Skinny jeans

Records (or something like that)

I'm not feeling good. I'm not sick, at least not phisically, i just don't feel good. I do know why though. Do you know why? I'm sure you do. I texted her and it's been the second morning i wake up with no answer. I can't really complain, after all i did the same to her last week when i didn't return her calls. Now i know how she must've felt. Like crap. 

I lazily got up from my bed and my body turned cold regreting the decision i just made. In fact i woke up earlier than i expected all thanks to my lovely best friend, i think she decided to throw a party this morning. So ing noisy.

I walked to the living room getting ready to yell at her but then i realised almost everything in our living room was gone. I stoped in my tracks in shock.

"What happened?" i asked her.

She finally noticed me and answered. "Oh, nothing special. We're moving out."

Nothing special? WHAT THE ?

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would we move out? And why am i knowing about this just now. It's that the microwave?"

After noticing it went to the kitchen and guess what, i was almost empty as well. I came back to the living room.

"Ok, stop." i told Hyejin. I was starting to get annoyed by this situation. She stopped and looked at me. "Explain." i said, my index finger raised at her.

She rolled her eyes, annoyed by me as if she had all the right in the world to be bothered by my question, this is also my house for s sake.

"Chill." Oh, no you didn't just ask me to chill. "I asked Wheein if she wanted to move in with us and she said yes and as you know this place is to small for three people and a dog and so we're moving out. Happy?" She said all that so quickly that i had a hard time following it. Wheein what? At this point i was so confused i didn't know how to react. Should i be happy for them? Of course i should.

"Well, congratulations. But don't you think you should've at least talk to me first? We still need to find a new place right? Wait, i'm included? Wow."

"Of course you're included i mean, if you want to. And yes i should have talked to you but i guess i just got too excited." she said.

I got near her and sat in the couch. "Of course i want to live with you guys." I looked directly at the kitchen. "You already packed the food?" she nodded affirmatively. 

"How about the coffee?"

"That too." 

"Great, how am i supposed to eat breakfast now?" i looked at her with a not so amused look.

She smiled apollogetically "I'll treat you breakfast?"

"Deal." i got up. "I'm getting ready, get your dressed i'm hungry."

"Good morning to you too."

"Screw you." i said as i entered my room to get ready. 


20 minutes later we were both dressed and ready to leave the house. Fortunately Hyejin has a car now and we didn't need to wait for a cab or whatever. 

In no time we reached our usual comfy little coffee place and we were now having breakfast. The weather wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either, it was just normal. Perfect for a lazy day, or in my case a packing day.

"Do we have a place yet?" i asked her after biting on my delicious chocolate cake.

"Yes, Wheeins landlord has a 2 bedroom apartment ready to be rented. Don't worry is way bigger than ours and the price isn't to bad either."

"Is it still near the center?"

"Yeah, not as near as ours but as a pretty good park near it so you might like that."

"Wow, i'm touched." i said sarcastically.

She didn't look amused. "You know what dickhead? I may drown your pitty someday and believe me i wont regret it."

I chuckled. "Yes you will. You wove me Hyejinie." i said trying to pinch her cheeks.

She moved back avoiding my atempts. "EW! Stop it. People might think were friends."


After breakfast Hyejin took me to see the new place. I have to admit i got pretty excited about it. The divisions were, in fact, a bit larger than the ones at our apartment and the windows were huge. The natural light that filled the house was incredible. The place was awesome i couldn't wait to move in. Not to mention the park, Hyejin was right i liked this park. 

"You liked it?" Hyejin asked me when we were in the elevator going down.

"I loved it!" i said enthusiastically.

After we got home i started helping her pack the rest of the stuff. An hour later Wheein joined us and in no time we had all the common areas disposed of any unliving thing. After that we moved to the bedrooms, we started with Hyejins and let me tell you something, despite the cheap prostutite atmosphere the room was really cozy. Not like mine, i just have whats necessary and thats it. Its not like i spend much time in it either way. 

"Byul, will you help me here?" i heard Wheein calling.

I went to where she was and she was trying to get of the matress from the bed.

"Don't do it like that." i said walking towards the opossite side of the bed so we could lift the matress together.

"Wheres Hyejin, shouldn't she be the one doing this?" i asked her once we got the matress out of the room.

She didn't answer, instead asked me something back. 

"Has she answered you already?" 


"You know who."


"Have you tried again?"

"Why would i do that? She hasn't responded to the text message."

