what's his name?

The rain says I love you all over again


“then what happened after you help him?” seungkwan asked eyes widen full of curiosity.  “if it was a movie I bet you guys already kissed. I mean helping someong in the rain!! Specially a gorgeous one. How cliché  romantic is that” wonwoo laughed hearing his friend and just ignored that romantic part.
“unfortunately this is not some cheesy drama” wonwoo wiped the table in front of him “nothing happened. I cleaned him. And I send him off with taxi”

Wonwoo decided to skip the part where he need to undress mingyu and how flirty mingyu was. Because if he did seungkwan would never stop asking about him.

“tch no fun” seungkwan gave a displeasing look. “what’s his name? you said he was pretty handsome. If you don’t want him, just give it to me. I like bad boys “

“WTF SEUNGKWAN” wonwoo hit seungkwan with his napkin. Wonwoo shook his head can’t believe about what the other said. “actually, he never gave me his name” wonwoo pouted. “and seungkwan how can you say that when you already have vernon ” he continued

“but hansol is so busy lately you know. I need some attention too”         
“at least you have a boyfriend. Unlike lonely me”            
“you need to fix your social skills first if you want a boyfriend” seungkwan laughed hard.
“yah i’m trying. That’s why I work here in the first place. But where’s your respect. I’m your hyung” wonwoo stop cleaning the table and watch seungkwan in annoyance.
“true. But I’m mentally older than you, wonwoo-yah” seungkwan patted wonwoo’s head in adoring way, it’d be cute if he didn’t say it in mocking tone that made wonwoo boiled in rage.

“SEUNG-“ wonwoo’s word was cut off by jihoon who smacked these two idiot. As a result both of them whined in pain and a little bit tremble in fear. Because let’s be honest even though jihoon is small average size, he can be scarry. Jihoon gave them a death glare.              

“what time do you think it is? We’re open in 15 minutes. How can you two here gossiping like some teenage girl” jihoon sighed and the two looked down and muttered a weak apologized           
“it’s okay wonwoo. but remember, you’re the one who asked for this job and I through hell to convinced your mother to allow you. So do it properly okay”  jihoon smiled “and you seungkwan. Shut your mouth and start to do your work” he continued

“hey why do you always nice to wonwoo but mean to me” seungkwan puffed asking for an explanation.
“that’s because wonwoo is cute”  wonwoo blushed and smiled after hearing that           
“sshhtt zip it. And do your work” jihoon left them back to his office.

“our manager is grumpy as ever. Only to me though”  seungkwan sighed             
“see! Even though I’m lacking in social skills, people still finding me cute. “ wonwoo giggled and left seungkwan too.

They finished cleaning the café and proceeded to fliped the closed sign to open. Waiting for their customer. This café-slashed-house actually belong to wonwoo’s family. Well precisely his mom. It’s a two floor building. Pretty big, but not so much. They use the first floor as a café and the second floor as their home.  

it’s 9 am and the café getting crowded, mostly people with grumpy face that need to be pumped up with a glass of coffee to go. Only a couple of people actually sat here in the café. It still Wednesday after all. As the sea of people decreased. Seungkwan who was in charge being cashier noticed a familiar figure from across the street.  Wonwoo watched seungkwan fixed his hair in a rush and smile a little bit. “ah young love”              

wonwoo nudged seungkwan “oh your boyfriend is coming. I’ll going back inside then” wonwoo winked  like he was saying something but seungkwan doesn’t even want to know what it means.

“hey babe”  hansol finally came up to seungkwan with a wide smile on his face that in seungkwan’s opinion is way too bright for this early morning and he may need a glasses. Okay maybe he’s over reacting. But who cares, he’s in love.               
“hey hansol. Don’t you have morning class today? What are you doing?”             
“just need some coffee and your smile to start this morning.” Eyes still locked on seungkwan as if he wants to record everything         
“it’s too early for you to be cheesy. The usual?” seungkwan said it with a flat tone acted like it’s didn’t affect him but he actually squealing hard inside.            
“the usual.”       
seungkwan proceed to make hansol’s cappucchino turning his back as he focused on that drink. Hansol may or may not be staring at seungkwan’s cute for a little too long.       
“here you go”   
“what time you get off today?” hansol asked while paying for his drink
“around 3”         
“I’ll pick you up today. So wait for me okay” hansol leaned forward to seungkwan and gave him a quick smooch. God he missed seungkwan’s plump lips. He can felt seungkwan’s smile in their kiss. This is indeed a good way to start a morning.

