The Power Of Love (Part 1/5)

Taekook Drabbles

Divergent AU

"Love is giving someone the power to hurt you and trusting that they won’t."



Taehyung was an abnegation. He didn't know what came over him but all he knew was that he couldn't live like that anymore. He wanted to be more. His decision was last minute, his hand hovering over his own factions bowl for a good while before finally letting his blood drip into the embers that signified dauntless. They cheered, he smiled at his family who had the look of shock on their faces but acceptance.


Their city was different from the one located in america. Their factions were merged together, they encouraged divergence, but they still had their main jobs. Each faction worked together, mingled, but they all trained separately. Amity was their agriculture, Abnegation their care takers, Candor their justice system, Erudite their scientists/engineers and Dauntless were the protectors of the city. They were all as children raised in their own factions but went to school in the center where all the factions merged. That is where he met his best friends. Namjoon, An erudite of the highest caliber, one of the top in their class and all the classes there ever were. Yoongi, an amity, lazy but at the same time hard working and kind. Seokjin, from his own home faction, Abnegation. Hoseok was a candor, his blunt interjections but bright personality adding a pop in their group. And Jimin who was Dauntless, probably the kindest pure dauntless you'll ever meet. Kids who were born from the families of the same faction, usually stayed in their home faction to train. Then there were those from the mixed homes. Jungkook was raised in a home with an erudite father and dauntless mother. After the factions were allowed to merge they were allowed to inter marry, and of course it took a while. They supported certain pairs more than others, but still they were on the path to equality. Jungkook's kind, was one of the highest regard among the dauntless, they were always the best, cold and calculating. So when Jungkook picked dauntless it wasn't a shock at all. But then there were those like Taehyung, who was raised from two divergent parents (both males), who chose to live amongst abnegation. Taehyung knew that he could pick any faction and fit in, but he knew that he was probably more geared towards the abnegation and amity side, but something pulled him to pick dauntless.


When he was younger he used to run around with Jimin who would comment at his speed saying that he ran just as fast as any dauntless would, which would have prompted Namjoon to go on about how no matter what Taehyung looked like, he would fit into any faction, which would cause Hoseok to honestly say that he thought that Taehyung would be best in abnegation or amity, causing Yoongi to jump up from his nap, shaking his head vigorously, saying that Taehyung would ruin the peace in Amity, jokingly.


After the initiation ceremony, the seven friends meet up before they have to go to their respective factions.

-- "Holy Tae! What the hell!" Hoseok bellows once Taehyung sheepishly makes his way to the group.

-- "Tae don't you think that wasn't the most logical decision?" Namjoon adds, earning a disapproving look from Jin.

--"Tae don't worry about them, do what you want to do."

--"Yeah you'll be fine, remember that Jimin is dauntless and that kid literally cries at everything" Yoongi adds attempting to lighten the mood.

-- " Hey! Hyung don't start with me, just because you're amity don't expect to worm yourself out of every argument." Jimin yells at Yoongi before turning his attention to Taehyung,

-- "Yeah TaeTae! I'll take care of you, not that you'll need it, but just in case you know, because even though our group is pretty accepting, you know how integration works, slow process, blah blah blah. Dauntless are all pretty cool with integration but there is a group among it that hates divergents, but hey, Jungkook and I will protect you and you cute face!" Jimin smiles.

Taehyung gives him a nervous smile, sort of regretting his decision.

Taehyung hears Jungkook scoff, and everyone turns their attention to the makane.

-- "This is ridiculous Taehyung, do you know how stupid you are!" Jungkook burst out seething

--"Now Jungko--"

-- " No! Yoongi hyung stop trying to make peace of this situation! All of you guys are crazy, trying to agree with Tae! Hyung this is seriously idiotic! Aren't you supposed to be erudite as well!" Taehyung shrinks back, he didn't expect this type of reaction Jungkook. He and Jungkook had always had this special relationship, they were easily the closest in their group, but they also had a more intimate dynamic, but none of them ever brought it up.

-- "Yah! Jeon Jungkook don't talk to Taehyung like that!" Hoseok snaps.

Jungkook just bites back a growl before he storms off . Taehyung has to hold back the tears when he sees Jungkook go away, He didn't understand why the younger was so against his decision.

-- "TaeTae don't pay any mind to that jerk, why don't you go see your family! I'll meet you at our initiation meeting." Jimin says before running off.

The rest of the friends hug and bid each other goodbye until the next time they see each other, which will be in 6 months.

Taehyung spots his older brother in the stands next to his dad's. His older brother, Minjae ( a divergent trained in Candor) smiles at him softly while his parents come to him giving him a big hug.

-- "Aw my young baby is leaving me. I am getting so old." his father cries.

-- "Yah Taehyung are you going to be okay? I heard that Dauntless has a really tough training regime" Minjae asks concerned.

-- "Of course Tae is going to be okay! My home faction was Dauntless" His dad says smiling.

-- "Blah blah blah Daehyun, I'm still going to miss him, but I'll know you'll do great things and kick all their asses, because your the great Baekhyun's son" His father smiles at him, giving him a loving pat on the head.

Then an announcement calls for all the dauntless to go to the train station.

-- "Well then, I guess the next time we see you, you won't be wearing your signature white hole sweater. I'm finally going to see you in something decent" Minjae smirks.

-- "Bye baby, write us whenever you can!" His dad yells as he makes his way to the station, leaving his old life behind and moving on to the next chapter.



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Thithanh #1
Chapter 1: It was cute !:)