

The music from inside of the practice room echoes through the corridor as you carefully carry 2 giant plastic bags of food down the way. You stop right infront of the practice room on the left as you peek through the glass door to see 6 boys dancing seriously to their choreography and no sign of the dance teacher. You knock on the door a few times before you finally open it and enter the room. "Annyeonghaseyo." you greet as you bow slightly as you step inside and the music instantly turned off. "Oh ______ noona!" Ten greets you as all of their faces lighten up. "Food is here!~" you continue happily as the boys immediately run towards your direction. You know for sure they're totally hungry from all the dancing they've been doing for hours. "Ahh finally!" Taeyong whines as he immediately takes out his lunch out of the bag. You couldn't help but to smile seeing their face lighten up after they see their lunch coming but you notice Yuta just sitting, laying against the giant mirror on the back looking extremely exhausted as if he's about to pass out. "Yu-yuta-ah are you okay?" you frown as you walk towards him and all of the boys immediately turn to look towards his direction with a worried expression. "Hyung are you okay?" Jaehyun asks worriedly. "No no I'm fine.. I'm just tired." he replies as he plasters a smile on his face. You quickly take out a water bottle out of the bag as you open it. "Here drink this." you give it to him. "Thankyou noona." Yuta says to you as he smiles. You let out a deep sigh as you look at them. "You boys are doing a great job but don't forget you guys need to rest too." you say in concern. They're all drenched in sweat. Their clothes are wet, their hair look like they just got out of the shower and you know for sure they have been practicing for more than 3 hours. Also seeing Yuta like that makes your heart clenches. It's not your first time seeing them exhausted like that but sometimes you really wonder how much more they can bear before they break down. They're working too hard. 

"Alright then. Eat well kids." you finally speak and stand up. "Where are you going noona?" suddenly Jaehyun asks as he chews on his hamburger. "To the next practice room. Mark and the rest of the boys need their lunches too." you reply with a smile. "I'll help you then." he stands up as he scoots next to you. "Huh? No no it's alright. Just stay here." you reply back. "No it's okay. They're still eating. I'll get back when the practice starts again."  Jaehyun says as he take the bag of food from your grip and immediately heads out of the room. "Y-ya Jaehyun-ah wait!" you call him as you run towards him out of the door. "I told you it's fine." he reply without glancing towards you. "Ya manager oppa will think I'm not doing my responsibilities." you say as you try to snatch it back from him. "Nope. Just tell him I'm trying to help." Jaehyun says nonchalantly as he replies to you. "Aishh." You let out a deep sigh as you gather your energy and give another try to snatch the bag away from his grip forcefully. "Ow!" suddenly a loud wince escapes his mouth as he looks like he's in pain. He's holding his arm as your heart stops. "Y-ya Jaehyun-ah w-what happened?!" you abruptly widen your eyes in surprise as you hold his arm. "I-i'm sorry- did I hurt you?" you look at him worriedly as you take a look at his covered arm. He suddenly stops wincing as he looks at you and giggles. "I'm just kidding." Jaehyun says as he giggles. You look at him in disbelief as you scoff. "Ya! It's not funny! My heart literally stopped!" you protest as you stomp your feet. "That's why you shouldn't try to take it away from me noona." he replies as he stucks his tongue out playfully. "Aishh." you sigh deeply as you both head towards the practice room. 


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Chapter 6: Awwwe love it so much . jaehyun(●´∀`●)(●´∀`●)
Chapter 6: oh I’m relieved that they didn’t caught but still worried too.
and seems the boy already fallen for her~ hihi
Vkooktaekook123 #4
Chapter 5: 디시 RUN RUN RUN
Chapter 5: OMG NO! I'M SCARED WHAT WILL HAPPENED AT THE NEXT! THEY SHOULD RUN ;; *backsound: run devil run by snsd*
Chapter 4: Update soon pleaseèeeee
Chapter 4: hope there's nothing will be happen '-'
Chapter 4: aw this is cute please keep going and you should make your chapters longer like these 4 chapters could've been 2
Chapter 3: I really love the story~ you successfully making me curious again and again~
Chapter 1: this is so cute arghhhh. I want more, please please