Hansol waved a good bye and walked outside. Leaving seungkwan who was still in daze. Wonwoo watched everthing from inside. He walked to seungkwan to make sure that the younger still breathing. But seungkwan’s eyes still on hansol’s back. Seungkwan felt like there’s something covering his eyes. As what wonwoo describes as heart shape pupil that comes up everytime seungwan met hansol.

“what the… what’s covering my eyes”  seungkwan face wonwoo and grab both of his hand “I CAN’T SEE. I’M BLIND” wonwoo flicked seungkwan’s forehead. “gosh you’re just in love. How annoying”
“haish can’t expect a like you to understand.” Seungkwan’s mood has gotten better after a morning kiss from his boyfriend. He can’t stop smiling. 

“you should find yourself a boyfriend so you can stop being emo”           
“me? A boyfriend? No. I try to focus on more important things in life”  wonwoo gave a smug looks which seungkwan just raised his eyebrow “like crying over character development”  he continued.

“what am I going to do with a nerd like you” he shook his head in defeat by wonwoo’s answer




“did you brought the key?”        
“yeah. Who do you think I am?”               
“just hurry up and open this god damn door. It’s freezing”          


Mingyu heard the sound outside of his apartmen and groaned as he recognized the owner of that voice. He looked to his clock beside  him on the table.      


“What the are they doing at my house at this hours” mingyu covered himself with blanket and roll into burrito. Hoping that they won’t find him. And maybe pretended to death. But as he praying that all those voice were just his imagination. Someone pulled his blanket and his curtain showing a bright sunshine.

“jisoo! Seungcheol! What the funk” mingyu yelled to these two “what are you two doing this early? I have a rare skin condition called close the ing blinds” mingyu tried to pulled the blanked from jisoo’s hand and drowned himself in slumber, but seungcheol won’t allowed it. And grabbed the blanket instead.

“see jisoo! I told you he still alive”  seungcheol pointed at  mingyu    
“what? I’m just worry when they told me mingyu can’t come to work because he got beat up”

Mingyu watched his friends, still half asleep. “GUYS I’M FINE. SO JUST LEAVE” he flopped himself on the bed again hoping to be able to embrace his lover in peace.

“you’re fine” jisoo raised one of his eyebrow “look at yourself full of bruise. did you even treat your wound? Have you eaten?”      
“yes and no. someone helped me last night” mingyu finally sat up on his bed acted like he’s being scolded by his parents.              
“what? Who’d helped an like y- ah we’ll talk this later. I’m gonna make you breakfast. Seungcheol, help him go to kitchen” jisoo dashed to kitchen leaving these two behind.

Seungcheol laughed at mingyu “man you heard him. Let’s get up”   mingyu muttered a weak hum as he got up from his bed. “I can walk you know. Jisoo is worry too much”                
“you know how he is. When he heard you’re getting into a fight it’s remind him about the past”
“I’m not like that anymore” mingyu puffed his cheek followed seuncheol who already walked to kitchen.


“eat!” jisoo handed mingyu a scrambled egg. “hey jisoo where’s mine” seungcheol complained               
“but you already ate”    
“but I like your dish” the older pouted at jisoo and made mingyu fake gag. Jisoo just turned his back, sighed and grabbed a plate for seungcheol.               
“I knew it. You’re also made for me” “seungcheol smiled wide at his food.

“so mingyu, who  is this person helped you last night?” jisoo turned his head to mingyu                
“I can’t believe there’s still someone who’d bother with a stranger at this day” seungcheol said while chewing his food                
“yah! Don’t talk while you eat” jisoo handed seungcheol a tissue.                            

Mingyu smiled remembering the fateful encounter he had last night. He still remember the cold, quite rain that gently fell that night. He still remember the look of panic,smug, disgusted, flustered, and relieved that the older had.  The touch that felt too comfortable which still lingered in mingyu’s mind.

