

"it's Fridayyyyyy!! Come on wake up everyone!" Vernon screams as he knocks on the bedroom doors. The other five people in the house groan and hide themselves deeper under the blanket.

"Come one people. It's mine and Seungkwan's turn today. Wake up and wash up. Can't you feel the love in the air?" He talks in a singing manner and Seungcheol swears that if he's not their friend, he would have throw Vernon out of the window.

With much difficulty, the happy boy manage to drag everyone from their bed and arrive at school at 7 o'clock sharp. They went to practice as usual and then attend their class. 

Recess comes but this time there's four people that are missing. Soonyoung, Jihoon, Mingyu and Wonwoo. 

"Where are they?" Seungcheol asks to no one in particular. 

"Jihoon has to finish his work in the music romm and of course Soonyoung won't let him stay there alone." Jeonghan says.

"Wonwoo disapear before I can even look at his way when the bell rang." Jun says as Wonwoo and him share the same class.

"Mingyu too. And he sits beside me. Can you believe it." Seokmin says. He was shock by how fast and quiet Mingyu was. 

"Wow. Seriously how did you miss him Min?" Jisoo asks. 

"I don't know. I was arranging my books under the table and keeping my stuffs and when I zipped my bag and look beside me, BAM! He's not there anymore. It's not my fault Soo." Seokmin says and pouts. 

"Stop it, you sulking baby. No one blame you." Jisoo says and chuckles. Seokmin smiles and lean to him while smiling cutely.

"The heck. It's supposed to be my day." Vernon says as he leans on Seungkwan, copying Seokmin. 

"Oh please. Me and Minghao are better. We're going on a date tomorrow." Jun says as he drape an arm around Minghao.

"We are?" Minghao asks, confused by Jun's sudden confession.

"Yes babe." 

"No you can't. Seungkwan and I are going on a date too." Vernon protests.

"We are?" This time it's Seungkwan's turn to be confused.

"Yes babe." 

"You guys know that we're having practice tomorrow right?" Seungcheol asks which earn himself a playful hit on the hand.

"Cheol, you're lame. Let them be. They're going on a date for god's sake." Jeonghan scolds Seungcheol.

"Jeez, calm down. I'm just reminding them. Tomorrow is the last practice anyway." 

"I know. I'm going after the practice. Babe, I'll pick you up around 1 o'clock." Vernon says as he wrap his arm around Seungkwan.

"Me too. I'll wash up first then we'll meet up." Jun says to Minghao. 

"Ahhh so cuteeee!" Jeonghan cooed at the two couples. 

"Don't think of going to any date. You're going to tutor me tomorrow." Seuncheol says and he cupped his hand under Jeonghan's chin and turn his face so that Jeonghan is facing him instead of the couples. Jeonghan press his lips together and push Seungcheol's hand away.

"I know." He says shortly and turn away from Seungcheol, trying to hide his red cheeks. Seokmin and Jisoo smile to each other, amused by their friends' antics.

Mingyu walks alone, trying to find a spot to eat. He wanders along the corridor aimlessly with his bread and drinks in hand. He decided to stay in the informary as no one will be there at this kind of time. Mingyu opens the door and accidentally push it too hard without realizing there's someone behind the door.

The door hit the person quite loud because Mingyu could hear a loud 'THUMP' twice. One when the door hit the person's forehead (Mingyu guessed) and one more when the person fall on his . 

Mingyu push the door to reveal the person behind the door and end up it's Wonwoo. Mingyu cursed under his breath and rush to Wonwoo's side. He scoop Wonwoo is his arm and lift the latter up. Wonwoo is shocked and let out a squek and his hand immediately reach up to Mingyu's neck. Mingyu put Wonwoo on the single bed and inspect his bruised forehead. A big bump is starting to form on Wonwoo's forehead. Mingyu sighs and went to get the ointment. He then kneel beside the bed but somehow his figure still manage to hover over Wonwoo and make the latter feels small. 

