Just Like the Others

Come on ~ I Love You

I know this story won't get far just like my other ones but i hope you like it. I hope you cheak out my other stories too.




Class was starting and I was bored as usually. I crossed my arms on my desk and put my chin on it.

"Attention class. Today we have a new transfer to this class. Please let him introduce himself." Our Homeroom teacher said.

The Transfer walked into the class and cught everyone's attention and mine as well. My heart started beating like crazy.

I Think I just found my soul mate.

Whispering started.

"Wah... He's so gorgous." " I'm so going for him" " Isn't he that richy son that keeps tranfering?" .............

"QUIET!" Now Introduce yourself."

"Good morning . I'm Lee Chuuhee." He said boredly.

"...(clears throat).. Take that empty seat in front of Jieun. Jieun raise your hand." She said

I raised one of my hands up with my head still on one arm. I was so excited. I just stared at him.

Class begin but i couldn't take my eyes off him.

He sat down and turned around. OMG OMG OMG.

"Can you please stop staring at me. It's creepy and annoying."

" I-i'm sorry." I whispered  softly.

He turn back around.


2nd period.

I walked out of 1st and started to my started to my next class which was PE. It was my favorite class becuase it had most of my besties in it.

I heard someone called my name and turned around. It was Chunhee.

"Chunhee? Do you need any help?" I asked.

" Do you know where the PE class is? This school is so big and confusing?"

" Ah.. just follow me I was just heading there" I calmly smiled at him but inside i was going crazy.



Locker rooms. NO Ones POV

IU told her friends about the new transfer and how she felt. They were happy for her.

IN the boy's locker room Chunhee met some friends. He found out out that they were the Most popular guys in the school. They seemed like nice people. They were called Teen Top.


Chunji's POV

I walked out of the locker room and walked up to the coach and told him about myself. He told me to warm up.

The guys came out and we started hanging out before class started .

LJoe said "Yah here comes the Queenkas."

I look over with cold eyes and to my surprise Jieun was part of their group.

I asked the guys about Jieun and they said she was the head of the Queenkas.

So she was one of them.

She  looked over and I looked at her with cold eyes.

I never use to be this way but I couldn't take being taken advantage of anymore.

She looked shocked and slightly frighten and looked away.

I smirked.


IU came over and confessed to me. I wasn't surprised.

"C-Chunhee-ah..... I really like you... Will you go out with me?" She look down and whispered.

Everyone around me was quiet.

"No" I rejected with ease.

Everyone gasped(?)

"WAEEEE!" She wined.

"I barely know you. And I already know that You just want my money. Sorry. But I'm not interested. Go find any dude to play with."

She seemed shocked and ran away to her friends. She looked as if she was about to cry. When she got to her friends she wept.

"Dude don't you think that was a bit much." C.A.P. asked.

"Yeah, You even mad her cry" Ricky said.

"No, I just didn't want her to get close to me." I said.

"You Just lost a Great opportunity Chun-ah" Neil said shaking his head.



I cried for a bit but quicky got over it. My friens were furious of what he just said to me.

They asked if I was okay. I lied and said I was.

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Chapter 4: Pls update this!!! Its si good. Saraghae<3!!!
This is a good story > < Why can't you give a chance to IU ChunJi!?!?!?!<br />
Please udpate more when possible Hwaiting~ <3