehun after all these years? He thought they were pretty good at tolerating each other already why should Sehun and Luhan getting married make him so sad and angry.  He let out a sigh momentarily giving up trying to understand.


Once the eggs were done he served them on a plate and set them on the table. He walked over to the coffee machine and poured it out into two mugs. He inhaled deeply allowing the smell of the coffee to fill his senses.  There was nothing like a mug of coffee in the morning.  Or noon...time didn't matter.  With both mugs in his hands he walked towards his room in hopes that the smell of coffee would help Baekhyun wake up.  To his amazement when he stepped into his room Baekhyun was already out of bed and stretching.  


“Is that for me?” Baekhyun asked looking at the mugs Chanyeol had and bringing his arms back down.


“Yea.” Chanyeol replied holding out one of the two mugs. He watched as Baekhyun took a small sip before smiling over at him.


“Thanks. I really needed this.”


“I figured as much. How’s the hangover?”


“Not too bad.” Baekhyun replies with a shrug.


“Great. Come on I made breakfast.” Chanyeol said tilting his head towards the door. Baekhyun nodded but handed his mug of coffee back to Chanyeol. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at him not sure why he was given the mug.


“I need to brush my teeth.” Baekhyun explained heading out the door. Chanyeol nodded in understanding and headed back to the kitchen. He placed both mugs of coffee on the small kitchen table before grabbing some plates and serving the eggs. He was putting bread in the toaster when  Baekhyun emerged seconds later taking a seat and looking pensive as he took another sip from his mug.


“You know we’ve been dating for almost 4 months now.” Baekhyun started forcing Chanyeol to stop pulling out the toast and look over at him.


Baekhyun smiled at him and continued, “I was wondering...if maybe you wanted to spend Christmas with me and my family.”


Chanyeol’s eyes widened. He had definitely not expected that. He hadn’t even really thought about what he was doing for Christmas. Every year after he stopped living with his grandma he just went to Suho’s yearly Christmas party. It was tradition.  But now things were different.  For starters he was in a serious relationship. Something he never thought he would do, but hey here he was with his boyfriend. His boyfriend of now four months. Where had the time gone?

It took Baekhyun clearing his throat to make Chanyeol come back to reality.


“You don’t have to...I just thought it would be nice and I mean we haven’t really talked about what we’re doing for Christmas.” Baekhyun rushed not looking up from the floor. Chanyeol felt like an for making Baekhyun think he didn’t want to join him for Christmas. He quickly walked over to Baekhyun.


“No no no it’s fine!! I swear I just wasn’t expecting it is all. I mean I hardly hear you talk about your family and I’ve been more caught up trying to find you a gift. I hadn’t even thought of what I was going to actually do on Christmas.” He tried to explain finding relief that Baekhyun was now looking at him.


“I guess it kind of was too random. I’m sorry”


“No it's fine really.  Honestly as long as we’re together I don’t really care what we’re doing or how we’re celebrating.”


Baekhyun scrunched his face up at that and laughed, “That’s too cheesy, but does that mean you’re coming?”


“Stop pretending you didn't like it.” Chanyeol replied ruffling Baekhyun's hair before going back to the toaster. “And yeah I’m down. Should be fun”he added with a shrug coming back at the table with toast. He took a seat across from Baekhyun and watched as the other started digging into his eggs and toast.


“Great! I’ll let them know I’m bringing a plus one” Baekhyun said enthusiastically.


A part of Chanyeol found it really heartwarming to see Baekhyun excited about bringing home to meet his family. It made him feel special. But there was also a part of him that was terrified. Because meeting your significant other's family is a big deal. Especially for holidays. It shows how serious you are together. And it's not that he's afraid of a serious relationship. He isn’t. He wouldn’t have asked Baekhyun to be his boyfriend if he was. It was more of the fact that he knew he wasn’t the type of guy you bring home to mom and dad. Not once in his life had he ever brought anyone home to his grandma or been invited to meet his partner's family. This was completely new to him.


