I Wanna Know Why You Got Me Going


Seconds passed that felt more like hours. Chanyeol almost regretted blurting out such a question. He watched the smile leave Baekhyun's face and his eyes go wide with surprise.


Maybe it was too early. Maybe he had let his thoughts get to him. They didn't exactly need a label. He was fine with just being with Baekhyun.  There was no rush. They had all the time in the world if he really thought about it.  Chanyeol reasoned internally to calm his erratic heart beat.  He felt himself breathe when Baekhyun finally reacted.


Baekhyun let out a choked laugh, “ I...are you being serious?”


Chanyeol swallowed and nodded his head yes. His voice having been completely lost. Get it together Chanyeol. He thought bitterly. Only Baekhyun had the ability to make him feel like a nervous wreck. But that was all the more of a reason for him to want a relationship with the other.


“You’re not just asking to be a jerk or to score right?” Baekhyun asked but there was humor in his eyes.  Chanyeol took comfort in that.


Chanyeol smiled and shook his head no. His ability to speak still lost.


Baekhyun tilted his head to the side and appraised Chanyeol. The jerk was enjoying this. Chanyeol could see the mischief in the others smile. He could see that Baekhyun wanted to drag this out.


“Hmmm I don’t know…” Baekhyun said looking pensive.


“Baek.” Chanyeol whined. He could tell the other was going to say yes. There was no need for all the teasing.


“What? You can't expect me to just jump into things without thinking them through.” Baekhyun reasoned.


“Come on Baek, I know you want to say yes.”


“Oh? what makes you so sure?” Baekhyun said leaning forward with his elbows on the table.


“Because the idea delights you.”


“That's a pretty big assumption to make. It's almost like you need to believe that to prevent a blow to that ego of yours.”


“ So are you saying no?”


“ No. Not yet at least.”  Baekhyun said with a teasing smile.


Chanyeol not being able to help himself smiled back and rolled his eyes.


Then out of nowhere he felt a quick press of lips to his cheek. He looked at Baekhyun completely baffled. How had he done that so quickly!?!


“Yes.” Baekhyun looked at him with a cheeky smile.


It took Chanyeol a second to comprehend what had happened before he smiled broadly. In an attempt to get back at Baekhyun for being a tease earlier, he replied with a very cocky, “Knew it.”


Baekhyun leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Know what? Nope, I change my mind. The answer is no.”


“Nope sorry I won't except that. You already said yes.” Chanyeol argued childishly.


“Well now I'm saying no.” Baekhyun replied sounding much like a brat.


“Are you? Because you're still here. I would think you'd leave if you really meant it.” Chanyeol shot back.


“Oh trust me I mean it, but this is free breakfast and I never say no to free food.”


“First off you're making me pay. And  second off how do you plan on getting home? Because I obviously won't be giving you a ride since I’ve been horribly rejected.” Chanyeol sassed


“Easy. I'll get Lyft.” Baekhyun replied with a wink.


“Well don't you have everything planned out.”


“Of course.” Baekhyun said with a shrug and a smile.


Their banter only coming to an end when the waitress appeared with two platefuls of food.


Both of them instantly went silent as the waitress put their breakfast in front of them. You would think they hadn't eaten in days with the way they scarfed down their portions of eggs, bacon, hash brown, and pancakes.


“This is so good.” Baekhyun gushed around a bite of his pancakes.


Chanyeol was only able to nod vigorously in agreement mouth too full to actually answer.


Taking a drink of orange juice to help clear his throat Chanyeol spoke, “You picked the right place for breakfast.’


Baekhyun looked up from his plate and swallowed hard, “Of course I did. I wasn't gonna suggest a place like Denny's”


“Hey don't hate on Denny's.”


“I'm not hating. But you obviously can't compare this to Denny's.” Baekhyun replied as he popped more pancakes into his mouth.


“What are you a breakfast connoisseur?”


“I might be.” Baekhyun shot back before taking a sip of his coffee making Chanyeol laugh.


