May 4th 2016(Part I)


KOREA. May 4th 2016, 06:00AM

Taeyeon stirred in her sleep. She heard her alarm shouting loud noise but she could not bring herself to shut it away. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally gave in to the alarm clock and turned it off. Just five more minutes. She promised herself.

JAPAN. May 4th 2016, 07:15AM

Baekhyun was getting ready to go back home. Home as in Taeyeon's embrace. That was his new home since they got together two years ago. He waited for his manager with the rest of the group in the hotel's lounge. Everyone was with their phone, and he thought he should be too. Baekhyun was still waiting for a reply from Taeyeon. He did not want to give up too soon. His hands was fiddling the phone and his mind contemplating his about-to-do action. Should I, should I not?

He grumbled in his breath and decided to go on with the plan. He dialed a number and waited for the person to pick up the call.

"Hello." Baekhyun's breath hitched as he heard that familiar hoarse morning voice of the one that he loved.

"H..hi. Good morning." He stuttered a bit at the beginning but he managed to control it.

"Baek?" Yes.That soothing voice when she calls my name.I miss this so much. Baekhyun beamed with pleasure.

"Have you woke up yet?"

"Wait. Did you just call me to wake me up?"

"Yes. This is our morning routine, remember?"

KOREA. May 4th 2016, 07:20AM

"Yes, This is our morning routine, remember?" Of course I remember you idiot. Taeyeon grinned at her boyfriend's stupid question but she could not possibly show this side of her to him, not just yet.

"I don't. Would you mind explaining?" Taeyeon tried to play it hard.

"Sure.If this will wake you up from sleep. But first, get off the bed and go to the bathroom. You stink."

"Hey, I'm not!" Taeyeon shouted a reply before sniffing her own self. I sure am not. She could hear the boy laughing at her remarks through the phone. She felt relieved to hear that again. Her morning has just gotten better. 

"Okay okay. Just kidding. You smell good, baby. My favorite scent in this world. First on my list, a level ahead of the cherry scented Yankee candle."

Both of them cackled through the line. And then a moment of silent.

"Umm..Are you in the bathroom yet?"


"Come on. Get in the toilet and brush your teeth. Put this call on the speaker mode and I'll tell you about our morning routine. Oh! This is a part of morning routines too when I am away from you."

Yes. That is one of their special morning routines because when Baekhyun is unavailable to wake her up personally, he will always make sure to call the girl and remind her to brush her teeth, shower, and get a breakfast. They will be on the phone throughout the entire process and Baekhyun will listen to every single movement that she makes. That explained why he is always on the phone when spotted at the airport for a morning flight.

"I'm in the bathroom, Baek." Taeyeon placed her phone on the sink counter and waited for his reply.

"Good girl. Now get the toothbrush and put on some toothpaste on it. Then, start brushing your teeth."

Taeyeon did as she was told. She really missed this kind of morning.

When Baekhyun heard that she has started brushing her teeth, he cleared his throat to begin talking.

"I'm sorry Taengoo. Just hear me okay. I'm really sorry for acting like a jealous boyfriend and been ignoring you for the past few days. I'm sorry for leaving you without hearing your explanation. I'm sorry for not trusting you enough. I'm sorry that I am such a coward. I am a coward Taeyeonah. I'm afraid of losing you. So now, I'm heading back to get you again. Wait for me, okay?"

Taeyeon's body froze as she heard his explanation. The toothbrush staying still in her closed mouth.

"Taengoo, you still there?" That was when Taeyeon got back her sense and started gurgling some water in to clean it. She then wiped from the dripping water.

"Yes. I'm here."

"Now reply me. I've done explaining myself."

Taeyeon took a good 10 seconds to digest her mind,thinking of a suitable reply. "Well," she began. "That was fast."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it only takes you a week,less than a week actually to apologize first in this fight. May I stress again, the first to apologize, that was very unlikely of you, Mr. Byun."

Baekhyun snickered behind the line. He did not expect that to be her first concern after his apologetic confession. In his mind, she was supposed to either get mad, or end the call rightaway but seemed like he had just underestimated his girlfriend.

"Then, do you not want me to apologize? Well if that's what you insist, just act like I've never called-"



"Why are you apologizing now? What makes you behave this way?" Taeyeon sounded straightforward.

"Because.." He was not sure whether to tell her regarding his nightmare or just bury it with the confession.


"Because I just love you. I love you so much Kim Taeyeon, can't that be a reason for me to start apologizing? I love you so much Kim Taeyeon, I'm going crazy. I love you so much that I finally decided to put down my ego and pride for you. I love you."

