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Hey everyone! it's been a while!!!!

Sorry I wasn't able to update the past week or so, like I said I went to tour my friend around.

As promised here is the update. I tried my best to make it good. Tell me what you think ;-*



Tic Toc

Tic Toc

My eyes strain as it darts back and forth along my wall clock. It’s starting to give me a headache.

“Well?” Sarah asked me expectantly from across the couch across my bed.

I stared at her blankly. I can feel my forehead sweat a little, my throat starting to dry and I continued to rub my clammy hands over my jean-covered thighs.

“Just a few more minutes...” I whispered so low I could barely hear my self.


After the incident with Jiyong in the emergency exit I almost wish the results turned out negative. He was such a . I couldn’t bear to look at him or even hear his voice. Granted, I work for him; well for YG but he is technically is still YG’s golden boy and I was and still am assigned to do him. Do him. Well, me. Do him did I ever. Look at how that twisted out.

Three days. It’s been the longest three days of my life. I have not heard of G-dragon for that long, and not for his lack of trying though. I have decided to call him by his stage name to create some distance between us. Especially after he called me a child and a at the same time, pretty contradictory if you ask me. That .





I swiped ignore and rolled my eyes. This is probably the thousand time he called today.

“Still not answering?”


“Never’s a bit too extreme, don’t you think?”

“Oh God Sarah! I told you everything he told me and you still take his side?!” I snapped at her.

“I was just asking, you don’t have to be a about it.” She shot back.

I calmed a little bit. “Sorry—I just—can’t deal with him right now.”

Her eyes softened when she looked at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders “Trust me, I understand how you feel. But, you going to have face him someday anyway and it’s better to do it now. It’s not good to let this hang over you head for a long time. Tell you what, let’s go look at what it says and then whatever the result, you go settle this with him. Sound okay?”

I took a deep breath. She was right, as much as I hated facing Ji..G-Dragon right now, I will have to put on my big girl sooner or later. “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for being here Sarah.” I honestly would have gotten insane without her.

She smiled at me in answer “You want me to check it out?”

“No..I want to.” I took another deep breath and straightened up. I slowly walked to the bathroom. I feel more and more tense as I reached for that small kit that’s going to seal my fate forever. Unhurriedly opening my eyes, I suddenly realized that I was panting. Better get this over with. I stared at the tool in between my shaking hands.


Single line. Negative.

Thank God. I breathe out sigh of relief and my legs gave up. I lean on the bathroom sink for support. No matter how much I want him, having a baby at this moment is going to make things even stickier; plus the fact that he only sees me as a friend, and a ty one at that.

I hear a sh

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Chapter 8: Ahhhh…. It’s 2021 and so hard to find good GDragon x OC stories! I hope you get to finish this one day and that you’re doing well ❤️
Chapter 8: I love that she's friends with Jay Park! And Jiyong....just what is he doing?
Lilykwon88 #3
Chapter 7: Oh no what is jiyong thinking??? Urgh he better not be playing with her... but other than that omg I love it. Like seriously can't they be any cuter. They're not even a couple and they're already arguing. . Update soon please.
Ashleybswt #4
Chapter 7: What kind of game is jiyong trying to play with her. If he only wants to be friends with benefits then he should tell her. It's wrong what he said to her and he needs to control his mood swings better.
qinmad #5
Chapter 6: I'm so glad she's not pregnant! It'd be pretty bad if she was since that idiot is acting up and ughhhh can I kick his , really? BUT, ASIDE OF THAT - YOUNGBAE IS ME, I AM HIM, YUP, THAT'S WHAT MY REACTION WOULD BE, can we gang up to kick Kwon's ???? PRETTY PLEASE???? Haha, I'm waiting for moooore (and I'm tearing up bc the chapters are short :(((( but I understand whyyyy since we get new updates pretty soon after the latest). Write more, girl! :) x
qinmad #6
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD, I'D SCREAM LIKE A SCHOOL GIRL IF HE DID THAT TO ME! LIKE WHATTTT, I'D BE SCARED FOR MY PRECIOUS LIFE AND PROBABLY END LAYING LIFELESSLY ON THE FLOOR OUT OF SHOCK HAHAHA YAY WHAT A NICE CHAPTER THAT WAS! I'm SOOOO looking forward to the new ones, hope it won't take long bc I'd love to read it asap (but no pressure, take your time, my dear! I'm not rushing you! :) ). And well -- dragon as a whole is scary af, but ANGRY DRAGON? GOTTA GO FOLKS!!! XD
qinmad #7
Chapter 2: Just found your story and Omg I can already picture myself laughing and crying while reading the yet-to-come chapters! She has it bad for him but I ain't even mad bc who doesn't?! I hope you'll update asap bc I can't waitttt! :D