Chapter 3

Come on ~ I Love You

I Changed the plot a little to dumb IU to Smart IU. I like the 1st way i wrote it but i forgot she was suppose to be dumb.T-T. O well.

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I'll just skip to recently. Which was before I wrote this. Hehe. I was going to cheak if i had homework before writing this chapter. So when I went to check I realize I didn't write my homework for friday in my Planner. T_T. <----

Instead of that face I started laughing. XP I told my sister and she started laughing at me. If you were here right now you would laugh at how I did it.

The most recent recent one was when I wrote this chapter title. Well it isn't really a title since I just labeled it *Chapter 3*. But... Instead while i was typing it i type in Chunji. XP I know i'm werid. But i can't help it i was think about what to write. And yessss I write what i think right away. Okay well This is just random. Many writers do this here so i did it too.Hehe. Should i mention my self in 3rd person to? XP.

Okay i'm embarrassed. But i'm just going to act like nothing happened. Yeah. Just forget everything that happen and just move on forward. Hmph. I'll just act like he's not around. Ah. But that's not moving forward! I'll just ignore him. Well not to much just a few greeting if need.

"Jieun-ah. Are you okay?" Jiyeon asked me we walked to our next class. Which is 4rd period.

Lee Ji Eun's Schedule
Period Class Room # Time
Home Room - 118 7:30-7:45
1st Period History 118 7:50-9:20
2nd Period Ens 125 9:25-11:40
3rd Period English 101 11:45-1
Lunch - - 1-1:45
4th period Math 98 1:50-3:20
5th Period Science 46 3:25- 5:10
6th Period Art 200 5:10-6

My Last Class  was just something that I wanted to do. I can't wait to go to last period. Not Many People attend it. Well Me and all my friends did. Well my closest one since i think every one is my friend. Hehe. My small smile flatten completly when I was Chunji walk into my next class. Well not everyone I thought to myself.

I turned towards Ji yeon. "Yeah. I'm Fine." I answered her clamly. "Weird you mere mummbling stuff and shaking ur head..." I herad her mummble to herself. I ignored it and walked into the classroom and sat near the window. I took out my materials and sat with my elbows on my desk waiting for the teacher to come in. I didn't even look towords Chunhee. Yep I decided to call him by his really name now. We're not close anyways. Nor will we ever be.

When the teacher walked in. He started teaching us a few things and shipped  us off to work on some work sheets. I heard some girls flirting with Chunhee  near the back of the class room. I couldn't take it and put on my ear phones and so music and finished my work really quick. The teacher didn't care if I had ear phones on or if i was listening to music. As long as it's not during his lesson. What can i say. I'm one of his best students.

When I finish I got up and turned in my worksheets. I Done them in 15 minutes. As always I got a perfect score. The Teacher Mr. Choi Smiled Because I couldn't hear him over the music I was listening to anyways. His Smile was a okay signal for me to go and have a relax. I returned the smile and walked back to my seat and sat down. I looked out the window. It looked so peaceful. But I know it was to good to be true.

I signed and turn and faced forward. I glanced at the clock and realize i had around 20 minutes left of class. *sign again* I took out my phone and cheaked my messages. Two from each my Omma and Appa. I cheaked them both. Even if we were seperated for the time being our love is still strong. No. They are not like those rich parents in movies who ignore their child or call them just because they are suppose to and act like a good parent when the're not. No. They are fun loving parent who are on a business trip for about two weeks. Even if they are gone long, They still cheak up on me and i know they are sincere. We sometime video chat Too! I love them so much. One thing i love about them is that they don't let work come between family.

Yep. I love my family a lot. I Smiled while i read their goofy yet caring messages. When i was done, in like 5 minutes, I put on an alarm which i put on vibrate, for 10 minutes when i packed up my stuff. I didn't want to put more than 10 because i was afraid i would be late for. Can't hurt to be worried, right?

I change the song to one of my favorites and let the playlist play. I held onto my phone just in case i didnt feel it. I lean back in my chair and streached out my legs while crossing them. I relaxed my self and listen. The  4 songs I listen to were: Bang Yong Guk ft YoSeob I remember , Bap unbreakable, Bap Warrior, Block b Nalina. (my faves right now.) I like listening to a lot of music.

While i was listening i didn't notice someone was looking at me, more like observing.

Chunji Pov:

All these girl came out of nowhere and started flirting with me. I just gave them my best smile and did my work. But it was so hard since they kept touching me. Ahh!

I don't know why but i kept looking at Ji eun for some reason. She seemed annoyed as i was. Then she took out ear phones and started listening to some music. It was loud. I could tell because some music sounds came out of the ear phones. I shooed the other girls away and continued working on my work sheets boredly. I looked up to see her working dilegently and finishing the last of her worksheets. I looked up at the clock and saw it past 15 minutes. Hmm.. So the queenka's smart. I thought to myself and finished my worksheet as well.

I looked up again and see her going through her messages and giggling at some of them. Hmph. Must be her boyfriends shes going out with. There must be tons of them. Aish! Why am i thinking of this anyways! I got up and turned in my worksheets and got full points.

"Good job Lee Chunghee." Mr. Choi smiled and i walked back to my seat. Too many people with the last name Lee I thought to myself. I looked over at Ji eun again to see her in a relaxing position, leaning her back against her chair. She had her phone in one hand and her eyes was closed. She looked so peaceful and so much better then when she was crying.

What am I thinking! Ah! Stupid foolish thoughts. Stupid foolish thoughts. Go Away. Never come again another day. * Breath in. Breath out* *sign* All better. I turned and looked at Ji eun again. But stopped and mentally stopped myself. Aish! Pabo Chunhee!

~Slowly <3

How you like this.

Took me three hours to write this short one!


Mostly the chart time thing.

Gosh Math should me a crime sometime.

Ooo~ That rhymed!

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Chapter 4: Pls update this!!! Its si good. Saraghae<3!!!
This is a good story > < Why can't you give a chance to IU ChunJi!?!?!?!<br />
Please udpate more when possible Hwaiting~ <3