"What are you doing here?" Wonwoo asks. The situation is too quiet so Wonwoo decides to break teh tension.

"I was going to eat. But.. this happened." Mingyu replies without looking at Wonwoo. His eyes are fixed on his hand that is currently aplying the ointment on the bump on Wonwoo's forehead.

"I'm sorry."

"It's my fault." 

"You don't need to do this. Just eat I can do it myself." 




"Gyu Gyu?" Wonwoo says cutely and Mingyu groans.

"Stop it or else I'll press on this bump." Mingyu threatens him. Wonwoo pouts. Mingyu gulps. His eyes travel to Wonwoo's cute, puty lips for a split of second before drifting it back to his hand on Wonwoo's forehead.

He put a plaster on Wonwoo's forehead and stands up to wash his hands. 

"What are you doing here?" Mingyu asks Wonwoo while keeping the ointment at its place.

"My stomach hurts badly just now. So I rested here and about to leave when... I bumped into the door." Wonwoo replies. Mingyu frowns.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" 

"No, I woke up late." The bell rings as soon as Wonwoo finish talking. The latter get off from the bed and bid goodbye to Mingyu but the taller boy holds his hand to prevent him from leaving.

"The break is over. Have you eaten?" Mingyu asks. Wonwoo shakes his head

"It's okay. I'll eat after school." Wonwoo says and Mingyu sighs.

"Can you please take care of yourself. Take this." Mingyu says and give his food to Wonwoo before leaving.

Wonwoo remain standing but with a stupid grin on his face.

'Seems like Jihoon and Soonyoung's idea is working' He thought to himself before walking happily to his next class.

The truth is that Jihoon and Soonyoung both pity Wonwoo and Mingyu so they suggested that Wonwoo should act cute around Mingyu because it's obvious that whatever problem that Mingyu has, the latter is not completely move on nor he hates Wonwoo. So maybe Wonwoo can solve the problem by making Mingyu talk to him again. Thanks to them, Wonwoo and Mingyu made a new progress.

The rest of the day went in a blur. Nothing exciting happens. Mingyu and Wonwoo both keep their little meeting as a secret from the others. Soonyoung and Jihoon together all the time. Seungcheol making sure that he's always between Jisoo and Jeonghan because a safety precaution won't hurt right? Seokmin doing paper planes in class because Mingyu is being a stone and Jisoo is not with him. Vernon and Seungkwan having their little happy moment everywhere they go with Minghao looking at them like they're relationship goals. Jun and Wonwoo both having stupid grins on the face because one is thinking about the date and one more happy with the smal bump on his forehead because a certain someone touched it. And lastly, Principle Chan in his office planning 1001 ways to discipline his students. Honestly, it won't be too weird if he didn't laugh at every second with the kind of laugh you heard from villains in disney movie. And not to mention the certain 12 people could somehow feel shivers running down their spines although they don't know why. 

Let's hope the best for them.

A/n - A crappy update I know. So you guys want the date or you want me to skip until next week?

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I'm a trash and nothing else. You guys supported me so much but I left you hanging, It's okay I'll let you guys plan the most torturous and painful and slowest ways to die. I'm coming back peeps wait for me.


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Renkurosaki #1
Chapter 47: i need update..
Renkurosaki #2
Renkurosaki #3
Chapter 25: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Renkurosaki #4
Bubbaboo #5
lol, just found out i have read this before and was wondering why don't i get notified with the updates and yeah...i forgot to subscribeヾ(´A`)ノ゚what!

anyways~ hi?
bibibu #6
Chapter 47: omg i missed this fanfic so much . thank you for updating !!
I really really want to read this story but I cant read it until it tag with COMPLETE !!!!
Chapter 46: Pleeeeease continue!!! I beg you!!!
Chapter 40: Dude I love your little side story of your real life xD aND of course this story (bro i read through it like a thirsty caratshipper)