She looked at me with an incredulous expression. "Why are you so dumb sometimes?"

I got confused. "Why are you insulting me?" 

She brought her hands to her face rubbing her temples as an atempt to calm herself. "Byul, just... one text and you expect things to happen? If you really want to talk to her you have to make a little effort."

"Does that mean i have to text her again?"

"Yes!" she shouted at me. "Of course, what do you think i´ve been trying to tell you? You need to make thinks right before we move to the new house."

I didn't get what she meant with that last part. Why until we move?

"Ok, you need to explain that last part."

She motioned me to sit next to her in the couch.

I refused. "No thanks, i'm good standing."

"Fine. I was thinking of throwing a party at the new house after were settled and i would really, really like if Solar was there. I mean, she's my friend and i do want to share this new chapter of my life with her. You get that right?" she said

After hearing that i sat myself. 

"Hmm, i understand but, what if i can't sort things out?"

She put her arm  around my shoulder while doing a cute face. "Then you're screwed because i'm going to invinte her anyways." 

I leaned back "Great."


After this crazy day i still had to drag my useless to class. I wasn't motivated at all, in fact i was so distracted and feeling so out off palce that the best would probably be not to go. But as Hyejin usually says once you start you might as well finish. Or something like that.

I was waiting outside for Hani. We had already changed phone numbers, something that i felt completely ok with despite the fact that she was way crazier than me and in normal circumstances i would never feel comfortable with someone like her. At first sight she seems like a very calm and shy person but once you spend 3 minutes with her that image is totally ruined. 

All i can say is that all my senses explode whenever i'm with her, too much energy. And as if her hyper personality wasn't enough she also talks a lot, she eats a lot, she drinks a lot and she laughs a lot. No judging though, i like that. I like her, she's cool. She stands out, she genuinely doesn't give a about what others think of her and that gives me a very good vibes. 

"Hey skinny jeans!" Hani yelled at me as soon as she saw me. Yeah, she yells a lot too.

"Skinny jeans?" i laughed at her remark.

"Coz everytime i see yo yo in some skinny jeans." she answered in a very stupid accent.

I said i like her doesn't mean i'm still used to all of her craziness.

"Ok, that was just weird." i said with a displeased expression.

I guess she didn't like what i said because immediately after it said she punched me .
"What happened to Byul, the funny girl i was starting to get used to?" she asked sulking.

I sighed regretting my choice of words "You know what? I'm sorry. Today i'm not in my best condition."

"I can see that." she started going inside and i followed after her. 

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked me as we sat in our respective seats.

"Maybe after class? What you say i treat you some cake for being kind of an earlier?"

She opened her eyes to the maximum in excitment "Really?"

I smiled at her. "Really."


It was now late at night and i couldn't fall asleep. Everytime i closed my eyes my mind would fill up with random thoughts and if i kept them shut my head would start hurting. What a ty situation. 

I looked at my phone to check the time and the clock marked 23:37. 

Is she already sleeping? I guess she is.

After my friendly date with Hani my feelings became even more confused. I told her about the whole situation and the only thing she could tell was "It's ok, life happens."

What am i supposed to do with that? What does that mean life happens. Of course life happens, it's life. One thing i learned after that was to never ask for her advice again. I know she means well but it's totally worthless.  

I looked at my phone again. 23:39. Maybe she's not sleeping. I remember her telling me she was a late sleeper. 

I took a deep breath and this time without second thoughts i grabbed the phone and dialed her number. Once you start you might as well finish, right? My new life motto. 

I was ready to hang up when she suddenly picked up.


I couldn't say anything right away. In fact i couldn't even breath. I've missed her voice so much. My heart was racing like crazy and my hands were sweaty. I was scared, again.

"Hello?" she spoke again.

I guess i got to lost in oy thoughts.

"Solar..." I finally said.  "Don't hang up, please." 

"I wasn't planing to." she calmly said. 

I breathed out in relief. 

We stayed silent for the next couples of minutes. I was still trying to figure out what i wanted to tell her. I guess i should have planned this a little better. 

"You still there?" I asked her.

"Yes." she replied.

"Hmm, it's kinda late right? I must be out of my mind to call you at this time." i said laughing nervously. I can't believe i just said that. I was starting to ramble but somehow that made feel a bit relaxed.

I could hear her soft laugh from the other side of the line and i was sure i wasn't suposed to have heard it. After all she wasn't going to give in this easily, right?

