Your Neighborhood Cutie

Taekook Drabbles

Word Count: 427 (I know, super short!!!!!!!!!)


Jungkook was having a terrible day at work, he had first woken up late and couldn’t find his keys. So he was late for work by the time he found them. Then when he had finally arrived, his partner Jimin was fuming because he had to give the CEO a presentation by himself, screaming at him to get him an iced americano which prompted his coffee run with people yelling orders at him like he was some intern. When he finally got all the coffee, he was walking up the stairs with about 12 cups balanced when their boss Yoongi scared him, causing them all to fall to the ground into a big mess. After that when he finally got to his desk to do some work, his computer wouldnt start, and he had to restart his finance spreadsheet because he left his stupid flash drive at home. When the clock finally struck 5, signalling everyone to go home, Jungkook dumped all his stuff into his briefcase and ran out of the building. That’s when he saw a piece of paper on his windshield. He groaned internally because he knew that he forgot to put enough change in the parking meter and now he was going to be stuck with a 250 dollar fine. He snatched the “ticket” up when he was shocked at what it actually was.


Hey Kookie hyung! Saw the parking police roll up about to give your car a ticket. I ran over, pulled my keys and said “sorry! I’m right here” She drove off. If you are reading this, you're welcome and you can thank me with food later! If it's the cops reading this, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

-  Love,

Your neighborhood cutie :)

Jungkook couldn’t hold back a smile, he knew exactly who this was from. It was from this young college boy who Jungkook helped move into his apartment 4 months ago. And being the older one, Jungkook decided to take care of the aloof cutie. He “unconsciously” cooked too much food and brought them over to his apartment, right across from his. As Jungkook drove home, his mind forgot about his ty day and was filled with Taehyung. His smile, His voice, His warm brown eyes. Taehyung brought out a protective instinct in Jungkook that he’s never known before. Maybe it isn’t just protectiveness but maybe it’s more, but Jungkook didn’t think much more of it, because he began to think about what he was going to cook for Taehyung tonight as a thank you.


I know this isn't based on a song, but I saw a cute tumblr post about this parking ticket and couldn't contain how I felt about it....Thanks:)

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Thithanh #1
Chapter 1: It was cute !:)