Taeyeon could feel that her heart was beating fast after those overflowing amount of "I love you" confession from the same guy who had stolen her heart two years ago. She was speechless. She had to end the call and so she did.

JAPAN. May 4th 2016, 07:40AM

Baekhyun's face frowned as soon as Taeyeon ended the call. He was waiting for a reply, but just like before, he got nothing.

"Now now. Stop being a disgusting and hopeless romantic wannabe. Get off your seat, we are heading back home." The manager instructed the boy while trying to be sarcastic, but all he got in return was a scary Baekhyun, with his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

KOREA(Incheon Airport). May 4th 2016, 01:50PM

"Finally! Back to the kimchi land!" Chanyeol shouted as they walked to through the arriving hall.

"And the love land for some people too." The giant friend hung his hand across Baekhyun's shoulders as he teased the short.

"Get your dirty hands off me Park Chanyeol." He slapped Chanyeol's hand and it dropped off his shoulders instantly.

"And just admit you're jealous with me because you don't have a girlfriend to pamper your ." Baekhyun sticked his tongue out to the giant friend.

"I can pamper my own because it's sticking out good. Yours are too flat that's why they need to be pampered." 

Suho who was walking ahead of them just shook his head as he listened to the childish conversation, coming from two soon-to-be half fifty men.

"Okay, stop with your talk now. We're reaching the fans area. They're gonna think that you both have some for or something." Kyungsoo scolded them with a straight face.

KOREA(COEX Artium). May 4th 2016, 01:58PM

Somewhere inside the COEX Artium, Taeyeon was busy with the upcoming event preparation. This was her first time taking care of a party, and add on the fact that it was not just a "party", it was a big scaled one.

"Taeyeon-shi, where should I put these flowers?" A staff asked the female because she was the one in charge of everything, like literally everything for this event.

"Hmm...At the end of the stage? I don't want the middle to be crowded with decorations." Despite feeling tired since she has been working since 9 o'clock, she still managed to carry on the task in professionalism.

Yes. She was organizing the non other, but her own boyfriend's imminent birthday party.

"He has just landed a few minutes ago." Shosho, known as SNSD's manager informed the kid leader.

"Oh thank you for informing. I'll stay for another half an hour and don't wait for me, I'm driving my car and I have to be in another place after this."

Shosho just nodded her head as an act of acknowledgment and left the stage, leaving the occupied Kim Taeyeon behind.

KOREA(EXO's Dorm). May 4th 2016, 02:45PM

Baekhyun was having a hard time while trying to reach for his girlfriend. He tried to call her since the moment they stepped out of the airport and that was about an hour ago.

"Why don't you just go to her dorm?" Suho,the leader suggested. He purposely done that as he could not stand the existence of a restless Baekhyun, pacing back and forth in the living room while the older one was trying to watch the TV.

"You think I should?" Baehyun bit the bait.

"I think you hella should." 

Baekhyun was contemplating for a minute before he strode to the maknae's room.

As Baekhyun pushed the door open, he saw the younger one lying flat on the bed with a laptop covering his stomach. "Hey big , can I use your car for the day?"

Sehun was surprised to see someone standing in his room entrance. His face turned pale.

"Why are you acting like you've just seen a ghost Oh Sehun? Do I look like one?" Sehun shook his head in response.

"What are you watching? Don't tell me..."

"Hyung be quiet!" The one on the bed tried to prevent his older friend from spreading the news to the whole house.

"It's not like I don't watch it. Quit the drama big ."

Sehun gave a long side eyed to Baekhyun before the latter stopped him. "Anyway, I'm going out and I wanna use your car. Key?"

"Geez. Does Taeyeon even teach you manner while you're dating her?" Sehun's hand went to reach for the car key on top of her bedside table. He then threw it in Baekhyun's direction and...perfect catch.

"She may not have taught me manner but she taught me to stop ing in bed after dating her. I think you should get that lesson too." Baekhyun flashed a wink before he left the room with a car key in hand and Sehun, he was deep in red.

KOREA(unknown cafe). May 4th 2016, 04:15PM

"And this is our final meeting, I guess?" The tall handsome male spoke as he beamed a smile.

"I guess yes? It was a pleasure getting to work with you, Ji Young-shi. I'll wait for the final result." Taeyeon returned a smile to the guy. They both stood on their feet before offering a handshake to part ways.

"You can always count on me." That was his last reply and Taeyeon later walked to her car.

The moment she settled in the driver seat, she took a moment to rest her head on the backrest. All these works are draining her energy. After a minute, she grabbed her phone which was lying on her thighs and swiped it open.

From: Best Girlfriend

Yah Kim Taeyeon! Where are you?

-Received 03:15PM-

She scrunched her nose as she read the message from her best girlfriend, Tiffany.