Deciding not to dwell on it longer he started eating, allowing his heart to beat comfortably. They ate in relative silence until Chanyeol remembered the explanation Baekhyun owed him. He looked over at the other as he took a sip of his coffee. He tried to think of the right way to bring it up so that Baekhyun wouldn’t get annoyed with him. He hadn’t realized how hard he was staring until Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at him and brought a hand to touch his face.


“Is there something on my face?” He asked.


“Huh?” Chanyeol asked but then quickly said, “No no it’s just I wondering…”


“What? And please don’t say anything that has us having in the kitchen because it’s not gonna happen”


Chanyeol choked on his breath “I… no that’s not what I was going to say. Damn that’s not all I think about. If anything I’m starting to think you might be the more-”


“Chanyeol please?” Baekhyun cut him off crossing his arms in front of his chest and shooting him a look that said no nonsense.


“Fine whatever I was gonna ask if you were ready to tell me why you were all depressed earlier with the whole Sehun asking Luhan to marry him.” Chanyeol huffed.


“Ohh” Baekhyun replied cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.


“Yeah… so?” Chanyeol prompted.


“Do I have to?” Baekhyun whinned.




“Fine.”  Baekhyun sighed, “ It's stupid but it just feel like I’m going to lose my best friend.”


“You think you and Luhan will stop being friends because he gets married?” Chanyeol asked trying to make sense of things.


“I know it sounds stupid. But I can’t help it. Luhan and me have been friends for so long and then he started dating Sehun and he just doted on him so much! There was a time we actually did stop talking. Granted it was my fault because I couldn’t stand being around them but still. If they get married Sehun gets to officially replace me as his best friend.”


Chanyeol smiled sadly at Baekhyun, “Baek have you ever talked to Luhan about this?”


“No.” He replied glumly.


“Why not?”


“Because he’d laugh and say I’m being stupid.”


“I doubt it.”


“This is my best friend. I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about.”


Chanyeol chuckled before getting off his seat and pulling Baekhyun up for hug.


“As his best friend I think you should stop thinking about getting replaced. I may not know Luhan as well as you do but I doubt he’d ever replace you plus you do know he’s gonna need you through the whole wedding planning stuff right?”


Baekhyun nodded into Chanyeol's chest before looking up and slightly pulling away to kiss Chanyeol on the cheek. “Thanks” he whispered and hugged Chanyeol tighter.


Chanyeol smiled and bent down to kiss the top of Baekhyun’s head, “No problem babe.”


They spent the rest of the day just hanging out in Chanyeol apartment. It was Sunday so marathoning Breaking Bad seemed like a good enough idea. Chanyeol had already watched it but Baekhyun hadn’t so he didn't mind rewatching. He also knew that their was a better chance of Baekhyun actually watching it if they were together rather than alone. When they got hungry they ordered pizza and just kept watching. It was nice. And then it got late and Baekhyun had to leave because he had work in the morning and didn’t have any clothes he could change into if he stayed.


The apartment always felt a little lonely after Baekhyun left.  It was almost too quiet for Chanyeol so he decided to make some noise by listening to music and sprawling out on his couch.  He laid there for awhile thinking of the events of the day. Specifically meeting Baekhyun's family. He wondered if maybe he should have said no to going. They had only been dating for four months wasn’t this a little too early. As far as he could remember Baekhyun and him hadn’t even said they loved each other. Weren’t they supposed to say that first? Did it matter?


He let out a frustrated groan and ran his fingers through his hair.  Why did his mind like to overthink things? It was just a Christmas party! He wasn’t going to ask for Baekhyun's hand or anything. There was nothing to fear plus Baekhyun would be there with him. Baekhyun wanted him there. And yet he still felt nervous and a little scared. Chanyeol was confident in himself more than half of the time, but this was such a serious thing! Wasn’t it? Because he may not have ever had to meet his partner's parents but his friends had. Even Suho had done it in college! Suho!. That was it he just had to call his best friend and sort this thing out.


