Warmth (4/5)


It was finally Christmas Eve, and Jaejoong was super excited that he was going to have a chance to spend it with Yunho…not that he liked the said man, but even the oh-so-stubborn Jaejoong could not deny that he and Yunho had a special connection, something he had never felt with any of his other friends before…

“I just hope his friends will like me…”


“Hi Yunho! It’s really quite nice of you to let me come to your house for Christmas! I think I like you!”

No, that’s not gonna work. I’ll sound like an idiot that way. AISH WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT!”

“Wassup my Yun-dog! I think I love you brah!”

“Oh great, now I sound like a rapper from the 80’s mixed with an Australian whale. This is stupid.”

Finally, Jaejoong decided that the most simple greeting (and one that did not declare his love for Yunho so…blatantly) would be best.

As he waited for Yunho to open the door, he noticed his palms were sweaty and his heart was beating rather quickly. ‘What the hell?!?!? Ugh, I need to calm down.”

“Jaejoongie! You actually came! I thought you’d back out, since you said it was ‘a burden’ or something…but you’re here! YAY!”. Yunho screamed, as he spun Jaejoong around in his bear hug.

“Aish, this ape is crazy! Hahaha But I’ve never had so much fun in such a long time…”

“Hi Yunho! I missed you too, and yes I’m here!”, Jaejoong yelled, amidst his attempts to stare at one spot so he wouldn’t get dizzy (he’d seen it on Super Junior’s Exploration of the Human Body), and he quickly found out that..it didn’t work.

“Oh Yunho…my head…”, Jae muttered, as he swung around aimlessly.

“OMO! Sorry Jaejoong! I didn’t mean to make you dizzy!”

Jaejoong chuckled and sat down on the couch, smiling at Yunho’s behavior. Cute, Jaejoong thought.

“Where are your friends, Yunho? I thought that you said your friends were coming over too…”

“Umm, they said that they’d rather go to a club…I swear, those kids are crazy. I mean, who’d want to spend their Christmas in a stuffy place with people dancing ON each other instead of WITH? I will never understand those three…”


OMG OMG OMG! I WAS GOING TO BE ALL ALONE WITH YUNHO! I don’t really know if I should be happy, or if I should be freaking out, but I know that doing neither or both is not an option. If that made any sense.


I’m spending Christmas with YUNHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Ok, must look calm, collected, and…HELL YEAH!

Author POV

Jaejoong looked cool and calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was absolutely FREAKING OUT. Of course, it was quite justified since Jung Yunho is one y man. On the other hand…

“Hey Joongie! Let’s play truth or dare until-“

“No. I refuse to play that ridiculous game. It is stupid and dumb and stupid. I hate it. No. NOOOOO!!!!”

Yunho: o.O

“Umm ok…let’s do something else then! What do you suggest?”

“How about we just…talk? I want to get to know you better, Yunho. So let’s just chat. Is that alright with you?”

“Works for me. Let me go and get us some hot chocolate, and we can get to know each other better.”

With a smile, Yunho returned from the kitchen in a few minutes, and the two sat down to just relax and have a chance to know the other one better. They talked about everything, from their favorite music to their favorite brands of clothing. Yunho told Jaejoong about his family and how he’d moved to Seoul to make a better future for them, and Jaejoong told Yunho about how his family used to go on all those vacations around the world for Christmas. They hadn’t even realized it, and suddenly, the wall clock chimed twelve times.

“Merry Christmas Jaejoong.”

And before Jaejoong could reply, a pair of soft lips landed on his.


Sorry for the late update everyone! I know its after Christmas AND New Year's, but yeah....I got busy with my family and stuff. Well, anywho, I hope you enjoy this update and PLEAAASEE leave this poor author some comments! I love hearing what you guys think, whether it be good or bad. I love criticism, so if you think I can do better, please let me know how! Love you guys! <3

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nahbrah #1
You write so good T^T <3. LOL THIS IS SO <3 lol.
Ah, I wanna read the last part!
hime-chan #3
ahahaha Yun-dog! The kiss was sweet!
absolutely adorable!!!!.. plz update soon!!!.. just like yunho brought a smile to jaejoong's face.. reading ur fic is doin da same to me.. :))).. had a very bad day 2dae nd came upon dis fic smhw.. soo update soon!!.. ty nd *kisses* fr da fic!!
Awwh... Isn't Yun so sweet~? x3
n'awwww.<br />
cant wait for the next update =]
hime-chan #7
Sorry I went MIA. This melted me into a puddle. Good job love!