To: Best Girlfriend

Tch. Why are you acting like my boyfriend out of the blue? I'm heading back home now. Why? Do you miss me? kekeke

-Sent 04:18PM-

She fixed her bang in the rear-view mirror while waiting for a reply. The engine of the car was long started.

From: Best Girlfriend

Fyi, your boyfriend is in our house and maybe that explained why I act like a boyfriend? And more than me, I think he misses you more because he's been urging me to find out your location since an hour ago. You better pay me up when you get home.

-Received 04:20PM-

Taeyeon smiled at the thought of her boyfriend clinging onto her best girlfriend at home. "That would be one cute scene." She expressed.

To: Best Girlfriend

Copied. I'll be there in 30 minutes so hang in there for the meantime,okay? I'll bulk buy your album as a payment.

-Sent 04:21PM-

With that, the girl swiftly steered down the road and began humming to the song in radio.

KOREA(SNSD's Dorm). May 4th 2016, 04:22PM

"She said she's heading back home. You better stop pestering my life now." Tiffany launched herself on the couch and took control over the TV remote. She was busy finding the right channel when Baekhyun decided to sit on the table and blocked the view.

"You're blocking my view!" Tiffany shouted in annoyance.

"I am the view,noona." Cheeseball Baekhyun being a cheeseball.

"I honestly don't know how can Taeyeon put up with your act for 2 years. I feel like strangling you already, despite only spending time together for barely 2 hours."

"I am a fun guy, well if you try to dig in more into me like real deep. Well, not that deep but just enough deep to-"

"Gosh stop it Bacon! Just half a minute before you were all cheesy with me and then now you've changed to a ert old man. Do you have like some kind of split personality or what?"

"I haven't confirmed that with the hospital but we'll see." Baekhyun cheekily and Tiffany just shot a dagger to him.

"Anyway, that wasn't my point. I was trying to get your help with..." The guy swiped open his phone and showed it to Tiffany. "This." He finished his sentence. Tiffany was bewildered to see what was before her two eyes. His phone was on a recognizable application that she had just turned into an addiction recently. The Snapchat.

" what's with this yellow ghost jumping in your phone?"

"Don't act stupid, noona. You know this way too much, right?"

"Okay can't act stupid around you because only one person can be the stupid at one time." This time it was Baekhyun's turn to shot a dagger. "And what is it you want me to help you with?" Tiffany added.

"Help me to learn using this app. I don't know a thing in here." Baekhyun confessed.

Fany giggled at the confession. This boy is way too cute. "So you're telling me Bacon, that you have an infamous social application in your phone, but you don't even know how to operate the thing? Why do you even have it in the first place?" She raised a brow to the boy as if she was really confused with the whole situation.

The boy backed off a little because first, he was surprised with the tone Fany was using and second, he was shy to admit that, "I got this because of Taeyeon. Why do you think I chose to sacrifice my phone storage if it's not because of my baby." Oh yes. He sounded manly and possessive when he said that.

" stop using nicknames when talking to me. I might just help because oh God I can't bear another baby~ or kitten or sweetheart~ or beautiful angel~ today. That was an enough amount for me to support the whole year quota."

"You left princess~ out." And that gave Tiffany a chance to hit the non-existence crown on his head before she began the "Know how-Snapchat" lesson with her best girlfriend's boyfriend.



Hello guys~ This is my first official greeting fml only done it after posting 4 bad chaptersㅠㅠ Anyway, as you've seen in the title, the May 4th date will be divided into 2 parts because I think it will just be hella draggy if I continued. Plus, I'm feeling a bit tired right now and *whisper* writer block lmao so see you on the next update and I hope y'all have fun reading(tho it's bad you should try to have fun) #ignoreignore 

See ya!

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anis_baekyeonlover #1
Chapter 6: Cute.........><.please update soon author-nim.
anis_baekyeonlover #2
Chapter 6: Cute.........><.please update soon author-nim.
Chapter 6: Yay you're back! This chapter was so sweet!!! And as expected, ByunTae Baekhyun HAHAH
Aasyah #4
Chapter 6: Finally... thank you for updating
Chapter 6: finally.. you're back! ㅠㅠ I missed your fanfic so much <333 thank you for updating! fighting!!!
Aasyah #6
Chapter 5: I love this chapter so much :)
Chapter 4: I just started reading your story and I think it's really cute :) Hope Baekhyun used snapchat irl too hahaha. Can't wait until it gets to his birthday~
Chapter 4: thank you so much for updating, authornim <33333
Chapter 4: Whoah!! This is so cute . . Baekhyun and BaekYeon's Vice president Tiffany