Parallel Line

Taekook Drabbles

“We are like parallel lines, we look at the same place, we are so different, but we have to be together.”- Danger

Word Count: 704


People thought that whole groups dynamic was weird. Each friend had their own strange quirk that usually turned people off from getting too close to them. Namjoon was smart but also very philosophical, it wasn’t on purpose, but sometimes he just got a little too deep in an everyday conversation. This was complemented by Min Yoongi a music prodigy who appreciates Namjoon’s genius. Yoongi is a small guy but was dubbed rude by almost everyone who met him for the first time for his rough way of speaking and face, but that was shattered by Jimin, who got to know Yoongi and had people get to know the real him. Jimin was all smiles, but really hard working, to the point of obsession, when Jimin likes something he gives it his 110% which throws many off for his enthusiasm. But to Hoseok Jimin showed him how to persevere, Hoseok is someone who is funny but never felt like he had a purpose, many liked him but after awhile Hoseok got tiring to be around, But that constant energy and happiness is appreciated by Seokjin who admired his gumption. Seokjin was the motherlike figure, not just in the group but in general, many thought he was stick in the mud, but not Jungkook who never had someone take care of him as much as Jin does. Jungkook was quiet and reserved, many admired him for his looks but when they tried to talk to him he wouldn't answer, just nods and grunts. But that was the perfect compliment to Taehyung whose constant chatter required someone to listen, and Jungkook was really good at that. Taehyung was the definition of kind, but his kindness rubbed off as “in your face” and “overbearing” but everyone in their group enjoyed his company. That’s how the group was, they all complimented each other. Taehyung and Jungkook were best friends and lovers but that threw people off because Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't be any more different. Taehyung was a talented art student, selfless, a little dumb and aloof but it was considered cute by almost everyone (almost being Yoongi) . Jungkook was the cold and calculating bad boy of the school. Unbelievably smart and athletic but the looks of a player. He had everyone falling at his feet but didn’t talk to anyone besides his small group of friends. Everyone, teachers included, didn’t understand how two opposite people of that caliber can be so close. But they worked, always in their own world, it was a sight to see them interact.          


Taehyung and Jungkook are sitting together at their groups lunch table. Taehyung, the smaller of the two, chattering away with Jimin and Hoseok, on Jungkook’s lap. Jungkook just sitting their quietly eating an apple and studying for a test next period with ear phones in. Taehyung gets over excited and flails his arms around, smacking Jungkook’s apple out of his hand. Jungkook just sits there and sighs as Taehyung’s eyes get wide scrambling to pick up the apple,  screaming “ 3 second rule, wait that was longer than 3 second….10 second rule! Jungkook I’m sorry! You’re going to starve and lose all your muscles! Oh no!”. Jungkook will just tell him it's okay and go back to studying, and Taehyung will continue to make a fuss until Seokjin gives Taehyung his apple to give to Jungkook. Who accepts it graciously, making Taehyung give him a cute smile and continue his interrupted conversation. As the bell rings, calling all the students to class, the 7 friends get up bidding their goodbyes and walking to their respective classes. Jungkook intertwines his and Taehyung’s hands as they walk towards Taehyung’s next class like their always do after lunch. Jungkook being the protective and loving boyfriend he is, makes sure that Taehyung doesn’t forget anything and walks him there before sprinting over to his class at the opposite side of the school. Not before giving Taehyung a small peck on the cheek and whispering an “I love you”. Yes. They were different, but they need to be together, like parallel lines.


Lol not that much Taekook but I'm just trying to get comfortable writing. Sorry if there are mistakes and stuff, haha just late night writing.



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Thithanh #1
Chapter 1: It was cute !:)