
Secret Protocol
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"You seems pretty busy my dear", her mom said when she saw her preparing some papers and things in her bag.

"Seems like it mom. But I'm cool with it, so no worries", she said as she continues arranging the things she need for the activity.

"So, where to?"

"Ah, I have this invitation for an event that I have to attend to.", she said as she show the card to her mom. 

"Ooh. An organized event?"


"That would be wonderful my dear. By the way, have you told Krystal about it?", her mom asked her.

"Yes I did. She was really excited when I told her. But of course with a little favor in it", Jessica told her mom. Then suddenly she remembered about something or more likely someone that she haven't told about her plans yet. "Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell him."

"Ah. Call him now or else you might cause a problem with him or Krystal", her mom unexpectedly . 

"Hehe. Really mom?"

"Yes or you might regret it. Hehehe. Anyway, I have to go. Enjoy your activities for the day and take care always."

"You don't have to worry mom, remember there's always a bodyguard with me in every direction. Can we please at least lessen them? I mean i'm fine with 2 or 3. It would be better if there's only one, you know?", Jessica asked her mom.

Being part of the elite families, Jessica and her family have lived with power and protection. With their riches and connections in their hands, security will always be their top priority. Despite this given privilege, she live her life in the most simple way she can. Their family would always extend their hands to those who ask and needs them. Her father taught them that they have stay simple, humble and caring for others. Money won't last a lifetime but family and friends will. 

"Darling, we talked about this already. It's your father's order and it's for you and Krystal's safety."

"I know mom. But if you have any solution to lessen them to 3 or 2 or 1, I'll be glad to."

"Lol. Three or two is possible, not really sure of just one bodyguard,

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Chapter 6: Autor cuales seran las parejas oficiales? Independientemente de como esten asignados, me gustaria saber los ships principales para decidir si sigo leyendo... Aun asi la historia es interesante
forgotme #2
Chapter 6: Thanks for your update...
Team #Yulsic
forgotme #3
Chapter 5: Hi author... When are you going to continue this?? Pls continue this..
if this is yulsic i'm in! :D
82 streak #5
forgotme #6
Chapter 3: For yuLsic....hehe
mhicca #7
Chapter 3: Oh my...they meet already
TaeTaeLovesMaoMao #8
TaengSic please
mhicca #9
Chapter 2: Still a yulsic shipper here!!!!
Goodbye275 #10
Taengsic please