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Secret Protocol
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"Are you sure about this?", he worriedly asked her.

"Of course! Don't worry, I'll be fine.", she answered and smiled at him.

"You know it's very dangerous"

"Come on now. We talked about this already. It's just a simple race."

He held her hands and looked directly at her eyes.

It started with just a mission to accompany the daughter of a high level politician in her every day activities. Schools, charity events, business, gatherings, you name it and he'll be there. Their simple companionship with each other resulted into friendship and became deeper that only the two of them can understand. Her family accepted their relationship since he's very dependable, caring and good-looking. He considered himself very lucky, despite their different status in life, destiny brought them together and have accepted them. Everyone who sees them feels envious about their relationship.

"I know it's your one-of-those-hobbies that you always do, but I'm just . ."

She silenced him with her finger in his lips. "Aish, you will always be there, so what's the worry? Right?"

He knows he can't argue with her anymore and saw that the race was about to start with the other racers lining up their cars. He showed her his sincerest smile.

"You're the best that I ever had", she cupped his cheeks and then gave him a kissed. "I'll be back soon. Cheer for me, okay? Love you."

"Love you too." He gave her a peck on her cheeks and bade her goodbye. Then he showed her his cheering stunts while mouthing "Fighting!"

She chuckled and went to her McLaren MP4-12C GT3 race car. She started the engine when someone gave her a whistle on her left.

"Are you ready to lose?", one of the girl racer asked her.

"Nah, you should be". she mocked her.

"Tsk. So much confidence. You'll see.", her competitor's comment. She ignore her and focus on the road. She looked at the audience sit, saw her boyfriend and smiled. "I'm so lucky", she thought.

"The race is about to start. Start your engine!"

You can hear the sound of engines and mufflers on every race car. The intensity in the arena can be felt. Every racer was focusi

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Chapter 6: Autor cuales seran las parejas oficiales? Independientemente de como esten asignados, me gustaria saber los ships principales para decidir si sigo leyendo... Aun asi la historia es interesante
forgotme #2
Chapter 6: Thanks for your update...
Team #Yulsic
forgotme #3
Chapter 5: Hi author... When are you going to continue this?? Pls continue this..
if this is yulsic i'm in! :D
82 streak #5
forgotme #6
Chapter 3: For yuLsic....hehe
mhicca #7
Chapter 3: Oh my...they meet already
TaeTaeLovesMaoMao #8
TaengSic please
mhicca #9
Chapter 2: Still a yulsic shipper here!!!!
Goodbye275 #10
Taengsic please