
Secret Protocol
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The two Kwons were on their motorbikes en route to their destination, when suddenly the elder Kwon stop wherein the younger one followed suit. Wondering why the sudden stop, Yuri asked his older brother.

“What’s the problem?”

“I forgot something.”, Hyuk Jin answered. “I forgot to buy the goodies for the kids, such as candies and cookies. It will be given to them after the event. ”

“Okay, I’ll just buy it in the convenience store we just passed by along the gasoline station. You should go now. The organizers might arrive already.”, Yuri assured his brother.

 “Thanks bro. There are at least 60 kids, so buy candies and cookies that can serve that number. I think it’s better to buy more than that number, just to be sure.”

“Got it.”

Yuri start his motorbike and went to the opposite direction while his brother continue with his way.


~ ~ ~


“So, ready to go?”

“Ah, yes unnie. But where’s Taeng oppa?”

“He’s on his—“ *ding* *dong* “Speaking of the de--, I mean angel.”, Jessica giggled.

The maids of the mansion open the door welcoming Taeyeon.

“Let’s go?”, asked Taeyeon to the Jung sisters.

“Jessica unnie is waiting for his boyfriend, Oppa. They will go together at the event”, Krystal inform Taeyeon.

“Is that so?”, Taeyeon asked Jessica.

“Yes.”, replied Jessica. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, a new message. She open it and reads it.

“He texted me. He said he’ll just wait in the car outside. Let’s go now”

“Wow, so he’s not going to you or something?”, Taeyeon said with a little sarcasm.

“Well, he’s not much of a gentleman so don’t be surprise oppa”, Krystal added silently.

Jessica looked at them both. She knew she’s not going to win the argument if it’s about his boyfriend. Sometimes she’s wondering if she really have a boyfriend with her situation right now. She’s not surprise anymore, relationships don’t usually stay that long to her or if she really have bad luck with boys. Her father and her best friend Taeyeon are the only boys she considered lucky to have. For her, her relationships right now or other previous relationships is not because of her own feelings but rather because of social status and group-of-friends pressure.

“It’s just downstairs guys. Come on or we’re going to be late with our own events.”, she suggested.

The two just shrugged it off and follow Jessica. They went on the other car en route to their event place while Jessica went to her boyfriend’s car. The two cars went to opposite direction for their separate events.


~ ~ ~


 “What took you so long?”, Daniel asked Jessica on their way.

“I waited for Taeyeon to arrive before leaving. Since he’s going to accompany Krystal to the event which I was supposed to attend to.”, Jessica answered. “And as far as I know

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Chapter 6: Autor cuales seran las parejas oficiales? Independientemente de como esten asignados, me gustaria saber los ships principales para decidir si sigo leyendo... Aun asi la historia es interesante
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