Pulling his phone out of his pocket he quickly dialed Suho and waited for the other to answer. It took two rings before Suho finally picked up.


“Hello?” Suho's voice greeted.


“Suho! Are you free right now?”


“Yeah I’m at home why what’s up?”


“Can I come over? I’ll bring beer.”


“I guess?”


“Sweet be over in 15 minutes.”


15 minutes later Chanyeol found himself in front of Suho's apartment, a 12 pack of beer in one hand and his phone in the other texting him to let him now he was here.  The door swung open to a confused looking Suho.


“You were being serious?” Suho asked as he opened the door wider for Chanyeol to step through.


“When have I ever lied when it comes to hanging out with beer?” Chanyeol replied as he made his way to the living room and set the case of beer down on Suho’s coffee table. He took of his jacket and plopped down at the couch looking over at Suho who was still wearing a skeptical look by the entrance of the living room.


“Well come on sit have a beer with me.” Chanyeol called out.


“Is something wrong?” Suho asked walking over to his kitchen to no doubt get a bottle opener.


Chanyeol busied himself with opening the case of beers and pulling two out, “Nothing's wrong. Does something have to be wrong for me to come over.”


Suho came back and grabbed one of the beers opening it and handing it to Chanyeol, “Yeah and I would say that it must be terrible.”


Chanyeol took a quick swig from it before looking at Suho sheepishly, “Okay you got me.”


Suho took a seat next to him taking a sip of his own beer before answering, “Knew it.”

“Alright lay it on me.” He prompted after taking another swig.


Letting out a breath Chanyeol went into all his troubles. When he was done he felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.


“You can be really dramatic sometimes.” Suho murmured making Chanyeol glare at him.


“Hey come on! I came for your help not for you to make fun of me.” Chanyeol whinned.


Suho finished off his second beer before laughing, “My bad. But you really are being dramatic.”


“How kind sir am I being dramatic?”


“Okay for starters it's just meeting his family. You wanted a serious relationship and this is what that entails. Second of all the whole not saying ‘I love you’ dude you’re whipped and if he’s inviting you to meet his family he’s also whipped. You don't have to say these things out loud to know how each of you feel. Or what you’re gonna tell me you only like him?”


Chanyeol angrily took a swig from his beer and then thought over what Suho had just and couldn't help to see the logic within his friend's words. Damn it he thought bitterly. Suho was of course right.


“I see those gears working.” Suho teased chuckling when Chanyeol glared at him again.


“Okay fine you’re right so how am I supposed to like act in front of his family.” Chanyeol asked giving up glaring at Suho.


“Just be yourself. It’s Christmas. I doubt they’ll give you a hard time. Also you’re going with Baekhyun I highly doubt he’d feed you to the Hyenas.” Suho said with a shrug.


“Ugh. I hate when you’re right”


“Liar. You wouldn’t have come to me otherwise.” Suho said with a wink as he grabbed another beer and opened it. “What has Baekhyun told you about his family to be making Mr. Awesome cool guy nervous anyway?”


“Not much. I mean I know they all have degrees and Baekhyun has said at least once that they’re well off. I just...I just don’t want them to think I’m not good enough for Baek.”


“Ahhh. I see your dilemma but if Baekhyun thinks your loser is good enough why should anyone else matter?”


Chanyeol let out a sigh and then looked over at Suho and smiled. His friend was right again. He took a swig of his beer and decided to follow his friends advice. He would be fine. Baekhyun would be with him anyway. What could go wrong?

A/N: Eyyyy look at that I updated!!! Okay so I'm happy I was able to update but I am going back to school tomorrow and to be honest I have no clue when I wil be able to update this. Next semester will be really important for me so I apologize in advance for not updating frequently. I hope you guys stick around and thank you very much for subscribing and leaving comments even just silently following this story. That being said t'ill the next chapter ;D
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