“I think something got his head last night, look at him smiling out of nowhere” seungcheol poked mingyu but got no respond from the younger. “but it’s okay. I got this” he continued.         
jisoo gave seungcheol a questioning look and watched as seungcheol gave mingyu a hard slap on his cheek.

“WHY THE HELL YOU SLAP SOMEONE WHO JUST GOT BEAT UP” mingyu rubbed his cheek and furrowed his eyebrow. He swear if these two not his best friend. He’d kick their from his house immediately.           
“well you were out ouf this world. You’re welcome.” Seungcheol laughed and continued to eat his food.             
“you two such a pain in the . And I heard you jisoo” mingyu sighed “he’s a worker in some café I think? He found me at his back door. I guess he fell for my amazing visual so he brought me inside and treated my wound. And because I don’t want to be much of bother I asked him to call me taxi and the rest is history” mingyu shrugged. 
 “is he cute?” “oh it’s a boy. What’s his name?”   seungcheol and jisoo asked at the same time. Jisoo rolled his eyes hearing the older’s question.    
“he’s adorable. He has this cat-vibe you know what I mean?  And actually I didn’t get the chance to ask for his name” mingyu sighed again.

Jisoo and seungcheol turned and looked at each other for a second, giving some sort of telepathy.
“oh my god, does our mingyu fall in love with this stranger” jisoo patted mingyu’s back.
“kyaa I think he is” seungcheol pretended to act like a teen girl.

“shut up you two. I do not.” Mingyu groaned. He doesn’t believe at love at the first sight. He can’t invested  his time for stupid romance. He really can’t  imagine to be in relationship with that stranger he met last night. He definetly won't take him to fancy dinner place and showering him with attention. And heaven forbid their hands to touch while cuddling in the rain feeling nothing but their own heat embracing each other.








"wonwoo" seungkwan called the older who was taking order.
"what?" wonwoo walked to seungkwan.
"look at that cute guy in suit. he looks lost. do you think he got the wrong bulding?" seungkwan pointed at a man who stood in front of the door. 

as wonwoo averted his gaze to the said man, he recognized him instantly. he immediately left seungkwan and came up to him.

"hey. what are you doing? you okay now?"
"oh thanks god you still remember me" mingyu let out a breath. 
"of course i remember the wounded puppy i pick up on rainy day" mingyu smiled showing his canine teeth after hearing that. 
"actually i came because i forget something" he rubbed his neck in sheepishly manner
"what? i already gave you all of your clothes. oh maybe i left something let me check for a moment" wonwoo was about to dashed out of mingyu but mingyu catched the latter's hand. wonwoo surprised and turned his head back.
"the thing i forgot is to ask your name"









yo wassup everybody 
comment your thought and subscribe. 
this chapter become longer than i expected but meh. 
i want to introduce you to some of character that will be with us in this journey of cute trainwreck 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
it's 5 am here and i feel so lonely lol. it's always when you have an awful sleeping schedule with no one to talk to at this hour.
did you guys joing menpa last night? did you got any reply? ;--; it was like a battleship between carat.
i can't believe there's people who got 4 replies while i can't get EVEN ONE. someone stop me from being salty.

anyway comment " #teamnoreply" if you read up until this point. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

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Mister-Dreamer #1
Chapter 3: This fanfic is adorable lol, please update author-nim ;u;
b2tyowl1311 #2
Chapter 3: #teamnoreply group hug, bro...
Bunnygirls #3
Chapter 3: "the thing i forgot is to ask your name"
Kim asdfghjkl mingyu!!! I love that. I love mingyu. XD why hes so flirty!!!!

You are not alone T^T #teamnoreply
Chapter 3: I'm loving this lol
Muknip #5
Chapter 3: OMG!!!! This is too cute! Wonu why u so adorable?? And mingyu is flirty as heck, but I like that >.<
Oh and #teamnoreply
Chapter 3: Wonu is soooo cuteeeee #teamnoreply
Chapter 3: GDI THIS IS SO CUTE IM WAILING and i got reply from hansol AHHH
mongtae2 #8
Chapter 3: Mingyu is being mingyu xP Cant wait for the next!

Lacoursiere #10
Chapter 3: You leave me squealing like crazyyyyy