

"____ noona!!" the younger members chirp upon seeing you and Jaehyun entering the dance studio with a bag of food. They quickly get up from their sitting position and run towards your direction. You couldn't help but to smile seeing them so excited about food as you and Jaehyun quickly hand in their lunches. "Thankyou noona. Have you eaten yet by the way?" Mark suddenly asks as he picks up his food. "Ah not yet but don't worry about me." you smile as you ruffle his damp hair. Jaehyun has his eyes on Mark as he immediately pouts. "Ya you should eat your lunch too noona." he looks at you. "Yeah hyung's right." Mark adds in. "It's okay I'll eat after this. Now go, eat your food." you say to Mark as you slightly shoo him away playfully. "Enjoy your lunch everyone!~" you chirp as you wave towards the other members and walk out of the room. "Phew." a sigh escapes your lips as you start to walk away. "____ noona you should eat now." Jaehyun suddenly says as he looks at you seriously. "Ya it's okay I'll eat later. I don't really have an appetite right now." you shrug as you reply. "You should go back to the practice room. They might start soon." you continue. "Nope. I won't go before I see you eat." Jaehyun replies as he crosses his arms. You immediately glance at him as you exhale deeply. "Come on Jaehyun-ah go now." you say sternly. Jaehyun just shakes his head as he avoids your gaze. "You need to go back or the coach will get mad at you. And me too. For taking you out of the practice room." you sigh as you give him a look. Jaehyun let out a sigh as he suddenly grabs your wirst and walk quickly. "Y-ya Jaehyun-ah-" you widen your eyes in surprise. "What are you doing?!" you try to break free from his grip as you follow him. Jaehyun has his mouth shut as he keeps dragging you along the hallway without letting you go. You both quickly go up the stairs to the cafeteria as Jaehyun finally makes you sit on one of the tables in the place and he sits right across you. "I'm not going anywhere before you eat." he says as he rest his chin on one hand, looking straight into your eyes. You blink several times as you look at him in disbelief. "Alright alright! I will eat just go now please Jaehyun-ah." you say to him slightly begging. You'll get into trouble if you're seen with Jaehyun there since it's actually his time to practice and you as their manager should not be with the other members outside when they're practicing. Jaehyun sighs as he just shakes his head. "I need to see you eat." he replies sternly. Your mouth hangs open slightly in disbelief as a deep sigh escapes your mouth. "Fine." 

You quickly order your lunch and get back towards the table as fast as you can. "You know we're going to get into trouble if you don't go back quickly." you say to him slightly whining. "Then just eat fastly. I won't move an inch until I see you eat." Jaehyun replies. You sigh as you take a big bite of the hamburger. "Happy?" you look at him only to have his expression changes immediately. "Yep." Jaehyun smiles brightly in reply. You quickly finish off your lunch so that he could go back to the practice room. "Okay we should go now!" you speak as you hurriedly walk down the stairs. Jaehyun couldn't help but to chuckle at your panic reaction. "Relax noona." he giggles. 


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Chapter 6: Awwwe love it so much . jaehyun(●´∀`●)(●´∀`●)
Chapter 6: oh I’m relieved that they didn’t caught but still worried too.
and seems the boy already fallen for her~ hihi
Vkooktaekook123 #4
Chapter 5: 디시 RUN RUN RUN
Chapter 5: OMG NO! I'M SCARED WHAT WILL HAPPENED AT THE NEXT! THEY SHOULD RUN ;; *backsound: run devil run by snsd*
Chapter 4: Update soon pleaseèeeee
Chapter 4: hope there's nothing will be happen '-'
Chapter 4: aw this is cute please keep going and you should make your chapters longer like these 4 chapters could've been 2
Chapter 3: I really love the story~ you successfully making me curious again and again~
Chapter 1: this is so cute arghhhh. I want more, please please