 "It is." she plainly answered.

Silence again. I was sure she could hear my heart beat, it was thumping all over my body.

"I sent you a message earlier" I said. 

"I know." Another short reply, great. As if i'm not nervous enough. 

My next words came out kind of imperceptible.

"I meant what i said when i said i missed you." i said in a heartbeat.

She softly laughed once again. "I didn't catch any of that."

I took a few breaths before speaking again, feeling stupid about that.

"I said i meant it when i said i miss you." 

I obtained no answer. I was starting to feel terrified, scared that i might have taken thinks too far. Then after what it seemed like an eternity she spoke.

"We should talk." her voice was still calm i couldn't really figure out if it was a bad thing or not.

Before i could answer, she continued.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes." i half shouted in joy. 

For the third time in such a short period of  time i heard her soft, delightfull laugh.



100 subs? wow, you guys are amazing. Thank you so very much <3
This is all i got for now but i promise i wont take a month to upload the next chapter ahahah 

Roses are red
Violets are blue 
You didn't think i'd give up on this
Did you? 

Okay, time to get the hell out of here!! :) 





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Chapter 27: author-nim? :(
Simplyfics #2
Chapter 27: Awww dangit. I burned through the story loving every second and when I got to the end to see when this chapter was up IT WAS A YEAR AGO T-T. We'll if you've decided to drop this I just wanted to say that I love the voice you've given to your characters. Everyone felt believable(with relatable friendship dynamics) and Byul' s inner monologues, especially at the beginning, felt like they came from a personal place. Not too many people on this site can make our girls feel "real" and I appreciate you for that ^_^ if you feel like finishing up I'll be here but if you don't, well there are always headcanon's right??? Thanks for the good read.
Pennywise-MB #3
Chapter 25: Totally unexpected! Bright eyes "first day of my life", a great song :)
merugoo #4
Chapter 27: Byul and Wheein's relationship has always been kind of weird in a very special way, I actually thought was Byul was crushing on her a bit but got too blinded by Solar (no pun intended, lol). Then I thought that maybe she just wants to protect her from everything, like Wheein was at some point the only good thing in Byulyi's life lol Argh wheepup doesn't deserve this, what the hell are you doing Hwasa, honestly there's no excuse for a cheater and I'm so scared for Wheein now. As for Byul's mom dying, well that . I feel bad for Solar now because she probably reaaally wants to help but is feeling useless now that she's being pushed away, I just hope she believed in Byul when she said she loved her.

And author, thank you for sticking with this story and hence, with us :) I love it when a fanfic turns out to be completely different from what we all expected, so again, thank you <3
Chapter 27: Possibility of Wheebyul...but if Hyejin can make up her mind to get Wheein back... Wait... Byul isn't going to cheat on Solar with Wheein or anyone, is she? I mean... If Byul knows how Wheein didn't deserve someone who would cheat on her then she should have known better than to cheat on Solar.

But Wheebyul here...I dunno...I sensed something from them... happens to both of them and they needed comfort and they're good at comforting each other which is a bit scary now... I dunno... I just feel more s are going to come at everyone's ways.

Anyway...Byul's life is indeed unlucky. I will send circles of prayers for her, lol. No, wait, I'll do it for all of them :3
LetMeLive #6
Chapter 27: Byul is the unluckiest person ever lol well we all do feel like that sometimes right? All happening at the same time.

I didn't expect hwasa cheating on wheein lol wheein really deserves better like me maybe me? Hahaha mhm also idk but this made me feel like wheebyul is gonna happen? it's interesting that byul asked wheein to go with her in buncheon instead of solar. Is it because that wheein is also going through some tough time? Or she doesn't want solar to see her at her weakest and pity her?
Also just noticed that byul's character likes to avoid drama, (like her avoiding the topic about her mom) or complicated s. but her life is dramatic af and she's also making things complicated af(when she's being dumb) lol
I like this chapter^^ not what I expect but it's really interesting! So keep it up merda~ <3
Moonia #7
Chapter 26: Really like this story great job!
And wow I love the Wheein/Moonbyul moment they're too sweet!
merugoo #8
Chapter 26: Aw finally Solar told her she loved her T_T but why the timing Mama Moon?? Damn you universe.

Wheein made me sad :( I hope Hyejin gets over her
MarPisces39 #9
Chapter 26: After reading a very long chapters I thought the would be a one shot nuclear bomb but then (sigh)...still love the story.can't wait for the next chapter..