Jemi's harsh past -- shattered love

Caramel macchiato 카라멜 마키아토

"how about a sleepover at your place? I am bored of this big mansion." a panting mihae said, lying down on the grass beside Jemi. Yep, mihae was rich, but she was never really happy because she was always bored at home. She was the only child and her parents were ALWAYS going for overseas business trips.


Jemi giggled and nodded. "aunt wouldn't mind. You know how much she loves you!" Jemi's parents never liked her much after she accidentally caused her little brother's death and had kicked her out of the house.


++ flashback

"yonghae! Come back here you little brat!" the 4 years Jemi yelled, grinning. She ran after her 3 years old brother and laughed when he squealed. "Woah! The Jemjem sister claims another victim!" Jemi yelled, pretending to speak in the microphone as she ran forward and carried her brother, spinning him around. 


What she didn't notice was how close to the pool she was. Her heel got caught in the gutter and she fell backwards into the pool, dragging her younger brother along with her. They were young and none of them knew how to swim.


Jemi thrashed about in the water, grabbing on to her younger brother's hand, determined to save him. "OMMA!" she yelled, over and over again. But nobody came. Her lungs felt like they were on fire. She needed to breathe. She needed air.


She closed her eyes with determination and started thrashing more, trying to get to the surface of the water. But the thrashing did not help her to get to the surface. Instead, it made her more tired and her body started to become limp. she didn't want things to turn out this way but she was losing it. She knew she couldn't hold on much longer. Her lungs burned even more. 


She used the last of her energy and raised her right hand, waving it wildly before she lost consciousness, letting go of her little brother as well. The gardener then saw Jemi's hand and jumped in, pulling her out, not noticing her brother at all.


He then called her mother out, still unaware of the little body struggling at the bottom of the swimming pool floor, started to lose consciousness.


Jemi then went to the hospital and when she woke up, she sat up right and yelled "yonghae!", shocking her father. Her father then tried to calm her down. "it's okay dear, you are save."

"no, daddy, you don't understand! Yonghae, he..."

"sleep, my dear. You need rest."


"rest! Now!"



this time, her father was at a loss for words. Blood started to drain out of his face. He stumbled out of the ward, knocking down the water pitcher in the process. Jemi saw that reaction and knew that there wouldn't be good news. "yonghae..." she whispered, tears trickling out of her eyes. She looked at the puddle of water and saw her reflection, tubes and needles everywhere. "why didn't you save him instead? " she muttered, crying harder, her tears falling into the puddle of water creating ripples. 


Jemi was released the next week once the doctor said she was fine. Her parents never visited her after that and so they never knew that she was discharged. Her aunt fetched her home, but her face was always straight. She hadn't smiled at Jemi even once.


"take care, I'll wait for you here, I have to bring you somewhere after this. Come out quickly okay?" her aunty said to her when they reached her house. Although her aunt managed to keep a straight face, Jemi could see the evident worry in hey eyes. but she shrugged it off and smiled She nodded and walked to the door.


"omma? Appa?" she said, pushing the door open. "I see you still have the guts to come back. Hmm, should have seen it coming. After all, aren't you the heartless one who killed her own brother?" someone hissed, her voice filled with venom. "Omma is that you?" " DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT! I DON'T HAVE A USELESS AND HEARTLESS DAUGHTER LIKE YOU! GET. OUT. "


Jemi whimpered in fear. Her mother never shouted at her before. Although her mother loved yonghae more than her, the most her mother would do is just to ignore her or starve her. Nothing more. This anger in her mother's eyes was definitely new to Jemi. "NOW!" her mother shrieked and threw a vase at the door.


It was the vase that Jemi had given to her on mothers day. Jemi had to do little chores for her neighbours and her classmates to raise money. She starved during lunch and hid the money she saved in her pillow case.The vase was pure white, with little hand painted flowers that were so beautiful and colourful. It used to be displayed in the living room, but now it was all in bits. So was Jemi's heart. She was hurt.


Jemi ran out, stifling a cry. She ran back into her aunt's car and closed the door as fast as possible, unable to control her tears anymore.  " I knew something like that would happen. That was why i waited. Come on. Let's go. You'll just get hurt even more if you stay here." her aunt said, and drove her to her apartment.


Jemi stayed with her aunt from then on. Her aunt took care of her food, her school, her clothes, her everything. Jemi never spoke about her family to anyone except for mihae. When she was 6, she even threw down the elevator shaft a worksheet about 'my family'. She was sour about her past, but it was mihae and her aunt who helped her overcome it and turn her into a sweet girl.

++ end of flashback


"watcha say we do some... SHOPPING? You need new clothes..... And some shoes without coffee on them!" mihae chuckled, earning a push from the other girl. "stop teasing me you poop!" Jemi laughed along, her eyes turning into little crescents.


################################### was it? to those confused, Jemi's mom is her stepmom but yonghae is the kid jemi's dad and stepmom had. Jemi still loves her stepmom though :) some suggestions would be great! Please support this story and correct my mistakes if I have any! hmm.... what happened to all my readers? Please no silent readers!! i shall kick your if you are one!! comments are like my fuel! :D i've been lacking some comments so.... please comment more~! :P you! yes you! :D Leave a comment! ^^ having silent readers are bad enough. please no ninja readers.... D: at least leave a footprint like a little "hi!" or "bad job/nice job!" :P btw, Mr player woohyun <3 is turning up in the next chappie!


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MeijiSonohara0130 #1
I saw my name hahahah i might try reading this :D
HEY,i saw my name there! omg.. dun kick my . i tell u, i'm going to kick ya back ya know.. LOL..! btw, sorry i wasn't mean to be one of the silent riders but most of the time i was on hiatus that i couldn't comment anything and even read your story. but now i did! WEEE.... XD update soon ok and i'll comment like flood!! ;D
POOPIE YOU UPDATED!! And I thought you were just going to, I quote, "Mark it as private, and NEVER EVER UPDATE" Tsk tsk...
Update or Imma go Mordney Present on you! BUAHAHAHA!!!
Hehehe I see my name there KEKEKE!! WOW YOU ARE A WAY BETTER WRITER THAN ME! *Jealous pout* UPDATE OR I'LL KICK CHU!! That is all. MAX TIME!! *Disappears with a poof and fluffy purple smoke*
not bad ~<br />
I like it! ^_____^<br />
update soon.
tigermunch #6
YO GIRL DO YOU REMEMBER EVERYTHING WE PLAN FOR THIS STORY???? Please dun forget it it was the best kay. Even I surprised myself. QUICK UPDATE!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT
really? AHAHAHA :D
vinhui_ #8
shuyu I had no dirty thoughts until you wrote that in brackets /pure girl/ hehehehe
grapehilic #9
You ahhhhhhhhhhhh~ not badddd >_<