Come Back

Secret Protocol
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"Okay kids! Did you enjoy our activities for today?", Hyukjin asked.


"YESSSS!!!", the kids cheered.


"Aigoo! That's good to hear. Why don’t we thank our very kind guests here, Jung Krystal and Kim Taeyeon. They're the reason why we have this kind of event. As well as the books for all of you."


"Thank you very much!", the kids gratefully bowed to Krystal and Taeyeon.


"Your welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed our event for today. I hope we'll see you each other again. And I'll make sure to bring my sister too next time.", Krystal replied to the kids with the same enthusiasm.


"Be careful on your way home okay?", Taeyeon said.




"So, that's it everyone. Thank you all for coming and I hope you had a wonderful time. Kids, enjoy reading the books and take care! See you soon!", Hyukjin wrapped the program. Everyone started to leave. The children with their books and candies in their hands and their guardians guiding them. Most of them who passed by Krystal and Taeyeon bowed to show their appreciation for the day.


The staff were cleaning the area, so Yuri started to help too. Even though he didn't do much, he still enjoyed the day. Just hearing the kids laughed and cheered made him happy. He was busy helping, when he saw his brother approach him with Krystal and Taeyeon behind.


"Yuri. I want you to meet Krystal and Taeyeon. They're the organizers for this affair."


"Krystal, Taeyeon, this is my brother Yuri". Hyukjin gestured the three of them.


"I'm sorry again for what happened earlier", Yuri immediately apologized again to Krystal. "Thank you for doing this kind of thing for the children here in our area. It was nice meeting you.", Yuri offered a handshake.


"No worries, that was an accident and I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to." Krystal replied and accepted his handshake. "I'm glad I was able to meet you too."


"It was nice meeting you too." Yuri turned to Taeyeon.


"The pleasure is mine." Taeyeon answered.


Hyukjin was surprised when Yuri suddenly apologized to Krystal. But didn't choose to ask since they were amicable to each other. He decided to ask him later, when it’s just the two of them.


"It's sad that your sister weren't able to come", Hyukjin said to Krystal.


"Ah yes, she's a little sad too and was terrible sorry she's not here. She wanted to apologized to you guys." Krystal answered.


"Ah no problem. I'm sure the kids missed her too. I hope she can come next time."


"I'll make sure to it.", Krystal smiled.


After greeting each other, Krystal and Taeyeon bid goodbye and went to their cars.


- - - - -


"Thanks for the company oppa!"


"No biggie. I enjoyed it too."


"I can't wait to tell Jessica unnie about it."


"She'll definitely regret going with Daniel than us. Kekeke"


"You're right about that oppa"


And the two were laughing their hearts out as they head home.


- - - - -


"Pst. Yuri", his brother called him while he was arranging the chairs.


"What?", he asked without looking at him


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