
Come on ~ I Love You



I kept to myself mostly today. I was still upset, but tried my best to have a smile on my face. I knew it, I sould have never confessed. I'm such a babo. *sign*  I'll get over it. Aish. I thought everyone liked me!  Hmph. It was Lunch time and so far i had all my periods with him. If He's such a babo with a cute face. Aish! Get over him will you Ji eun! If he's the babo then your a babo for confessing to him. I should just get over him. Yeah. Get Over him. I! Will! Totally! Forget! About! Him!

"YAH! YI JIEUN!" I heard my tomboyish, yet bestest friend friend yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts. We were really close. "..huh" I  turned to her. All the girls eyes were on me. I gave them a confused look. "What?" "What?...Really What? *sign* What's wrong with you? You been acting werid ever since the confession." Jiyeon, my bestie asked so only the girls at our table could hear.

"Wae...? Why do you think somethings wrong" I said in a confused voice but in my head I wished they wouldn't get anything out of me. She snickered at me. " Yah. You been mumbling nonsense ever since you got here and you keep stabbing your food with you fork."  Jiyeon said and sivered. "You do know that the meat is already dead right? Are you going to kill it a second time?" She half shouted. The girls at the tabled snickered when she said that. We were all understanding of each other and were really close, but me and Jiyeon stick together like I don't... peanut butter and jelly? just put it together and it makes the both of us. But Jiyeon has to be the jelly because i'm not really a fan.

"hehe..." I realize I had a good grip on my fork and it was stabed hard into the meat on my plate. I tried to pull out the fork from the meat but didnt succeed the first try. I struggled with it for a few seconds and pulled it out, placing it down slowly on a napkin."Nothing. Nothing wrong." "Ah.. Okay..?" Jiyeon said confused and all of them turn back to their foods slowly.

"How could he do that to me." I said

"Huh?"  Hyomin asked turning her head towards me in confusion.

"Amugeosdo. Nothing."

"hmm..." she said turning back

" Aish Babo!"

"Eh!" Eunjung said in a loud voice turning towards me and started to get up.

"Nothing. Nothing. It's nothing." I  said turning towards her and slowly sitting her down. I grabbed her spoon putting it into her hand. "Meodga. Seodulleo. Ppalli meoggo.( Hurry. Hurry and eat.)  I said giving her a cute smile.

"mmm..." she said and slowly bringing her spoon to and putting it in a waiting style. * looks like she was think* I thought.

I went back to my thought and started getting fustrated.

I didnt know how to let this fustration out so  through my knife, (not the one used for cooking) without noticing. It went and stabbed the wall but the entrance of the cafeteria. 

"Oh My God! That Scared me!" Said L. Joe holding his chest. I realized they were just coming in. Chunji at the front. He looked shocked as well. Omg What have i done! Babo, Jieun. Your such a Babo!

I looked down at my food and pretended that It wasn't me. I grabbed my spoon pretending to be eating. A minute later a shadow loomed over me. I looked up to see Chunji and the others behind him. "What are you doing" he asked in a smooth voice.

"What does it look like i'm doing, silly." I said trying not to sound guilty. "I'm eating"

He Snickered. "Eating?" I nodded giving him a sheepish smile. He leaned closer to me and looked down at my food. "Hmm... Cutting meat without a knife? " He asked looking up at me. I looked down to see myself with a spoon trying to cut the meat with it I looked back at him. I looked at him from underneath my eye lashes.  "..I...I'm not aloud to use Knives" I said with a pout, knowing i was going to get caught. "Hmph. Lier. I believe this belongs to you." He said as he toss the knive onto the table and walked away with his friends. I facepalmed myself with one hand and putting my elbow on the table, while pushing my lunch away.

All the girls laughed at me.

This was so embarrassing. I pouted while hiding my face.

"That is so you Jieun." "Way to go." Ptsmahahahhhaha" " So obvious" "hahahhaha" "Do you want your lunch?"

After the last sentence / question was said we all bursted out laughing, even me. Jiyeon. Jiyeon. Jiyeon. What will you do without her.



~Slowly <3

~ Update Yay!


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Chapter 4: Pls update this!!! Its si good. Saraghae<3!!!
This is a good story > < Why can't you give a chance to IU ChunJi!?!?!?!<br />
Please udpate more when possible Hwaiting~ <3