They finished their breakfast soon after and left the restaurant hand in hand. Knowing that they were official had put a bounce in both their steps. Chanyeol decided to make a big show of walking towards the passenger side of the car to open the door for Baekhyun. He went as far as to bowing a little. This of course made the other blush profusely and playfully smack him on the arm.


“So you don't like the gentlemanly type. Alright, I see you Baek.” Chanyeol said as Baekhyun got into the car.


As he was walking back to his side of the car he heard Baekhyun say, “More like I don't  like the embarrassing type.”


Sitting himself down Chanyeol put his seatbelt on and started the car. Looking over at  Baekhyun he said, “No need to lie Baek I know you like the bad boys. I mean you said yes to being my boyfriend.”


Baekhyun threw his head back in laughter while Chanyeol pulled out of the parking lot.

“You?” He scoffed “You think you're a bad boy?! Pfff please you're a total softy.”


“I am not.”


“Chanyeol please don't kid yourself.”


“I’m not though!”


“Alright babe whatever you say.”


And then the car got silent. Chanyeol stared confused at the road not sure if he heard right. He then chanced a glance at Baekhyun. The sight was completely comical. Baekhyun had turned as red as a tomato.


Before Chanyeol could even speak Baekhyun raised a finger as if to stop him.


“Don’t. Not a word.” Baekhyun gritted out.


Chanyeol decided to play dumb in response.



“Chanyeol. Don't.” Baekhyun warned.




“Don’t do it”


“Don't do what”


“Just stop please okay?” Baekhyun pleaded.


“Oookay...if you say so” Chanyeol said still acting dumb. When he saw Baekhyun relax into the seat he added, “Babe.”


“Oh my god!”


It was Chanyeol turn to burst in laughter. Not even the slap on the arm could make him stop. It had all been worth it. Letting his laughter die down he peeked at Baekhyun. The other was looking straight at the road arms crossed tightly against his chest.


“Hey, Baek” he tried.




“Awww Baek. Don't be mad.”


Again, no response.


“Please? Come on I’ll do anything. Just don't be mad.”

Baekhyun huffed but refused to say a word.


“I don't know what the big deal is. I've called you babe before. I actually really liked it when you said it.”


He heard Baekhyun let out a sigh.


“Okay look I swear I won't tease you! If you want I'll even pretend like it never happened.” Chanyeol tried.


“Promise?” Baekhyun asked.


Chanyeol tried not to sigh. He really didn't understand why Baekhyun was so embarrassed, but he would much rather have the other happy with him.




They had now pulled into Baekhyun's parking lot. For the first time all morning Chanyeol wasn't too sure what was next. He had a couple hours before going to work. Maybe he could stay a little longer with Baekhyun.


Once he had the car parked. He looked over to Baekhyun to see if the other had any idea what to do next.


“So?” Chanyeol asked.


“So?” Baekhyun replied. Chanyeol didn't know why they were being so awkward. Their first date hadn't even this awkward. If anything they had been good at keeping up conversation. Now it was just quiet. The silence was finally broken when Baekhyun unbuckled his seatbelt.


“You have work soon right?”


“Yeah in a couple hours.”


“You want to come up?”


Chanyeol couldn't help but smile. He bit his lip because he had heard those words so many times before but this was such a different situation. It was almost too funny how different the situations were. This wasn't someone trying to suggest anything. This was his boyfriend (he couldn't lie the word did have a nice ring to it) who he had a feeling just wanted to spend some extra time with him.


The silence had made Baekhyun self-conscious though.

“I mean you don't have to or anything.”


“No no it's fine I want to.”


And so Chanyeol found himself cuddled up with Baekhyun on the couch. He was happy they had been able to get over the little babe incident and  the awkward phase that had followed. He really didn't want to leave his boyfriend (he still loved how that sounded) still mad.


“Chanyeol you’re gonna be late.” Baekhyun said as he pressed himself into Chanyeol's chest.




“You were supposed to leave an hour ago.”


“Don't worry.”


“Chanyeol your phone hasn't stopped vibrating. I'm pretty sure Suho’s gonna you out.


Chanyeol chose to kiss the back of Baekhyun's head before replying.


“He’ll be fine.”

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